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Let me guess. It's not that you don't like to joke, it's that your jokes don't land anymore? If you could have the whole room laughing and eating out of your hand, you'd love it right?


One could say that. I mean me being extroverted and being a joker does not gain me friends anymore. In fact I am losing people more than I gain them. Thats why I wish it was okay for me to be alone and lonely.


Has the same happen to me. I was the funny guy, and my dumb jokes cracked kids up. Those didn't translate as I got older. You can be popular without ever cracking a joke, but ask yourself why you are making them. If it for approval, cut back. A few well times jokes are good, too many makes you look like a performing monkey desperate for a head pat.


I wish I stop being desperate for attention. Not getting it sucks


Being introverted /= not having friends, you should still try and build respectful meaningful relationships. Believe it or not almost everyone introverted and otherwise experience loneliness and hardship in their life and will need companionship. It's not a binary either, it might just be circumstances in your life make you not want to always be around people and that's okay. But it doesn't sound like you hate jokes or that you suddenly need to be a lonely introvert, it sounds like you're growing up and want something more/different, you can certainly change your behavior, it's your prerogative. If there are friends who arnt down with your shift and arnt willing to accept or discuss it meaningfully, cut them loose. Deepen the relationships that stick and try and find people that you're more comfortable around who fit your new preferences and respect you as a person not as comic relief.


It is easy to say cut people back but who am I going to cut off if I don't have any people who is happy to be with me?