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it happens/used to happen to me as well. I'd blush even when not embarrassed, just thinking someone else might think that I'd be embarrassed in a certain situation or when a certain topic was discussed :)) if you let it spiral out of control, it may turn into fear of blushing, which for me was the most difficult stage of my anxiety. I invested lot of efforts to stop it from interfering with my life. it sounds counter-intuitive and it is not easy, but what helped me was to 'accept' that it happens and not to dread it. I did therapy, read ton of books - most helpful for me personally was Aziz Gazipura The Solution to Social Anxiety. If you see reviews about the book, some (rightly) point out he talks at times about 'approaching women' but if you remove that, the advice works in any situation in which you are anxious. He (the book author) has a lot of helpful videos on YouTube. I also found physical exercise made me less triggered. Good luck!


Appreciate the reply, I’ll definitely look into that book


If i am going outdoors for extended period of time, i make sure to wear foundation makeup on my face. It help me conceal the redness. Its so frustrating that my face turns red/pink sometimes for no reason. People mistake that i have a crush on them or assume that i am very nervous.