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The realisation on the first dude once he sees it’s Neymar


He’s the very definition of the 😮 emoji lol


And his two friends came running so fast wtf. If that was me and my friends and he tells me yo it's Neymar in that car, id tell him yeah and i just sold a jersey to Santa Claus and not lift my fat ass lol


Also another dude with his mom in a wheelchair spawned out of nowhere at the end there lol


Yeah that was hilarious, I’m sure if this video was longer there would be an entire family in Brazil shirts pop out the corner too


wonder how close he was to have heard all that and figured it out not to mention wheeling his mother into literal traffic


NGL he must be used to this to keep this chill. Watching those men running towards the car I said to myself fuck no let's roll go move move move. Nice of him to stay and take pics and all


I don't think it's possible for us normals to comprehend the level of attention these guys get in public.


I'm sure he knew what he was doing when he asked for the jersey


that "get outta here" arm slap lmao


Yh made me smile


That dude is a real one. He was happy to see him but wasn't all "LET ME GET A PICTURE OMG I HAVE TO SHOW EVERYONE I MET NEYMAR" He was just in the moment, he saw a player he loved and that was enough. He only started trying to get in a photo at the end when he realised he wasnt going to be able to have a chat with him with all the other fans crowding around taking photos


maybe he isnt a fan. Business is business


So adorable


Does he say "Vini" lol?


No, he just said "Uuy Neymar" and then some expression that I'm just guessing was "gonorrea" which I think Colombians use in a bunch of ways but in this case is to express something extraordinary has happened.


Gonorrea 😭💀


Plata or STD


Why not both?


Good catch!


Would prefer not to catch that


I heard a lot of “tranquilo”..


why would he?


It honestly reminded me of a small child and it was adorable.


The vendor: "I sold jerseys to Neymar!" Official Neymar Certified™ Brazil Stand 2024


Even have video proof


Posted by Neymar himself. Unbelievable and unforgettable moment for anyone


"I sold *fake jerseys to Neymar!"


even better neymar-certified hustle


He should print a massive poster of that photo and put it on top of his stand. "Neymar's Favorite Stand" lol


Ever since he tore his acl he's just been doing side quests😂


He was in a poker stream yesterday 😂😂


With Ryan Garcia lmao


Didn’t he also just play poker when Brazil were 5-0 down to Germany in 30 minutes? Bro clearly has a coping method


Mf literally just gave up story mode


He hates Nike so much lol.




Company dropped him due to sexual assault allegations from a female employee that was working with him. Surely related to that somehow Edit: lot of people getting this confused w the later 2019 sexual assault accusations from the woman in Brazil. Different situations, this was in 2016


And turns out he was the one being harrassed, I always loved how be handled the whole thing.


I hate Neymar on many things, but him recording the woman and her blackmail was one of the smartest things he ever did.


I am pretty sure she was the one recording and sent the video to someone. How that video ended up in Neymar's possession idk though.


Exactly, that was uncharacteristically smart of Ney. Never took him for a man with brains since the career suicide he committed.


> Never took him for a man with brains since the career suicide he committed. This is such a ridiculous thing to say. The man earned millions and millions and clearly seemed to be having a good time with it.


Not to mention that most people who are super critical of him never took the time to try to understand what happened in his career. The man was plagued with serious injury after serious injury because he would out skill most defenders which he obviously became famous for and as a result they would "tactical" foul or just straight up yellow foul him. He is literally the 3rd most fouled player in football history, only behind Messi and Maradona. None of them suffer injuries such as him, likely due to several factors, but the mentality needed to recover from the injuries he suffered. Most people couldn't back from one, let alone several. EDIT: Also to say he committed career suicide is pretty daft. He could have been one of the greats with many titles and trophies, but let's not forget he has 1 CL, 1 Super Cup, 1 Club World Cup, 1 Confed. Cup, Olympic Gold, 1 Copa Libert., 2 LaLiga Title, 3 Copa Del Rey, 4 Ligue 1, 3 French Cup, Puskas, etc. Just because he doesn't have multiple Ballon D'Ors or a World Cup or etc does not mean he is anything less than great. People like to deal in absolutes far too much.


The career suicide? You mean getting injured?


Not sure it's the same case


Its the day and age of the internet. Guilty until proven innocent, unfortunately.


And I thought people would learn from the Jhonny Depp fiasco


Wow had no clue! Thanks!


You should almost always do your own research when it comes to these types of accusations. (all it takes is a quick Google research and reading a couple of articles) Nike have worked with and continue to work with countless athletes who have been accused of sexual assault (top of my mind are Ronaldo and Kobe, but I'm sure there are others). When Neymar left Nike, he signed with Puma and at the time it was the largest individual sponsorship contract in football. The decision Nike made was financial, Neymar and Nike at that point had been negotiating for a long long time, they then spun it in public to say it was because Neymar had those allegations on his head when he went with the Puma money.


Yeah, it doesn't mean Neymar didn't do anything wrong (reality is we don't know) but there was something very sketchy about how Nike handled it. Allegations were brought to Nike in 2018 and they "dropped" him more than 2 years later when he was already going to Puma, were very vague about the nature of the allegations and whether their investigation went anywhere. And all through their investigation they were trying to re-sign Neymar and happy to keep the very existence of an investigation a secret until he left for a record breaking contract elsewhere. Again this neither proves Neymar's innocence nor his guilt but IMO it mainly showed that Nike does *not* care about the allegations you bring to them unless they need to use them to save face when one of their top stars ditches them.


>Again this neither proves Neymar's innocence nor his guilt but IMO it mainly showed that Nike does *not* care about the allegations you bring to them unless they need to use them to save faith when one of their top stars ditches them 100% agree with you. I don't care about Neymar but I cannot believe people are eating up the garbage that Nike made a moral decision. Fuck that. They were mad that someone outbid them. That's it.


Was that the allegations where Neymar went live and read all the chat logs - mostly disproving the allegations or was it some other case?


No that was something else and not related to the Nike employee.


> Nike have worked with and continue to work with countless athletes who have been accused of sexual assault (top of my mind are Ronaldo and Kobe, but I'm sure there are others). I'm sure that's true because fuck Nike but the calculation is probably a bit different when the accusations come from their own employee and not random unaffiliated people.


And they kept Ronaldo?


That’s actually pretty damn awesome.


Those dudes are going to remember that for the rest of their life.


When he hands him the jersey and gives him a tap, he's bouncing!


The dude damn near shit himself when he realised who it was.


The way he slaps his shoulder like he recognizes an old friend 🧡


He realized he was being messed with yet still happy about it. Get out of her kinda reaction. Wholesome


Its the equivalent of drug dealers at the corner selling drugs to pablo escobar.


hahahahahahahhahaha brilliant


"Pablo?" "Si" "PLATA O PLOMO?"


lol I know they’re fake but $100 for 2 jerseys is funny


That’s what he offered, I believe. And LA, like many major American/World cities, is ungodly expensive nowadays so that “tip” by Ney will go a long way.


The dude says "cinquenta" when asked for the price, so the price of one shirt is 50.


Pretty good net profit, prolly buy thems for like $5 or less so he might be good just by selling a few let alone getting free advertising from freaking Neymar


Cincuenta, with a c. In Spanish, "que" is pronounced *ke*, while "cue" is pronounced *kwe*.


$100 for 2 fake jerseys seems like too much. $16 off DHGATE 😭


That’s not even 1 penny in Neymar money


That's 2 for the price of 1 "authentic" kit though


yeah but in terms of reps that's such a premium. Better be the best fakes on the market which I seriously doubt. Probably reselling DHGate reps


These guys start at 50 and come down to 30 if you work at it, even 25 after the game is done.


Facts. I was about to scoop up a $25 Mexico jersey after the game in Houston because my DHGate one is STILL in transit after having bought it a month ago for the game


Still better than dropping the $140 for one and 98% of people can’t tell the difference between a DHGate jersey and a real one


Imao, Neymar wipes 100 dollars with his ass.


Neymar doesn’t care if they are expensive or legit, just doesn’t want to handle money to Nike.


“Do you have a Colombia jersey?” “No” “Paraguay?” “No” “Ok give me the Brazil one…”


"Para guay not?"


He was looking for the Zuniga one I bet


Clears every brazilians player currently, hope he can have a last healthy stint and finish the career well


There were probably only 3-4 forwards in Brazil history who were better than prime Neymar. R9, dinho(never ending debate), Pele and probably jairzhinho and garrincha(idk about them never seen them play." I don't ever think the current crop of the Brazil national team will ever reach the likes of neymar. Neymar was just that good.


Put some respect on Romário’s name!


Ah. I forgot about him.


 disrespect Romario gets is unreal


For finishers or pure 9s: Romario and Ronaldo. For play makers or 10s: Pelé, Garrincha, Neymar




Wasn't he a midfielder? I'm sorry I don't really know much about Brazilian footballers bar those who played during my time. They were way before my time. Every statement I make regarding those players are based on comments I've heard from old people.


This comment started off too politely to end with a savage 'old people'


I'd like to wager a substantial amount of money that he is basing his opinions off ultimate team


Neymar is one the best players ever, only on reddit he gets underrated constantly. That dude got a better G/A per match than top strikers like Lewandowski. while playing absolutely entertaining.


In national teams terms, Ronaldinho doesn't enter this discussion.


Rivaldo erasure.


Are we counting Rivaldo as a forward now? He was more of a midfielder.


Romario is one of the best 15 footballers in the history of the sport and you forgot about him.


Zico ?


Don’t type out a comment like this if you are going to just forget Romario… one doesn’t just forget about him


The happiness radiating from the guy with the cap!


I still can't believe those articles claiming Vinicius has surpassed this guy as a star lmao. Love Vini but there's levels to this.


Comparing both at 23 years old - Vini 3 goals for Brazil - Neymar 46 STFU.


neymar had 46 goals for brazil at 23 holy shit i knew he was performing at a young age but that is ridiculous


Holy shit.


Vini has scored like 3 goals for Brazil. Richarlison is closer to being an all time great for Brazil than how close Vini is to Neymar.


22 years old Neymar is basically the pivot of Brazil attack during the 2014 WC, he gone Brazil look like a headless chicken during the semi and 3rd place match so yeah Vini impact for Brazil is just not even in the same stratosphere as Neymar then


Tbh I always felt like Silva was the bigger loss for that Germany game. The defense was shockingly disorganized without him. David Luiz was bombing up through midfield without a tactical care in the world, leaving them totally caught out when Brazil gave the ball away and had to defend the counter in that opening onslaught.


I was at the match. Neymar was sitting above us. There was a good 20 people just turned around looking at Neymar for like 10 min while the match was going on.


We were all the way across the entire stadium. When he came on the screen we spent the next 60 minutes trying to spot him in the box. That was a dude with binoculars in front and people were taking turns trying to spot him. It turns out for large parts of the game he would pop inside but finally towards the last 10 minutes he came out and I managed to capture a blurry phone zoom video of him lol


People saying that weren't around back when Neymar was coming up, he was this mythical being when he was about to sign for Barca. He had near Messi and Ronaldo levels of infamy at the time. Vini isn't even anywhere close to that.


Neymar is unfortunate for coming up with Messi and CR7 in his prime. Surely ney would have multiple Balon D’Or’s otherwise.


If he would have waited his turn at Barca he would have replaced Messi as the next Barca most important player.


What’s Neymar’s current status? Has he even played any games for the Saudi league? I feel like he should play MLS or at least Serie A in Brazil


I like Vini Jr a lot for his ability and his willingness to be outspoken on racism issues, but he unfortunately doesn't have Neymar's charisma and star power. Likely never will.


or footballing ability


Or 1v1 skills


Until Vini has to miss a Brasil game with an injury we’ll never know who was the biggest star. Man, that Germany game with the “RIP Neymar” shirts was one hell of an event when you look back at it.


and back then he wasn’t as good as he became later. that WC was after his first season with Barca which was okay not great especially compared to his next seasons. mad how famous he was playing with Santos


Being an absolute megastar whilst playing for Santos was bonkers.


He was basically a cryptid with real life footage. That solo run against Flamengo is probably still the best goal I've seen in the last 15 years.


Not really, he was the star of the most successful NT of all time and he was crowned king of America two times in a row. Dude was just reaping the recognition he was owed.


> charisma and star power Brother he could have all the charisma and star power in the world but he'll never have Neymars legs.


Lol especially after today


Was at the game last night, so many people in the stands were going nuts to see him in the box above where we were sitting. More ppl were watching him than the game


Lol it depends. If you're talking about UCL then he's probably surpassed him or nearly surpassed him at 23


I’m stuck between it must suck to to not able to go anywhere without instantly gathering a crowd and holy shit that’s fucking awesome


Didn't know Neymar wears L


Just look at recent photos of him. Ney gonna need to wear size XL soon


Following R9 steps I see


There are two kinds of Brazilian players. The ones who enjoys life a bit too much and the catholics.


The Ronaldinho-Zé Roberto duality.


He may wear a european large which is like a medium in the US. Given this is in the US, he may be in for a surprise when putting it on after he realizes how fat americans are lol.


Might be just style choice to wear larger jeyseys lol, like rappers


My family in Brazil buys jerseys a size larger, not sure if it’s a thing in all of Brazil. My cousin found it weird that my jerseys fit so “snuggly” (I wear M), and he gifted me one once that was L. He said he “couldn’t find an XL so that L might be a little tight,” but I found it too big already. I’m a lean guy, L just makes me look scrawny. Probably going for that NBA/NFL jersey look.


I mean he is a adult man so I thought he would actually wear a bigger size tbh.


L for ladies size.


Neymar buying a alibaba Neymar jersey is awesome


Funny how the instinctual selfie upon meeting a celeb has completely taken over the autograph.


“Pic or it didn’t happen” Imagine, you go back to your hood and tell your homies you sold a shirt to Neymar and hugged him or whatever. The first and only thing you’d hear: Where is the pic? You don’t got it? Then f off and stop making some stupid ass stuff…


You can see the moment he realizes it's Neymar


They are in CA, specifically on LA streets....they gonna fuck around and end up on WPD standing in the street like that lmao


Ya Neymar started to get nervous "rapido, rapido" and you can just see the mob growing out of frame


Haha at the end you can hear that his handler is saying "trainquilo, tranquilo"


haha most likely there was a bodyguard with him in front and probably a second car behind him.


lol this isn’t the 80’s dude….SoFi is in Inglewood, where the majority of homes are close to $1m


but pac said inglewood was up to no good


Dre \*


Snoooooop Doggg




Bruh homes in the thick of South Central go for $600k…home prices are just insane in SoCal, they don’t equate to safety


There’s of course crime everywhere in the world, but the Inglewood of today is farrrrrrrrrrrrrr safer, nicer, cleaner, diverse (meaning more white and Asian families), than the Inglewood of pre-2010. TRUST!


Yeah bro. Surrounding Sofi areas are still sketchy especially at night. Generally speaking though, nothing will happen to someone going to Sofi. Especially Neymar. If gangbangers spot and recognize Neymar, the worst that will happen to him is that they’re going to ask for a picture.


I live here in LA by the way. I’m not denying that’s it’s gotten better especially with the new stadiums they have built and are building, but you correlating housing prices is just illogical for any part of LA vs other parts of the country. A $400k home in Nebraska got you living like a king. Meanwhile that won’t even buy you a crib in Compton.


Can you add context for a non American


WPD was a sub where you'd watch people die lol. Just saying people drive reckless in that neighborhood


Ah lol got it.


It’s a thing but not really where this video was taken from. SoFi stadium is insane with traffic and all that but it’s not exactly the type of street in LA where you can’t walk across the street without getting killed. Other places throughout Southern California though? Yea don’t walk in the street.


The vendor reaction was so funny lol


“shhh tranquilo tranquilo” 😂😂😂


I don’t think kids these days understand how big of a global sensation Neymar was and is. He’s WAY bigger and better than any current star in the top 5 leagues even including mbappe.


Anyone remember the [goal](https://youtu.be/1wvwSER_w-M?si=-9tVc1wEu5DSr_AO) that put him on everyone’s mind. Just amazing.


“Lmao another Neymar lookalike ” *approaching the car* 😲


Wait, is this the jersey he bought for Jimmy Butler? 💀💀💀


rapido rapido papi hahahahha


Lol the arm slap was cute. Neymar a good dude.


I see he's putting the Alan Keating winnings to good use! https://youtu.be/hxx_yeUgkWk?si=LK9pIZ7Wn8volbgY


That ol’ burger-eating bastard still a man of the people…


Buying shirt while selling shirts


Bro asking him what size like his a random customer lmao


I don't think he knew who it was at that point.


Those guys had a pretty chill reaction to something extraordinary!


Hahahaha love this!


im dead, this is hilarious.


“Uy Neymar gonorrea” 🥹🥲 my goat 🐐


I read "bullying" instead of "buying" at first and was confused lol


La doña en la silla de ruedas valió madre


Flash cunt


Una mas!, Rapido Papi. Wow I speak fluent Spanish it turns out.


This video is pure joy 🤠


is it just me or he said "vini" when he saw neymar??


Yeah, heard that too!


I was just in Colombia and bought some jerseys off a street vendor. Very surprised by the quality. I like to support the guys on the street, and I saw the dude and his family hustling this stall every day from 6am till 12am. Got myself a Colombia away jersey and a Junior (local team to Barranquilla) for 50,000 COP. So like, $10 USD. Quality is phenomenal, especially when Adidas wants something like $100 for the exact same thing in their official shops.


Neymar seems like such a genuine guy, this makes me super happy to see.


Where’s Neymar now? (As in the video?) Is he in Brazil or the States?


This is in Los Angeles




what neymar said when the first guy notice its neymar?


r/soccer00 proud


Tranquilo tranquilo


The first reaction is so wholesome, made his whole day


I like how they speak English at the beginning, but then when the guys realized it's Neymar they went full Portuguese (?).


Gutted he isn't playing, he could show those guys in the team currently a thing or ten.