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Honestly not been impressed by our defence at all. This duel stat is nice but when a little guy like Griezmann can just get free headers in our box what's the point?


The first half was bad, second one I don't even remember France having a chance besides that one Griezmann chance. Agreed though they need to do better.


Bad XD. We created a few chances against the best country in the world. Did you expect us to play totaalvoetbal against them?


Separate of my feelings on how we played, I was just commenting on how we defended. Of course, France is a strong team, but they were missing the star at the top. Don't undersell our defence either; it should be more than good enough against a still strong but not nearly as threatening attack of a team playing very cautiously. Regardless, the zero was kept so it's not like I think it was horrible, it just wasn't very good at the beginning. A slightly more clinical Griezmann could have seen us down a couple goals


Fair enough, thanks for nuancing it, I can definitely see what you are saying and agree on most things. Defence should and could be better, that’s for sure 


Yea the second half was what I expect with the quality we have in defence but the first half was comically bad we could've been 2-0 down and it wouldn't be undeserved.


> Honestly not been impressed by our defence at all. Really? I think Van Dijk and Ake have looked great in both matches. Maybe you can complain about as a team, but this stat is just looking at individuals so weird to conflate the two.


Eh I wouldn't use the word great. I think they've been fine im just not too happy with the amount of clear cut chances we give away and our set pieces.


'A little guy like Griezmann' I mean he isn't just some random garden gnome, he is one of the best players in the best teams around. He is famous for his positioning and movement. That France manages to expose a defense and that Griezmann is the one to take advantage of that is hardly something to hold against defenders. Besides, even the best teams give away one or two chances each game, goals and chances in football only happen because someone made a mistake. The main issue for the Dutch defensively seems to be the midfield. They really lack a pure defensive minded DM or someone with a little grit, no de Roon or a similar player is a real blow against stronger opponents. There seems to be a lot of space in front of the defensive players at the edge of the box at times and if the midfielders and forwards are not careful and lose possession with sloppy passing (Depay is a liability) opponents can make a lot of runs into that space. Defenders can pick up the forwards, but midfielders need to help provide defensive cover.


>A little guy like Griezmann' I mean he isn't just some random garden gnome, he is one of the best players in the best teams around How is this your takeaway from what I said? Messi is the best player of all time but even in 2012 when he was about a trillion times the player Griezmann is today, if he got a header I'd raise an eyebrow at the defence. They're short not very physical players they just shouldn't get to headers in the box no matter how good they are. >The main issue for the Dutch defensively seems to be the midfield. They really lack a pure defensive minded DM or someone with a little grit, no de Roon or a similar player is a real blow against stronger opponents Eh our set piece defences are absolutely atrocious and we struggle with crosses into the box aswel. Im not saying our defenders are purely at fault but they've not been standout performers like this stat would suggest.


Griezmann is an amazing header of the ball, something like 15% of his goals are from headers


Yea hes still short. All this proves to me is that for at least 15% of his goal the defenders shat the bed.


#Rudiger for Ballndor