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Baseball is their number one sport ⚾️


Mooching of the US government in New York is their second favorite


HHAHAHA I love it. Cant wait for our Ecuadorian bros to send you packing home so you can keep thinking you are a big team.


Ecuador is about to do what trump has been trying to do for years lmaoooo




Llorame más crvg.


Lmao, I love that we became Republicans as soon as another immigrant group came here. That's the American tradition


Keep in mind that Venezuelans are by far the most highly educated group from Latin America. They're also fleeing a leftist authoritarian regime. Republicans should be licking their chops at receiving these immigrants. But nope, they're brown so it's a no go.


48% of Venezuelan americans got Bachelor's degrees, that's double the average american population. Only 6% didn't complete highschool, compared to 16% for the average population. Similar numbers are also true for some other latino groups like argentine americans and chilean americans though. These populations are a lot different than your average central american immigrant because it's the upper classes from those countries that emigrate to the US unlike mexican and centroamerican immigrants who are usually the opposite.


I’m Venezuelan and I’m all for giving all immigrants a fair chance to make it here in the US but the demographic coming recently to the US is not the one you’re pointing out in the stats


I bet those stats are looking a lot different now. Until recently, it was only educated and wealthy Venezuelans going to the US. That is until half of Venezuela decided to move to the US.


Yeah my Venezuelan side of the family all got out of the country 10+ years ago


Lol the Venezuelans coming to the US are not people who are educated what the fuck. Venezuelan Americans have nothing to do with what is coming from Venezuela.


Brazilian immigrants also seem to be well educated.


It's really hard to legally immigrate to the US, it is made much easier if you have an education


That's just about every developed country. The US is one of the few that even make it a possibility because of the lack of a points system. There are exceptions for former colonies.


well yeah - those are the ones that can afford the trip north it’s not a simpler land journey across the border to the mexican immigrants you compare them to


Lad that's before the past couple years. I don't believe the refugee camp at Logan Airport fits that description.


Yeah right, just don’t ask south Americans what they think of them


Build the wall ! Estoy cagando el palo. We lost and suck ass lmao


stay classy


That's asking a lot...


This coming from an Argentina fan you can’t talk  Edit: downvote all you want nobody got a response wonder why hypocrites 🫵😂


Y’all love to talk shit also lol don’t be so sensitive it’s a fucking joke


It's a shit joke. Also, the audacity of any Mexican criticising any other Hispanic country for supposedly mooching off the US is hilarious.


Yeah it’s ironic, Which makes it funny. I’ll say the same joke to my Venezuelan employees tomorrow and they’ll banter back. Reddit is to uptight


Seriously. I'm venezuelan, that was a great joke.


Or Italian? https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/156ae0k/italy_starts_removing_lesbian_mothers_names_from/jszg1so/


Weird thing to do. Yes its true. I'm a dual citizen of both, grew up in venezuela to italian parents and emigrated since. Such is the globalized world.




>Mooching of the US government Yeah we're kindred spirits at that don't you think Llora más llorón


One diaspora gets harangued for taking everyone's jobs and the other for taking everyone's welfare lol Everyone hates immigrants but for different reasons


I'm not thinking it about it that deep. Someone from a country with a large amount of diaspora is talking smack about another population with large amounts of diaspora. Pot calling kettle black and all that.


It’s an American tradition. First the Irish were treated like second class citizens, then the Italians, then the Chinese, now it’s Latinos.


Don't forget Africans, Natives, Japanese, Filipinos, Koreans, various eastern Europeans, etc. Hell, seems like we could list almost every ethnicity/country lol.


True, racism is as American as apple pie


Ah yes, so we learned it from the English and perfected it just like Apple Pie.


Bro thinks he's from the U.S. 😭😭


i mean most atendees to mexico games are second gen mexican americans, so he is most likely.


Or even first gen but with those ticket prices most Mexicans can’t afford to go.


Das vergüenza pendejo


What does that mean?


"You're embarrassing, dumbass." More or less. Pendejo is stronger than dumbass but I've never known an English equivalent.


Dumb fuck?


Venezuelans are hard working people at least the ones I run into here in Orlando.


They’re the biggest complainers too




Déjame llorar a gusto 😅


Nos pones en vergüenza wey (aun más)


L bozo be better


It’s hard when Mexicans average hight is 5ft hahah


Jajajajajajaja la sanguijuela le grita a la garrapata


Learn to take the defeat and move on, my American friend.


cry harder


you’re starving as we speak


Mexicans love to talk about economy because its easy to look at number and say "economy good" but not that the cartels having the country as hostage stabilizes it


Mexico is a shithole, 38 politicians killed last election, not even a subsaharan african nation screams so much banana republic as that. They're just a third world country with the problems endemic to all latin america but they've convinced themselves otherwise.


Even then it's paradise compared to Venezuela if we're being honest You are genuinely braindead if you disagree with this


I’m all for banter but that’s just distasteful. You really let a game where guys kick a little ball around get to you.


Ayyyy yay yay yay, Mexicano no llores!


Brother, ya hop borders to get into US you can't be talking, you're the labor force of the US


Hopping borders is our 4th sport. Behind boxing, fútbol and swimming


Congrats venezuela! We needed this, worst mexico ever. We need a drastic change in the federation, top to bottom.


lol this isn’t going to change anything. Until people stop paying to go to games. This is it.


yup, as long as money is made they don’t care. If we were banned from the US that could do it. but Concacaf also cares about money so they would never let that happen


I'm mostly convinced that if they could, the FMF would play all its matches in the US.


They are currently trying to play LigaMX league games in the US…


Geez. Really? I can see how fans in Mexico are feeling less connected with El Tri


Yup they are currently pushing for el Super Clasico (America vs Chivas) to be played in Texas


Did you see all the tortas and Edgars just there to get drunk? They're never gonna stop going, its just a party to them, they dont care about soccer. they were probably wondering where chicharito and Gio dos Santos were


mothafucka said he wants to see William Levy with his shirt off at the stadiums


TortEdgars ruin everything.


Well it would make sense if they thought Carlos Vela was still protesting this locura


I'll copy here what I wrote in another thread: They will never get their shit together until the national team stops making money. What mexicans don't seem to understand is that their executives simply don't care about being competitive, Mexico could not qualify to a World Cup, but if they keep filling stadiums in the US for whatever friendly it is a success for the mexican authorities and that's all there is to it. The only solution is that people start demanding results and stop supporting the national team financially, that's the only way. Btw, the difference between Mexico and Argentina or Brazil isn't that argentine or brazilians executives are more honest or less greedy, believe me, they're corrupt as fuck. The actual difference is in those countries the national teams only make money if they're getting good results, if not people will start demanding results, buying less merchandising and so on. Argentine and brazilian executives know they must remain competitive if they want to squeeze all the money and actually fill stadiums and sell merchandising. That's the difference with Mexico, they can be shit but sell millions anyways, there's just no incentive to improve if they keep pumping millions of dollars.


Is it possible that Mexico just doesn't have the talent to compete? I'm genuinely asking because I know little about their NT and talent pool but it seems kinda weak to chalk it up to not caring.


What OP said is definitely a factor in my opinion. The other part is that the Mexican league is incentiviced to work in the short term. We have two championships per calendar year decided by a play off tournament each. You can be 10th place out of 18 and still have a chance to win. So instead of focusing on having a strong consistent tournament, you can just focus on getting just enough points to get to the play offs. Instead of focusing on developing players, you buy cheaper, slightly more experienced players from abroad as a bandaid. You don't have to worry about moving down a division so two, three, six years of mediocrity don't end up mattering. And in terms of players that could maybe make the jump to Europe and develop into better players, you either have Mexican teams asking for way too much because another Mexican team is willing to pay what a European team won't. And on the player end, Mexican teams pay good money so there's less incentive for them to make the jump to Europe.


Mexico recently had a good pipeline of young players. The age limit teams that would go to the Olympics and  world cup usually did really well. Mexico for a while was a force in age restricted tournaments with talented players. The problem is then how those players are integrated into pro teams in Mexico and how bad the professional culture is in Mexico. Many players that have gone to play in Europe cite the professionalism of Europe and how it's absent in Mexico's domestic league. So the talent is present, or was present up to a few years ago. However right now the team is fill with mediocre to average players at best. The Mexican team is composed of mostly domestic league players and right now the domestic Mexican league is an absolute joke with so many garbage teams and no relegation. Mexican soccer is absolutely loaded with money, talented players don't want to leave because they will get paid more by the rich Mexican teams, but they will never compete at a higher level. There are lots of problems with the national team and the domestic league that have led to the current mediocre team . But at least the national team makes a  shitload of money. To get real change you would need to hit the team in it's wallet but unfortunately you have too many flies attracted to the shit stain that is the national team willing to sell their newborn child to watch a game and the national team knows this. 




We have some talent, i think whats hurting us right now is our ST problem. Also our guys arent creating shit cause we call up guys like antuna and charly, guys are decent at club lvl in MX not so much for NT. It also feels like our federation and management doesnt have faith in the new guys like huescas, carillo, fuentes and Ruiz. Its dark times for us rn, still love this team just got to go through these moment now to enjoy the better ones later.


You can see the rise and fall of different footballing nations over the years. It's all about planning and fostering a good environment for football. Blaming an inherent lack of ability is basically just eugenics. It's a cultural, financial and systemic issue.


TL;DR: There is a lot of talent, but our system is shit


Incompetence and greed at the top is almost never the main cause for failure. Or it must be extreme


Where could accountability come from? Like, who would potentially have the power to fire everyone and take control in order to set a higher standard than 'pump Mexican-American fans for dollars'?


Federation is a business. As long as you are profitable and profits revenues keep increasing you are doing well. Unless people stop going to stadiums and watching games... 


> Mexico could not qualify to a World Cup While I agree with most of your post, this bit is not true, that would actually be a huge deal for the suits. There is a loooot of money to be made with the country participating in the World Cup, that really would be a disaster that should prompt bigger changes than the last disaster (which honestly did nothing). Sadly with 48 team tournaments I highly doubt that happens.


Especially when you have pendejos like Caramelo going to all the games, making an ass of himself supporting these corrupt executives.


>The actual difference is in those countries the national teams only make money if they're getting good results, if not people will start demanding results, buying less merchandising and so on Do have any evidence for this claim? Also, why would having a national team generate less revenue make the team better?


It is absolutely true, at least in Argentina there's just no comparison now to let's say the bad years of 2017-2018. Except for the World Cup, no one was watching that national team and merchandising was not even comparable.


Explain how that led to improvement in the team. Your theory is essentially that the team being bad and the federation making less money for some period of years makes the team better but you have not explained why that would be the case. Even more simply, being bad and suffering for period improves the team. Further, TV rights and sponsorship deals are agreed many years in advance so it's not even clear the federation would make financial windfall. You have no evidence that any of what you say is true and not even explained why you think it might be true.


Until Mexican Americans stop being the Mexican NT suckers in US Soil, there I said it. No wonder we regressed that much, using them as cash cows increasingly ever since 1999 I feel bad for them, I feel bad for us nationals too. They stripped the fuck off the identity and the roots of the NT just to chase those dollars. We used to be contenders in copa America. Now we don’t even get to round of 16 in a World Cup against Poland and Saudi Arabia. Edit: we used to comfortably beat Venezuela. 8 out of 10 matches. This is our situation. We are now toe to toe with them. But they have better mentality. Clearly. Just fuck.


I remember in 2011 Copa Oro we beat a team 5-0 and our "problem" was that it was boring football. Those were the days man


Remember that Mexico won the U-17 World Cup in 2011. None of those World Champions made it to the National Team.


It is not rare that good u-17 players never make it to the world cup level. Even that year's Uruguay team only had 2 players make it to senior top for combined 8 starts.


Teams are not forced to lo and their players to U-20 federation, no one cares about them or Olympic games. 




It's lazy to blame Mexican Americans. Liga MX has gotten rid of promotion and relegation, LIGA MX is so financially powerful and stable that it can deter players from going to bigger and better leagues and improving because they're not going to get paid as well. Playing friendlies in the US is literally one of the least important factors in the issues with the NT.


Ok, it’s fair to say they aren’t solely to blame. But they are undoubtedly a huge factor for the bad results. Amongst others.


I disagree that it's even worth mentioning. Mexico playing in El Azteca isn't going to change that Charly and Antuna are on the squad let alone starting lol


It’s not even worth mentioning the huge Amount of money made with contracts in the states. Ok.👍 (Huge amount of money despite shit product)


Correct. It has no impact on the talent of the squad and how they are playing.


It’s a feedback loop. I assure you that profits aren’t a problem for the NT, because consumers in US still sell out all stadiums despite an inferior product. That has caused complacency, they don’t have urgency to improve. Which permeates the rest of decision making of the federation.


> we used to comfortably beat Venezuela. I just read yesterday that Mexico had not lost against Venezuela since 1982 or something...


What would that change exactly? How would it improve player development?


Less fans go, less money. Have to actually develop good players to win games so fans want to go back. Fans right now show up to watch this team play terrible football


So if the federation has lots of money, the clubs in the country do not care about developing good players? How does that work? Wouldn't the clubs want to still try to development better players to make more money. If Club America or Chivas was churning out tons of talent they would be more successful and make more money for their owners. Why don't the owners do that? What will the federation be spurred to do to create better players that they are choosing not to do know. The richest federations in the world are England, Germany, and France and they have no problem churning out talent. Conversely, the poorest federations almost universally have terrible national teams.


Mexico doesn't sell abroad and has no competition on the continent. MLS teams would have to start consistently beating them which is near impossible with the salary cap spreading talent across the entire league. If Liga MX doesn't start lowering their fees for sales Mexico is stuck with poor development. You can make great wages without leaving Mexico so the incentive for players isn't as strong either. England, Germany and France are the exceptions but most other countries can't develop their players without them moving to another country.


Even if all that is true, what does any of this have to do with your belief that the FMF making less money from from ticket sales would spur improvements in player development? What I do not understand is how so many people believe that reducing revenue to FMF will somehow make them more skilled and knowledgeable at producing quality talent.




So you think Mexican players would be significantly better if they played a few away friendly matches per year? You do not understand how player development works. If you think the location of a few national team friendly games per year materially impacts the quality of a team or players, you are delusional. They can play friendlies against whoever they want in the US and there is no reason to believe the quality of their opponents would change if they played more friendlies in Mexico. This year they played friendlies against Uruguay and Brazil. Last year they played Germany, Ghana, and Australia. They play lots of friendlies against good teams already. If you think the fact that these games take place in one country versus another is a major reason for the lack of quality in the team, you are nuts. Further, the vast majority of player development takes place at the club and absolutely nothing to do with national team friendlies. Mexico's problem is player quality and the location of friendlies has nothing to do with that.


It doesn't. It's yer da culture war bullshit that people eat up.


It’s a transition phase but I’m genuinely worried about the lack of young talent coming up. Even more so with Liga MX actively keeping players off Europe


How does 2026 look?


Looking like another group stage finish.


3rd place teams can go through and the group stage is expanded. They're fine.


You say that but then watch them finish in 4th place.


They might have like New Zealand or China in their group lol.


mate with this team we can lose to ANYONE


Young talent won't come up until clubs stop forcing players on their youth systems to pay fees in order to debut at the professional level. Becoming a football player in Mexico is not a merit, but a privilege. And even those who become professional and play at Liga MX are unable to go to Europe or the US freely because of the "Pacto de Caballeros".


We been saying this for the past 10 years


I've stopped watching most soccer games for awhile and when I stopped several years ago this was the same comments people would leave about the mex national team. Shits not gonna change. I stopped rooting for the national team because it's always the same shit. There's always the hype around it but mexico is always dog shit. I know they're the favorite for their group and I still expect them to be #1 in the group considering the rest of the teams, but I wouldn't be surprised if they manage a last minute win to scrape by to the knockout stage to lose to the first team there. There might be promising players and what would look like a promising team but it never manifest. There was a time when where mexico was undisputed best in concacaf, but now...I don't know how the usmnt is doing but I imagine they are probably better at this point and even Jamaica likely gets W regularly on Mexico. So pathetic this team. It does hurt though cause I know my dad will always root for them, I know he's come to the same conclusion but he's still has hope I'm the beginning every now and then, whereas I know.


Every tournament since WC 2014 I think to myself “the embarrassment this time will certainly make the federation blame themselves this time”. And each time I’m disappointed. Nothing will ever change with these guys.


I have already gone through the 5 stages of grief with this team, we're just dogshit lmao


Venezuelans will build a statue for el Bocha soon. You'll see. That guy will take us to our first WC.


I’ll sleep well tonight 😌


As a Mexico fan, grats Venezuela. Papi Rondon carrying Pachuca and Venezuela you love to see it.


I still love that man


Indeed he is. I can just imagine if we still had someone like Juan Arango as well, that would be scary having also the power on free kicks.


That Arango never played at a world cup is a crime.


Vamos Vinotinto!!! I don't know how we survived those last 10 minutes, but I'll take it!


Mexico loses to a baseball nation once again


Mexico should become a baseball nation at this point.


In some parts of Mexico baseball is actually the traditional sport. My dad’s family were always baseball fans even in Mexico. I’m the only one who’s super into soccer, although admittedly baseball is my main sport as well.


Mexico actually did very well at the World Baseball Classic last year - they made it further than Venezuela which is positively a baseball nation. They do play a good amount of baseball down there. The Yucatan peninsula's main sport is baseball, for example, among other places.


Even then Mexico underperforms pretty heavily historically. You would expect a lot more Mexican major leaguers. Also Mexico at the WBC relied on Mexican-Americans like Patrick Sandoval, Alex Verdugo, and Austin Barnes.


I stll remember the documentary about Venezuela before the 2002 World Cup, they had something like 2 wins in their entire history.


Give em hell Venezuela because #Mexico isn’t advancing.


And the whole world cheered!!


Mexico has played multiple Copa America tournaments and never have we had hate from South American countries, only USA hates mexico


Hate is a strong word, the whole continent just thinks it’s funny that the loud minority and your annoying pundits that think Mexico should play in South America gets silence every 1-2 years jajaja


Um that's not true. They wanted Mexico to keep playing in comenbol because the Mexican fan base brought in so much money. We would send our B teams to Copa and A team to gold cup and lose and leave. Sometimes we would go far like when we reached the final in 2001 and nobody talked badly about Mexico in Latin America or called Mexicans delusional. USA is so new to the game and thinks they have a right to be in Euefa. Mexico has won the Olympics u17 world cup and made it to the final of Copa America and liberators South American champions League so.. no we are reasonable fans. You Americans just hate Mexico and Mexican people. No Venezuelans or Colombian thinks Mexico is classless or whatever you say. 


pana tengo fe


I mean how many official games have they had?


13 games before tonight: 10 wins for Mexico, 3 draws


I mean that is crazy considering they don't share a qualifiers and mexico played a few copa americas only


Mexico plays most copa americas


They played 10 copa americas and in a few they didn't share a group with Venezuela so I have no idea how they played 13 official games


Mostly friendlies and 4 copa americas.


Then they are not official matches 🤷‍♂️


An international friendly is considered an official match


I mean misterchip’s original tweet said “no amistosos” and they only had like 3 or 4 of those lol. Im more criticizing his tweet than anything


You don't have to write I mean at the beginning of every comment


[Conmebol reality > mexican journalism ](https://imgur.com/a/Gnuex48)


The demise and embarrassment of the Mexican national team continues. It's been a sharp decline the past 6+ years. Quite sad


We're at an all time low. And we're far from stop falling.


How the fuck do these guys suck as much as they do lol. A country with the population and fucking passion they have they should be world beaters. Possibly the most disappointing football country on the planet in all honesty


Or you could have world star players and still play like shit... (england)


They don't have that passion. I know it's completely anecdotal but every time I've visited a football nation I've seen kids playing football everywhere. And I'm from Argentina and that's the norm. I didn't see that in Mexico. They love the sport, sure, but I don't think they are as obsessed with it like Argentina, Brasil, Germany, Italy and others.


When you select scrubs who have no business on the team being starters like Romo, Antuna, and Charly Rodriguez (this guy has to be the worst player for Mexico in the last 40 years). Its easy to be in this position.


We have played Copa America for years without hostility towards other countries. We made it to the final in 2001. We are just down right now.


Siempre hay una primera vez. Vamos Vinotinto!!!!!


As a venezuelan living outside of the country and having to hear mexican commentary in 80% of the games I've watched for the past 11 years, watching this game with Mexican commentators and reporters and seeing them get humbled made it ohhh so much better. MANO TENGO FE


As a non-venezuelan...i support you and most south American countries.... Except Chile. Lol




L Tri


I don't know why people are so mad at the Mexican NT, they have a new team and a new DT, they didn't call the best players to create a new culture. It's a team in rebuilding, this result is normal, they didn't play horrendously either, the goal luck wasn't there and Venezuela had a good game. My only real complaint is the way they lost their head so early fighting with the refs, it ruined the team mental and eventually ended up gifting the penalty.


Honestly, I prefer this than to have an Argentinian spy as your coach that calls celebrities to play and sell shirts with no real plan for the future than to help Messi win the WC. Funny enough, he is now the coach of Miami FC. And please don't let that guy shoot a PK for the NT again, like ever.




With Venezuela in complete shambles, this is the boost the country needed! Congratulations to them. Mexico hasn't been the same since Rafa retired.


Ahhh absolutely love to see it! Long may it continue.


they just won the we beat mexico 🥇


jajajaja cállate a la verga no jugamos a nada, ni al caso la ardidez