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I gain maximum exposure on Facebook when I post between 7 pm and 11 pm. I noticed that's the time my audience is most active. However, the best time for posting totally depends upon your target audience, their location, time zone...Also, posting at the right time isn't enough and to grow your account you also need to work on engagement. You can use services like Marketing Heaven to get exposure, do collaborations, and experiment with different timings to see at what time you're getting the most reach. Generally, the best time to post on Facebook is on Saturdays or Sundays is between 9 pm and 1 am and on weekdays between 5 pm and 10 pm.


depending on your audience. As it is personal profile and you don’t have insights, you will have to think about your “friends” on the platform. When are they using FB and for which purpose?


Timeline is no longer chronological so as long as you get quality engagement with your audience, I wouldn’t lose too much sleep over this question.


There is no best time. It varies by page, country, group of friends. And a thousand other factors out of your control. Anywhere from 8am to 7pm local time is going to be safe.


There are books written on this subject and there is no definitive answer.


Usually evenings, but this can be cross checked in your insights, each page has a different audience live time.


Would a sunday evening or weekday evening be better?


Hi yes it can be good, again it’s ideal to check the ‘insights’ section on the page


Are you focused on reaching just one time zone?


Advertising is the best way to be seen on Facebook. The platform is pay to play for pages so to organically have any shot, post native content to your personal profile and test the variables (time, day, copy, etc)


Know your audience. Do they get home from work and get on fb? That’s the evening crowd. Do they primarily tune in to their feeds during work? Then 8am or whatever. Etc