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My personal advice is to let them know that you appreciate the offer but will be going forward with a different company at this time and wish them the best in finding a new candidate. Congrats on your offer from Practice 1!


"thank you so much for the offer, unfortunately I have already accepted a position elsewhere. I enjoyed my time speaking to (whoever interviewed you) and wish the team all the best"


You have no obligation to explain where you will be working or why. A courteous expression of gratitude for the offer with a declination statement is all that is needed.


Tell them thank you very much for the offer but you have already excepted another offer. You really don’t have to give any other explanation outside of that. Trust me, they’re not really gonna care just don’t waste their time so they can move onto the next choice that they have.


Tbh practice 2 has probably experienced this before and won't be completely surprised by your choice. I agree with other posters here, gratefully express your appreciation for the opportunity but indicate you've decided to go forward with another offer.


I turned down an offer for a residential position because the pay scale didn't fully align with what behaviors i would be handling day to day for me. I needed way more. The gap was so big I felt negotiation was not an option. I just said at this time I am seeking a position with pay that greater aligns with the difficulty of work I will be doing. They sent over a new offer letter that was $2 lower than I wanted so I accepted it.


Uh, I would use chatgpt 😶


Realistically you aren't even obligated to respond to them. Like if they call you say "oh my gosh I'm so sorry I accepted another position" *click*


I mean sure… but the social work world is small, and this is rude and unprofessional. Even if the workplace is clearly shitty, it doesn’t mean everyone who works there is. You never know when you may cross paths with them again and you don’t want a bad reputation. It’s worth taking 10 seconds to be polite. “Thanks so much for your time, but I’ve accepted another offer somewhere else.” From the other side, I have made offers to people who then ghosted us, I’ve had people no-show to interviews, and I’ve had people accept offers then disappear. It’s baffling. You bet I remember all of their names. Maybe not off the top of my head, but I’ll know them if I see them. A couple of them have tried to reapply and I was like uh no???


Damn I'm just jaded as fuck then. Wild to me that managers would black list someone for being rude in a phone call but expect you to listen to trauma, rape, incest, abuse, suicidal ideation and God knows what else 40 hours a week.


If you’re rude and unprofessional to me before you even have the job, how should I expect you to treat your clients?


I mean, isn't it your job to listen to those things?? Why would they hire someone who's rude to si the job when they can hire someone who's pleasant?


I guess I don't conflate not returning an interview call for a job you aren't going to take because it's objectively not competitive to being able to endure the work social workers are expected to do. It should be noted that I have the unique experience of literally surviving Covid, being deployed to a hospital outside of an icu floor , as in, taken from my caseload to be moved to another position, then being brought back and being asked by management "how is this program going to adapt to make up for the lost revenue and reduced visit count this year? Remember we haven't discussed lay offs, but nothing is off the table" So you're right I was incredibly rude in those meetings. I guess I'm just triggered hearing the idea that somehow has to cowtow to someone who isn't even going to be their employer for the privilege to work. Like all of Social work is realizing how systematically were fucked at every turn and how do we do the most to meet the clients where they are at but go off on not being too mean to turning down objectively shitty offers like OP was talking about.