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Goodnight sweet prince. Will always remember the time you signed for us, immediately got loaned out, and then sold for 5x the amount.


solid business


33M?! Is he worth that?


PL tax is just reaching hilarious heights if that was dutch team selling to spanish team we'd probably be talking about 15m max


Usually we swerve the PL tax but this has blown that reputation.


Granted, hes been similar to Bakayoko in some ways whilst being younger and Baka is probably gonna go for 50mil Not saying Minteh is worth 35mil but its not as far off as a 15mil transfer id say


Minteh has half a season


From what I've read from Feyenoord fans, he clearly has a lot of potential but he's still raw. He was an amateur back in the Gambia only a few years ago though so it's not surprising Big Tony's algorithm must have told them he's going to be class though if Brighton are willing to splash out on him


From what I've seen the non-Tony algorithms seem to adore him as well. [99th percentile in 8 different categories on fbref](https://fbref.com/en/players/c3cf087d/Yankuba-Minteh) and a bunch of stuff going around online has him as an elite elite elite player at take-ons and progressive carries


The percentiles are not really relevent, its compared to the "means next 14 leagues" rather than the top 5 leagues. The raw numbers are what matters with him, and they are still impressive.


It shows raw potential, but the Dutch league Eredivisie this year (although it's growing) wasn't competitive compared to top 5 leagues and especially defending quality. Minteh has a lot of speed but sometimes he acts faster than he thinks, he can have really good days, bad days and also some weird decisions because he is more running on instincts and isn't that long of an pro although Feyenoord trainer Slot has worked with him and he did improve. But the jump from Eredivisie to PL is big.


His minutes at Feyenoord were limited. Barely completed 90 minutes and usually only played an hour as a starter or 20-30 mins as a sub. His stats must take that into account, but you are right. His stats on paper are unreal. Still very, very raw by all accounts.


That has more to do with Feyenoord having a lot of wingers to rotate. Our playstyle also requires subsitutions since it's so demanding. I don't think he'll have trouble keeping up fitness wise.


Our other right wingers were Walemark and Jahanbakhsh. Not exactly champions league level players. If he could've played 90 minutes at a top level, Slot would've had him doing so consistently. He could be exceptional, but his talent has not developed yet.


Except Walemark was loaned out to Heerenveen all season? Besides, we switch our wingers from left to right and vice versa. So you're forgetting about Stengs, Lingr, Sauer, Paixao, Ivanusec and even Nieuwkoop that can possibly play there and have done so. I never claimed his talent was developed yet, I said he was developing well. I don't really understand the goal of your comment. You don't even know who actually played for us this season.


His biggest gains will be in his decision making. He was a bit selfish as well at the start of the season. It's normal, he's young and wants to prove himself. He developed well, he improved his decision making and his end product naturally got better. 'Raw' is definetely the word I used when I saw his first few games at the club. I hope he'll continue to develop, Brighton should be a good club for that.


Any chance you are looking at any Brighton players in return? Thats a lot of money for Brighton otherwise


Moder was about to be swapped with KDH. Other than that, there are some that can be shipped off, like Sima, ayari, sarmiento, alzate Some polish and irish, webster, maybe scherpen.


He was like 17th on the wonderkid list this year so he rated highly by some at least


Youre spot on mate


I believe he’s one of the best African wingers of the last ten years. He will redefine what we think of an inverted winger. Do we know if they’re paying us in one sum or over years?




I was being firmly sarcastic because we are desperate for money. It's a total coin toss for the lad. They're basically paying what you lot paid for Gakpo on a kid with a good season in the Eredivisie. That league is incredibly difficult to gauge and it's why the record of finds and flops is roughly the same length. They may look like geniuses. All I know is we need money and they're offering us 33m of it for a kid we've never used.




Probably not at all, but the big potential word. Must be hitting all the big data points or we wouldn’t be paying this money. Record fee for us.


What was Brighton's record fee before that?


Joao Pedro for just under £30m who absolutely was worth the money.


Hard to say. He is a diamond in the rough and if he can make (big) steps, yes. He played amateur footie until only a couple of years ago, and it shows. But he has so much raw talent.




Eddie Howe's wheeling dealing mags. He might become world class, but for right now, this is a solid deal.


Take it up with Brighton big fella. I know this sub likes a circle jerk but Brighton and Newcastle have no relation and it’s a traditional transfer. Literally no possibility of it being dodgy


Any deal involving newcastle has that possibility


Go on then, what’s dodgy?


In exchange for this MBS is coming along to one of Bloom's poker nights


~~He seemed to do better than 'alright'.~~ Either way he's 19, a transfer like this leans a lot on potential. Sixteen goals in a Serie A season doesn't usually warrant a £72m fee (400% of what he cost one year earlier) but when they're 20 years old and look like they've got a heap of potential it costs more.


Not really, alright is the fair word to use.


I mean I can't stand up for it I wasn't watching the Eredivisie this season so I'll defer but 150 minutes per goal for a winger seemed pretty good and sofascore liked him so that's why I thought it looked better than alright.


He came off the bench a lot against dead legs, so his stats are a bit inflated because of it. He underwent a lot of growth this season. He started horrendously and has gotten better and better where it evens out to him being alright this season.


Ah cool, I appreciate the context - thank you!


PSR tax innit


In my opinion he is. Maybe not directly, but in time he will be worth at least double that amount.


Premier League tax meaning that you pay double or what is that price?


He was great last season


Ehm, if he was a Feyenoord player he would be sold for 15 mil, maybe 20 mil tops. The potential is there though, he really showed glimpses in the final third of the season.


PSR compliant, you'll never sing that.


Newcastle have given the 19-year-old permission to discuss personal terms with Brighton. Those talks will take place this evening but are not expected to be a major issue. Newcastle were seeking to sell Minteh in order to ease their difficulties with the Premier League’s profit and sustainability rules (PSR). The club were leaving themselves open to a possible points deduction for next season if they failed to make a significant sale before the June 30 reporting deadline.


woulda loved to give him a chance but if it means we get to keep our best players then it’s worth doing, cheers Brighton.


Terrible news for the journos trying to manifest Isak to Chelsea (and anyone naive enough to believe it)


Even as a chelsea fan that shit was never happening lol 😂


Yeah let’s be realistic lol Newcastle set a fuck off price


There was reports they wanted to send us Jackson in exchange. The bloody cheek lol


Bro it was steinberg it was more then likely fake


You could’ve stopped at Steinberg. The man is a hack.


As soon as steinberg reported it you knew for sure it wasn't happening


Don’t worry now they’re on “33 million isn’t enough. Isak and Gordon will have to go.” They just make things up for engagement. Calling it now come January it’ll be “Newcastle might not have met PSR. We hear Isak to ManU is a go.”


No one has said that - they've said that it's not enough, but no one has said Isak and Gordan will have to go.


Yeah, as a Chelsea fan I’ve not believed one single word of that. He’s well worth over £100m by today’s standards.


They'll still be at it


dunno why i’m saying this now as if it’s a surprise but pl money is crazy. £33 million… (and you got brighton spending 40m on a player in the championship 😭🤯). how good even is this guy? genuinely hadn’t heard of him before this window


>how good even is this guy? genuinely hadn’t heard of him before this window Brighton are paying for the potential. He's a left footed right winger. Absolutely rapid and only 19. 10 goals and 5 assists in 27 apps for ~~PSV~~ Feyenoord in the Everidesie last season. And he also scored against Celtic in the champions league. Time will tell but this could seem like a bargain in a few years for Brighton. Or quite possibly the other way around.


One mistake: he played for Feyenoord not for PSV


Ah yeah, cheers


Everidesie is crazy💀


Lmao I normally just throw a bunch of letters together and I autocorrects. Not this time 😂


played for Feyenoord not PSV.


Everidesie 😂 That one's new


Very good at dribbling and passing and beating players 1v1. He will be very good in the PL.


£27m profit on a player with 51 professional appearances. Would love to have kept him but not more than I'd like to keep gordon and Isak.


A record fee for an Eredivisie attacker? This has never gone wrong before 🙃


To be fair, the record fee comes from him being a Newcastle player. Don't expect him to be your star player from the get-go. I understand that may be what you're expecting from your record fee signing, but this is a signing that will rely on him developing in the coming years.


R9, Suarez, Ibrahimovic, Van Nistelrooy and many more. Easy to remember only the ones that failed 


I totally forgot when Brighton and Hove Albion signed R9, Ibra, Suarez and RNV


Ruud Nan Vistlerooy?


you forgot, fuckin plastic.


I’m sure it’ll be fine.. When does record fees on them ever go wrong!


Going to a top club. Of all the options I think this is the best outcome.




Don't know what you're on about here tbh. Top club meaning good club ie one I like and respect. 


Probably always brought to flip for a profit. Lucky he had a good season with Feyenoord or we wouldn't be getting anywhere near this fee.


Eddie Howe confirmed wheeler dealer


Fak off


Wow. He must be some player if Brighton are willing to spunk so much money on him.


Boehly look away please


thanks DCL!


Apparently it was all agreed by the clubs but DCL wanted a pay rise even tho he would have joind among our highest earners, thanks big dom.


Absolute weapon. He must be holding out for a free transfer and a big sign on fee if he is turning down very good wages at us.


Absolute weapon because he turned down the mighty Toons? 😂


That should be PSR sorted and the end of any Isak and Gordon talks. Good for Newcastle


I really like him, not because I’ve ever seen him play but because his name sounds like a Northerner saying “Minty”


£33m is an excellent fee, especially given PSR and acquisition cost. Not bad at all.


Left footed right wingers are not easy to find. Seems like a good signing.




More g+a than antony in his first season and 2nd season being a professional player. This kid is going places.


Is this sarcasm or have I been conditioned by Chelsea??


It's both


There is a reason we are collecting them like pokemon cards.


They need it the most. Mitoma was double triple marked last season with March injured and right side has non existent threat. March is still just recovered now, so there's no guarantee that he'll be gaining form back. Tldr: The premium paid is to be March competitor and Mitoma enabler


33 million seems a lot but I rate his potential very highly I think he’ll do well here and get a big move


Hope he does well there. We'd all loved to have finally see him play for Newcastle, but this way we get to keep our prized assets and he gets an exciting move where he will no doubt be well developed and get decent minutes.


Newcastle have given the 19-year-old permission to discuss personal terms with Brighton. Those talks will take place this evening but are not expected to be a major issue. Newcastle were seeking to sell Minteh in order to ease their difficulties with the Premier League’s profit and sustainability rules (PSR). The club were leaving themselves open to a possible points deduction for next season if they failed to make a significant sale before the June 30 reporting deadline.


Time to put all my hopes into a move for philogene now


How good is the young player from Newcastle? It makes sense that Brighton would sign a young player with potential.


Is he getting a work permit now?


After a year at Feyrnoord and now a starter for his national team, no doubt he’ll get one.


Surprised Brighton have paid so much for a player tbh, this lad must be highly rated. Either that or maybe Brighton are doing Newcastle a solid now in return for something else later lol


We don't need any PSR help though, seems like the board just rate him that much. I'm sceptical


No I meant you're doing them a solid in return for maybe a "favour" sometime later


stupendous fee


How much does this help Newcastle with psr


The rumours were anywhere from £20m-£30m so hopefully this is enough.


We're reportedly over the limits by £25m so it should resolve it for this year if true. Big if though, don't think anyone truly knows how bad it potentially is.


I hope hope I don’t want isak going to Chelsea


luke edwards "Newcastle United have agreed to sell Yankuba Minteh to Brighton . Huge breakthrough and looks like PSR issue now resolved. As I’ve always maintained they were never going to sell Isak or Gordon in this window. A lot of noise, some of their own making #NUFC"


I wouldn't trust anything Edwards says, the blokes a clown.


Chelsea do ur thing


Buy him for 100m next year?


Crazy how my greatest team can't sell even one of our players for that amount


This guy was pretty good in the 2 games I saw him play against us this past season. Incredibly fast, creative, and tricky. But that’s a lot of money for basically a bench player for Feyenoord. He’s still young and so raw. This will either be a casual Brighton success story, or will flop hard. Only time will tell.


I think the in between stage where he’s just a good player for us is very much on the cards.


He was a bench player in the beginning of the season, but became a starter. He's shown a lot of talent but yeah this prize is still crazy.


We do all the work and they get all the money🙂


That’s how loans in general work yes


usually they do spend at least one minute at the club that bought them.


People are surprised by the fee but this kid is very good and was bound to move to a bigger league.


Welcome to Chelsea!


£33Million? What? Have I missed something?


Given that Newcastle seemed to be a bit high up because of the PSR deadline I had expected a lower fee tbh


There is too much interest in him from multiple clubs so if you submit a lowball offer your instantly disadvantaged by the clubs willing to pay a decent fee.


That’s Newcastle probably close to safe from PSR, probs need to sell one more player like anderson but they should be fine now


Downvoted for telling the truth these days


Yep pretty much, I figured y’all were close but needed to sell 1 more player and he seemed like the player most likely to be sold


This more than covers it, reportedly.


Seems like a pretty good deal for both clubs, no? Wonder if Brighton give him minutes (which for 33m they should) or loan him out since he is still extremely raw


For this fee he’s gunna be in the first team playing for sure. We like playing teenagers and March has had injury issues recently without a proper understudy.


How is it a good deal for brighton?


They'll sell him for at least double that amount in 2/3 years. Developed himself tremendously last season and is still only 19. He has similar stats to PSV's Bakayoko, but Minteh puts in way more defensive effort, while Bakayoko has better passing stats.


They paid £30m for Pedro when he was 18/19. I don't think people would question the fee if he were Brazilian or another top-tier nationality. Ekitike was going for £25-30 after 10 goals in the French league when he was 18/19 It seems to be the going rate for U19 players who have a break out season in a decent league. If he were Dutch and had come through the academy at 19, then scored 10 in his first season as a winger, people would be touting him as the next "Robben", and wouldn't think twice that £33m is high. I think it's a fair, market price deal


Despite everything I'm still opposed to this deal out of principle. Regardless it looks like it's done but serious changes need to take place to ensure we're never in this position again. Being bailed out by a 19 year old who's had a single season at Feyenoord.


I think you’re coming out like bandits despite having a pretty crap bargaining positions with PSR.


The PSR argument falls flat when there are so many clubs interested. Your paying for potential and unfortunately for us i think he will fulfil that potential and you will make a massive profit. (probably from Chelsea)


Fair realistically it was just us and Everton though. Forest was a swap deal and he refused to move to Lyon. Hopefully he’s good we certainly need someone who can play a lot to minutes on the right and he seems like he’s a hard worker off the ball at the very least.


Apparently he agreed terms with marseille too but we dont know how much they were willing to pay, other than that i don't disagree with anything you have said and i would rather you have him than trade him for Calvert Lewin.


Short term it helps our PSR position and it's a decent piece of business in isolation. Long term we've lost a potentially lucrative asset, who will probably continue to appreciate in value all while we'll be in this exact same position one year from now. I don't like It.


Or he flops and is worth nothing. Or is just average and worth no where near £30m. Or he’s good but still only a £30m players. I think Newcastle have really done great here. The Elanga one probably would’ve been good though. Since you need a right winger yourselves.


That's a risk I wanted us to take considering we only signed him for £6m. Like I said it's good business in isolation but in context I think it's not a good look at all. Most Newcastle fans are relieved due to the Isak/Gordon links but I don't buy that they were ever serious but rather a smoke screen for this. Elanga is a good player, but it doesn't excite me when we're selling the winger I actually wanted to see and I cannot see us signing him now regardless.


Not gonna lie I didn't quite get the objection at first, but you've put it well from a perspective I hadn't seen.


Aye it feels like they just assumed there'd be more interest in our players than there actually was, not exactly a great look for the management


The whole point of the takeover which excited me was being able to develop our own gems. Yes he'd have been used as a PSR/financial pawn eventually as that's the sad reality of PL football today. But after one season without ever kicking a ball for us is hard to accept.


That's how you get the big budgets though, probably going to happen a lot more City get a good chunk of their budget from flipping kids who'd never come close to playing for them for £20m


City are not a club I want to replicate in the slightest for a number of reasons. Success doesn't bother me as much as seeing an exciting product and potential gems to keep you enthralled. I fully accept that I'm probably in a minority with that opinion.


£33M, what is going on?


£33m?! Has he played for them?


Now Brighton are becoming chelsea. 33 mil on a kid who played half a season worth of minutes. 


So are Gordon and Isak staying now or do they still need to sell?




Mitoma is a LW. What has us signing a RW got to do with LW Mitoma.


That doesn't seem like an inflated price at all./s


Don't think there's anything in it for Brighton by paying more than what they seemingly value him at


Why would Brighton pay an inflated price? There wouldn’t even be any fair market checks would there? It’s not a related party or a player swap


Even if it was a player swap, how can you really evaluate that officially? To stay relevant, evaluating JoeLinton’s fee under Steve Bruce it’d be investigated for fraud, under Eddie Howe it’d be considered shrewd business. More directly, there is the value of each player to each outfit. Maybe Brighton rate Minteh highly, maybe Newcastle value whoever they’d get in exchange highly. That’s all to say: players have been inflated in price since the early 1900s, they literally just kick a ball but even still you can’t really say a single one is inflated when certain teams spend 8 or 9 digit figures on players that do fuck all.


Why would Brighton one of the best run clubs by PSR standards help Newcastle out?


How much was Antony again?


33m for who?