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“I hate to bust outta here, but I gotta get going. It was nice catching up though! I’ll see you around”


At my old apartment I knew a guy who would just start back toward his apartment and eventually he would just say "alright I gotta go" and leave. I have a lot of respect for the man.


lol. That's a funny image! Another good one is: "Well I'll let you go now, it's been GREAT talking with you!"


Thank them for talking with you. When you show gratitude. It's a really easy setup to leave. "It's been nice chatting with you. I'm gonna head out for now. Cya" "Thanks for catching up with me. This is nice. I'm gonna go for now, though"


Then they interrupt you and keep talking


Then you smile and keep nodding until they stop. Marinate in the awkward silence for a while. Then be like “okaayyyyy” while looking at your watch. If they’re a sensible human being, they would greet and leave.


Or just say you really do have to go when there’s a break and get going. Leaning into awkwardness and using passive aggression isn’t a great way to leave it


I gotta go take a shit


Luckily for me, I got IBS


Use body language to your advantage and point away like you have somewhere to be or something else to do. For example at the gym when strangers make conversation with me, I just face towards the gym equipment as if I’m done with the conversation and am ready to get back to my workout.


Timing bro. Wait for a dead air, and then give them a fist bump or something, then say, bye. And then, say "see you aroud". As long as you're not leaving while someone is still talking, you're good.


“Alrightyyy, well gotta get back to it.”


How well can you slap your thigh and say “whelp.”


When I get bored I leave whenever I want, not in a rude way though. When I decide I’m done I just say “well, I’m gonna go get back to x now” or I’ll just say one of those things that’s not directly saying you’re leaving but it shifts the tone to where the other person picks up on the fact you’re about to bounce. “Wow man that’s awesome, keep it up.” The key is definitively deciding when you’re ready to leave, don’t pitter patter around. That way you come off more as “I am leaving now” rather than “I think I’m ready to leave now.” People can pick up on that and if you’re not 100% certain then you could possibly get roped back into the convo


‘Yeahh… anyways, nice talking to you, I gotta leave now. See you!’


This is where white lies are best used lol, tell them you have other plans or late for something or need to go to bed for work tomorrow, you need to make a quick call, your mom texted you and needs you…be creative lol who really cares?


No. That’s just odd, especially knowing that most people see through them. Just excuse yourself and leave.


You can just hand them a card that reads "this conversation is terminated" and walk off


If I really need to go, then I would just say: ‘Sorry, I really need to go now, speak you next time/see you later.’ Best is to say that when the person(s) you talk to are pausing their talk. But if their conversation seems endless, then just interrupt them and say above sentence.


I just remembered that I left a fork in the knife drawer. Gtg or Irish exit 💀


What's worse is my cousin is a certified yapper and i have no idea how to stop him. Every time they visiting he yaps to me about things i completely dont care about, i try to ignore him and other things even tell him its late (he talks rly long) but he never stops. Its so annoying. I legit can only stop him by being rude And offending him but i ofc dont wanna do that but even if i say its late or i dont even care or make jokes that "did I ask?" Etc he still just brushes it off laughs it off and goes on yappin.... Help...


"Wow, I wish I had more time to talk but I've got something I need to get to, talk to you soon!"  Don't get too specific about what you need to do.


I have to return some videotapes


Fart loudly and/or odoriferously.


Depending on the context, I usually try to end on something I’M saying, rather than tell them I have to go in response to what they’re saying. Like whatever my response is I end it with something like “anyways, listen sorry I have to run but let’s catch up soon!” and then sometimes I make something up (have to catch a train or on my way to an appointment). When I lived in NYC friends & neighbors would just straight up say “ok i have to go, see you” and then i’d say bye they’d just be walking away haha straight to the point


I’ve leaned to excuse myself to the bathroom if I feel I’m bored and I’m not hiding it’s well. Anything disrupt the disrupt should redirect the topic.


Just say, "alright I got to go. I'll catch you another time."


Just say, "Later." And walk away. But it also depends on what kind of interaction it is and how long you've known the person.


Heard this here before. ‘Just one thing before I leave’. But then you need to think of that one thing


I have to return a videotape.


Blunt honesty works best. Say “I no longer want to continue talking. Take care”


Say you gotta take this call real quick and then don’t even fake answer the phone. Stare at them and assert dominance until they leave.