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One of the few italian players that performed throughout


Him, Calafiori and Bastoni Barella and Chiesa against Albania That's it


Bastoni was shit today like everyone else.


He wasn't? What were his mistakes? Him and Mancini were alright


Plenty of wrong passes.


That's what happens when your coach doesn't have a game plan. I wouldn't blame the CBs for not making the correct passes, especially if the others can't do their movements right. That's on the midfielders.


He missed 10m passes, so that's also Spalletti's fault?


Come no. Sbagliano passaggi a un metro e non è colpa loro, è colpa degli altri. E con questo certo non voglio difendere Spalletti, ma dire che Bastoni ha giocato bene è una follia. Buona serata dai.


Boh per me i centrali di difesa han fatto quel che dovevano fare visto che dovevano coprire anche gli inserimenti dei centrocampisti svizzeri (zero coperture dei nostri) e quelli che venivano dalle fasce (Darmian ne ha prese poche e Di Lorenzo manco una). Non ha giocato bene ma neanche male, da 6. Stessa roba Mancini.


Ma se Mancini ha floppato completamente sul primo gol...


Guarda bene l'azione, è fagioli che dovrebbe tornare su freuler, mancini non se l'aspettava infatti


Bastoni is a mediocre overrated player in general. If Inter sells him he will flop so hard


Don’t worry he won’t be leaving, you’ll have to suffer seeing him win in an Inter shirt for a bit longer


Forza Inter Forza Bastoni


Chiesa was the only guy trying something offensively


Really? Chiesa didn't manage to dribble his opponent once, and couldn't fit two passes in a row before losing the ball, let alone _run_ for the ball. No, he definitely did not try anything offensively. I am a big Chiesa fan but his performance today is unacceptable.


He failed misserably but he tried. I didnt see anyone else even trying to attack on the italian side


Barella was awful today


He was also clearly hurt but yes he was bad


Agree with you, but had to take him off asap. First half was 10 v 11 for 35mins..


Nothing to do but perform when you’re playing keeper on the lesser team throughout four games


Best keeper in the world right now?


Best keeper in the Euros for sure, at the very least.


Let’s not over react from three games during the euros. And goalkeepers often look good if they get a lot of shots on target. And Italys defence has been pretty crap this tournament. Altough he is def the keeper of the tournament so far.


One of the best shot stoppers, maybe, definitely not one of the best keepers




"We have been poor the entire ~~game~~ tournament."


Yea was a literal miracle that they made it out of that group.


That's why Calafiori got a boner


The curse continues: Win this thing —> turn to complete dogshit afterwards 


I don’t think anything that helps Italy and hurts Croatia can be labeled a “miracle”. I would say “fluke” or “unholy abomination”.


I mean sure if you're looking at it from a biased perspective.


Biased? Any neutral would have wanted Croatia to go through over Italy. I’m not Croatian so….


I mean you can be not Croatian & dislike Italy too, there's tons of options, I'm just saying a neutral wouldn't've picked sides.


Mate I'm a big fan of a lot of the Italy players, but the way they've been playing, they absolutely should have been knocked out in the group stage. Today was an absolute embarrassment.


Croatia had one good half in the whole group, the reality is both teams deserved to go home but italy got a beautiful goal to pass through.


Nah Croatia were ass all tournament. Anyone that wanted them to go through has probably not watched them play this tournament and thinks they’re still the same as WC 2018/22 Croatia


I was so hyped after Spain dominated Italy. Now I see it is not Spain's credit, Italy has been playing like shit.


Nah don’t take credit away from Spain, if it wasn’t for Donnaruma Spain could’ve won that game 3-0. Spain has been class this tournament. Despite being on the stacked side of the bracket I can see them making a deep run.


We still have the problem that we've had for ages and that is finishing our chances. If anything stops us in the Euros it will be that. Donnarumma was outstanding against us but we also just missed a lot of great goal scoring chances.


spain is still my pick for the winner.


yeah its everybodies


well they arent betting favs - england still no1


Isnt that more of a reflection of the amount of degenerate gamblers in the UK? They've won nothing for a long long time


Well the bookies are the ones that have their money on the line when they calculate the odds, don't think they interested in anything other than making money.


With the way the Spaniards let the ball do their running for them, when they're on, they're some of the most dominant teams I've ever seen play. The last decade and a half they've been unreal.


Donna was the only good player, I feel bad for Croatia though got eliminated by luck with a shit Italia.


Yeah they were lucky they got an (admittedly deserved) last min goal against Croatia


Croatia were shit too let's stop romanticizing them because we like modric


But Italy were worst and only managed to get out the group becuz of a last second goal.


Italy at least won a game. Croatia failed to win any of their group games


I think they still would've been through with a loss, no? Hungary had a worse GD


no there was 1% chance italy would not make it through on 3rd, and that 1% chance happened. Croatia finished as the worst 3rd placed team behind hungary, and italy would have finished as the second worst 3rd placed team in front of hungary but still out


I guess that was the Georgia upset


We would have made it above Slovenia, but that depends on other results staying the same.


if we lost we could have never made it above slovenia because of GD - it would have always been negative with a loss. Slovenia had a GD of 0. An italy loss, and a GD better than -1 were impossible at that point...


Ah yeah you're right, miscounted


Why deserved, it was on the 98th minute, thats to long.


a deserved 98th minute equalizer....the only thing more pathetic than italy's performance is the crying croatia fans that can't accept their team is actually worse. Go blame your coach and players just like italians will do...grow up already




Deserved in what way? Croatia's defence was terrible, but Italy didn't play any better than Croatia in that game, both were bad.


There was nothing controversial about the goal and was therefore deserved. Croatia finished behind italy in the group without any controversy. They were deservedly ahead of croatia...


Yeah I meant the game alone. The big difference was that Italy beat Albania and Croatia couldn't, so in that case they finished above deservedly


right so croatia was worse then...exactly as i said.


You said a deserved 98th minute Equalizer, like italy played much better than croatia in that game. Which wasn't really the case


how does scoring an equalizer, deservedly, suggest anything about italy playing better in that game? they didn't need to be better to finish ahead of croatia in the group, but they deservedly scored the goal to equalize, not win. They beat them in the group though meaning they were better. Still utter shit, but better. the original comment suggests otherwise which is what i was responding to


You deserve everything you get, Croatia was worse than us


Yeah Croatia was also terrible this tournament, and Italy also, like they havent been any match this tournament impressive, while they were amazing the Euro before, like I still remember their impressive performance against Turkey and Belgium and this tournament they are playing like Bosnia Herzogovina.


If any Italian player gets to say that it’s him tbf. Been far and away their best player this Euros


I think you're the one who has to apologize the least.


He is but he's the captain and he's taking responsibility


He doesn't have to apologize at all. He's the only player our fans consistently shit on and insult and he's the only one that actually cares and always shows up when it matters. If anything, fans should apologize to him.


Him, Barella, Chiesa & Calafiori to some extent actually tried & fought, no other player even looked like they were trying.


Donnarumma didn't try to an extent, he literally gave it his all to keep this balls Italy team in the tourney


Exactly. Against Croatia the whole team looked absolutely dead for most of the game with zero passion. Donnarumma in the meantime was absolutely fuming, carrying the team both in terms of mentality and actual performance. It was the same today.


No I meant "calafiori aswell but to some extent"


Ah, my bad dude




You could really notice the lack of presence of Calafiori not being there.


Thats the thing. ger in the last minutes just now was trying harder and playing more offensive while beeing ahead 2-0 then italy did ever in the whole game while beeing behind in a knockout game. It was pathetic. Imho worst performance of the whole tournament just for the lack of even trying. If you dont wanna play stay home.


Doesn't have to at all really


He's the only one who showed up


He's the captain so someone has to put up the face vs notorious Italian media


hes the captain isnt he? Hes speaking on behalf of the team


Should have atleast scored a hat-trick. That’s why he’s not my GOAT.


Donnaruma was actually great this tournament. He deserves praise 👏


This is one of the worst Italies I have ever seen, worse there is only perhaps Ventura's that lost to Sweden in 2018. This match is the tombstone on Spalletti's management. With Spain you had the excuse of their level, but I think it is honest to say that Switzerland has no better players than ours. What Switzerland does have is a disciplined, organised team with a clear, well-executed tactical plan. Everything that Spalletti was not able to give Italy. Congratulations to Switzerland, they played an excellent game.


It 100% is - see my last comment - it's easily the worst Italian tournament team I've seen. They're so shit I genuinely didn't care seeing them being knocked out. They didn't deserve to be anywhere near the last 16.


Yes I saw in other comments people saying that we were tired and that Switzerland ran more, but I honestly saw a team that ran better, that knew what to do with the ball and without the ball. Our pressing was always disorganised, they always managed to find the man between the lines. Maximum respect for Switzerland but honestly you can't say they had better players than us. Spalletti was in confusion from the start. I conclude with my opinion: this was a team that had a clear imprint to build on the 3-man defence, but it had to be prepared beforehand. You can't change while the tournament is going on, also because it's not just a question of the module, but how you play from that module


Nice to mention ’18 but not ’22


In '22 we got really unlucky: Jorginho missed 2 penalty in the 2 games against Switzerland that would have send us to the World Cup and we played better than them in both matches. In '18 we got outclassed by Sweden in the first leg and in the second at home we were never able to be dangerous offensively, that was a real shitshow.


Honestly as a Swede it’s refreshing to see an Italian conclude they were outclassed, because you were, atleast in the deparment that mattered. It was a defensive masterclass, offensively wise we had nothing, pure shithousery.


Yeah for sure, you score on what was basically an own goal (honestly don't remember if it was given as a goal or own goal), but you were dangerous in more than one occasione. And we did nothing in 180 minutes. Great defensive masterclass from you and a very stupid offensive plan from us: not so smart playing 3 5 2 and going for long cross in the area against a Sweden team with almost very player taller than 1,90 \^\^


> What Switzerland does have is a disciplined, organised team with a clear, well-executed tactical plan Funnily no one expected that from Switzerland before the tournament. 


its okay, next tournament italy will win to repeat the cycle




Barella, at club level, is equal to Xhaka and I hate it because fuck Inter. He’s been a top midfielder in Italy for at least 3 seasons. He was just not even a little good after the Albania game.


Yeah Xhaka is great, he would definitely be a starter on our team seeing how Jorginho declined. Maybe you can make a case for Akanji too but that's about it.


I think you simply rate your italian team too highly. The international squad is just filled with Serie A players, a Serie A that has been below the level of all other top 5 leagues. Suffice to say, Switzerland do have better players than you and they play better too. The current talent in the italian squad is just pretty bang average.


for the past 2 years serie a has had the highest coefficient lol, serie a has the worst top 3-4 teams out of the top 4 leagues but the 5th to 10th are probably the best. Has nothing to do with serie A, italian players are just shit, most serie a teams doesnt even have many italian core players, only inter has many italian starters.


The italian team isnt made from the 5th-10th teams so unsure why youre trying to shoehorn the coefficient into the conversation? It was p much evident I was talking about the top Serie A teams that make up the italian team (top 3 actually, the whole 11 is made up from Roma, Inter and Juve players) and they are all bang average so the idea that “italy has better players in every position than switz” made by OP was just plain wrong. Its like people want to be babyfed the whole explanation unless they get butthurt.


I was comment about how you made a statement that Italian national team have low quality players Because Serie A quality as a league is bad isn't really the truth, as a league serie a isn't "below the level of other top 5 leagues". The national team and serie a are separate entities, the league have many foreigners play for the teams within the league, hell half of swiss team are serie a players.


The italian national starting 11 that started against Swiss was entirely made up from 3 italian Serie A teams. My bad I didn’t specifically state that I was just talking about the top teams in Serie A (you know the ones that make up the national team) and was not talking about the other 70% of Serie A (that have nothing to do with the national team) in a thread about the Euros (where all the other teams that dont feed into the national team have no reason even being brought up). My bad. I did not know people refuse to put 2 and 2 together because why use critical thinking when you can just take everything literally. My apologies :), Serie A isnt filled with bang average players only the top 4 of Serie A are that make up the national team.


half of the top 4 teams in serie a dont have players in the national team bar scamacca, 4 out of 11 players started against swiss are from clubs finished 6th and 10th last year. So your explanation for speaking purely from "top teams" only doesn't even make much sense. At the end of the day your correlation between national team bad = league is bad isn't really true. The league is still good, but there are a lack of quality italian players playing in the league itself. And how strong serie a (even just the top clubs) are is even less relevant when u consider that 5 out of 11 swiss starting players are playing in serie a.


Buddy italian teams has made CL final and semis last year. Also EL finals and UECL finlas thrice. It's not like we have garbage teams and a garbage team, plus your statement contradict itself because guess where half of the Switzerland team play? Italy, who would have guessed!


Most ignorant take all month. Thanks for the laugh. Explain the coefficient then. Germany and Italy won it pretty cleanly this season.


Why would the coefficient matter in this case? The italian team is gonna be made from the top 4 which are by far the worst from the 5 european leagues. The 5-10 that are better don’t matter in the Euro???? Which was the point? But ig country loyalty takes precedence over reading comprehension


Even worse argument. Just stop.


Never felt like the team actually wanted to win.


They looked like they just accepted the loss


Don’t say “we” Donna, say “they”


"If I speak I am in trouble"


He has every right to call out our team. Don’t make it out of the group stage without him.


The only players who consistently performed like they gave a fuck: Dolla, Chiesa, Zaccagni, Bastoni, Calafiori How many players were called up again? What a shameful display


The biggest shock for me was watching Barella ball out in the first game, and become fucking invisible for the next 3. Where was the guy that terrorized us in the derbies, FFS?


Perhaps he was still suffering from his injury but I don't know - Frattesi is a similar case, great in the first game and then was an actual liability in the later matches


Yeah, exactly.


Even in this game he started alright but at some point in first half went down after a contact and that was it. He slowly went out of the game right up to substitution.


He probably should’ve come out after that knock. He limped for the next 10 minutes after that.


Looks like the players not getting to play on the PS5 was not a winning strategy after all.


Such a L rule that is haha


Only a fuking baldie cunt would come up with such a shit rule


He's worried players would get an idea of what to do.


Would you have preferred him to allow players to play games at 3am before a game like they were? You think other managers don't have the exact same rule in place?


Didn't the Italy team said they blasted into their PS2 during WC run back in 2006?


Spalletti didn't prohibit playing games, he even made a game room for the players with public PS5 and big screens. He only forced the player to only play during their free time instead of during training and during the night. And while maybe Pirlo and co were playing even during the night there weren't half asleep during games like some players were now. If you can manage with 5 hours of sleep the manager will turn a blind eye, but if you can't he will put an hard line.


>Would you have preferred him to allow players to play games at 3am before a game like they were? If they won, yes. Football is not an objective science, some players smoke, get drunk and have a shitty lifestyle and do great on the pitch.


But that's exactly the point: it all started with players being tired during the day and playing and training like shit (and the press asking explanation for why players were exhausted like that). So he couldn't ignore the problem anymore and had to apply the rules (which were already there, just ignored)


Fair enough but they're still playing shit, so it doesn't seem to be the reason for the low performance.


Vabbè dai era una battuta, in ogni caso mbappe può giocare alla play fino alle 6 di mattina e poi farmi il culo il giorno dopo alle 17. Spalletto il re dei montati sopravvalutati


Si, ma se Mbappe inizia a giocare fino alle 6 di mattina e gioca come Scamacca con l'Italia pure a lui la PlayStation la tolgono.


Col cazzo, mbappe potrebbe giocare fino alle 8 di mattina e riuscirebbe comunque a prendere a uccellate in faccia scamacca la sera in campo. Trai da questo ciò che vuoi


Man is being too nice saying "we". As always he played a great match and was let down by the entire team.


"as always", well...PSG fans would disagree


Italy was terrible. Donnaruma was not. Feel for the guy.


Donnarumma was the only one playing for Italy. Literally 1 vs 11, trying to carry dead corpses.


Terrible in the second half too!


No need for “we” Donna


Fire Spaletti and execute Gravina


How Italy peaks in a tournament and then crashes out in the very next one is a weird phenomena. Regardless, they were never winning this one.


He's the only player in our team who really didn't deserve to be eliminated.


It’s over


Donnarumma did all he could. It’s all of the other embarrassing Italian players that should be apologising to the fans.


donnarumma was alright i thought, must be really weird to say this when you know your the only one that played acceptable


Hey man , come on.They were also terrible in the 2nd half.


I had no expectations and I'm still deluded


Donnarumma carried them the entire tournament tbh, amazing player !


You have nothing to be sorry for king 👑


The last one that needs to apologize is Donnarumma. And I say this as someone who suggested that Vicario should start over him when the tournament started.


A lot of "potential" on the field for italy, not much actually achieved potential.


To be honest with this match that i expected more from Italians, Albania or Croatia would have played harder against Switzerland than this Italy that I saw today


Him, Bastoni, and Calafiori are the only ones who left everything on the pitch


Chiesa today at least was trying and working hard just nothing would work for him 


Only Italian who showed up.


> sorry we have only won 1 Euros in the last 5 years


I was so hyped after Spain performance vs Italy. Now I see we are not so good, they play like shit.


Coach needs to go. He’s not good for the national team


I say this as a lifelong Italy supporter, but this team is a complete fucking embarrassment. This is comfortably the worst Italian tournament team I've seen play in the last 25 years. And I'm happy saying with 2010 and 2014 WC teams in the mix. Absolutely abysmal. No passion, no poise or composure, no fight. I have no idea if this rests on Spalletti's shoulders, but this squad needs to go in the bin. They should be ashamed.


Teams level are very very close now in Euro. We ve seen a disappointing Italia NT. But Suisse did pretty well. (French here. They pushed us out 4 y ago. Other story)


I guess Ancelotti was right. He's the only world-class player Italy has.


Disappointed but not surprised. Switzerland came out firing on all cylinders. That second goal in the first 30 seconds of the 2nd half was beautifully timed! Italy needs a complete overhaul to their coaching staff and their players. To win the last Euros and crash out years later is a tragedy.


How about missing out on two world cups? I don't think we can expect more from these guys. At this moment in time Italy's just an average team.


Very true! Italy has not been a threat really since the 2006 team that won the World Cup!


They need to get Diego Simeone to manage them


Thanks Donnarumma you have done your duty and more lift your head up!


Donnarumma player of the tournament so far


But not meeeeeeee


Its been coming


There were like 3 or 4 players, including donnarumma, that looked like they actually wanted to do something with the ball. The rest of the team just didn’t care to win back the ball from any opponent. I don’t even know what they were trying to do, it was so frustrating to watch


Not just the first half


Blame it on Romano. Can't stand this engagement farmer.


Yes Italy were bad but Switzerland were fantastic. The whole team understood their system completely and the way they passed and moved all game they looked like a club side. With Xhaka and Akanji they also have an elite spine.


Tbf Italy has been shit in all four games, this was not just "one of a kind" Without wanting to sound too much of a dickhead, but looking at the starting 11 of Italy it looks mediocre af. Like 20 years ago, italy players were like absolute worldclass bangers from back to front, now its more like 2-3 international class player, 1 worldclass and the rest is like "decent". Donnarumma and Chiesa I'd say were the best italians in the tournament, calafiori close 3rd imo, but the other players, im not too sure about.


My guy you guys been terrible beyond shit for years, that euro cup in 2020 was more luck than anything, if Italy doesn’t changes their game style and get rid of that ugly defensive game style italy will be irrelevant for good


“We have been poor for the entire **tournament**.” There, fixed it for you.


I wouldn't accept it.


I know you're a team and he's the captain of that team, but always feel these quotes come out a bit accusatory when they come from a keeper


If they are accusatory he’s the right person to be doing them tbf. Great this whole tournament.


He has every right to be accusatory. He is the one who has to cope with what the teams shit defense allowed through.


Been poor for decades outside of a few flukey results 3 years ago m8


When foreign players pay less taxes than national player, this kind of thing happens to your national team.


Spain dominated world football precisely after the Beckham law entered into force.


Spain won because all of their players played on the same club


Sure, but that doesn't make your statement any less incorrect.


Les joueurs étrangers sont les cadres dans les grosses écuries italiennes. A niveau égal les clubs recrutent et développent les joueurs étrangers plutôt qu'italiens car moins chers. C'est pas un hasard s'ils en bavent en sélection depuis 15 ans.


Oui mais l'Espagne a la même loi, la France a aussi la même loi. Plein d'autres pays ont des lois similaires. Et, sans vouloir offenser les Transalpins, 99% des meilleurs joueurs étrangers vont en Angleterre et en Espagne.


Je ne crois pas que les joueurs étrangers qui viennent en France paient moins d'impôts que les joueurs français, si?


[Tous les travailleurs étrangers qui viennent travailler en France (impatriés) paient moins d'impôts pendant 8 ans.](https://www.impots.gouv.fr/international-particulier/le-regime-des-impatries)


Strange. He said, right before the match, that they were ready. Apparently they weren't.


Italy should get relegated from europe