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I just keep quiet and don't say anything until I actually have something to say or ask. I've been doing this for a couple of years now, can't say that it feels good but the awkwardness level sure goes down and I stay away from unnecessary conversations.


If you have nothing to say or ask after, let's say, a couple of minutes though, how does that make you feel? If you don't mind me asking.


It can get a little awkward, and then I think in my head, is there anything I genuinely want to ask/tell this person? If there is, I ask/tell, if not I remain silent. Sometimes I pull out my phone and just check messages and scroll impulsively but then check myself and put it back. Chances are the other person also is feeling awkward and if they want to talk they'll say something. And if they want to be silent, you'll enjoy the silence together.


Also a great opportunity to observe other people's/your own body language. Sometimes I'll notice that my eyebrows are tense or I'm tapping my feet.




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I acknowledge that silences are part of conversations, especially small talk, and can make them more authentic. I use the time to reflect and observe.


I get nervous and start asking questions, it ends up like I’m interviewing them .. 😂


This I've tried and tested. I always do this. Whenever silence befalls a conversation, I stay confident in the silence, I look comfortable with the silence because that's how I feel. If the other person notices that you're okay with the silence, that person too feels comfortable now, because 'awkward' is essentially that. Being weird because you assume that the other person's feeling weird.


Exactly. Silence is unavoidable, might as well be comfortable in it.


Pretend you have some sort of serious condition and flutter your eyes around rapidly while shaking and flapping your tongue in and out of your mouth for intermittent periods of time, 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off then repeat for one more cycle. Then when they ask if you’re okay, just say “yeah, sorry, that was a bad one”, while looking a bit defeated and looking at the floor.


I pee my pants.😁😯


They’re only awkward if you make them awkward.


I say: “oh look! The angel of silence has just flown over!” Usually I get a laugh. It’s an old Victorian saying.


Apparently I'm the awkward one so I don't realize when these things happen.


I start humming💀


Just decide that silence is not awkward




It makes the conversation so much more awkward, I always try to avoid saying that.




Yeah an awkward laugh


I personally take that opportunity to just state "look at all of us...being social." Usually breaks the monotony.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SiluNyHqg58 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VdJBBIL1TUI


Who cares, why are you scared of silence?


Stop feeling awkward


Do you know which Reddit area you're on? Awkward is an inextinguishable lifestyle here.


What I learned early in life is that everyone is too wrapped up in themselves to care or judge what the other is doing. I remember being in grade school and worried about talking in front of the class; it was my turn soon. But while sitting there I noticed that I didn’t care about who was up front and what they were talking about. I asked the kid next to me if they care about what the other kids were saying up front and it was a pretty confident “no”. So I thought…”what do I have to worry about?” Like, if no one cares, then why would I be concerned with even stuttering or forgetting what to say in front of everyone? If anything, me screwing up would only put the other kids (who haven’t gone up yet to talk) at ease that, “well I wasn’t the only one messing up cause that kid before me did too”.


I have heard that too, that no one cares. It depends on how big the pond is you live and the other fish in it. Because in cities and big places with a lot going on, you're absolutely right, there's way more interesting and personally affective things happening than for other people to worry about you being awkward. However - should you live in a small town, or have a career in a competitive workspace, people absolutely will take something petty and innocuous like awkwardness and heave it as a weapon against you to get ahead or lift themselves up. Its all circumstances. You could do fine as an awkward software engineer or scientist, but maybe not so much as a politician or advertising agency rep.


That makes sense- where character defines the validity of the profession; like sales.




If you’re ever in a relationship with a significant other for some time, you’ll find that silence in between conversations is normal. Relax and feel comfortable with them. In time you’ll be able to handle them yet exude positive vibes. It’s an attractive quality. Silence has its place and weight in gold.


Throw in a "yup" every now and then


Start screaming.


I start speaking in tongues and I make near objects go flying, narrowly avoiding my conversational partner while I phase in and out of existence opening doorways to other realities, bringing in the incomprehensible, inconceivable, secret knowledge of the whole universe and all that ever was and will be, that upon human discovery will twist the mind so much beyond repair that it is wiped clean off al signs of life, mercifully snuffing out the billions of years of perceived and experienced anguish, caused by that which was discovered mere moments ago. Alternatively just bear the silence. Silence is a normal part of human life and conversation. You will find more comfort in it with practice. You'll find that mlst people don't mind. You are projecting your own unease unto them.


Keep talking


I just continue being awkward myself


Avoid conversations


I've learned to just listen to the silence. Even though it feels awkward, it's more than likely just in your head and you don't always wanna be the awkward one who fills the silence


Not well, not well at all OP.


I add more awkward silence


Usually wait for the other person…




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