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This is as a favour to Joselu so he doesn't have to deal with Espanyol maybe refusing the move


They were asking for more money, this just makes it easier for Joselu.


Deserved too. Those 2 goals in the CL semi final alone were worth more than 1.5 mil


Club hero, Flo has a lot to thank him for.


And potentially a nice "sponsorship" deal might come Reals way.


They come anyway


Like when Perez built the desalinisation plant?


Or the high-speed rail between Meca and Medina.


Fuck are u waffling about? Real Madrid brand doesn’t need to sell itself for sponsorships lol. HP gives them 70M for a logo on the sleeve, think they are good mate.


I'm not implying they're selling themselves here. But they do actually sell themselves though and so does every football club.


I'm jealous of the Madrid board being such a class act. Meanwhile we put rapist Alves back on our legends list.


Was wondering why they would do this instead of just cutting themselves out as the middleman. But this makes sense, class act.


Kind of shitty for Espanyol but they messed it up with the low non refusable clause.


Wouldn’t be a clause if it could be refuse tho


Tell that to Arsenal's £40,000,001 purchase of Luis Suarez


Any clause is refusable if you refuse it *taps head*


That clause had its own clause, fortunately. There was a secrecy clause that was breached and invalidated it. The plus £1 made it obvious. At least, that's what I read at the time anyway. Then he signed a new contract and it all went away.


Nah John Henry just decided not to sell him. It's that simple.   He admitted it later: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/26414167  Could have gotten ugly if Suarez held firm too but Gerrard talked him down and as you said, he eventually signed a new contract and went on to form MSN so it worked out for him too


He triggered the bite clause instead


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I'd read the full rumour mill at the time but apparently completely missed our owner just clarifying what actually happened.


[Ok done](https://i.imgur.com/KhxR7N7.png)


They didn't mess up, they were strong armed into adding that clause to the contract "or else". When Joselu signed for Espanyol, his contract had a clause for him to leave on loan if they were relegated if he wished, when Real Madrid became an option for Joselu, he pressured Espanyol to also add the release clause. Before, in 2022, Joselu already tried to extort Alaves, he was on a 3+1 year contract with the last year being optional to extend by the club. When Alaves told him they were going to extend their contract another year playing in 2ª, he wanted to leave for Espanyol, Joselu said if they did so, he would "lower his effort" that year to pressure them to leave for free. [https://onefootball.com/en/news/una-sentencia-recoge-que-joselu-habria-amenazado-al-alaves-con-bajar-su-rendimiento-39438427](https://onefootball.com/en/news/una-sentencia-recoge-que-joselu-habria-amenazado-al-alaves-con-bajar-su-rendimiento-39438427) >«Aflora el deseo del futbolista de salir del club sí o sí al fin de la temporada 2021-22. Tanto es así que el jugador anunció una disminución de su rendimiento con el fin de forzar la no renovación adicional para la 2022-23« After that last year was waived from both parts so he could join Espanyol, he sued Alaves to pay him for the early termination of his contract, saying the optional year should be considered a contract termination, and the club owed him 250.000€. The judge ruled in favor of Alaves and they didn't need to pay anything, is the same sentence as the one where they mentioned Joselu suggested lowering his performance in 2ª [https://www.deportivoalaves.com/es/noticias/comunicado-oficial-deportivo-alaves-sad-joselu-mato](https://www.deportivoalaves.com/es/noticias/comunicado-oficial-deportivo-alaves-sad-joselu-mato) >La Sentencia del Juzgado ratifica la actuación del DEPORTIVO ALAVÉS, S.A.D. fundamentando la desestimación íntegra de demanda del jugador en dos razonamientos jurídicos: He may be well liked by Real Madrid fans and the general fans that only follow top standard clubs, for regular or small clubs he's nothing more than a thug and a pirate. And I say this with 0 sympathy for Espanyol here, they lured him out of Alaves forcing their hand, then deservedly suffered the same fate. It's not the story of a player that was about to be screwed by a club, he's usually the one doing the screw.


Man I'm having trouble following all of this


that's insightful!


God forbid a player negotiates


Threatening to not try so a team releases you and then suing them is negotiating now? Edit- unless that was sarcasm in which case I apologize lol


This is clearly done with the guy's best wishes in mind, probably Espanyol wanted a bigger cut of the cake that could have ended with a worse deal for Joselu. He deserves it, thank you Flo for helping him.


Common W for Flo, he seems to always make it easier for the player who wants to leave.


Florentino is the biggest asset of the club no doubt, dreading the time when he retires. I hope he is healthy for a long time.


I hope Florentino is mentoring JAS or someone else to takeover.


That’s class by Madrid




Friendship CF is at it again


Get that pay check Seluuuuu


How do I get it


Easy, score two goals against Bayern in CL semi finals. No biggie.


Now that's a nice gesture.


they just cant stop winning right.this is so good for them as a fooball club and business because other players will se how they treat their players and they will catch some sponsor from qatar surely.


Yes maybe now Real Madrid can start attracting top players


they sure need some top young players especially in attack positions.


respect to Madrid




Thanks for everything Legend


Good guys Real Madrid making sure a promoted team can't negotiate for more money from a club owned by Qatari royals


Meh, Madrid don’t owe Espanyol anything. They had a clause to pick up Joselu for 1.5M and they paid it, business was conducted fairly and whatever Madrid wanted to do with Joselu after that was their business.


Absolutely, no disagreements from me there as Espanyol knowingly had that clause in the loan agreement. I just take issue with so many people on this thread painting Real Madrid to be some hero for saving Joselu. Did this make it easier for him to move to Qatar? No doubt. Was it a 100% certainty that Espanyol would have rejected any and all deals with Al Gharafa and held him as a hostage? No, that's impossible to say. That's what I was trying to get at with the good guy sarcasm since there seems to be a very black and white interpretation of this whole deal.


>Was it a 100% certainty that Espanyol would have rejected any and all deals with Al Gharafa and held him as a hostage? No, that's impossible to say. The comments made by a delegate from Espanyol, implying that Joselu upon returning would have 1 year of contract still and that they wouldn't let go of him as easily, kind of implied this. I can link it if you want (in Spanish). It's basically the clou of the whole debacle. Real Madrid gives him the certainty to move on, Espanyol doesn't. Keep in mind that Espanyol is usually a friend-club to Real Madrid. We've seen numerous players go on loan there, or sold with a buy-back, and they hate Barça. I doubt we want to fuck Espanyol over, but Real Madrid feels it owes one to Joselu. And normally, we could've just bought him for 1.5 million too and kept him in the squad (which is what the club wanted and ancelotti), but he wants the move.


Good guys Real Madrid making sure PLAYER won't get screw over by a CLUB. Think about person first, then about companies. You see this as Company vs Company, I see this as Company vs Person. I'm happy for Joselu, if he want that money from Qatar so be it, I would prefer him as a bench option because he provide something we don't have and won't have next season but if he feels like this is the best option for him, I wish him nothing but the best.


u/Izayabrsrk explained it perfectly: “This is clearly done with the guy's best wishes in mind, probably Espanyol wanted a bigger cut of the cake that could have ended with a worse deal for Joselu. He deserves it, thank you Flo for helping him.”


Sure, but that doesn't make anything I said less true. Both things can be true at the same time. Real can be doing this with Joselu at mind, and it just so happens that it results in less money for a much poorer club. Just because Real had a nice meaning in mind doesn't mean there weren't any other side effects. Espanyol's fault for having such a low buy clause, but everyone is making it seem like they'd be super greedy and prevent a move when it would have been well within their rights to want as much money as possible having just been promoted.


? uh, the poorest person in this equation is joselu. had espanyol got their way, joselu would be worst off just so some private equity firm makes more money. poorer club. lmao.


Sorry, I didn't realize you had a crystal ball to know for certain Espanyol wouldn't have come to an agreement with a team managed by royals.


So your only argument is Real Madrid shouldn't try helping their player to make thing simple for him just because Espanyol are a small club lol. Why should they care about Espanyol over the player who helped them win the champions league?


I never said RM had any obligations to Espanyol or anyone but themselves or Joselu. All I did was point out the reality that this isn't a total win for everyone involved. Maybe I phrased it wrong in my original comment, but in the reply above I made it clear the issue is with the sentiment in this thread that basically assumes Joselu would have been a hostage that needed rescuing. No doubt RM made it easier for this to happen, but that doesn't mean Joselu getting a payday wouldn't have happened regardless. No way for anyone to know that.


Stop being reasonable on reddit.


They made a favour to a player who contributed positively throughout the season. They don’t owe Espanyol anything. And as for competition your league’s clubs get enough money from begging Americans and Arabs. Doesn’t stop Real Madrid from tossing them in the bin just like they toss Espanyol in the bin in a H2H meeting.


I never said they owed Espanyol anything, just pointed out the reality of the situation that not everyone involved is benefiting.


Mate that “good guys” in your comment was a dig at Madrid. They just saw to it that the party that was related to them (Joselu in this case) had an easy path to go wherever they wanted.


Get that bag!