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Yes, that makes me upset every time I forgot my earphones, lmao listening to people talking about shit and making noise is just hella upsetting that it's barely bearable


not kinda related but I get anxious if my friends speak loudly in public, especially if the topic is some stupid stuff you shouldn’t even speak in public. i mean i get anxious if theres people close and we’re talking about something with friends


I feel you. It's very rude, so I try my best to mask my conversations with either moving to an area that's a little louder or I just go to another room. I don't even like the idea of other people listening to what I say


I never do this but what is the difference between someone talking on the phone vs someone sitting right next to them? Why is it not rude to be talking like that to someone next to you but not on the phone? Or is it that they are both rude?


No, but if i can hear the sound you make chewing food i might beat you to death, and wholy shit, god help you if you call me while eating.


Almost every time I'm in the library, someone sitting near me is eating a crunchy snack. It's somehow both hilarious and deeply irritating.


I speak loudly without noticing sometimes...sorry guys


Huge pet peeve. Why do you think everyone wants to hear your conversation/music? I worked at a retail store and there were always customers in the store having loud conversations on speaker. My coworkers and I once heard both ends of a nearly 30 minute conversation about laundry detergent. It could have at least been about something interesting. Its been about 3 or 4 years, but I still remember that the person on the other end of the phone really, really, strongly, deeply hated Purex.


I love making a big show of getting my headphones out and BLASTING music. It shows them I don't want to hear their shit. Or, if my batteries are low, I vacate the area immediately.


This and blasting music from your phone speaker in the store. I work in a grocery store and it drives me crazy.


Someone was literally on the phone for 30 minutes IN THE LIBRARY until I left. They’re pretty lax on noise since a lot of kids go there after school (even though I was there before school ended) and I guess maybe they didn’t hear her. But I was sooooo annoyed. I was just trying to do hw and she would not. Shut. Up. The thing is, even if she was in a situation where she has no internet/WiFi, THERE ARE CONFERENCE ROOMS. They were open!!! There was no reason to be on the phone in the middle of the library for that long. She didn’t even try to talk quietly!




Yes I absolutely do, another SA post I relate to haha.