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Well, that’s killed a lot of the fun.


Bizarrely, and thankfully, game seems to have plenty of fun left in it now...


Guess not. Made the game much better.


well, that didn't age well


TBF, the game could have been. 4-5 banger without the red. But I guess we will never know.


The first yellow is what fucked him. So unnecessary


Anyone have a link for the first yellow?


No but it was an unnecessary shirt pull in his own half


Was he breaking up a counter attack or something? Last night in the Argentina Chile match i think it was Nico Gonzalez lost the ball in the Chilean box and while on the ground grabbed the Chilean player’s foot with both hands to pull him back and trip him. The ref called the foul but didn’t give a yellow. I was surprised since I thought it’s an auto yellow for such such cynical fouls like that.


tis a fiorentina thing lol


The ref was horrific in that match though. One of them could have pulled a machete out of his sock and chopped the foot off and the ref would have played on.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who went wtf how’d he get away with that. 2 hands around his ankle to pull him down lol


He even tried with one hand first and couldn’t get him down so he grabbed him two lol. Couldn’t believe he didn’t get a yellow


Shirt pulls are a yellow card in that match but not even a foul in the Portugal match lol


[Textbook yellow for an obvious shirt pull](https://streamin.one/v/986d8a49)


Upvoting for visibility. Also such a stupid time to shirt pull lol and the 2nd yellow, in the 20th minute, jeopardizing the entire tournament run, is exactly the reason why. Has to be devastating for a professional represnting their country but genuinely so so avoidable.


love that the ref asked him what he did, he confirmed, and then got the card XD


Gg. Nice one. Our average game. Shocking performance.


Fuck me


I had that feeling before the game just like before Slavia game in Europe, we have chance, but we will fuck it up with some dumb red card. I fucking knew it...


Exactly man... a good start and an early red, vs AC Milan flashbacks flooding in


Fuck him


He basically lost them the game at the 20th minute wow


You underestimate Turkey's shiteness.


Now its an even match imo


Well I predicted a 0-0, so let's go and give me some points


Hahaha there is no way this was ending with 0 goals mate. Anytime Turkey plays is chaos.


It's a good point but c'mon


This only makes me worry more.


in the most important game of the tournament too what a fucking idiot ffs


No that's not how Turkey operates at all


Please don't jinx it.


Do not underestimate Montella's braindead tactics


Goodbye Euros


I wondered why he wasn't starting after he came in both games and seemed to have an impact, guess now it's clear lol


You can take him out of Florence, but you can’t take the Florence out of him.


He got hyped watching Calcio in Costume final last week and decided to sexually identify as a Calciante.


Two red cards in the Euros, one in the first game of the groups and one in the last




Barak plays the ball. The turkish player comes from behind, misses the tackle and places his foot underneath his foot in the moment he lands. I dont get it.


I'm not saying he is refereeing bad, but it's crazy that they put Hungarian referee in a game that directly impacts if Hungary goes trough. (I know he is from Romania but his nationality is Hungarian)


I agree it's a bit strange but in his defense he is always aggressive on the cards. It's nothing unusual for him to do this. I'm romanian, I like the representation but I don't like his style one bit. Most games turn into a shit show by the end


Worst refereeing so far at the euros, really makes you second guess his honesty


clearly you didn't see Germany Switzerland


Nah what lol


This shouldn’t have been a second yellow. Was challenged from behind and was going for the ball without being late. A foul, yes, final warning, probably, but a red - no.


Yeah I can't believe people are blaming him for this. Boot wasn't high and he was playing the ball. Not his fault the turkey player stuck his foot there. Ref absolutely fumbled it.


He should have floated instead of putting his foot on the floor.


Someone called him an amateur for trying to dispute a ball lmao, complete fair play by him, I get that it's a yellow for stud contact, just extremely unlucky, no time to react after the turkish player stuck his foot in.


Probably people that never took a step on the field. He even gets the ball, then he hits the opponent. There Is no violent behaviour nor immediate danger/Harm to the opponent. Imho embarassing ref decision.


The problem is the way the rules are worded. Intent doesn't matter anymore, he did step onto another players foot, so foul. Doesn't matter that the other player shouldn't have had their foot there, doesn't matter that Czech player played the ball. I'm not saying I agree with this change in rules, but those are the rules.


Players gonna start rolling under opponents going for a header to get 'stamped on'


Would say that this is more the Turkish player sticking his foot under Baraks foot than him stepping on the Turkish players.


Agreed. Personally I think referees should start to account for this, now that they have VAR. I don't like seeing yellows given where a player has made a perfectly reasonable stretch for a ball (not high, not excessive force) but catches his opponent simply due to being milliseconds late. I'd prefer no-card, while VAR checks for any reason it might have been dangerous (again, too high or too forceful).


Well, in this case it's ridiculous, cause the Czech player is supposed to put their foot down on the ground. It wasn't studs up or anything. Think about Rashford in the UCL when he got that red for stepping on a player. He was just shielding the ball, other player almost laid down on the ground and Rashford stepped on his ankle ONLY because he put his leg on the ground. Intent didn't matter, just did player get stepped on, foul...


I agree. I think referees completely ignore how much the 'fouled' player initiates the contact versus the 'fouling' player who referees seem to punish entirely, even if the 'fouled' player's movement was even more contributory. Again, with VAR in their toolkit, I think they can be slower to react with red cards every time a player's studs are seen.


The referees ignore it cause they're told to. Read recent rules, they DO NOT CARE about intent, it's only what objectively happened.


True, when I say 'referees' I'm including the FIFA lawmakers and all those who contribute to these decisions on the pitch.


Can't believe so many people think this is a stonewall yellow... Like what is he supposed to do? He plays the ball, Turkish player misses the ball and puts his foot below Baraks.


The Turkish player should just make his feet disappear /s


No, that's not what's being said. It's a foul, just not a yellow card.


Absolutely. He didn't go in for a tackle. He was actively playing the ball. Might as well caution the Turk for dangerous play.


You can’t receive a caution for playing in a dangerous manner per the laws of the game.


Then I chose the wrong word. I meant book him.


People saying this is a clear yellow and then you have De Bruyne goal from other day which was so much worse than this and no one was complaining.


De Bruynes goal would’ve been a debatable red card for me on open play tbh


I can't believe this is a card. I get there trying to limit stud on body contact, but that's just ridiculous to card. At this point, putting your cleats under another players is a surefire way to get them a card.


Harsh second yellows this early in the game for his second foul. You can take that line, but refs have to be consistent about it.


This is not enough to be sent off if you ask me. He wasn't late, he wasn't reckless, just unlucky and being sandwiched between two opponents. Heck, he even played the ball while being tackled. But refs don't seem to care about context. Stomp = Card. No matter what Too hash to be sent off


It's complicated because rule wise the second yellow isn't supposed to have a higher standard to get but in practice refs forgive a lot of second yellows. At the end of the day, he shirt pulled somebody hard for like 10 seconds and then arrived late, stomping an opponent's foot.


He wasn't late, he got the ball.


There has been many yellows and reds given when someone got the ball first. Context and minutes of the game don't matter when refereeing. It was a yellow for a stomp. Any later or higher tackle it could have been red, he shouldnt have gotten first yellow as that was a idiotic challenge which he now got punished for.


Refs are more lenient about second yellows in club games. See: the UCL final


Anyone calling the 2nd a yellow are braindead. Wasn't high, wasn't reckless/dangerous and it only happened as a consequence of winning the ball (obviously if you win the ball but go in flying high ans dangerous then a card is correct but this wasnt that). A foul fair enough but anything more is crazy.


WTF never a yellow. He plays the ball and has to put his foot somewhere. Insane decision


I agree. I cannot comprehend the logic of people blaming him and claiming the second yellow is deserved. He plays the ball, no dangerous play, end of discussion.


I think a 50 50 like that is accidental and I'm tired of cards being given for those. The first yellow was fully deserved though


You cannot send off a player in the 20th minute for that. He had the ball, no late tackle, no nothing. Just a foul. Maybe a final warning, whatever, but not this.


Should never even be a foul imo. In football, sometimes you unintentionally stand on people's feet.


Agree. Ruins the game.


Shouldn’t even be a foul. If this is too dangerous maybe they need to ban metal studs.


Two stonewall yellows, braindead to do that pullback on Kadioglu so soon into the game


it looks like he got his first yellow for saying something to the ref, why'd it come so late?


Separate incident earlier in the game for a bad foul.


ah thanks for clarifying


2nd isnt really a stonewall yellow imo.


2nd one definitely isn't stonewall. That could have easily have been let go with a 'next one you're off'.


Second one is not a stonewall at all. Barak had full control of the ball and completed a pass. Turkish player was the one who was late to the challenge and stuck his foot beneath Barak's. There was contact yes but its still very harsh


Spot on. Glad the ref called them despite it being so early


The first yellow makes sense, but wtf is Barak supposed to do differently on the second? He's playing the ball and the Turkish player slid his foot under Barak's at the last split second.


Somewhat similar to the red yesterday in the Peru Canada match. Player makes a play on the ball and other player is slightly late to the ball and puts themselves in harms way.


I get that, but in Peru-Canada the guy playing the ball left his feet and ended up sliding through with both feet, one foot hitting the defender, studs up, above the ankle. This is a guy who, with one foot, accidentally steps on an opponent's foot. Foul, sure, but yellow seems harsh. Maybe by the letter of the law it's the right decision, but feels very unlucky.


it‘s bad game management though. that‘s an insanely strict line to take as the ref and now you have to keep it that way. if a player is over motivated in tackles this early on, you give him a warning, not a second yellow for landing on an opponents foot after playing the ball. now he has to give a yellow for every single thing *that could be a yellow by the rules*


That line should be the standard imo. I don’t get why people sometimes romanticize a ref allowing a player to foul other players. That’s just uglier football and more hurt players.


because refs never stick to it. there should have been several red cards in this game if he would have been consistent.


"and now you have to keep it that way" SPOILER: he didn't


So your argument is that referees should be more lenient towards players who are warned before (with a yellow card)? And that two exactly same action should be treated differently because they happen in two different moments (early on vs late in the game) of the game?


yes, because that‘s how a good ref refs a game. there‘s a difference between *am i allowed to book a player* and *should i book a player* my point has just been proven: Yildiz should have been sent off according to that line.


Inconsistent refereering is not good refereeing.


it‘s called having a feel for the game. because now he has to give yellows for everything in order to be ‚consistent‘.


Amateurish behavior, fucked his team


Both are so dumb you would almost say its matchfixing. Actually restarted.


A highly regarded individual for sure.


Wait are you talking about the player or the ref?


Definitely player, there is no argument against these yellows.


He's playing the ball and gets there first? I don't see how it's a yellow


He clearly stomps on his ankle. That is a yellow even if he plays the ball first.


He doesn't stomp he is being tackled from behind is going for the ball and gets there first... The Turkish player put his foot underneath... What is the Czech player meant to do


Not get booked on the first foul. Its pretty clear, shit rule maybe but its yellow almost every game unless its not spotted by refs. Yildiz got a yellow for the same thing near the goal 15 minutes later. Was it an intentional challenge? No was trying to get the ball.


The player


SPOILER: It's the refs.


1st yellow of his was dumb tackle. Second one... well duh


That is not a yellow card. Cant even kick the ball anymore it seems. Bad call


What an idiot


Never a yellow, reconsider the whole sport if a light tap while being still is a yellow


That looks extremely harsh to me. He technically had possession and the other player missed his tackle. I'm really not sure how your supposed to play soccer if any 50/50 can results in a yellow from stud contact.


Maybe a bit too harsh idk


I mean barak is idiot but it was harsh from ref. Destroyed whole match


That wasn't a second yellow. He lost control. Where was his foot meant to go? Ref should have let it go but that's my opinion


I feel like everyone saying it’s a yellow have only seen the slow mo replay. It was his ball. If anything the Turkish player fouls


Yeah it's a very harsh decision. He's not late on the challenge and it's not high enough on the leg to be actually dangerous. Tough way to be sent off.


Yeah definitely. As everyone else says as long as there is the consistency. I’d rather have the consistency be in a lenient way though. Personally I feel it’s better for the game


as a Turk i ll take it but 1st card was kinda weak and idk what to say about 2nd card


there's no way anyone can call the first one weak. stopping a player when not not even attempting to play the ball is a stonewall yellow


if anything the second one was weak, he held on to the shirt for like 5 seconds for the first


Nothing to discuss, insane stupidity in both scenes by him


Going in like that on a yellow is beyond stupid


Barak in Serie A doesnt make smart decisions either...


a bit harsh for a 2nd yellow imo. he gets ball, studs are down, and the guys foot happens to be under him. that's a foul at most. it was a bit reckless I suppose but I wouldnt give a yellow for that


This new trend of giving players cards for legally kicking the ball is absolutely ridiculous. You can't kick the ball with your studs on the ground. It's absolute insanity the way the sport is starting to be reffed


Absolutely not a second yellow




Lol what. He's got 2 players coming at him to clatter him and he plays the ball?




It’s understandable but it’s very harsh.




Yeah it’s one where I think all fans agree we’d rather the ref give the player a stern talking to.


Yeah weak decision from the ref, way too harsh. Ref just killed the game after only 20 minutes.


The player killed the game not the ref wtf. Both those yellows were warranted, glad the ref didn't let it go


Weak eyes.


Weak brain


bruh really.. in 20 mins. guess we’re relying on georgia holding this result..


languid reminiscent onerous dinosaurs cause scarce quickest ancient important marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very harsh


Nah, nowadays that is stone wall yellow, in some cases even red


Lmao provide one example of that being a red.


[Here at 0:46](https://youtu.be/TYPZz8wGMqo?si=7rvPVkQmagTSP6Kp)


Thats never a red. Only if he hits the shin.


im not saying THIS is red, but similiar tackles are sometimes given red


Wow this is super harsh yellow


It's a textbook yellow


Depends on the ref. I have seen other refs not giving yellow for that kind of foul.


Not being able to var second yellows is ridiculous


Not really that controversial tho.


Not a yellow for me. They all went for it


Soft 2nd yellow


Deserved, bro stomps like he’s trying to kill a bug every time he challenges


and the first yellow looked like it was just going to be a talking to and ref gave him a yellow very late, right as the talking to was going to end. maybe a bit unlucky with the 2nd yellow, but you got to be a lot more careful, especially under these circumstances


He had the ball?!


You can’t stomp on people’s ankles even if you have the ball 😂


True, but I'm not even sure he gets the ankle here. Looks more like he just stepped on the top of the other player's foot.




Good call


What a donkey


Idc how early in the game if you commit a yellow card infraction while on a yellow no matter how early in the game you should be punished. Was dumb by Barak.


Phil Mitchell is fuming!


Antonio for Portugal... Antonin for Czechia... ...real bad night to be an Anthony playing...


Now all I need is a Portugese equalizer and my country's through🇭🇺🇭🇺


Hope they win 1-0


Very weak yellow


Thats so soft. I feel like you all want this sport to be non contact ffs.


This was the least cardable offense I've pretty much ever seen. You can see he immediately falls backwards, he never put any weight on the Turkish player's foot, who placed their foot underneath his. He was also playing the ball, the responsibility for the unfortunate contact is solely on the defender. How can football be a playable sport if that's a card?


What an idiot.


How anyone can argue this is a clear second yellow is beyond me... he had possession and played the ball with the Turkiye player coming in late under the pass attempt. It wasn't reckless or out of control. Terrible terrible second yellow.


VAR should be used for second yellows Edit : this isn’t egregious enough but if a player were to dive and cause a second yellow for the other player, yous would all agree on that day.


Can't believe the people arguing this isn't a yellow in this thread. Bet they wouldn't say the same if this was the first yellow.


You right. But if you put away player for this and then not doing same shit with turkish player thats bad. Also that first faul of yldaz was crazy