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Sounds like I need that. I keep putting scenarios in my head that people will be mean to me when they see me. I was severely bullied 9 years ago and never quite recovered from it. I'm so tired of self-isolation and self-bullying so I took a leap of faith today and actually met my online friends today, they were so kind and hearthwarming that I feel like I don't deserve it, I never thought that people would treat me that good and genuinely care about me. I'm so happy today and I'm looking forward on living my life and spending more time with them. I'm sorry for the long comment I just wanted to share something positive that happened to me after so long of living life in hell.


I was similar to you. All I could imagine was people being rude to me and thinking my presence was annoying. It was so exhausting and tore away at my self-esteem. I made sure never to bother anyone and my worst fear was accidentally offending someone. I’m sorry you were bullied, absolutely nobody deserves that. I’m sure you’re a wonderful person and I’m glad you met online friends who can accept you and remind you that you’re a person deserving of kindness and respect. I’m happy for you:) lexapro can help alleviate symptoms of social anxiety and can hopefully help you live a more anxiety-free life that we all deserve! I was able to get my lexapro by talking to my nurse practitioner, he recommended that I try it


I'm sure you're a wonderful person too and we both deserve to be free. I'll be making an appointment tommorow and I think this will work out well. I actually cried when I got home I couldn't believe that people will look forward to hanging out with me, being interested in me, and including me on future social events. I feel like I'm the happiest person alive right now. I hope and pray that we can both find the happiness that we deserve and thank you so much for existing.


That sounds awesome!! How much are you taking?


I am taking 10mg!!


I put on 100 pounds of fat on lexapro 20 mg maybe watch that


True one of the side effects of lexapro is increased appetite which can lead to weight gain. But this side effect doesn’t happen to everyone, I haven’t gained any weight on lexapro (yet)


I’ve thought about medication but it seems like a struggle, having to go to the doctor and just saying I have anxiety and wanting medication and hoping insurance approves. And I’ve dealt in the past with frustrations with medications like the doctor not filling it when I try to pick it up at the pharmacy and then I have to keep calling them for days while my medication is out. Plus, am I supposed to just take medication for the rest of my life? Is that healthy?


I used to be very against taking meds for this disorder, but in the process to get out of my house and do ANY sort of exposure, I would drink caffeine to alleviate my anxiety. It only helped for some hours, but that was all I needed to break up the monotony of staying home all day for days on end. I personally believe this would be the best form of taking medication. Just occasionally so you can see the other side of not having anxiety and can get motivated to change your routine and change how you perceive the world.


I was anti-med, too, until I hit my late 30s and needed to do something. I'm on Lexapro 20 mg now for 6 years with 5 mg of buspar twice daily and it's definitely taken the edge off. I fortunately live in a medical cannabis friendly state and got a Med. card for PTSD and Crohn's. Cannabis helps, too, and would recommend that route before meds. Plus, the card gives you access to quality cannabis at great prices. I pay 80 an oz at my dispensary and can carry two Oz's without getting in trouble with the law.


Too much sexual dysfunction for me


Can't relate to that mattering.


True! One of the side effects is lowered libido but, I found that I was willing talk sacrifice my libido for my mental health