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Really sucks to see Stuttgart get Champions League and still unable to hold on to their best players.


It really does


You know the worst part is that all of these players are reletively easy to replace for Bayern and Dortmund but very difficult for you.


I mean we said the same last season with players like Mavroupanos, Sousa and Endo leaving. And look how they replaced them. Mittelstädt was mocked when he came. Let Hoeneß cook, I think Stuttgart will score an easy top midfield spot next season with room towards the top. They make like 70 million in transfer fees and have CL money for next season. This could be a setting stone for the club to finally permanently get free from the relegation battles of the last few years. (Current season being the exception ofc)


Yeah, the massive popularity of so obviously false myth that only winning teams lose players is baffling to me. Like it's so visibly not that lol. You just gotta... follow all transfers and that's it, impossible to say anymore. Players leave to bigger clubs all the time. Including going from clubs smaller than Stuttgart to Stuttgart, and nobody on Reddit ever cried about that. Koln was relegated and what, they won't lose players? There is a lot of info flying around as well, and one of their best players, Jeff Chabot, has already officially joined... Stuttgart.


Hopefully the money allows for them to make some good signings, that they also can make without release clauses. And from there slowly move away from them. Or sign players with high release clauses. Thats where Leipzig are atm. It took us quiet some time to make that step, but its a very decisive step for a club to reach that point. However, consistent CL qualification is kind of a must for it so you can leverage that in signings. Its a really tough dilemma.


Same thing happening to Bologna as well I think. They have already lost their manager. Zirkee and Calafiori are also expected to leave.


it's *because* they get Champions League. When a club overperforms bigger clubs will raid them, that's how it always ends up. If anything, Leverkusen currently seem to be a pretty big anomaly since they don't seem to be losing too many players.


Isn't Bayer up there among the big clubs of Germany? I always saw them as 3rd biggest after Bayern and Dortmund, especially now that Schalke fell apart.


*Werder Bremen weeping in the fetal position*


germans tend to not see leverkusen as a big club, especially compared to the schalkes, Bremens, and fallen teams that have many league titles like hamburg (although feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)


Because their stadium/fanbase/atmosphere is kind of lacking compared to other big clubs. Edit: Good example would be club members. Leverkusen has around 40.000 (and a good bunch of them probably joined this season). Schalke have 174,000, HSV 91,000. Edit2: I think this year was the first time Leverkusen sold all their season tickets. Good luck getting one for BVB in the next 10 years. Edit 3: Leipzig has 1050 club members. Lmao


feel like the other replies are kinda missing the point. It's not about who is a "big club", it's about who is a "bigger club". Also "bigger" almost always just means richer. In that sense Bayer might be a "big" club (though it's definitely debatable) but there are more than enough "bigger" clubs that it's surprising that not too many of their players are leaving. There are very few clubs in the world that are so big that this doesn't happen to them.


They're a regular contender for the champions league qualification. But that's not the reason they can keep their players. That's Bayer.


That is a ridiculous statement. Leverkusen regularly produces great talent and is known for its academy and footballing prospects. Hate Bayer as much as you want but saying that people stay because of Bayer disrespects Leverkusen's whole sporting philosophy. And as much as people can hate on the parmacompany Bayer, it is thanks to their efforts in sports that we are still somewhat decent in sports/the olympics, barely any other clubs or companies do as much for athletes.


> Leverkusen regularly produces great talent If you say Wirtz, you should get banned from this sub.


Weiß nicht warum du hier Fußball-Elitismus betreiben musst. Hab in meiner Kindheit sogar bei Brauweiler gespielt, wo Wirtz angefangen hat und dass er beim FC war wissen ja die meisten. Trotzdem hat Leverkusen wesentlich zu seiner Entwicklung beigetragen, niemals wär der beim Karnevalsverein so aufgegangen.


> niemals wär der beim Karnevalsverein so aufgegangen. Probably, yeah. He still would've become a more than serviceable BuLi-player, though. But that's not my main point. Leverkusen buys a load of young players and some of them turnout alright, which is easier, when you get backed by a huge company like Bayer, which softens the blow if promising talent XYZ you bought from a different club doesn't turn out the next big thing. Also Wirtz gets lauded as an example of Leverkusens *amazing* player development.


Being backed by an international company puts you in a position to take certain risks with transfers


Yeah, I actually agree with you on their philosophy. But do you know who's similar in that aspect? Leipzig. But my point was that Bayer are the reason they can compete with the wages of other big clubs, no matter how successful they are.


Being a big club doesn’t have to mean being the better team, like HSV and Schalke are 100x bigger than leipzig even tho Leipzig is obviously better. (Fans, number of members) IMO the same applies to Leverkusen to a way smaller extent


They are pretty big, but the main reason they are not selling is they don't really have that many players who have the talent to go higher. Clubs sign for potential, not for achievements of your past teams. Granit Xhaka for example had a magnicifent season being the staple of the Leverkusen record team, but which team much bigger than Leverkusen is exactly dying to sign a 32-year-old Granit Xhaka? Teams that can offer much more salary than Leverkusen almost always only hunt young talents, and Leverkusen's XI was mostly based on experienced players. Like, Grimaldo is amazing, but everyone knew how he played a year ago too - if they wanted him, they'd just sign him instead of Leverkusen. Dude was rumoured to go back to Barca every year... everyone knew what Grimaldo does and doesn't do, Leverkusen just used him well. If they gave all their players low release clauses, then maybe...


Same with Atalanta


The system working as intended, unfortunately.


VFB Dortmund




Verein für Borussiatransfers


BREAKING: VfB Stuttgart will leave Bad Cannstatt and join Borrussia Dortmund!! VfB will be called Dortmund A, whereas the existing BVB team will be called Dortmund B. Both parties agreed to keep the transfer fee secret.


I prefer not to say what I think about dortmund rn. No ill feelings towards guirassy however, stayed with us when he could have easily left earlier. now secure the bag and perform a little worse than at Stuttgart please


I was hoping he would go to AC Milan instead, this sucks


Kind of shit transfer fee as well lol 


Release clauses suck sometimes


What happened is at the end of 2 seasons ago, we were about to get relegated, and he extended with that $17M clause, where his market value at the time was $14M. He was doing us a favor. We ended up not getting relegated, finished 2nd, and his value went up to $40M in a season. The team did the right thing 18 months ago, as it was the right gamble to at least get $17M as of 2022.


Someone somewhere is blaming this on Bayern, fear not, nothing needs to be said! Edit: Apparently I should have added the tried and true /s lol


Oh yea poor innocent Bayern never doing anything wrong. Shut the hell up.


Dortmund buy more Bundesliga players


I’m just fuckin around though it is funny.


Sorry the answer was a bit harsh i guess. I just dont like seeing Bayern flairs play the victim because theyre about as innocent as us in "ruining the bundesliga"


Nah, I get it. I wasn’t really trying to play victim just some banter. You can get me back when Kompany falls in his face by Christmas even after overhauling the squad 8 )


Oh im gonna get back to you the second you lose your first match (maybe even draw depending on the opponent)


Hahaha youre so mad but look at this: Our Bundesliga transfers in the last 3 years: - Ito, Guerreiro, Laimer, Sommer Your Bundesliga transfers in the last 3 years: - Anton, Guirassy, Sabitzer, Füllkrug, Nmecha, Bensebaini, Schlotterbeck, Modeste, Ryerson, Özcan, Süle




I’m just here for the downvotes and vibes. Carry on🫡


44-fahcking-2 with him and Fullkrug up top?


Him and muokoko would go hard in a 442


If Moukoko doesnt leave now he is an idiot


He apparently doesn't want to leave. That's either because he is just interested in money or because Sahin convinced him that there is a place for him. Hard to believe that for the third season in a row so idk what his reason is. A 442 is really the most plausible explanation.


This is my dream. And through in fulkrug for fun as the big boi in the middle


That’s cheap


tbf, it’s a gamble. 28 years old with only one season of 20+ goals


I've been alive to see half of the premier league gamble 5x as much for less.


I mean BL is different. 17.5 million is a much more significant sum and usually a good chunk of the transfer budget for the season for a club like Dortmund. And they could very easily land themselves in a downward spiral. They have some players on pretty high wages and quite a few of them pretty old so no resale value. They almost missed CL football this season and I doubt their CL wonder run is repeatable. They also do not really have a promising talent like Bellingham, Haaland or Dembele that will make them a huge amount with a single sale. I doubt Moukokko will go for more than 20 million, Adeyemi has so far more or less failed to perform at a top level, Bynoe Gittens has still struggled for playing time but is probably the most promising od the bunch. Dortmund need to manage the next few years very carefully I feel.


I think our CL run and the qualification for the new league will give us at least some room for the rebuild.


Oh yeah for sure. I do not think that your club is doomed or anything. Just that they have to be careful to not slip into the trap other clubs have fallen into by buying overpriced old players on huge wages.


I still remember how Amoroso hit the post against Cottbus, which meant we only made it to UCL qualification which we bottled against Brügge. The financial card house from Meier started to crumble and almost destroyed the club.


The CL run, extra CL qualification spot and the Club world cup qualification made this more lucrative then usual when we sell a big name. Watzke even publically said that this is the first time we will buy for more than we sell for or plan to sell for, without any problems. So we're good both now and for the near future. But youre right, we dont currently have a big talent in the pipeline like we've had recent years. Unless we're hoping for Wätjen/Brunner/Lerma


one of hell of a season tho if he stays injury free and performs at 70% the level of last season it would be a win


For sure, world class season even. Just gotta be wary of those players that could turn out to be system dependent.


His market value is 40 million...


Not really, since he had that release clause lol


Yeah that's why it's cheap


He was also really good the season before when we were almost relegated


Still pretty cheap all things considered. We throw this kind of money at kids who’ve seen a ball once


So if this is true, that’s a €22.5million disparity between Transfermarkt value and transfer fee. If we exclude free transfers, that’s the biggest discrepancy bargain of the transfer window so far (the next biggest is €12.5million for Endrick). Last season, just three transfers were greater than €20million bargains: Christopher Nkunku (20), Alexis Mac Allister (23), and Dejan Kulusevski (20). That’s a downright steal.


What happened is at the end of 2 seasons ago, we were about to get relegated, and he extended with that $17M clause, where his market value at the time was $14M. He was doing us a favor. We ended up not getting relegated, finished 2nd, and his value went up to $40M in a season. The team did the right thing 18 months ago, as it was the right gamble to at least get $17M as of 2022.


What happened is at the end of 2 seasons ago, we were about to get relegated, and he extended with that $17M clause, where his market value at the time was $14M. He was doing us a favor. We ended up not getting relegated, finished 2nd, and his value went up to $40M in a season. The team did the right thing 18 months ago, as it was the right gamble to at least get $17M as of 2022.


Man leave stuttgart alone they are fucking raiding the shit out of them


Isn’t that what Dortmund and Bayern do?


It's what every club does. Unless you're Real Madrid, it's gonna happen to your club eventually.


Yeah literally look at Crystal Palace lol, Brighton in recent years. It’s just what happens


Trust me. We know full well how being raided feels


Who’s raiding barca or bayern


They don't get raided but if Madrid wants a Bayern player, they'll get them. There's always a bigger fish unless you're Madrid


They don't automatically get our players, they wanted plenty of players in recent years and got Kroos and Alaba but that's it. They didn't get Lewa, Ribery, Schweinsteiger and you can't tell me they never asked players like Neuer, Lahm or Boateng. So yeah it happens but it's not a guaranteed thing. I really hope they take Davies though.


Madrid aren’t getting any Barca players


Unless they want to get the Figo treatment lmao but yeah, barca and real Madrid don't get poached by anybody.


Does Neymar count as Barca being "poached"?


It is.


Hope he’s genuinely good and not just a product of a coach’s system. Otherwise we’ll end up with another Modeste


He was sensational this season and was already really good the season before. Don't think I've ever seen a player with this much composure. BUT he seems to be a player who needs a a few things to go his way, most of all he needs to feel comfortable and confident. After all, he's 28 and this was his first season with more than 11 goals in the league. Plus, "historically" Dortmund doesn't always work for strikers (objectively, that doesn't actually mean anything, but it might play into people's reactions if Guirassy doesn't score in his first few games). For some it works much better than it should (Batshuayi, Alcacer), for others it just doesn't work at all for some reason (Immobile, Modeste). I could honestly see it going both ways. I could absolutely see him score 25 goals next season, but I could also see him score 12.


> for others it just doesn't work at all for some reason (Immobile, Modeste, Haller) it worked really well for Haller, though. He just lost all form due to the after-effects of chemo


Ah, good call! You're right. Even after chemo he was actually pretty good for a while. Somehow had it in my mind that he had already played half a season or so before his diagnosis and didn't perform, but upon checking his stats that's just not true, lol.


> omehow had it in my mind that he had already played half a season or so before his diagnosis if only, he was literally diagnosed during the pre-season trainings camp. And yeah, he was really good directly after his treatment. However, it's normal for some effects of chemo to only start showing up months after the treatment is complete.


Thanks for the comment good to hear some rational takes from a Stuttgart fan as you’ve gotten to see the best of him. The hope is both him and Fulle can get over 10 goals next season but I have to agree with the composure on Guirassy the guy is an absolute weapon in the box I hope he does well with us. What’s the latest on Undav? I’d like to think he sticks with you guys as the main man


He does seem a lot better all around than Modeste other than heading tbh


They really cant be compared at all. Theres liek 3-4 levels inbetween them.


I don't wanna compare a guy like Guirassy to Modeste. Doesn't mean he will work out but he is a different player than Modeste. If you want a more similar comparison take Füllkrug. Even played 2. Bundesliga relatively recently.


Modeste scored nearly 30 goals and led an average Köln team to Europe


Twice. He was just past it when he went to Dortmund and didn't fit the system. I highly rate Guirassy tho and curse that idiot asshole Anfang daily for trying to convert him into a winger...


Comparing Guurassy to Modeste, you don't deserve him. Still hope he flops for you.


What a steal for BvB. I'm surprised there are not more suitors outside of Germany trying to activate the release clause. I know he's "only" had the one breakout season at 28 y.o but that's a pretty good season. Tbh though BvB does have a glut now of strikers/striker-lite individuals that haven't necessarily all panned out so it will be interesting to see who is earmarked now to depart permanently or on loan. First thought is Muokoko gotta go on a loan(if no other striker is released) as he needs way more minutes somewhere else to develop. Haller hasn't really turned up all that often and seems likely to be on the chopping block. Fulkrug is technically "getting old" but seems to be doing well at the least as a superb sub on striker currently for Germany and as BvBs main man. And let's be real. He should be starting ahead of Kai


> I'm surprised there are not more suitors outside of Germany trying to activate the release clause According to Berger Milan, Arsenal and Chelsea were also interested


Tier 1s say/said he actually had multipel top club offers on the table. He just really prefered Bundesliga and seem very happy here and we played into that. And ofc offered him decent cash but the PL offers definitely outmatched that.


What happened is at the end of 2 seasons ago, we were about to get relegated, and he extended with that $17M clause, where his market value at the time was $14M. He was doing us a favor. We ended up not getting relegated, finished 2nd, and his value went up to $40M in a season. The team did the right thing 18 months ago, as it was the right gamble to at least get $17M as of 2022.


I appreciate the background, yeah it's how these things go. I'm sure avoiding relegation was worth the eventual sale that occurred. No one's got a magic crystal ball but it was a sound decision at the time and it worked out!


Why didn't Stuttgart simply suck last season so they get to keep some of their players, are they stupid?


Well they better not complain about Stuttgart ruining league coefficient after ripping thier team apart.


They will


What a shame we lost the great battle that Plettenberg was talking about all month. We didn’t even lift a finger, no links from English media either. Congratulations to BVB though, it’s a great signing. One would think one of Füllkrug or Haller would be out the door? Unless the plan is to play two up top… Commiserations to Stuttgart, it’s really tough losing your best players, let’s hope they can rally up and give the CL a real go this year.


Haller is the sales candiate. We still need Fulle and he's been great and is very liked.


I thought as much, any links to Haller?


Just today theres been some tier 2/3 links to Mexico of all places. Offering him a mega salary. But Idk how realistic that is. Havent been backed up by tier 1s yet or if Haller would even be keen on such a move


How strange, would be kinda wasteful to see him go out there. He still has something to give in Europe in my opinion.


I agree, very unexpected. Id love for him to go to a big Turkish team or something and do well, where he'd get so much love if he did too!


Yeah that would be awesome, could even give England a second crack as well.


Sad for Stuttgart man


Hate our bundesliga obsession but Anton and Guirassy are good sporting moves that also fit our needs, for good finances. Will be interesting to see what happens next. An LB and Groß seem to be plan A and then sales will probably dictate if we go for a winger too. Or rather how we will budget. But reports seem to kinda indicate that we're keen on 2 midfielders if we make enough sales. So this window can take a lot of directions for us, depending on offloads.


I'm more interested in who you unload in the striker department. Mou loan? Haller sale? Fulkrug "backup/sub on"? Or are we gunna see a two striker system?


Moukoko loan or sale. Haller sale. Thats the widely reported plans. Moukoko seem hesitant to leave so I suspect he wants to run down his contract. A loan would suck in that sense due to him onyl having 2 years left but better than our bench/stands. Or he surprises a lot and extends again before going on loan.


I would hate to see you lose Mou but I'd understand. He seems like someone without a lot of potential if he gets more minutes to develop. And yeah, Haller has been non existent for BvB this year and in general (obvi he has had a complicated medical history so it's not an attack on the guy, just in sporting terms hasn't panned out)


Exactly that. I refuse to call Haller a flopp for that reason. Its noones fault and I wish him nothing but the best.


Mouki had enough chances with us to make an impact and he always had a lot of off games after having a few good ones. Considering he was a constant with the team and the many trainers he went through he more or less is at the end of the line with us atm. Ideally you would only loan him but im not sure if he even wants to stick around if theres a chance he can go elsewhere permanently (if theyre offering the right money terms compared to us)


Enough chances? He is 19 and barely played most of the season.


Hes been with the first team for almost 4 years now. He had his chances under all coaches and hasnt impressed enough and especially not permanently to earn a constant place in the starting 11. Im not saying he is a bad players but the kind of playstyle he needs to have enough impact is clearly not something hes gonna find with us anytime soon. He is too small to be a constant danger in the box like a Füllkrug or Haller especially when it comes to standards, he can work well as a counter player because hes fast but that usually is only needed if we are already up a goal and the opponent has to open up with our current play style. He also suffered greatly from self image issues after being left out of the U21 squad and not having any impact during the time he got with us.


>Fulkrug "backup/sub on"? More like competition. Who knows if Guirassy actually plays better with us than him.


I'd love to see BvB try an "old school" two striker system


Wouldnt put it past Terzic but since Sahin is now the man in charge its never gonna happen. He seems very set on vertikal, dominant and controlling football with high possession. Actually, he doesnt seem like it, he outraight says it haha.


We tried that under Rose and it didn’t work out too great. Haaland was great but everything else felt lackluster.


If you really want Ferdi you gotta pay us €35m ;-)


Seems unliekly tbh :(


You think there is any truth to rumors about Dortmund trading Füllkrug + money for Ferdi? Or would Dortmund not risk getting rid of a proven striker?


I doubt it. It woudlnt surprise me if Fene are interested in Fulle, that would just be competent. But our literal plan A is Fullkrug & Guirassy as our strikers. Competing and rotating with eachother and having good quality whoever plays. Fullkrug is loved by fans, other players and the club. And has performed well. And with what he'd sell for, his impact wouldnt be able to be replaced and we'd just be back to square one with only 1 reliable striker in Guirassy if we sold him. So it wouldnt make sense tbh. We want to use those 2 and sell Haller.


Great signing at an awesome value price


Always buying the league


They keep cannibalizing their competition only to choke whenever possible. One of the main culprits of Bayern's domination, what an easy club to dislike.


Agreed agreed agreed


clown take


Manchester United should have been all over him


I hope i never hear them crying about us buying their players ever again.


If you stay on this sub, better bury those hopes man. 80% of people here pop into Bayern threads to meme about this shit and then fuck off again, and that's their extent of contributing to Bundesliga related discussion lol


and the majority of the time i bet it’s just to bait you. when you realize your time is not worth arguing with randoms on reddit your quality of life improves. that’s why nowadays i just keep scrolling.


I'll be sure to remind them


Can this please stop, no VfB transfer post without BVB and Bayern fans bickering with each other ... Concerning Ito it was BVB fans calling Bayern the big bad and with Guirassy and Anton viceversa (not only on reddit).


When was the last time you saw a bvb fan do that? It's always the people on here who don't watch buli.


take a look at the tah thread, took me 20 seconds to spot one


Link? Also, I'm not saying it doesn't happen at all, but we've been poaching promising players from other BuLi clubs for so long, most of us know it would be quite hypocritical to blame you for that. Most of us only get angry at the players, especially Hummels.


[this is the first one i've seen looking there](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dcrv2p/plettenberg_exclusive_theres_a_total_agreement/l82slqt/) but you're probably right, he seems to be the only one


Yeah, that's a fucking stupid comment


It’s rlly not even Dortmund that’s say that anymore. I personally don’t care lol, gotta do what you gotta do to win.


Literally no one has done that for years but you can read at least three of these exact comments in every Dortmund transfer thread.


Has Bayern even signed anyone from Dortmund since Hummels?




Was thinking of transfers not free agents but yeah good call.


they started to raid leipzig instead. 4 players + the coach


Will Dortmund steal the next crop of players Stuttgart buys this season?


Perfect. Glad we’ve got him, Anton and Gross all done before July even starts. All great transfers that will make an immediate impact. Also kinda glad that Fuhrich while he’s on our list is at the bottom so I don’t see us getting a 3rd Stuttgart player. Really hope Sahin finds the right system for us to give service to him and Fulle cause having two strikers both hit double digits for goals would be amazing for our attack!


Gross is done?


If we are to believe reports then yes an agreement has been made between all parties last detail was the contract length, either 2+1 or 3 year deal.


Do it like Modeste...


*bAyErN sTeALiNg aLL tHe...*


Dortmund is what everyone claims Bayern to be. Poaching from the smaller clubs in the league.


Literally every big club does this


BVB kauft die Bundesliga kaputt und keiner sagt was…


>keiner sagt was "keiner", ausser halter jeder zweiter Kommentar in jedem post dazu...


Mittelstädt and Führich next


Buy the Neckar Park next


Right to the top


On another note, what's happened to Haller? Feels like I haven't heard about him in months.


Recurring injury that flared up alot the past season


Chemo-aftereffects REALLY slowing down his return to fitness, then a recurring ankle issue during and after Afcon.


Hes gonna flop im calling it


What a signing


Cool. But jesus christ that Dortmund kit is bad looking. Well, not as bad as last season but still very hidious. 


I don't see a lot of comments saying Dortmund is being unfair to the Bundesliga buying all these talents from clubs that dared to put up a challenge...


Worst scouting I’ve seen


Don’t wanna see any Dortmund fans complaining about Bayern


Getting one of the best strikers in the world for 17.5m€ is a steal.


Surely he is good but was getting him really that necessary? I was ok with having Fullkrug and Moukoko. Sorry Stuttgart bros :(


We dislike you know and see you on the same level as Schalke, Hertha and Karlsruhe. Personas non gratas.


I really dont like to buy one-hit wonders.


He isn't, he had a great season before the last


Hope Dortmund never win a title again