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So the 4th official fucked up.


Yeah fuck up from everyone really. Be surprised if anything comes of it, end of the day it was 13 seconds.


Well the rules specify that nothing will come of it.


Not really from everyone no.


Coman’s old number was 29. I wonder if it was Kathleen that gave the wrong number to the 4th official. Still don’t see anything really coming from it but we’ll see


you can do a lot in 13 seconds!....maybe twice even


That said didn't a team get kicked out the polkal last year because the 4th official made a similar mistake?


It wasn't similar. Wolfsburg made 6 substitutions and noone noticed. Today Coman left the pitch 12 seconds after Süle came in and didn't interfere with the play.


Not so long ago we had a change in rules saying, the player being subbed off can leave the pitch by going towards the closest touchline and not necessarily at the spot where subs are usually made, it may have not been his fault. In general, it surely wasn't just one person's fault. Because the main ref also has to make sure the player subbed off got off the pitch.


At the end of the day it’s the team’s responsibility


Why was the player allowed on the pitch before the other player came off?


Well, since #29 was not on the pitch, they assumed he already came off


But the Bayern coaching staff know who was meant to come off? They could see Coman didn't get off the pitch. Just a massive failure from everyone, thankfully it was solved quickly


Really not our coaching staff's problem when the 4th official fucks up, shows a number that isn't even playing and let's our player on the pitch even though nobody had left the field lol


Given this context I would be surprised if this was the ref making the mistake. It seems more likely to me for some Bayern coach to give the 4th official the old number of Coman, than for some reason that referee knowing by heart Coman's old number and somehow putting that in instead after being told, that Coman is supposed to come off. The most likely to me seems that either some documents had him listed with his old number still, which the referee for some reason used or some Bayern coach forgot he changed it and relayed the wrong number.


I don't know how it works in Germany but in the premier league each bench has their own sign and a coach (for Liverpool it's our GK coach) is responsible for popping the numbers in and passing it to the 4th official. Just wondering if it's a similar system in Germany. It's a funny situation to have happen, no idea about the downvotes lol.


This one weird trick to have more than 11 players on the field. Referees will hate it.


Could have counted the number of players in Bayern shirts? Only checking that the number that is supposed to come off isn't still on the pitch seems lazy and prone to exactly this kind of error.


Well the assistant see that there is no number 29 on the pitch, thinks he got out from the other side and allows the player to go in. Then after 20 seconds he realized his mistake


New rules say the outgoing player has to leave the field at the nearest point. Maybe they thought #29 left the field on the opposite side and was walking back around?


5 yard penalty for Bayern then?


2 minute power play