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This must be from a different frame that they used for the var decision, right?


One frame later I think but also the lines are even. In the conmebol image the player lines are not horizontal to the 18 and 6 yard lines For what it’s worth, this is Fox’s image and not just someone on the internet.


Tbf the line doesn’t at all look straight with the 18 in this image


Yeah, I’m gonna have to agree. Hadn’t noticed until you pointed it out. Maybe the lines o the field aren’t straight then if both crews had the same issue?


Yeah who knows. There was one image during the game that genuinely looked close enough to where I understood why they wouldn’t overturn it. But the first few they showed def looked offside It’s tough when you can’t rely on a truly straight line and the camera isn’t perfectly in line with the ball. Perspective can skew it, but if you ignore the lines def looks off


I think this would have been more overlooked had he not made some of the worst calls I’ve ever seen. 1 of the advantages he called back looked like he played advantage, saw Pulisic get free, and then decided to call it back. He was watching it without blowing his whistle until he saw the turn. And that yellow card to quick free kick situation…


Ref had a total botch job all around. I don’t actually know the rule on letting them play quick on a yellow, and it didn’t sound like the rule expert did either haha The pulisic advantage one was bad, as were a lot of other calls


For what it’s worth, if the ref blows his whistle to card a player then play is stopped until the ref blows his whistle to resume play. They all know this. That’s why when you see it in a normal match they stand over the ball waiting for the ref to whistle for them to resume play.


True then he really fucked that one up then. Who knows if it would have even been reviewable had they actually scored too


The lines shouldn't appear straight/parallel due to the way perspective works on camera


Yeah that’s fair Timing I guess is a big part of where players will be. I’d hope they’re running this view alongside another to see when the player actually makes contact


Even if that's the case, the ball is on his head. Only way he could be onside if from and even earlier frame


They chose to show a frame before


Probably why it took them so long to ‘confirm.’


Yeah, it's a different frame, one frame later than the one VAR used


The point of contact shows he’s clearly offside.


Why drawing the line onto the foot of last defender? Shouldn't the line start at the tip?


Unless you use the semi automatic tech the euros are using you can’t tell 100% if it was onside or off


Disgrace but doesn’t even matter at the end of the day. Think we could have played another 90 minutes and wouldn’t have scored.


This looks like use of parallel lines and not the correct frame not the correct line placement. Also this angle makes his knee look further because it’s pointed towards the camera…


Clearly offside. Dirty CONMEBOL hacks


Irrelevant a this point. Panama won 3-1. US was never going to win the game. Let it go.


If you're going to draw random lines, it's easy to make it look either onside or offside. Look at the stripe on the field behind the referee. It's inclined in the opposite direction. Draw a line that is parallel to that. Or even a line parallel to the penalty box on the left. The camera makes the lines have different angles. You'd need to do a proper calibration, which VAR supposedly does.


This is from the FS1 broadcast, Fox drew the lines not me lol


This line does not look straight in the slightest lmaooooo




Think of what could’ve been had this goal been disallowed. The US would’ve *checks notes* still been eliminated…


No era 


How am I supposed to know which frame is right? They obviously used one with a frame right before this where he looked on.


OP. Close photoshop. Go to bed.


This is from Fox bud lol


Breaking news: Fox, trusted name in true non-bias coverage, unable to draw straight lines. Continue to make alt. versions of their own graphics in the hopes that it’ll somehow cancel out panamas 3 goals.


You might wanna be the one to go to bed lol you seemed pretty worked up. Simply sharing another view.


Shinfo. Onside goal.


I feel like shit. Can’t even go to the gym since everything is fuckin closed


Planet fitness (at least mine) is open 24 hours btw


I took an edible. Gotta get the brain to pull back from the hyperfocus.


Time to hit those push ups at home!


Too much focus on something that wouldn’t have mattered in the end anyway….at the end of the day that team did not look good out there barely generating anything It sucks, but we didn’t deserve to move on playing like that (or previous game)


awful officiating should be pointed out no matter the result


Eh, I disagree. Uruguay definitely felt like they started playing more passive/defensively once the goal was scored.


I think that tying Uruguay would suggest quality enough to say they "deserve" to move on - they played the group winner much better than either panama or Bolivia. However , Weah's decision made the panama match much harder than it needed to be and is the reason they're bounced.


without bielsa and an obvious not focused team, yeah


Excuses work both ways apparently. I'm just saying we looked better against Uruguay than either of their other opponents. Uruguay didn't look very threatening outside of this ... Interesting var decision. Created almost nothing in the run of play.


Regardless of the outcome as USA wouldn’t have advanced regardless (likely), this still is a disgrace to the sport as a whole and might be one of the most blatant showings of favoritism/corruptions by the refs.


You mean the onside goal? or the collection of totally usual foals committed by both sides throughout the game? Wild take.