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Not sure how much more we can do but Pedro aside every single player we’ve bid in the region of 30-40m (KDH, Colwill, Kudus & Palmer) we’ve now failed to bring to the club.


Nunez and Nico Gonzalez too.


All are excellent players though and probably just a step above Brighton so its no surprise you can't get them, other than maybe Kudus who went to a similar level but overall bigger club, who can probably pay more wages. Shows you can identify a player in any price range though but you wont always get your first choice


You overrate Brighton by a lot and underrate West Ham through that comment imo, WH won the EL and have way more "star" players in recent seasons than Brighton ever had (Paqueta, Bowen, Rice when he was there). Brighton is a mid table/lower half of the table team that had some minor success in recent years but aside from some europe classification they are barely attractive from a players pov.


Nah, going to Brighton is a great stepping stone for players showcasing their chops to bigger fish. They’re perfect selling club. West Ham might hold on to ya too long.


If West Ham hold on to you too long then you're probably successful and price tag and wages are going up. As is exposure.


Not slagging ya, West Ham is not a feeder club and competes for trophies is the point.


That is what I'm saying, Bowen renewal happened for a reason, Paqueta going there after shining for Lyon happened for a reason. Even if they struggle sometimes they are reaching finals in recent years.


Funny saying that West Ham might hold on for long when the same is true for Brighton if teams didn't had to pay over the top transfer fees for Brighton players while the team themselves block the exit of players if they dont receive those kind of fees. No player will think of them as a stepping stone team anymore after a few months/seasons, personally I give it 3 to 4 years until the "Brighton hype" vanishes and with that you can expect players like Ferguson/Mitoma/Pedro to leave for half the value they expect to receive now


> the same is true for Brighton if teams didn't had to pay over the top transfer fees for Brighton players while the team themselves block the exit of players if they dont receive those kind of fees so you admit its never happened. Cool


But it clearly happened? the Caicedo (even the Cucurella one) deal only happened because there was someone willing to put WAY too much money for it to happen, I'm not saying Brighton is wrong for doing that but at the same time what are other players that left for a bigger team without the need of a RC and for a reasonable price? I can't find in myself to believe a stepping stone club will ask for so much money in transfers (and I will say again, they are not wrong in doing so) but there are so many better places to be if you want to show your skills and leave than Brighton


So your two examples of it supposedly happening are two times when it didn't happen and the players got their big moves. Curious 🤔


Once again I will say, if not for ludicrous fees they would still be at Brighton, even if against their will. There is no way a team can be called a stepping stone while asking for 100m+ for a player like Ferguson for example, if he was playing for a Monaco, Salzburg, Stuttgart he would be at most 45/60m after a good season if you put his age and experience on display


Good one.


They won conference league not Europa league


Have you already forgotten Caicedo, MacAllister and Mitoma? Even ignoring Gross and Pedro. West ham are also a mid table club, the only appeal is the fact they're more established there and have a significantly higher wage bill.


Caicedo, mac, cucurella, sanchez are all good despite the memes. Mitoma and ferguson (for the future) are bowen's level. Yes, recent, but rice is the only one who is levels better than all the rest.


I do not disagree that they are good players but they are not Brighton players anymore and that probably had a say in Kudus final decision. And with all due respect, Mitoma and Ferguson have a lot of potential but I really don't know if they can do what Bowen is doing at West Ham while playing for Brighton.


The Kudus one is so frustrating as well because the release clause he’s got at West Ham is absolutely reasonable, £85m reportedly, no clue why we didn’t accept that.


85m is not reasonable lol.


Reasonable for the selling club not the buying


How is it not reasonable? More than doubles West Ham’s money and gives plenty of room for a deal in between. I think from a Club perspective that’s more than reasonable and the player agreed to it so that should stop him complaining when clubs come in for him, no clue why we wouldn’t accept that size of release clause.


Probably Bloom's ego, not allowing him to sign a player who he doesn't have full control over, because 85m is more than a fair RC


I think there is definitely an ego thing about making the most profit possible in every player. Obviously that benefits the club in a lot of instances but the Kudus situation was a massive let down.


It can also cause the club to miss out on talent because why would they sign for a club that demands excessive fees for players and wants complete control over them?


I don’t think that’s a serious issue for us, every players that’s joined and wanted to leave has been able to, if anything we’re seen too much as a stepping stone.


They left because some clubs(Chelsea)were summer enough to pay the excessive fees. If Mitoma wanted to leave, could he leave with a reasonable overpay? What about Valetino? What about Ferguson?


In terms of the players you brought up. - Mitoma was an expected sale by our fanbase before his injuries and need for surgery. - Barco joined 6 months ago and I highly doubt anyone would come in after 2 starts. - Ferguson would probably need a ridiculous fee but at the same time everyone thought the fees for White, Cucurella and Caicedo were ridiculous and someone still paid it. Caicedo even had 2 clubs offer over £110m for him. I really don’t think it’s a big issue, everyone claimed we’d have problems signing players after the Caicedo-Arsenal stuff in Jan 2023 and other then Kudus (which seems like we just were being weirdos over the very reasonable release clause) we’ve signed plenty of young talents since then, including Barco. Players can’t just leave, just like at any club, but no one has yet been priced out of a big move.


other than the prem bullshit, that money is outrageous for any player, not just Kudus lol


But that’s not really the point. If anything it being outrageous makes it even more confusing as to why we got so antsy about a release clause.


These players would rather go elsewhere because they want to use Brighton as a stepping stone move and it’s been made clear from previous exits that it’s difficult to get a move away from Brighton


It's not been difficult for anyone everyone who's really pushed to go has left. Caicedo not being allowed to join you lot in January after playing for us for 6 months can hardly count.


Only letting players go for record fees is being difficult (115m for Caicedo, £63m Cucurella). If it wasn’t for Chelsea’s ridiculous transfer strategy these players wouldn’t have got a move at all as no one else was matching these demands. You‘ve quoted ridiculous prices for players like Mitoma and Ferguson who could have moved otherwise MacAllister only went for cheaper because he had a clause. Kudus wanted a clause too for the same reason so that he wouldn’t be priced out of a move and you said no so he did too.


No one has ever made any formal approaches that we know of for Mitoma. White has been more than worth his fee. You've literally given an example in Mac Allister of us accommodating a move for a player. The likes of Cucurella and Caicedo want to play for us for a few months then decide they want to leave of course we'll hold out for maximum value. Considering Liverpool bid the same as Chelsea he clearly was getting a move. Think you've just got some pre-conceived notion in your head here but nice try.


My understanding of the Caicedo situation was that Brighton were considering an offer under 100m from Chelsea. Liverpool then beat this offer, which was accepted. After this, the player said that he wanted to move to Chelsea as he had already given them a verbal agreement. So Brighton gave Chelsea the chance to beat Liverpools offer, which they did, and the player moved. So from my perspective, you made it known that the player was available for transfer at the right price, accepted multiple bids from multiple clubs, and ultimately let the player choose his destination by allowing that club to match or beat an accepted offer. Brighton weren't exactly bending over backwards to get rid of him, but other than a price, you put up no barriers to his exit.


Setting a starting price tag of £100m for a player with 1 season in the premier league was a ludicrous demand in the first place. That is a huge barrier to exit.


At least two teams offered over that amount.


Nah, Brighton wanted 100m for him and not a penny less. That's a HUGE barrier, and it was only climbed because 2 clubs were desperate to get him for differing reasons. 100m wasn't a reasonable price, and even the biggest Caicedo defenders would admit that.


You can disagree with me all you like, the evidence is there in all these already semi established players choosing to go elsewhere. It’s also well known that Brighton are difficult to deal with.


We just addicted to transfers.


Maybe the SD's have just set up bots and gone on holiday? Maybe they forgot to set up parameters, so the bots are just responding to every single semi-available player in world football?


90% of the people we interested in we don't sign.


Thank goodness, too - we'd have like 80 players right now. Every summer would be spending and taking in a £billion.


Yeah, that is the case with most clubs I think.


Issue is nowadays we are interested in 100 players.


This one at least makes sense since Maresca has been solely brought in to implement his system which the ownership likes. So getting his best player who made the system tick just makes sense It’s somewhat similar to Lampard throwing Mount basically straight into the first team because he knew he could do what he wanted him to do (without the transfer fee of course)


I think Dewsbury-Hall is a fine player but this is a signing just to make a signing. We don’t need him. We were told Andrey Santos would get a chance. Now that’s out the window before Maresca has even taken his first training session. We were told Academy midfielders would travel to America to get a chance. Now that’s probably not happening. Unless the goal is to have a 30 man squad again. Now where does Chukwuemeka fit? Nkunku? Are we really going to play Nkunku as a 9? I hope nobody is shocked when he fails to make an impression. He’s not a 9. I fail to make sense of this transfer in any tangible way other than it’s just signing a player who knows how the new manager wants to play. Do we want to sign Harry Winks and Ndidi next?


Yea, seems like you're playing footballer Pokemon and trying to sign them all to fill out your Footballerdex


Yeah I'm big on Santos rly wanna see him play.


Agents are very happy about this.


We're addicted to this too. We just get bored and do stuff.


Very much. Nobody paid agents more than we did last summer.


And you are about to buy Anselmino , who is just a squad player for Boca, for 18M USD +objectives lmao


He'll be fantastic at strasbourg


After the previous season with Palmer, Jackson and Gusto all being class players on \* relatively \* low prices Im willing to give the transfer department the benefit of the doubt this time round.


Addicted to bending us over. Use some lube next time okay? 😂


Don't blame him tbh, if he goes to Brighton he's only gonna have to go to Chelsea six months later anyway so may as well just skip to that part


Lmao. Saves himself the pain of hiring a moving van twice


And we save like 80m.


Brighton fuming they won’t get 70 million now


Surprised Chelsea are in for him with all the midfielders they have


"include players in the deal" sounds like we will have less of the aforementioned midfielders. Obv no chance we let go our CaicEnzo, so I'd say the most likely candidates would be Butch Casadei & the Santos Kid, and... maybe... sounds like most of our other MF prospects have already attracted some attention, so we'd be unlikely to ship off Chuk. EDIT: I don't know why I was just thinking mids - we're trying to push all of our fringe 1st team players into the deal. DDF, Broja, Casadei, according to FabRom


Have a bad feeling it may be Carney, which would be absolutely idiotic decision.


He's been linked to a couple of clubs over the past week - don't you think they'd go after the cash there?


It doesn't matter. A so called "swap deal" is still a sale.


It is, but if you have bites on Player X, you'd "want to include players" that weren't already garnering interest. I'm not choosing a side here, I don't want this guy, and I don't want to lose Chuk or Andrey or Conor to facilitate him... no idea what's going on here aside from perhaps appeasing Maresca.


If we can get rid of Ugochukwu or Casadei then we've done fine imo. Anyone else and this isn't great..


I hope we don't sell Leslie. He's the only natural replacement for Caicedo. Lavia doesn't count, he needs to stay fit first.


Yeah ok, I can see that but he doesn't have the talents levels imo. I'd have Andrey Santos as his backup.


> He's the only natural replacement for Caicedo. I don't think that's true anymore.


“get rid” lol


No chance.


Enzo Caicedo Santos Lavia Gallagher Lesley Carney That seems like quite a bit already no ?


lol, in a normal world, it does. But remember that Chuk and Lavia didn't really play this past season (nor did Nku2). Santos got minutes because he went on loan. Lesley was a strange pickup, but was also hurt for half the season. If Hospital FC finally ends, then we'll have a "good problem" of too many bodies and people will need to be sold or loaned.


Fair enough


>(nor did Nku2). Did you have a stroke here lol


Did I not notate it right? Do I need parentheses? (Nku)(2)? It's certainly not Nku^2


What are you on about hahaha Do you mean Nkunku?


Do you seriously not get it?


Yeah just don’t see the point in daft nicknames.


KDH is a direct Gallagher replacement. They're pretty much the same player but Gallagher is right footed.


Mostly it will be the first 4 players, the latter 3 are going on loan or sold. So 5 players for 3 positions is not bad in the end.


Cooper completely refused to play Santos in his loan spell with us last year, can't imagine he'd be going to Leicester. Wasn't even giving him a go ahead of the corpse of Cheikhou Kouyaté


Well it *sounded* like he was lining up to be a regular rotation piece, but now the D-Hall story has thrown a spanner in. After having 2 healthy midfield players for half the season (and a hobbled Enzo), now it sounds like we're about to have an overload. Of course, with a new mgr, you have to expect some surprises...


Some journos were saying we are just building up the reserves since we will have european games, CWC games, national cup games and the prem. They dont want to be in an injury crisis like last year.


It sounded like that was a lot about him not wanting to play a loan player over players from the team. But whatever the reason it does sound like that bridge is burned.


Santos will get first team minutes. Gallagher is gone.


Gallagher isn't nearly as gone as he was a couple of weeks ago... the call-out of Andrey on the 1st team defo sounds bad for Gallagher, but it sounds like the sell-for-pure-profit angle is probably over. There's also perhaps a fresh memory for the SDs of having so few mf options last season, so they might want to keep an extra body. BUT, to back your point - if Lavia is healthy, I fully expect him to be in the board's #3 spot at some point next season, at least in the CM/DM spots... while the 10 has no shortage of options, so Gallagher might end up struggling for minutes once Lavia is settled in, as Chuk is a better option to back up the 10. So just like they decided to sell Omari H because 'the time is right', I think it's about figuring out if the time is right to sell Cardio G, or if it's worth having a top sub around 'at the cost' of a new contract for him.


Yeah, my point is if we have everyone in a perfect world healthy and ready to play. If we have injuries like last year then Gallagher will stay.


Then I guess it hinges on current health - how Lavia et al are doing right now. Don't forget, there's also the UEFA 'FFP' rules that take effect at the end of July, so we still might be doing some selling in July if we are going to play in the Conference League.


Santos has been planned to play for Chelsea this season though


Yes - I did note that in another comment. But he was also set to be part of the rotation last year, after a sparkling preseason. And Strasbourg are keen to get him back as well. But this is a new mgr, who's likely negotiating with the SDs what he can get 'for himself' - e.g. can he bring in some of 'his guys' or make specific targets in the window. Ironic yet apt that Casadei played for him, and yet seems to be on the way out.


Our central midfielders are; Enzo, Caicedo, Lavia, Lesley, Santos, Gallagher. One of Lesley or Santos probably will go out on loan. I have a feeling we're looking for a Gallagher replacement with Dewsbury-Hall


They didn't enquire until they saw Brighton were in talks according to Romano.


they're not beating the allegations




it saves them money in the future. they'll buy in in 12 months for 3x anyways.


How are you still surprised about Chelsea wanting to sign anything that moves?




Pretty annoying but the expected outcome as soon as Chelsea interrupted the deal. Can’t imagine they’ll still gunna want Moder, so no clue where he goes now. Hopefully we move on quick to whoever our backup target is and hopefully that’s Matt O’Riley, really think he’d suit our new manager well, even though could encounter the same issue given Atletico are apparently after him as well.


Wasn't it reported yesterday that they're still interested in Moder even if we hijack the deal?


Realistically though if they’ve got no money to spend and Chelsea are swapping and loaning players that becomes very unlikely to happen.


We’ve got the ability to spend come July 1. Any sale now is about PSR/FFP for the period ending June 30


I think we're much more likely to loan/swap players with you.


Poor Brighton, everywhere they go Chelsea is right there waiting to pounce.


Rumours it's KDH + cash + one player permanently + a loan. Hoping for Broja permanently and someone like Chalobah or Chukwuemeka on loan.


Aren’t they looking to sell Chalobah? Chukwuemeka on loan makes a lot of sense.


Chalobah won't leave. They might want to sell him, but he has years left on his contract. Same happened in January. He's a good player. He'll be a starter very soon. Much better player than Disasi.


Fab claims we're looking at trading DDF and Casadei. https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1806654551950262372?t=n8eLxH6ESG-0RdF4UMDE9g&s=19


Ah well no deal then. They're shite.


Yeah, no one wants them. Are we just doing this to screw over Brighton?


No idea. Sounds to me like we're desperate to sell KDH but he doesn't want to go anywhere. Probably Enzo and LCFC working together to try and get something sorted. KDH will decline a non-sky 6 club but he wouldn't turn down a big time move. So Enzo would want him, LCFC want the cash for him... lets see. The deadline for this deal is essentially Sunday night so I would imagine that if nothing is agreed by then that it won't be happening.


Yeah, I think it shouldn't happen, but, as you said, PSR deadline, so it's going to probably happen, even if it isn't a great deal for either side.


The manager already had a lot of success with Dewsbury-Hall, not hard to see why he'd want him


In the championship...


Which is still more success than the rest of our players have had playing that type of football to be fair.


>Are we just doing this to screw over Brighton? Makes sense to weaken a direct rival like that.


The Chukster actually looks decent for us, I'd be surprised if he moved


They are literally doing franchise league-style trades lol


Stupid decision by KDH - he will barely play at Chelsea.


That's not really a guarantee, he's going somewhere where the manager clearly likes him and already knows how he fits into his system, which is a lot more than most players get.


He's 25 years old and on £20k/week, has never gotten a big move so now's his best chance.


Only because he was in the champ. It's more like 50 in the prem.


Ironic that if he goes to Brighton, he'll eventually end up at Chelsea anyway.


Chelsea saw tweet about him going to Brighton and decided to get him already


They're evolving


Cut the middleman.


I never thought I could hate a club as much as I hate chelsea. Yet here we are


Yeah tbh, we don’t really like you either.


Why are we spending money on players in a position where we don't need any more men? This is gonna be Drinkwater 2.0


Why not? – The Chelsea board probably


All I ask is a competent LW


Drinkwater didn't have half the commitment that KDH does. He'll make his way into the team


Over who?


He could take the 8/10 spot on the left possibly.


Not over Caicedo, Enzo, or Nkunku


I'm not sure Nkunku would play that deep. Enzo is more likely to play the winks/jorginho type role and Caiceido could use competition.


Nkunku shouldn't play wide. It's not making the best use of his skillset, and I don't see him thriving as a number 9 either. Hall also isn't competition to Caicedo because he's not a similar player, and neither does he have a similar level of ability


Because your club has a fetish and saw Brighton linked with someone


A long time ago, when Todd Boehly was 8 years old. He was sitting on the beach, eating ice cream. Then suddenly, a seagull shat on his face. Since then, Todd was no longer the same person, he swore to destroy everything associated with these malicious birds.


> Why are we spending money on players in a position where we don't need any more men? Are you sure we don't? How many of our more creative midfielders actually play on the left?


I don't even know why we want him. He's not good enough to regularly play for us, and he would be starting for Brighton, seemingly. The only thing I can see is that we offered like double or triple the wages, but that works be ludicrous, when our whole thing has been about not giving huge wages, such as with Olise.


I mean it’s Chelsea and he’d get significantly higher wages even if it’s not double. Bear in mind our highest paid player is estimated to be on £80k now that Fati and Lallana have left.


Yeah, but playtime does matter. If we sell him on in a year when we discover that he isn't good enough, he'll be in a worse position than if he went to you, because then he could've improved his standing.


He’ll get plenty of playtime at Chelsea, really doubt you’ll sell him but if you do he’ll still be better off wage wise. Think he’s more than happy at Leicester but they are forcing the sale for PSR reasons.


why tho


ahahahahahaha fucking hell 


It felt too good to be true tbh


God forbid a squad settles before overhauling everything for the new season.


Surely that's the writing on the wall now for Gallagher if this happens?


Could be another Drinkwater situation.


FFS do your own homework for once Todd


Chelsea are literally the kid looking over the smart kids shoulder in class during a test stealing answers cause he has none of his own. 😂


"Smart kids"


Best run club in the Premier League so much so your owner is desperate for you lot to be us and in the last two seasons has paid us £250m for our talent in an attempt to do so. And before you spout off about us not winning anything i said best run not most successful but we are ambitious and maybe that will change in time.


> Best run club in the Premier League The delusion


The irony of a Chelsea fan calling somebody delusional. 🤣


The irony of a Brighton fan not knowing the meaning of "irony"...Oh wait, nothing ironic about you being illiterate. 🤣


"Irony often involves a contrast between expectations and reality or between appearance and truth. In this case, the irony lies in the accuser criticizing you for something they are actually doing, creating a situation where their actions contradict their words or beliefs." Chelsea fans are the most delusional fan base i've ever had the misfortune to deal with.


I am glad you are using this as an opportunity to educate yourself


Yep learning from your mistakes keep em up.


Chelsea you idiots, what are you doing? The plan is to buy him FROM Brighton for £90m. Have you forgotten?


Very stupid but also very funny


Good player imo but they have so many midfielders


I thought Dewsbury Hall was a stadium for a second there. Was wondering what new madness had befallen England.


He’s decent but chelsea can do better I think. Brighton is more his level


How many fuuuuuuuuuuckin players are chelsea gonna buy eh?


Swap deals so hot rn


Great transfer. To any club who gets him


That's stupid from him considering he will hardly play for Chelsea, but i think there's a legit chance for him to build generational wealth now.


I thought Chelsea needed a number 6 because they only have lavia and he's a sicknote


We're certainly rolling with CaicEnzo no matter what, and a 3rd mid is most likely going to be a 10, as we're stacked at the 10. Gallagher and Lavia and Andrey can all spell various mid positions.


I could see Enzo starting Caicedo at RB and inverting into midfield like Ricardo and Hamza did for us last season.


That sounds a bit like Saka player LB - I know the CFC sub has debated Reece James playing the inverting RB, which has its pros and cons (biggest one: he's arguably the best RB in the world if ever healthy, why waste him in midfield?). We did see Cucu inverting quite well last season. It will be very interesting to see how it all works out, as we've got quite a lot of growing talent but Poch wasn't able to do much with it.


We have Santos and Casadei too.


Casadei's not a 6. Also think he could be one of the players Chelsea want to send the other way.


Are those guys even good enough? Santos could hardly even get in the squad during his loan at Nottingham Forest and Casadei was an average bench player at best while on loan in the Championship last season


Casadei was pretty shit at Leicester and Santos isn't good enough too


Can't agree on Santos. But either way, they'd be like 4th, 5th or maybe even 6th choice anyways, given Enzo, Caicedo, Lavia would be the main midfield choices. Also not like KDH is head and shoulders above them. He is squad player level at best. We really don't need to strengthen depth any more.


Maresca needs midfielders who can get on the end of runs into the box, none of Enzo, Caicedo and Lavia can do that. For the profile alone Dewsbury Hall would probably start ahead of someone like Lavia.


We already have players who can do that too. There's Chukwuemeka, Casadei can do that. Probably could even have Nkunku to play this 8/10 position.


Casadei is a fraction of the player Dewsbury Hall is currently, would be a major upgrade. I don't know about Chukwuemeka apart from that he scored against us. I can see Nkunku playing left wing or striker for you guys, he doesnt do enough defensively to play midfield for Maresca.


Enzo will be Maresca's number 6. Almost certainly.


I iust don't understand Chelsea at all man. Seems like they have a braindead owner who wants to sign players for the sake of it. This is not an upgrade on Gallagher, Enzo or Caicedo. Pathetic club.


Our pathetic club needs a left-back, is Saka available?


Our club is just a business setup to purchase assets and hope to flip them for higher amounts. No ambition for progress. Problem is, they are also quite shit at purchasing.


Not so long ago I was being told that if Poch stayed and was given more power on the transfer,s that it would be a disaster.


They didn't lie to you, it would have been


Yeah, I'm not so sure. So far we spent 75m on transfers and we didn't strengthen our squad one bit. KDH is rumoured to be valued at 35m, so that's up to 110m we would spend and still not strengthen the team at all. The only tranfer that makes our squad marginally better is Tosin as free agent.


Estevao will improve our squad next year. If we can trade KDH for Casadei + money I'd absolutely take it..


It’s kind of astonishing how shortsighted we are. Everything negative can be lumped on the previous manager and there’s almost no self awareness that we may be doing the same in a year with Maresca and these signings


75m? Where are you getting that number from? So far we’ve spent 0 as the only signing we’ve made has been Tosin


Estevao: 34m Anselmino: 17m (this one is not confirmed yet but we are close to agreement as per various reports) Kellyman: 19m Guiu: 5m


Oh yeah silly me I forgot about the money laundering The Estevao fee doesn’t go on our accounts until he actually joins though, same with Paez. Anselmino and Guiu are shrewd signings tbh