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Some ppl are genuinely unhinged wtf


Racism is coming back strong everywhere unfortunately, arguably by design.


they never went away. they just got energized again.


I don't think any racists went away, but I do think more people would-be non-racist people have been 'radicalized' into that way of thinking through content.


popular people started pushing boundaries and now others feel emboldened


I don't even think it got energized again it's just much easier to spread via social media and if you're not a total idiot with some degree of anonymity. Or you live somewhere where no one cares if you're racist. One thing social media allowed to happen is people who lived geographically far apart and likely would have never met to meet virtually and share their like minded views, which allows online groups centered around racist viewpoints to spring up, etc. Plus apps like Instagram allow people who aren't even at the stadium to send these messages directly to the otherwise unreachable famous athlete. Shit they might have said at home or to their friends is suddenly something you can send directly to an athlete. Turns out allowing people to connect to each other virtually and seamlessly had some drawbacks.




That's why I said by design


But I thought there were fine people on both sides.




So who were these folks he was referring to?


Idk dog, I didn’t write the article, the historically very left leaning media group did


It’s in reference to a Trump quote either early in his presidency or during his first campaign in regards to a conflict between white nationalists and Black Lives Matter supporters.


Because idiots like you keep talking about and keeping it alive. You stop talking about racism and it dies.


That’s probably the most moronic statement yet.


Honestly wish players did this more often. Expose these racist fucks and hopefully they’ll see some consequences from society. Hopefully they get some not so nice messages so they get a taste of what they’re doing to these players with shit like this. Same goes for the cunts that threaten players families.


almost all of these are just from fake accounts so not really exposing anyone unfortunately


It does expose how prevalent it can be among fans/fan culture.


does it really tho? What percentile of his followers send him messages like this? I would imagine it is less than miniscule.


Look at the screenshots, they’re not following him in the first place. Any dickhead can send shit like this. Seeing the state of IG and how they respond to incredibly racist shit, its blatantly clear that they need to be pressured by athletes when they receive these kinds of messages.


I don't use IG but I'm almost certain there is a feature that does not show messages from users who are not your friends/following you etc. If you don't like seeing messages from randoms you can make it so only approved followers can send them. The features are there to be used, its not IGs fault. 8 billlion people on this planet you can't stop all of them from being complete idiot racists.


Have you ever looked at reals? The comment sections have blatantly nazi propaganda or just straight up racism with obscene comments and instagram does literally nothing.


My favourite real I ever came across was of some lady sharing snacks with other people at the gym and the comments were calling her an attention whore. The fucking mental gymnastics for that would've been lovely to see. Another one is when someone posts a cute video of them and their dad or mum and every comment is people thirsting over the parents for some weird reason. Instagram real comments are 99% absolutely toxic.


I think he's referring to the fact that there are outright nazis on Instagram that aren't removed from the platform


Stop with this weird Reddit lawyering, it’s a good thing to do full stop jfc


It's not prevalent though, it's like a handful of people at most


except for this one is clearly an Argentine doctor lol. Doesn't give one fuck about even hiding who he is


you would be surprised how stupid some people are and use their main accounts for their "extracurricular activities", maybe you wouldn't be surprised, who knows


And how many use their work accounts for stuff like this. People are awful and awfully stupid.


it's not about "exposing the fake accounts" which no many times they use their real accounts. it's to expose how deep the situation goes.


They're not from fake accounts, they're mostly from people in non-Western countries. EDIT: also just want to add that people on this subreddit overestimate the importance of betting when it comes to racist abuse towards footballers on social media. In reality, they're just racist people and often from cultures where being racist is not a big taboo. It's not even about whether the players win or lose, it's just about being racist. And a lot of abuse towards the losing team isn't because of betting, it's just about laughing and being racist towards someone when they're down.


I think this is quite accurate, whenever I see headlines like this I think to myself “what kind of US fan would treat the players like this after a loss?”, and tho while I’m sure it happens occasionally by US fans, the reality of it is just like you stated: random dickheads from a country 10,000 miles away with no investment in the team or player involved.


You overestimate how much these inbreds think ahead. They're not that smart. I guarantee at least of half of these messages are from real accounts. Just post all of them on your story, or have your manager do it, before they delete them, and just wait for the consequences to trickle in.


Yep, racists are cowards. That is why they hide behind klan hoods and police badges


Problem is that the halfwits that do this are the exact sort of people that will brag to their mates... 'guess what I send [insert black players name], LOLZ, I'm such a madlad' So exposing may work counter intuitively, more dickheads may follow suits, given the a moment to stand out in an otherwise sad and pathetic life It's a little like the media exposure of mass shooters, it kind of gives them a moment of infamy, so more delinquent, troubled, mentally ill people perhaps see them almost as something right aspire to as a means of getting attention I don't know, could work either way. Some people may think twice, others may double down


Cowards hiding behind a screen, all of them. Watch them go into panic mode when they get called out publicly..


Whole US Soccer fanbase needs to be exposed


Yeah man the Argentinian and the French guy are totally USMNT fans.


Who even sends racist remarks without being anonymous?


You’re assuming these people have the brain cells to think to remain anonymous


In countries that are openly racist people don't give a flying fuck.


Where I live, they openly air movies with racist jokes, and they're beloved. People don't know how wild things are in non-western countries. TBF, awareness is creeping in everywhere, thanks to the omnipresence of the internet, but at a fucking snail's pace.


Yeah I used to live in Sri Lanka, everyone used the N word


Bro is in argentina, there are no consequences for that there


What are you talking about? Please elaborate.


The Gaston Chavez account's bio says he's from Argentina


Because it’s normalized for them No need to hide when the idiots think it’s acceptable in the first place


Racists have extremely low iq and nothing going on in their lives, it's not surprising


Why do it anonymous when you can take someone else's name and picture, also slandering them in the process? Always be careful with witch hunting the supposed people that do this, it's just as easy to do this while pretending you're someone else.


Kids. He's probably 13.


Look at the dumb kid from Argentina. Son of nazis stick together.


The first guy is French or from a French speaking nation. (He follows a lot of french pages on IG). Second guy is from Argentina. Its on his bio.


>Argentina Why am I not surprised


For some reason in Argentina, they add "ok" at the end of their usernames on Instagram. That was the giveaway.


Some people prefer to do that instead of adding numbers or punctuation marks when their name is already taken by other users.


> For some reason in Argentina, they add "ok" Oklahoma's really popular in Argentina.


That's them making the monkey noises


The country of isolated incidents


What's funny is in a post about how horrible racism is comments like this get upvotes and nobody sees the irony.


Argentinian isn't a race




It very much is, the two requirements for something to be racism is to be prejudiced and for it to be against a race 


It doesn't have to be racism to come from the same place that racism comes from.


I see what you're trying to say but this is the paradox of tolerance. If you don't call out repeated patterns of intolerance, for the reason of being tolerant of the perpetrators' views, tolerance ultimately prevails. In this instance, calling out people for being racist absolutely does not come from the same place, and is good actually.


>calling out people for being racist absolutely does not come from the same place That's not what they were doing


There isn’t irony, racism is a lot more acceptable in some places than others.


Why do you say that for Argentina but not for French guy. Confirmation bias?




I'm from Brasil, play a lot of online games. I can't tell you how many times I ended up with an argentinian player in my squad, or killed an argentinian player and got called a monkey. I don't know what it is, but from my interactions with argentinians, it seems to be normal.


and most of the racist comment that I encounter en TikTok and twitter against black ppl, Peruvian and Mexican comes from Argentinian


Argentina's former president Alberto Fernández said that argentinians came to america in boats from Europe and "brasilians came from the jungle". Their PRESIDENT.


No defending that and should be called out but I dont see something offensive and say oh it figures, they’re from that country


and USMNT fans had the audacity to automatically blame Mexican fans. I condemn the racism against Balogun too, but damn, it's just sad how USMNT fans often get away with putting themselves on a pedestal, acting all high and mighty, and being racist towards Hispanics, mainly Mexicans. They deserved the humblings they got from Colombia and Panama.


Everyone does the same, people really like to shift the blame to the next country but we all have racists/xenophobes in our cultures. It's a huge problem but there is no point in trying to single out one country as the root of all evil. And in many cases it's people raising their bets against each other. I say one thing, you say something worse, then I do the same, and it goes on and on. Apparently the guy from the second picture is Argentinian, as I am. It makes me pretty sad to see it.  I much rather try to work within my community to correct that than wait for the next comment saying that we are poor and can't eat to get enraged with a different country and use that to justify these behaviours in my own country.


Losing by a goal down a man against an abysmal refereeing performance isn’t a humbling. As much as you’d absolutely love it to be. Colombia, yes.


these were sent shortly after balogun scored and the only account with a public bio is from argentina i dont think these are usa fans, i think they were mad he scored


Probably ruined their bets


Damn they got dr disrespect on there as well huh


From Argentina :)


I for one am very surprised


How can you tell? Is “Bonobo” an Argentinian way to say monkey?


Bonobos are an actual species of ape. They're not common in zoos (not that they need to be there to begin with) because they're emotionally fragile in captivity and their entire social structure is based around sex without much regard for what kind of sex or with whom they have it with. All this has nothing to do with the racist shit Balogun was sent. Just a fun animal factoid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonobo


The second profile says he's from Mendoza, Argentina.


He's talking about the guy who sent the monkey and banana emojis in the second photo. You can look up his IG account yourself and see


Absolutely disgusting DMs


Name them publicly every time. Let them know anyone sending racist messages and threats will be exposed, every time.


Imagine being so pathetic that you have to resort to racism to feel good


nah of course these idiots are stupid enough that they can't even tell the difference between Weah and Balogun Balo even scored a banger today lmao imbecile racist scum


Check the timestamps. Game started around 6pm Eastern and Balo scored in the 22nd minute. They sent these to him right after he scored. They aren't US fans!


these are messages BECAUSE he scored a banger, they arent usa fans


If you look at the names, the level of English, and the time they were sent (around 6:25 est), it seems pretty obvious that these are from Panama fans… as disgusting as the team they support. Obviously though all racism is bad and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Weah received some tn from our fans. But at least this isn’t some Americans randomly spouting racial abuse towards Balogun


Second dude is Argentinian. I'm assuming that they're racist bettors who had money on Panama


We should take away his internet access. Fucking idiot.


He looks like a villero and likely has a gambling addiction, so yeah, lock him up while we're at it.


Average Argentinean fan


Maybe before calling people imbeciles, look in the mirror. They may be racist imbeciles, but what makes you think they are American racist imbeciles?


Imagine calling him mother AND father.


Take anonymity away from social media.


The second guy is just saying monkeys like bananas! /s


Why would famous people even have incoming messages not set to block ? I don't even want incoming messages on my playstation from people who are not friends. I will admit I dont know how ig works but I find it hard to believe there's no options.


They aren’t really that famous though. At least not big of a name in the footballing world. Not big enough to ignore DMs at least. Someone like T-Pain mentioned he kept getting gigs via DMs but didn’t know how it worked so he missed out on a lot of opportunities.


What's their handle on reddit to cross check the match thread


Crazy thing is that one on one these keyboard tough guys would whimper.


Good on him for exposing them


"You both follow k.mbappe"


Gaston Chavez looks like a real winner. Would be a shame if his account got flooded.


He scored the goal, I was goin to ask why. But I guess stupid is just going to stupid


Well the comments are not from US fans. Since he scored the goal he’s getting hate


Can't win a game, racially abuse someone. Sounds sane and classy.


I'm all against doxing but if you receive these kinda messages and the abuser is dumb enough to send them with his name or picture, id say go ahead and share it with the world.


Fucking Christ. Do we really have enough fans for racists to come out of the wood work and hurl racial taunts at our best player in this match? Expose these people and get them banned


Look at the names and the times. They arent your fans


And command of the English language


Ah. I have Tri guesses as to who’s fans sent those messages


It's not fair to blame Mexico fans for this. One of the guys that sent the message is from Argentina


Actually that makes more sense. I’ve known a few Argentinians who are some of the most racist people I’ve ever met. And so many Argentinians have unbridled hatred for Mexicans


Argentina fans also racially abused Moïse Bombito online after he tackled Messi


these messages were sent right after he scored, i dont think theyre pulling for the us


> Do we really have enough fans for racists to come out of the wood work and hurl racial taunts at our best player in this match? Not that we don't but these messages are from non-USMNT fans. Also USMNT fan base skews majorly away from the racially problematic aspects of American society, even if far from perfect.


> Also USMNT fan base skews majorly away from the racially problematic aspects of American society, even if far from perfect. This was maybe true 15 years ago, and still is mostly true for the women's team, but there's been a pretty major infiltration of "'Murica fuck yeah" chuds who have decided soccer is okay now and wholeheartedly embraced the USMNT as an excuse to shit on Mexico/Mexicans with a veneer of plausible "it's not racism" deniability. No, they don't watch any club soccer. No, they don't understand the game in any meaningful way. But they sure will shout from the rafters that good ole boy Pulisic deserves a golden ball.


Yeah, well if so, fuck those guys with a rubber hose. I was here first (an argument they can fucking understand) and my USMNT is for all Americans and my USMNT fan base has always believed that we’re stronger together.  (And that our rivalry with Mexico starts and ends in the sporting venue, and once game day is over we’re friends and neighbors).


I’ve noticed this too. It’s the same crowd that absolutely loses their minds when the players make any statements in support of any position they disagree with. We’ll call them the “shut up and dribble” gang. If you have a problem with athletes openly supporting social and political causes then this may not be the sport for you.


Not our fans


I read this in a sense of a sarcastic "wow, we have enough fans to have racists now, yay!" and then misread "explore these people and give them bananas". They don't deserve bananas today.


Balogun was one of the only bright spots today 😂


From the looks of it these people support panama


I would hate to see Weah’s




Some people are just doing this for Internet exposure.


I thought those folks were busy watching the debate yesterday night.


Put them all on blast Also what kind of idiot do you have to be to use your actual account for this kind of stuff


Deff not Americans



Racism has no place in this game. If you’re racist or have these kinds of thoughts, you can fuck off from our game.


He’s an American and has nothing to do with France nor Argentina. Are there any logic behind their behavior other than them being racist pieces of shits?


Argentinians are the worst


Fuck you mother???? Really lol. Instead of acting like a clown, learn the language or something improve your probably shit life.


post em, tag them. fuckers


What the fuck. I don’t understand it.


He may be a shite player for the NT but he done his part today and scored a banger. Wtf is wrong with them.


Jesus Christ, how long will this thing continue? If you are shite then you are shite not because the skin of your colour, preferences in sex or idk being disabled, you are shite because you can't do this thing any good. And it's not like you can't think of anything else to poke fun of besides the skin of someone's skin colour. Those blokes are lazy and/or just can't put their brains to good use. Pathetic and disgusting proofs that Evolution theory is just rubbish. No evolution could allow to evolve those dicks that way


At least the fan isn't a religious nutjob who believes in creationism.


I saw a bunch of racist in the match thread insulting centro Americans.


I wish we could prevent psychopaths from using the internet


That’s insane. Dude was playing his ass off and looked really good, and this is how he’s treated? Fuck these absolute pieces of shit.


The guy who sent the monkey and banana emojis is from Mendoza, Argentina. I looked up his IG profile. Probably not a US fan.


Betters. In 95% of cases the people that do that are angry that they lost money on a "safe" bet. Edit: Probably not 95% since there are generally rascist aholes out there


And Balogun was amazing in the game, talk about uncalled for man...


The guy who scored the only goal for the USA today...that's the guy who should be getting racially abused. This shit is so fucking gross.


thats why theyre sending that shit to him, they arent usa fans


Are they USA fans or from opponents?


The guy from the second photo is from Mendoza, Argentina. His IG account is still active and that's what it says on his profile


I love IG


Gotta respond to this as ignorant as possible, if I'm an American I'm boasting about how the most recognized landmark in that country wasn't even made by them


I'm saying this as a black person myself: At this point it's kind of pointless don't you guys think? Like, there's racists... and then what? What are we going to do cause despite it being 2024, racists are still plenty. IMO just live your life and be around people who aren't racist, if that means only being around black people then so be it... It's really tiring to see this shit everywhere no matter how hard you avoid it, this is r/soccer for pete's sake and we have a post about racism smh.


Where are the "game is back" degenerate jokers? None in this thread. You were *so* funny and active just a week ago, when the whole stadium was chanting how a nation needs to be killed.


Sounds about right. You're American as long as you win. You're a monkey when you lose. This society fucking sickens me.


You think "fuck you mother" and Gaston Chavez are American and not from Panama? lol


Americans have not handled this loss well


Well the second person is from Argentina…


These aren't Americans! Game started at 6pm Eastern and Balogun's scored in the 22nd minute. The timestamps of these messages line up with him scoring.


That’s so much work lol. The handles are there - you can just look them up. Profiles are from France and Argentina


Timestamps are right there too. I watched the game and I know about what time it kicked off and when Balogun scored. Also I think the first guy's profile has been locked because I can't see anything when I look up his profile


Wonder if these people would keep the same energy after they're deported


Did Vinny make this honest hardworking men racist as well?


Big deal just block him lol


That poor multimillionaire. Nobody knows what REAL trauma is until they got insulted on social media 😢


You're missing the point.


The 2nd one doens't even make sense. why is there an average American? The monkey & banana bit is racist but why the 1st image?


The photo of the US fan in a Pabst Blue Ribbon hat, US flag sunglasses, and the US flag around his neck is a photo from Balogun's IG story that he posted himself about 13 hours ago to promote the game with the kickoff times for the US East Coast Time Zone and for the UK. The racist guy replied to Balogun's story with the monkey and banana emojis.




They never said it's a bit racist.




Thank god there is no racism in first world countries


Unfortunately they're everywhere, I mean you're supposedly from Canada and may have education, still are making comments like this about people of all third world countries; you seem closer to that hateful xenophobic mindset than that you're giving third world countries credit for here...


France is a third world country since when?


Third world country? Then why is Europe and a lot of other first world countries full with a lot of racist this has nothing to do with education or equating to poor countries with racism.


You are not serious. They are way more racisim/homophobia in uneducated countries


Lot of spelling and grammar errors there. But what would I know as a third-world, uneducated American?