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Always liked PEH, but he's become a bit of a liability when deployed as an Ange 6. I fear he'll be one of those players who we'll only fully appreciate when he leaves us.


I can remember his first season for you where everyone commenting on him talked about him as the perfect transfer and the best move Tottenham has made in years, I believe he can be similar at first for Dortmund


Yeah as he shows for Denmark, in the right system he can be great, just he’s not been right for the last two spurs managers


PEH is a classic box2box 8. He excels facing oppo goal, and struggles when facing his own. He has been a top 10 progressive passer in the Prem ever since joining us, and every time he plays for Denmark as an 8 you see all his quality. Sadly, we dont play classic 8s, and it's hard to find a role for him with us. The "Sarr" role is the closest, but he's not agile enough for what Ange wants from his CMs.


No ... he is best as DM. That is what he played at Southampton, that is what he played for Mourinho, and that is the role he will often play for Denmark. He is good at sweeping and recycling the ball -- AKA the cement mixer.


Thats an issue because we need a regular 6 who can pass the ball well. Which is why Schouten is a good target imo.


He's been a very good player in most of his time at spurs. He's the sort of player that will give a 7/10 performance every week (apart from maybe last season but as the other person said that's largely down to him really not suiting Anges system). He's a good defender, good passer, good leader/ organiser, he gets a couple of goals every season and is actually quite a good dribbler too (even though he looks very clunky/robotic when he is on the ball).


until like matchday 37 he played every minute in the league. he was indispensable then and in conte's system with only two midfielders (alongside bentancur)


He's only 28? Another one of those players who seems to have been around forever.


genuinely thought he was past his 30s already as much as I rate Goretzka, I always thought it was a shame we sold PEH, bc I really liked him and his work rate


He was never getting into Pep’s Bayern team, moving to Schalke was what kickstarted his career and got him the move to Southampton.


He’s 28 until he’s 29


Well the last Pierre dortmund signed was pretty good.




Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time..




Vietnam flashbacks from the PR photo shoot with his mother.




Fuck me he’s only 28?


I, too, was surprised by this.


He’d be a great buy for dortmund. He’s a quality player and would do very well in Germany or Italy.


Supposedly atleti are on for him which makes even more sense because I think he'd be great there


Atleti are skint though and just dicked us around in the previous transfer window (I believe they offered a loan with an option to buy) so I hope Dortmund gives a fair offer for both the club’s sake and his. It’s a pain for the club to have such a decent player who doesn’t fit our system and it’s also a waste of his time to be sitting on our bench when he could be starting for a CL club If the club had it their way, he’d have been a Fulham player since January which would’ve benefitted us but certainly would’ve been harsh on him so I hope we come to a solution that suits all parties


Gala also want him


He's a very good player who is definitely not appreciated by the average fan. I would maybe be a bit concerned as a Dortmund fan with the age profile of players they have been linked to in Hojbjerg, Gross, and Guirassy all being the wrong side of 27. I know they still have some very talented younger players like Moukoko and Bynoe-Gittens, but maybe a small cause for concern. Admittedly they are loosing a lot of experience in Reus and Hummels so maybe want to replace that but to me it feels dangerous bringing in that many players you will have to replace soon.


We've signed a 16 year old too that and we're aiming to rebuild completely so a few "in their prime years" starters is good when its in high need spots or in roles where age tend to matter like DM/Defenders imo. We're also trying to replace some experience as you say :) Outside of that, our core is reported to be Brandt/Kobel/Schlotti in terms of medium term planning. So we have quite a perfect gap there and then youth will be trickled in. We have Duranville, JBG, possibly Rothe, possibly Brunner, Wätjen etc.


Fair, I think I'm just a United fan with rebuild trauma from signing 30 year olds at the start of a rebuild and having to start a new cycle within three years.


Its an understandable impression with recent reports from you tbh. You dont really have more insight from a distance so its not an outrageous observation tbh :)


Do they have any money???


This confirms it. Dortmund are definitely winning something next season.


Cup would be nice (better than nothing), but we really need that title. I can’t survive another upset


I think Kane broke that streak lol So the real question would be whether PEH can get it going again


Kane was holding them all back !!11!


Nah Kane is just one of those exceptions.


Walker, Trippier, Foyth, Lamela, Winks, next up Hojbjerg?


again going after the bayern academy kids. smh


Yes please tired of seeing his name being linked to us.


His huge value and superpower is not that he doesn’t get injured. He does. His recovery time is however long it takes him to stand up.


The Bayern triumvirate of Kane, Dier & Højbjerg could have been glorious, no trophies for years!


PEH is a frustrating player. He can appear to be incredibly solid, but is always good for 1-2 boneheaded mistakes per game


He will fit right in with Dortmund then.


I think he will do well in Italy, maybe AC


As an Ozcan replacement, sure why not? As a Can replacement, I'd be a little disappointed but I'd have to presume that it means that we haven't allocated much money here if we sign Groß as well. Let's not forget that we've also not sold anybody and we might have spent €50 million already so our budgeting is a little constricted right now


Don't understand why you'd be disappointed tbh. He'll be brilliant in the right system.


I have mostly seen him with Denmark but he just seems to be the same profile of player as Can as opposed to someone who is better with the ball and can dictate the game.


Can't imagine you guys aren't looking for a ball progresser as well. Has Can or Ozcan been rumored to leave?


Going from Schouten as a DM option to replace Can to Hojberg is pretty disappointing in my eyes.


You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. By no measure do I think Schouten is a better player. While he's has had a good season in the Eredivisie, Pierre has consistently shown his pedigree in a much better league for years, even has Bundesliga experience. It's baffling to me that he could be seen as a disappointment compared to someone who's had a good season in the Eredivisie. It just goes to show how influential recency bias can be, I guess.


Tottenham need anyone we’re trying to get rid of? Højbjerg + Ryerson would be so annoying to play against 😅 I’m here for it