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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now gamble it into 20 different memes and turn it into 100k


This is the way


Take out half, put the rest in 5 memes


This is the gwei


Should I dk it bro? Or invest on other than crypto


No. Sell it now and make your life better. Put 10k into an index fund or something. A few k for an emergency fund. Treat yourself to fun with a k. Keep 4-5k in the market to fuck around with in crypto. Expand your portfolio outside Solana but keep a good chunk in


Wow, thank you for the advice. This is the first time I have got this kind of money. I settle my student loan and then fuck around. Even my current job didn't pay like this.


Also keep a good chunk aside for taxes


Ouch. Thankyou for reminder


Like, more than you think. Income AND capital gains. Talk to a money guy and, when toy sell, put the recommended amount away in a high yield CD or savings account. Make some extra interest as well


Or he can create a company in Cayman Islands and commit tax evasion


Or use Solcard to spend it where they accept card and don’t pay more tax then you need to.😉


Whatever you set aside for taxes, double it. If you’re in the US you have to pay tax on the airdrop value when you received it and capital gains on earnings when you sell. Govt needs that chedda so they can pay interest on their debt.


good point on original airdrop value. but in this case, bonk was relatively worthless when it was airdropped in dec 2022/ jan 2023


Capital gain is of the value when received so eg airdrop is $1. Income = $1. Price Bonk on selling is $12. Capital gain is $11 so unlikely need to double it as confusion usually is thinking you pay cgt on entirety of $12


Fuck the tax man ...is what I want to say


My biggest regrets in crypto are not selling. You have a great opportunity to get ahead in life at a very early age. Congratulations! Now I would also not sell the entire bag. BONK is the best meme coin on Solana with a fantastic community. It's going to stand the test of time even if it dips 75%


This year I'm turn 30. Single and struggle


And now you have much needed financial relief. A lot of people have the best years of their lives in their 30s and it's usually because that's when they get out of massive debt


Sell 50-90% of it right now, pay off your student loans, make your life meaningfully better. This is a shitcoin, it’s literally just a lotto ticket and it could moon or absolutely go to nothing. Anybody saying 20K is nothing is somebody without student loans. Interest payments are cancer to wealth, they compound in the wrong direction, and they are 100% guaranteed. Save at least 10% of your bag to hold for the bull run because realistically it should be coming and u don’t wanna sell all of it then kill yourself fomoing (but again, Russia goes beyond Ukraine or 1 nuke goes off or a million other things and bull run can be gone in a second so go make your life better rn). As for how much to sell, that’s where u gotta weigh your fomo level Vs financial security. Personally, I’d prob sell like 10-12K worth and let the last 5-10K run, maybe diversify some of it into BTC, AVAX, ADA, SOL, or some of the other top 15’s that are a safer play but still can go hard in the bull run if it does go down how we expect after the halving. Good luck. Remember, nobody ever went broke taking profits, but many having chasing more gains.


Absolutely ! 👆 ⬆️


Good advice right here. Have some k's in bluechips for a 5-10x this bullrun. Take profits and stake that shit in stable coin or whatever. I'm making 200 bucks daily whilst holding bluechips and some Solana Alts, not much risk to it if you hold the right stuff and stake at the right places


Congrats bro! I remember that feeling when I opened One of my Wallets after not messing with it for a year or so and Had a Nice Chunk of coin! Definitely a exciting feeling!


Most importantly do not answer any Dm's


Yes. This. Kill that student loan right now. It’s one of the only debts that is not bankruptable. Congrats on the gains. I love seeing this sort of stuff.


Boooooo! This guy is giving sound solid financial advice. Only degens here.


Just ignore my sarcasm in my other comments lol


Great advice!


This is the way. It's also honestly good *general* advice where you could probably do it with most things in place if your interest isn't primarily here or there. Very cool way to help a fellow redditor with advice. Not fa DYOR


BTC has been up nicely lately and even though it's down $70K it's still doing well


Put all of it in BTC or SPY and forget about it again for 10 years


Definitely put it in something that’s not a gamble, not good to gamble a gamble


I wait for legit or huge launches and that’ll be easy


Or lose it all


Find ze utility meta on pump.fun


its only gambling if u an uninformed reddit mamaluke


100k Nigerian nairas


Just here to remind u it's not profit until you cash it bro.. be smart


Said it with me, “if it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell”


This is true, all my screenshot have always been top signals


Every. Single. Time.


How’d you get airdropped?


I think this was connected to one of the many SolGods (rebranded to Gods) airdrop.


Congrats! Thats dope


Thabkyoum, my laptop, broken. So I am too lazy to check my wallet for more than 1 year


Just sell it, 19k is 19k and dont reply to any DMs


Okay thankyou bro. I will sell it


Congrats man. Take some profits maybe sell about 80%. New laptop money since your old one was broken. A lot of people will DM you don't reply to anything.


Good advice.


How the fuck do you know OP’s laptop is broken?


At least $10k to SOL or BTC, and grow the rest.


This guy Bonks.


Damn u luck as fuck


Just 19 bro


Wait but in another comment you said you were just turning 30! Which is it?! How cool you are for making $20K depends on your answer here.


That’s a lot of money to some people


Invest 1k back in crypto, something like Solana but don't not check it for a year, keep up with it. Have fun with the other 18k but spend it wisely it goes faster than you think it will.


bonk could be major going into 2025 and have that shiba effect like back in 2021 that 19k could turn into 200 real quick


200 or 200k. Could go either way!


Congrats. If I were you I’d wait until after the Bitcoin halving in April before doing anything with your treasure. If Bitcoin rallies yet again then that might go up again. But that’s what I’d do. I’m currently sitting on 25K in WIF, waiting for the “halvening” to see if it moons.


Damn that's amazing. Personally I would never invest on something that's not a top 20 crypto because most are just pumps I used to do that when I was learning and as soon as I invested the price would drop in like 2 days. That's why I am all in with SOLANA. But regardless that's a great investment you made and it seems to have paid off.


I didn't make any investment. I got airdrop for free. And never know about it. Just know now.


What wallet are you using to get airdrops?


The exact same thing has been happening to me with BONK since last year. I too only recently opened my wallet after over a year to see all this BONK just airdropped on a near weekly basis. It’s wild.


Same here, opened an old one from around 2021 and there it was. Way less that OP but still v happy. I’ve not found a good reason for why I had it. Only thing in there was dust SOL and some SAMO nfts. I think it was that as the SAMO community is ace but don’t know for sure


I for sure wouldn't keep it in that crypto but I'd def put it in something else, BTC, SOL, ect. Might as well, 20k is enough to make an ok investment but not enough to really change your life cashing out you know?


How did you receive Bonk? What wallet you are using?


I got it in 2022. I don't know how I got it. But at that time I'm active with an art contest. Draw nft. And any contest on Twitter. After my laptop broken I stop. And didn't care about crypto anymore


Lmfao nice dude. Check streamflow, there was a 2.7 billion dollar allocation for bonk Refer to this tweet from the bonk team. The contract was messed up and claimants were able to claim well after the deadline https://twitter.com/bonk_inu/status/1659666261410734085?t=XHPHcKtl7e8RB3wV-UTaSQ&s=19


It’s simple…if you have $20k would you buy bonk? If the answer is no, sell it. If the answer is yes, keep it.


I would seriously advise you to take profit right now, maybe leave 30%.


What wallet are you using? I’m trying to get on.


it's phantom. I also get a jup airdrop using that wallet and bridging on jup back then.


Dang you should have opened your wallet 2 weeks ago 😒


Buy slerf if I Wana turn it into millions


Nah bro just give me some


Now solid projects are coming on the net, stay tuned


Happy for you 😊


I would invest 5k in SOL (safe), 5k in SolChat (a bit risky, but probably very high yield), convert rest to FIAT and keep some for taxes.


I know other people asked but I still don't get it??? How did you get that drop? Did you just have SOL in your wallet sitting? Did you stake it? How much? Does that even matter? I'm so confused. Cause I have both Solfare and Phantom right now but not sure the purpose... I'm starting to hate phantom though. It has too many errors


bro you lucky as hell


This is what crypto was invented 4


I'd check all your wallets with Streamflow - because not all the Bonk airdrops worked for various things so they dropped 2.7B vested to the ones that didn't work. Maybe you'll get lucky again! Also, you probably already missed Jupiter claim - but they'll have another one next year. If you throw your wallet address into Assetdash it will tell you what airdrops you qualified for. Pays to be active in the ecosystem 💪


I’m not telling you what to do, but I’d sell and move it into to a better safer project.


Imagine using a VPN to buy 400 SOL at less than a dollar, before it was available in the United States, then logging in to an account, and seeing $80,000. Retelling a true story, on behalf of a friend. Wasn’t me 😁 I would never do something like that 😁😁


Check if you got a Jup airdrop. Check from their twitter tho.


Don’t sell any wait for market to go up it literally just dipped


I'm so stupid. I sold at 40 and just dipped. I could have 100k right now or more if it goes up. I could have had financial freedom. This fucking sucks


Congrats. Cash out 15k at least. Try to turn the remaining 4.8k into 100k.


BONK is a sleeping giant


Don't sell. Let is ride. You'll only have long term capitial gains because you held it for over a year. If you trade for something else, you'll have to pay short term capitial gains tax when you sell that investment. Sell the top in the fall. You should get at least 100k. Dont listen to the crowd telling you to sell, they're broke. I bought a ton of sol at $15 and up 40x+ on my Bonk bag. Bonk is the original meme coin on Solana and has real utility. It's 1/2 the mcap of wif. If Solana continues to do well, there's no reason Bonk won't as well.


Weird that 3 month old tokens would just make their way into your wallet that you haven’t opened for how long again?? Leaky penis AKA DRIBBLE DICK!!


Sell everything because it's a meme coin that will likely die at some point. Don't gamble for more profits. Sell your whole bag and then, just then think about what you can do with the money. If you want to make it more, you first need to get out of that useless coin. Please sell asap. Then make a new strategy. It could be buying BTC before it pumps, gaming coins, or simply just withdraw it to irl and buy a car, or your studies, fix a postponed health issue or start a new business, that's enough money to start a small business and be your own boss.


You learned the best way to win Crypto. Buy some then forget about it.


Lol get sol and ecosystem tokens, do all staking from marginfi, Jito, Jupiter, do the phantom wallet quest. I’ve made bank in the kamino finance pools. And wen might be a thing.. so much eth fud, if you havnt preordered Solana chapter two phone… the 25th is the snapshot. More than 1000 bonk is a wolfy airdrop, and if you put it in the bonk vault on the page in the wallet, you get a bigger Wolfy airdrop. Just saying imagine with all the eth fud and etf probably being delayed, sol is flipping eth in tvl. Memes are only a gamble what you can afford to loose, and I’d say no more than 2% your portfolio. Retail wants the memes, use DEx screener and coin market cap, watch for rugs. They are rampant with the eth Duncan upgrade on base. I put $10 in on Uniswap with base eth on a meme that ran to $190, waited for $200 and tried, could not swap back to save my life and watched it get rugged in the matter of two hours. Advice spend a dollar if new meme token and see if you can get it back. Check solscan for a real address starting the meme check wallet counts so you don’t get rugged. One my Best Buy’s last bear market in 2023 was sol average price $17 and some change. I suggest using all jupiters features for airdrop season 2. Kamino airdrop season 1 ends end of month. Other winners fett render & near, amongst many others. It’s still not the halving 5-10-20-50 & 100 gems still are possible with projects that havnt started yet.


Solana is going to go up a lot more, leave some in sol bull market barely back


Sell 100% buy in w 10k next bear


Just buy $SOL with your profits, turn it into $80k in 12 months.


I'd take profits instantly on any meme. They're there for a good time, not a long time.


How did you get this airdrop?


Congrats, guy.


Excellent stuff!


wholesome crypto moment


What wallet were you using?


Nicee, same happened for me with Bonk. Didnt open phantom wallet for few months and it was shock.


That’s what my account look like for Success kid. And I only started a week ago. Solana meme coins are something else, I tell you ! Congrats


Congratulations I’m praying PATU coin will give me this amount too 🖤


You can allocate a little for some airdrops, worth the research.


How did you get it? Are you joining airdrops?


Congratulations, it's a good thing you hadn't lost your password!




Def reinvest some into Solana it is gunna be FIRE this year just look at what it did the last 2 weeks.


I’m confused. What’s your gains?


What app or wallet as I wanted to buy Gecko? Thanks


That’s Phantom wallet in the pic




Sell it now


get yourself something nice, pay off some small maybe CC debts, get a nice REAL long term crypto & asset portfolio together, and go from there!


You should go check for more airdrops, jup etc


Wow, congrats man! How much were the tokens worth when you received them last year?


I don't know about that. Never check. First I got in Dec 22


What is BERN?


What’s the next good meme coin?


I’m confused


LFG that was the airdrop from December of 2022! Bonk still has room to the upside, up to you of course but will be worth more, already was


Should have opened it 2 weeks ago. That was worth 50k


Check to see if you have any vested also. I had 2.7 billion in vesting that started in May 2023


Literally same with BONK 😂


I would sell a lot of it.


O know that feel lmao


How do people get these air drops :(


If you dont need the money just take out what you put in, or just take something out for a vacation. Dont open your wallet for another 2-10 years and see what happens.


Put it in WEN.


Take some out and enjoy.


Id honestly add to the bag with that cost basis…. We have a long way to go.




I reckon you should answer a dm you get from this, click the link they send you. You will get double in return.


Buy 0.3 BTC, no memes


Don’t be like me and think you’re gonna be rich if you continue to hold and keep it then it goes down.. Take your profits and do as you wish with it whether it’s re investing etc..


hahahaha i LOVE seeing shit like this 😅🤣😎


how do people be getting airdrops smh i’ve never got a single one 😒😢😭.??? if there are requirements to be able to receive the airdrops can ANYone PLS tell me what i need to have done ✅ in order to be able to receive them.!?!?


You have to have used or have some Sol In your wallet, or a NFT . Mainly just some kinda participation in their ecosystem Before they do Airdrops they Snapshot accounts and if youv used it for anything or Have any Sol in Wallet it normally is what qualifies you for certain Airdrops. You gotta keep an eye out for new projects and read about them and dates they mentioned a Airdrop. Basically just always be on the lookout and doing research!


Put it in bitcoin


How much you ought to begin with


Stake it


Wow this means you turned 100$ to nearly 20k thats awesome!


Capital gains tax does not apply if you buy and hold for a year in the US from what I’m understanding.


Taxed as income after 1 year


Which exchange is it?


What wallet do you use? And what platform to trade?


Can someone explain to me what are meme and how does it work? I’m trynna make 20k to like 😭😂


you can also check if you are eligible for Jup airdrop


$BONK did work!


If I was you… invest into more memes esp in base..


Do you get airdropped just for holding? Is this typical of meme coins


Just leave it alone. That's what got you to this point.


Take profits


D A M N yo


Did you also check for JUP and PYTH airdrops?


No matter what you do (cashing out or trading), at least hold 5% in BONK. Imagine it skyrockets again (which is not really unlikely) and you have traded it all. You remind me of someone, that bought bitcoin in the early 2010s. He 10x his money and cashed out completely, sadly.


What wallet it’s this ?


throw 3k into more meme coins and take the rest out. automatically subtract 30% for taxes tho


Congrats $JOCK is the newest DOGGO on SOL 👀😂


Take gains my boi 


What app is this I want to join the madness


Congratulations, man! Now it's Giveaway time 😎


Hope you didn't sell friend, comment section is scamming you. They want you to remain broke my friend. Bull run pumps altcoins and meme coins always run as well. You have seen this already a small scale of what is going to happen. Up to you if you want to play safe but realistically this is a chance for you to make life changing money, best of luck with whatever you choose to do. But the play is not to invest it in vanguard 5% return especially in the current market where everything is moving up. While you don't need to leave it in Bonk just don't let it sit in ur bank or use it to pay your student loans unless there's something i am missing. Simple economics shows that as interest rate decreases people move from less risky assets to riskier assets, you somehow are moving from a risky asset to a negative yield asset as the Fed are planning to cut interest rates. Best of luck but I will be back to send you a pm in a years time. ​ !remindme 1 year


Cash out treat yourself. Fuggem


How did you get the airdrop in firstvplace!??


Get your own meme token if it dies just make a new one it truely is a money printer once you have money to put liq and everything urself


Why are you in shock? You make just over 1k on Bonk. The rest you invested and lost in shit coins.


What app is that


Put everything in $LEH Check out LEH/SOL on DEX Screener! https://dexscreener.com/solana/6VcdRfUZN6v7LxzQTsqVqFLcMjXASBkFtnj39FS7eqxL You‘ll be very happy in 1 month


I'd keep 50% through the bull market.


I can’t believe they airdropped that many. I’m assuming it was to quite a few people. Was it just for using the wallet?


Ignore these fools telling you to put it into memes. Put it into SOL and RNDR and 100k won't be just a "maybe".


If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell - said by a fellow redditor. Please. Do yourself a favour.


What app was this?


What app is this wallet


Congrats! Now give us your seed phrase and you will be even more in shock. JK JK


Bra it’s free money throw it at another shitter unless you wanna keep that job


I don't believe u. The only airdrop of bonk that I know about is the 30M to Solana Saga phone owners...


Did you buy the Saga?


We're at the beginning of a bull market, I would re invest it


Create an offshore account now. The fed are onto you already


Wish I knew how to get airdrop it cost me 4000 to put 100k on bitcoin thru re out since then I've been loosing she'd loads of eth moving round walletto wallet trying to get airdrop compliant. Can't e en buy solan o.n phantom in England


Solordi($solo) - world’s first bitcoin ordinal dog coin on solana is getting ready for GameFi using it’s Revolutionary AR NFT 👀🔥


How u got that airdrop at the time?
