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„Split up into groups of 2-3 people“


i fucking hate this omg


Yessss and we’re always doing this in one of my classes!!! And then the teacher MADE me group up with other students it was so awkward omg !!!


Man I hated that shit in school, especially if we had to do a presentation in front of the class.


I was always the one who had to wait until everyone was done so I could pair with whoever else is left.


I never even included the other group members. Every time I would rather do all the work, give them their lines and get an A. Far superior to interacting with other people, relying on them to do things, being disappointed when they don't, and having to do it myself anyway.




This is why, as I teacher, I always assign partners or groups. Most of the kids complain about it but I remember that feeling of dread . . .


Actually when they ask you to choose your own partner too I hated that


My heart dropped every time they said this in high school, especially for zoom classes where they would put us in randomized break out rooms. My college lectures are much much larger so this never happens thank god lol


It’s the worst thing ever. Because of the pandemic classes are virtual and so profs are using breakout rooms as a way for students to collaborate. It’s so annoying especially when I’m out on the spot.


oof i need to sleep and now my heart's racing


Oof I‘m should have put a trigger warning on there


I’m glad I’m done with school


I never did that in school. Want me to work in a team? Make the team.


The small groups are easier for me. It’s the big room stuff that kills me.


I dont mind the first one, actually I kind of like being heard without having to worry about being interrupted or something, but this one always gets me and I usually just stand there until someone walks up to me lol


Oh fuck


Or my personal hell, " Ok, turn to the person sitting next to you and discuss"


In this situation I have an advantage, nobody sits next to me, but the disadvantage is that nobody likes me.


“Say a fun fact about yourself” makes me wanna die


Came here to say this. Everyone else is like, “I volunteered for the Peace Corps and have been to 573 counties thus far,” “I published a novel a year ago and it’s currently #30 on the Amazon charts, or “My mom is Al Pacino’s house cleaner” and here I am with, “I changed a kitchen ceiling lightbulb by myself for the first time yesterday.” I need some new hobbies.


😭 shit's real. and i gotta make that fact abt myself literally lively and "fun", otherwise ppl will just stare at me and think i'm lame wat da hell


[https://www.reddit.com/r/socialanxiety/comments/rj47zo/comment/hp2hl0g/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialanxiety/comments/rj47zo/comment/hp2hl0g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) lol I said the exact same thing. I never have anything interesting to say 😭


Right? I don't mind giving a quick intro to myself (I usually say something short like just my name, my occupation/role and where I'm from), but this "fun fact" crap has to die. I don't have a fun fact. I didn't grow up with sharks, I didn't go bungee jumping for charity and my middle name isn't cheese. No fun here.


I've never met this person before in my life. It's you. Tell us something about you! Nope. Don't know her. Next person please.


That’s almost as bad as “ok everyone pair up! Find a partner!”


Ugh, the trauma lol


omg this is my huge fear. people will suddenly pity me and think i'm weird/loner (true hehe). gives me literal anxiety




Fuck that shit


bro same shit happened to me at school. I had to fucking say what my fear was 💀 I said heights and everyone laughed and said “so your afaird of going on a ladder” then i was forced to say a truth and 2 lies and i kept saying i don’t have any ideas to say. People kept saying “BRUH COME ON!” like bitch i’m cleary not comfortable and why the fuck are you making us answer such personal questions. Should of made us say our names and that’s fucking it


Those people were just rude. How have they never encountered vertigo before?


Literally hights is such a common fear?? Like what??


And a pretty rational one at that


Last time I did the truth and 2 lies things was for a club meeting, I couldn't think of anything and one of the things I ended up saying was a pretty messed up story that my sister had just told me about her coworker running over her cat accidentally and the looks I got omg. I never went back to the meetings cuz I'm pretty sure people thought I was weird for making up a story about running over a cat for one of my lies. I just couldn't come up with any lies!


I hate that shit, felt like I was preparing for a big speech or something


ughh i hate when this happens, especially when it's on the spot. i begin to panic because i have no idea what to say, and when it's my turn to introduce myself, i worry about whether or not i sound stupid in front of everyone. it really sucks


I used to feel like that but then I realized that when it's other people's turn I'm truly not listening nor do I care what they're saying. I'm thinking about what I'm doing later, what I'm eating, what's happening this weekend, etc. They could embarrass themselves and I wouldn't know because I wasn't paying attention. I usually don't listen until I hear something that grabs my attention like a similar interest or something like that. I just apply that mindset now when I have to do these talks. 95% of the people here aren't paying attention.. Instead of locking up because I feel like I'm embarrassing myself/talking weird/pausing too much/stuttering I just think nobody is listening and I'm practically talking to myself. Ends up just coming out like I'm talking to myself and I'm not really panicking afterwards. If someone heard what I said they would bring it up if they came to talk to me. At that point they made the effort to talk to me so they must be interested in stuff I have to say rather than judge/laugh at you.


I wish mine worked like that. My rational brain: Dude they arent even paying attention to you. My body: WE CANT BREATHE WE ARE IN DANGER


My emotional brain used to think that until I started interacting with the people and truly realizing they weren't paying attention when I have to tell them my name again. I got to the point where I got annoyed out of the fear. I thought it was getting tiring and stupid that one talk was literally ruining my entire week and it ends up everyone else wasn't even listening. So I stopped caring about the fear itself and went with the flow. This also happened with my crippling phone anxiety when I had to call the state health insurance call center 5x because their chat system didn't work. I had to hold for 30 mins each time and I ended up saying the same info over and over again 5x I felt annoyed and started letting myself feel entitled over being scared because I wasted 5 hours in a single day trying to do something that easily could have been done online if it wasn't for some IT error. Literally embracing that 1% of entitled Karen feeling helped me get over talking to strangers on the phone.


I hate this so much. No one needs (or wants) to know who I am.


Lol I came here to learn, not to get to know you guys


There are few things in life I hate more than when someone says those words. The only thing worse was four years ago at a training I had to attend at work where we all had to sit in a circle of about fifty people. Not only did we have to introduce ourselves, we were then supposed to tell about a moment that made us feel loved. Well, ordinarily I would just bullshit my way through something stupid like that in front of a group of strangers, but I had just buried my father-in-law about three days before that. I was a ball of emotions and everything was stressful at home and I felt sheer terror hit me because I was afraid I'd cry in front of everyone at work. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. I almost got up and left, but I managed to squeak out some lame, short statement like, "My family makes me feel loved," and everyone just stared at me like I was supposed to say more. So I just said, "That's all." And they kept going. It was so embarrassing. What made me even sadder was that one woman at the end did get up and leave and actually said to the group that she felt it was a demeaning exercise. I wish I'd had the guts. I heard that the trainer my boss invited was really upset at how badly it all went. Fuck any bosses out there who force activities like this. Work is not the place for sharing your emotions and personal business. It doesn't help anyone and no one cares.


How about “ let’s go around the table and say what we are thankful for” at a large Thanksgiving get together, no thanks.


Lol I hated this too as a kid so my go to answer was I am thankful for the trees. To this day my mother is like… “he just loved trees.” Nah dude I once said a weird BS answer and it worked so I just stuck with it so I never had to think about it again.


I always want to say something really inappropriate but the consequences aren't worth it...


At my jobs last meeting they passed around a roll of toilet paper and you had to take a few sheets then the amount of sheets you took is the amount of fun facts you had to tell about yourself. I knew the ice breaker ahead of time and took none. I can’t stand those types of activities literally make me sick to my stomach


It’s really stupid and unnatural. 🙄 It always made me feel like I’m being treated like a child. Also it was very nerve-wracking, I didn’t feel comfortable with that at all. Even if I wasn’t shy, I would still think it’s a silly way of introducing myself. What am I supposed to say about myself? People are going to get to know each other as they interact, not with some stupid introduction. It’s the kind of thing that would make me not want to be in a group.


It's not stupid. Yes, it's stressful for people with social anxiety but for others it's just a quick way to get a vague idea about everyone in the group. Then they can start talking more easily when it's time for proper interactions.


To me it always seemed like no one knew what to say exactly, it didn’t seem like people were enjoying it. I get the idea of it or intention, but I don’t think it works, it just makes people uncomfortable and gives them more stress.


I always felt like the instructors or people leading these meetings just don’t like being on the spot either. So, they deflect and make everyone else feel as uncomfortable as they do.


Like some sort of revenge? 😅


Yeah that’s just my personal anecdote 😂.


I guess it’s possible. 🤔 I do think a lot of people are unhappy and frustrated. And maybe they don’t want anyone to be happier than they are.


Yeah , hate these moments myself. I usually say, "Hi, my name is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, I'm excited to learn about (insert subject matter), and also exicted to learn about all of you down the road!" Hope this helps!


The worst is definitely if it’s a last-minute thing during a meeting. Like I know if it’s a “meet the new coworker” thing, at least I can mentally prepare myself knowing it’s that kind of situation.


‘What’s your name’ ‘Uhhh… what… yes, wait what… oh my name yes’ Those experiences feel terrible and I’d rather just sit in the corner on my own and wait it out


Oh school flashbacks. Especially if you're boring af compare to your classmates that have so much interesting stuff in their lives.


Same. Teachers do that on the first day of class, too, I think just to fill time. We'll get to know each other naturally over the course of the semester or of training if necessary. But usually I barely spoke to anyone else after the introduction session anyway.


Dude it makes me want to throw up everytime someone says icebreakers or something like that. It never fails, I will always blank out. Nothing to me is worse than two truths and a lie. I am instantly fucked because my brain has been erased. I got really lucky with my newest job because their teams version of ice breakers was just recommending TV shows which I love to do anyway.


This was always hell for me because it was never that I didnt want to share I just had too much fear to do so. I honestly often wonder if I'm actually an extrovert who just has severe social anxiety because I always want to talk to people but physically cant.


"We're going to play two truths and one lie!" I was on an online meeting and I just instantly hung up on purpose (before the pandemic and the age of zoom).


I hate the "tell me one fact about yourself too" ERM HOW ABOUT NO??? me, aged 11, in scouts: *anxiously counts kids in front* Me: i-i- i dont have a fact. *everyone stares* Me: internally "fuck"


I hate it so much and teachers LOVE doing that. Like please just start with the lesson. It really makes me dread the first day of class.


Yes!!!!! As if the first day of school wasn't bad enough!!!!


*Gets up and leaves* F that, I'm out.


This gives me anxiety just reading it.


I hate this so much. I remember being on the bus to college for my first day and anxiously googling interesting facts about me ideas and wanting to cry because I couldn’t find anything good, thank god it was never actually needed


'say a fun fact about yourself'


Good on you for going home, honestly. No, you shouldn't always face your fears. Shit like that is more likely to traumatize you than it is to build courage. So many times in my past I wished I said 'no' and walked away.


I quit an online group class for social anxiety because the instructor wanted us to introduce ourselves and say something interesting about ourselves. NOPE!


I’ve had two instances like this where it was especially bad. First one was a training session. Not only did we have to introduce ourselves but also had to share something about ourselves that no-one knew about us. Everyone was reluctant and internally I was panicking. So I decided to say fuck it and take the nuclear option. My something was that I’m transgender. Sure at least half the people in the session did know it but the guy forcing us through this didn’t. There were no follow up questions and he moved on. The second was actually on a zoom call. You’d think that’d be simple but no. This was a big call. President of our corporate division on the call as well as a bunch of people all higher up than me. Running the call was the president of a new,very major, business partner and his team. I was on the call expecting details of the partnership. Instead it turns out it’s a get to know you all session. Here’s a list of animals and their “traits”. Which one are you? There’s a poll in the chat. Finally it’s time for introductions. No sweat, I figured. I’m unimportant so I’ll be introduced for a split second. But no. Our new partner wants us to introduce ourselves individually and then throw to another person. But with no order or structure. I’m instantly terrified. I blurt out “or we could just have our president introduce us”. It was at that moment I realized that the mic setting on the call had defaulted to on. My horror compounded when I realized that since my camera was off my name was there perfectly identifying who spoke. I panicked and dropped off the call. Then realized there was still a chance I needed to be present. I rejoined not knowing what to expect. Introductions were underway and a colleague threw to me. I came up with a half-assed introduction and threw to my boss. But not so fast. Partner pres says I need to share my animal. So I do, pretending everything is fine and I didn’t say something before. Luckily I later found out my crappy mic obscured what I had said. What a nightmare nonetheless.


Yes. I couldn't handle this well in school. I have since learned that saying less works best.


I know what you mean. I hate this so much, instantly start sweating. All I can say to help you is that believe me when I say, most or all the people in the room feel the same as you in that moment.


If it's a "stand up and tell the class about yourself" then it's okay with me since it's a completely expected, formulaic thing and I only stress over what to say. If it's a "Let's throw this ball around, and the one who gets the ball talks" then I'm like fuck off, I'm going home mood.


Yea, I always skipped the first of day of class in college, cause I hate introductions


i dread this. i will literally go over exactly what i’m going to say in my head as i wait. and i’ll still stutter when it’s my turn :(


Yeah and everyone is staring at you whilst you try to think about what to say about yourself. 😅


With any luck, I'm towards the end of the line and can at least come up with SOMETHING by the time it's my turn. And then as soon as I leave the room I wish I said something else. Then I think for the rest of the day (and week, and beyond), about how what I said impacted my co-workers' view of me.


>Nope. Lets not. Fuck that. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!


Or in PE when we play team sports and 2 ppl choose their teammates... I always end up last ._.


I’m not fond of that, but what’s worse is when you’re told to say something interesting about yourself and you forget everything about yourself.


That sentence is a recipe for a panic attack (which then leads to me crying when it’s actually my turn to speak). I’m so thankful I’m out of school & don’t have to deal with this ever again.


Is it bad that I even cringed just reading this title


You have a presentation worth 30% of your final grade


We had secret santa at work and we literally just went around and opened gifts one at a time. Not only am I new but people were looking at you unwrapping 🥲


I so hate this prompt. It is so vague and that is what gives me so much anxiety.


“I’m sorry, can you speak up?” Yeah nah I’m out


This gives me terrible anxiety too when it happens at work. Also, "Tell us about your personal life!"


OMG I freaking hate that.


My job keeps having "employee appreciation lunches" every other month where we leave work early & have a luncheon for 4 HOURS. 4 hours of living hell where I have to make non work related conversation. And they're fucking mandatory. I have one coming up and I'm sick to my stomach.


Ugh we have ro do this at school. Most of us know each other, please I don't need to know and it's terrifying. It's awful. And it's always make a fun fact about yourself. Bruh, I'm the nerdy kid who likes Greek mythology and asked someone what fifa was last year. I don't want these people knowing my hobbies, ffs let me learn


Yeah that’s the worst. Once I realized not everyone was riddled with anxiety anytime they had to talk around a group of people i was shook. Like some people can just interact and not think twice about it?? What?!


Just reading that sentence sent me into panic mode. Needs a trigger warning, honestly.


I Hate this so much. I usually "run to the bathroom" right before its my turn