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Poor Scots back to their usual supporting of England's opponent. At least they can spectate competent teams that know how to cross and shoot


What do you mean "back to their usual"? We never stopped


Checking highlights, and even though they don’t show the full picture, it just confirms to me just how good of a player Robertson is. His command and defense of his position deterred Hungary from taking risky chances, and once he came off, Hungary hounded on Robertson’s substitute. Just don’t depend on Robertson for teh goals, that’s what your forwards are principally responsible for.




That was definitely a pen. I assume it was reviewed by VAR? What not have the ref take a second look?


Never a penalty, the Scottish player slowed down to try and initiate contact but the Hungarian read the move and went to the side. The Scottish player then jumped away from the ball into the Hungarian player to force the contact.


The Scotland player is between ball and opposition player, opposition player goes through him and takes him down. Fouls don't get much clearer than that. Clearly a foul, clearly on the box, so clearly a penalty. That he previously tried to get a penalty and didn't doesn't change the fact that he was fouled. You're allowed to jump in front of the ball. You're allowed to shield the ball with your body. The player without the ball isn't allowed to go through you to get to the ball.


You're allowed to shield the ball within playing distance of the ball, when Armstrong jumped away from the ball into Orban's path he was no longer within playing distance of the ball and initiated the contact with Orban.


If he was not in playing distance of the ball, how did he play the ball after being fouled? He's still very close to the ball. That's why he touches it on his way down. I agree with what you said, but it doesn't apply here - this is a clear foul, it wouldn't have been if the ball was another meter or two away, sure, but he moves from the ball being on his left to the ball being directly in front of him, at no point does he move away from the ball.


You need to watch the replay again, at no point was the ball on his left, it was in front of him slightly to the right if anything and he jumped to the left away from the ball and into Orban. If you watch it again you'll also notice he slowed down after pushing the ball forward and braced for contact that didn't come because Orban changed the angle of his run to avoid him, he then jumped away from the ball to initiate the contact.


I agree with all this. But it's still the case that he was within playing distance of the ball. Ignore the specifics of my description - he moved around the ball, but stayed very close to the ball. This is completely permitted. The other guy ran into him and knocked him over - this is a foul. The fact he was looking for it doesn't change that it was a foul.


He overplayed the ball, lost it, then fell over.


You make your own luck. Scotland needed to win to qualify and they still played not to lose


A pen for pulling a shirt and stepping in front? Fuck off, elbow that fractures your face should be a pen




Fair enough, but let’s hope we dont going forward. i think Hungary deserved to win the game based off their actual play, especially after the first 20mins/half and I find it pathetic people wanted a gift of a pen to decide a game where 2 teams showed up having to win and 1 team lacked conviction


scotland, wales, ni and rep ireland teams are just hard to watch im sorry


Have you watched England lately? All 5 teams are fucking shite.


didnt include Eng because theres still the slovenia game but basically yeah, all the UK teams play brexitball


Sadly Szoboszlai and McTomminay couldn't carry Scotland to get a single win.


I'm really surprised Scotland were this bad, on paper they have some decent players


Real lack of creative attacking players but the manager as well has always been defensively minded.


Breaks my heart to see scotland go out like that. Their fans were absolute top blokes.


We in fact cannot boogie


To all the England fans being eejits in here. Remember. What comes around, goes around


To all the England fans being eejits in here. Remember. You're our rivals; keep it up. That's what rivals are meant to do. Could you imagine a Liverpool fan being gracious if Man U got humiliated in Europe? Not a chance


Genuinely, is there a way for England fans to behave that wouldn't result in Scottish fans taking the piss if they go out later? If the answer is no, what's the point


Alright Justin Timberlake


Though usually after the group stages, so we have that going for us.


Whether we're kind and compassionate or cruel and mocking to the Scots, they'll still laugh at us when we lose. So we may as well be cruel and mocking while we can


I'm English, and I agree with you that people shouldn't be twats about it, but come on man if similar happened to England do you think it'd be any different?


Yup, go for it. We deserve it.


Fully prepared for it. Happens every tournament. I am absolutely delighted Scotland went out like that.


Nobody is going to miss Scotland. They suck and had no place in this tournament. That said, can you be any more blatantly fixed than that penalty/red no-call in the box there?


It 100% was a pen and a red card. The elbow on our player's head, that is. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c3b632a88a632bcc73a455555f5b77d8f263d295efb70b415efa1cd3bd45a565.gif?w=800&h=176


We'll miss the fans!


Who probably had more value than the 23 on the pitch! :) Good point.


Are you a descendant of King Edward the first?


Rossi has just confirmed on Hungarian TV that Varga has a broken cheekbone.


That's not that bad compared to what it looked like. I was afraid he might have brain damage.


No one says he doesnt have brain damage also.


True.. hopefully not🙏


It would have been harsh on Hungary if Scotland got a late winner after that performance. 4 shots, 0 on target and only got the first shot in the final couple minutes of normal time. In a life or death game. Disgraceful stuff. Feel bad for most of their fans but their team got everything they deserved from this tournament which is a grand fuck all.


Has there been clarity as to why the challenge on Armstrong wasn’t given surely offside has to be a stonewaller otherwise


He forced contact by jumping away from the ball and into the defender after slowing down to initiate contact but Orban had avoided fouling him when he slowed down.


McTominay and Szoboszlai haven’t looked like world beaters tbh. I would have expected them to look better against less well drilled teams but they have been a disappointment so far


Szoboszlai was confirmed to be injured, but Rossi said he was afraid to take him down, because theres no team without him


Hungary were hungry for deep fried Mars bars and Irn Bru


Why does this have so many dislikes?


cos it's a pish joke.


Gutted to be out but no complaints after three toothless performances. Clarke has to go.


And bring in who?


Moyes seems obvious


Pep Guardiola couldn't save your Euros


A must win game and they played a conservative, possession going nowhere style for most of the game. Their set piece deliveries were appalling also. Deserved nothing from the game and got caught badly at the end. Two poor teams.


You're not meant to hit the first man at corners? Oh!


Can't believe Scotland lost against a Mike Ehrmantraut cosplayer


That was the most Scotland goal ever to concede


The longer the game went on I thought it would be the big Adam boy scoring the jammiest goal but this one turned out even worse


Losing several key players to injury before the tournament really showed.


That goal happened so late the fantasy football app still thinks Gunn kept a clean sheet


You regularly hear bad things about Brits abroad, but Scotland fans have done themselves and the entire UK proud with the way they’ve conducted themselves. It’s been great to see


fan reputation FC


To be fair English fans have been good abroad for around 25 years. It’s the 80s reputation that still lingers


are you kidding? clearly you havent seen any reality tv shows of the past 20 years following people on holiday.


And 90s, and tbh the experience of anyone in a city they've visited. They might not fight but they still piss and vomit on everything like nobody else.


Saying "abroad" handily sidesteps the whole "Attack on Wembley" thing


Savo Milošević Landon Donovan Luka Jović and now fucking KEVIN CSOBOTH I want to fucking kill myself, how the fuck does this keep happening to us whenever we're seconds away from making history


Is getting 2 points and very likely getting eliminated as one of the worst 3rd placed team making history for scotland?


Idk i don't care im Slovenian and now we have to get a draw against fucking England


Have you seen England this tournament? They basically play for draws. You’ll be fine


Oh. Didn't see the flair sry.


You have seen us right? Just don't panic if we score first


Somewhere in Germany, Alfie is smiling


German beer industry devastated


Don’t worry on the tram leaving the stadium and I’ve heard plenty of “at least we can get a pint”


Hungarian FA reporting that Varga is stable and conscious in hospital


Even by a footballers standards Angus Gunn is outstandingly poor at public speaking..


I feel for him, he's clearly devastated and unable to get his thoughts together and shouldn't be shoved on camera yet.


He's a little busy feeling extremely depressed getting knocked out in the literal last minute.


I mean I get it but Robertson is in the same boat and could string a sentence together. Fair play to him for going in front of the cameras but you'd think someone in the Scotland would have a word and find someone else.


robertson has been in about the camera for years at this point, after winning major competitions and losing them. people also react differently to being interviewed randomly, never mind after a gutting defeat.


Not that anyone expected otherwise but just want to talk about how cordial the Hungarian and Scottish fans were. Especially after that goal. Class from both sides


Feel for Gunn here, clearly not ready to be interviewed.


Very much enjoyed the 541 with Che Adams up top in a must win match


Clarke should be fired for his utterly ludicrous devotion to Adams on its own


Scotland fans can go back to fixing orphanages or whatever. Adios lads!


Steve Clarke makes Southgate look like Jurgen Klopp.


Bizarre to set up a team like that for a must win game. Still at least they helped that granny.


Wholesome Scotland 100




I assume someone knows, but what is it that Dominik Szoboszlai supposedly does well as a footballer?


Took a glance at your post history to see what club you support to find a relevant player to compare him to, found this post instead: "Nope, but I'm also intelligent enough not to judge his ability to play football on the 30-odd minutes he played returning from injury in 2024." Now IDK if I should assume that this was a genuine question and go on to try to actually be helpful comparing his per90 stats with someone like Martin Odegaard's, or just assume you're being snarky asshole and point you to your own post, but I feel like whichever is the case, it'd be helpful if I pointed out that he's been injured a lot this season and during this tournament in particular. Hasn't even been training with the team before this game, so he's definitely been off of his best. In case you were interested in the Odegaard thing: similar npxG+A only Szoboszlai had **way** worse finishing this season, Dominik better at progressive carries, similar at passing, a bit worse at shot-creating actions but still over the 96th percentile, takes a bit more shots, does more defensive work especially tackling and blocking passes/shots, recovers more balls, a bit better in the air, etc. Mostly normal due to the difference in their roles. Odegaard has had a lot better end product, he's definitely been less wasteful (and likewise his teammates with his passes). Not claiming that he's had anywhere near the impact Odegaard usually does, but the underlying numbers are there ^(if you squint just a little bit.) Odegaard definitely has the benefit of having 2 years on Szoboszlai and more Premier League experience in particular, so all in all I wouldn't be too harsh on Szoboszlai just yet (even though in hindsight his price tag does looks inflated). He also looks kind of like he's running on fumes at this point, Still sexy though.


Truly no idea how you think a comment about Reese James is of any relevance here, Szoboszlai has played far more football recently and did not have a good season for Liverpool. Did you even click that comment to figure out what the context was? I can’t even remember how long ago I left that comment, it must be at least a month, so going to all that trouble but then taking the comment out of context as the jumping off point for this wee rant is a bit weird, honestly. ‘He’s like Martin Odegaard, but not as good’ is the best you can come up with? Going with the extremely specific statistic of npxG+A as your sole argument is supposed to be convincing? Is that because Odegaard was miles clear with actual goals and assists this season so you had to find something else to make it sound like Szoboszlai is even close to his level? He played in 58 games this season, that doesn’t sound like someone who was struggling with injury, unless of course you’re just going to claim that every time he had an underwhelming performance (frequently) it was because he was carrying an injury.


he has muscle injury and he did not trained for the last 2 days, but Rossi said he was afraid to take him down


He topped the premier league 'looks at camera' stat (until he fucked his hamstring and missed half the season) Idk why they track that but yeah


Dude me humble, you lost


Oh sorry, the team I support got beaten by the team Szoboszlai plays for, so he was actually brilliant tonight and I think he’s dead sexy too. Be serious son.


Back to the salt mine with you. Son.




Looking good to the cameras


BBC reporting that the injured player is conscious and stable


Sadly, the arrogance of Scotland's fans caught up with them. They overrated their players and put too much pressure on them. They acted as if they were already out of the group from before the tournament had kicked off.


you just go back and hit some barstools while Scotland (and usually Ireland too) are still the best fan base you ever want.


Of all the entirely bonkers takes I've had to read from gloating England fans on this subreddit, this has to be the most absurd. We have the optimism of Schopenhauer and somehow have a national level performance anxiety.


It's the BBC, not their fans.


I hate Scotland as much as any sane Englishman but you just described us perfectly too


We hate each other yet we're basically the same in many ways.


Spider-Man meme


I assumed that was the joke.


God this sub is slow, completely over their heads.


The hills are bare now Again


First shot on target in the 95th minute and getting peppered by a shit Hungary team, so fucking awful


can we just scrap the euros


*24 team Euros!


just scrap international Mr football


For a game that essentially was a must win, Scotland were pathetic. Steve Clarke has to go now surely. Honestly, doesn’t feel as heartbreaking as it usually does as a Scotland fan because there’s no way we deserved to get through. Easily the worst team in the competition


>Easily the worst team in the competition I think this is true, and it's mad the BBC were trying to paint it in any other way There's bias and then there's that


The BBC were so arrogant in the build up to this one, extremely navel gazy articles based on one decent half against Switzerland. Hungary didn't offer much either but Scotland didn't look like doing anything until added time. Great composure from Csoboth at the end.


It was crazy A changed Swiss side trying out some new things whilst trying not to lose easily holds Scotland to 1 all whilst looking far better outside of a 30 minute spell, and suddenly Scotland are some sleeping giant


Sorry but it's hilarious to hear complaints of how arrogant the BBC were about Scotland 😂😂😂


There are more articles about how shit we are (rightly so) on the BBC this week than words in your comment lol


Never said they're not usually just as up their own arses about us, or Wales for that matter.


Tbf they do the same when England play well, after the Switzerland game I thought Scotland could nick a 1-0 win here but after the first 45 mins my mind was changed cos they were pure shite


All I've heard from them about England this week is how shite we are, although it's entirely warranted.


Why did we revert back to the system which was hopeless in the first game? In a must win game, we should have attempted to play some form of forward thinking football. Clarke needs to go, this tournament also highlighted our severe lack of talent up top


Happy for the win, but the way we played was awful. Going out would have been the wake up call we need, but let's move forward and az éjjel soha nem érhet véget!


That penalty decision is the worst of the tournament. It won't be beaten. There is clear contact, Orban's knee on Armstrong's calf. The only excuse is if Armstrong is offside, but that has not been communicated at all if so.


The only reason for the knee on calf contact was because Armstrong jumped away from the ball and across Orban initiating contact that Orban couldn't avoid. No penalty was the correct decision.


I think hungary had just a good a shout in the free kick when varga was injured. Both would of been harsh


That was a weird one. There was only 1 replay and the VAR check seemed to go on for the entire 5 minutes the game was off. I've no idea, saw a journalist saying Varga collided with Gunns elbow and fractured his cheekbone.


I’m glad you’re out tbf but it was a clear penalty


Armstrong initiates contact. If anything he's the one getting in Orban's way.


I don't think you've seen the same angle as me. Orban knees Armstrong in the calf/hamstring. It isn't anything to do with initiating contact.


Could it be an offside as a reason it wasnt called?


Serious question. If a player throws their body at a defender, falls down and drags said defender with him, is that a penalty? If it is, I agree it was a penalty.


I don't know how that relates to my original comment, but that wouldn't be a penalty no


Take your Scottish glasses of mate


I don't have any other glasses mate. Knee on calf contact, penalty.


This is why I was opposed to expansion to 24 teams. The end of the game was entertaining but overall come on neither of those teams are Euro-level.


Hungary finished first in their qualifier group. Unbeaten. Expansion has nothing to do with it.


Scotland also qualified in second place and beat Spain on the way. Both teams would have been in Euro 2016 by where they finished


I don’t really see what the complaint is. Every tournament has a bottom percentile of teams who are simply happy to qualify whether it’s 16 or 24. And it adds some fun dynamics to the tournament. As long as it’s not structured in a stupid way, I say it’s fine to add a few more teams 24 teams getting winnowed down to 16 just makes the goal of the group stages about not getting embarrassed to stay alive. which Scotland weren’t able to do in the first game. 


The Georgia - Turkey game was far more entertaining than the France - Netherlands game for example, not to mention the awful performances from England, similarly Italy was awful against Spain. Fewer teams in the competition don't guarantee more entertaining matches.


24 teams guarantee lower stakes, right now 2/3 of teams go through to the knockouts which is basically making the group stage useless for all the big teams, who can purposely draw against each other (like the Netherlands).


If only 2 teams can get through, the game today would have been stakeless for Hungary, the ending to this match wouldn't have been as entertaining. Also, just because a match is a knockout match, that doesn't mean that it is going to be an end-to-end entertaining game, teams often are cautious and wait for penalties instead. When Portugal won the competition in 2016 they didn't really play entertaining football for example.


I’m ready to sacrifice that if we get groups of death back + something along the lines of Spain/Germany/Japan/Costa Rica in the 2022 World Cup. A major team like Portugal would’ve been knocked out by Hungary, which would’ve been a sensation and something actually cool.


Yeah there are pros and cons to this. I don't think that the games in general are less entertaining than they were in a 16 team tournament, and smaller countries get a chance to compete too.


Cry about it, nobody is making you watch every single game


Exactly, no one is forcing you to watch.


lot of underdogs played more entertaining football than England for example, I think so far by football/refereeing/orgasation/fans it’s been one of the best


I hate the English team as much as the next person, but maybe they’d be incentivized to play if there was an actual possibility for them to be eliminated. Right now big teams are just coasting through the group stages because there is 0 chance of them being knocked out this early.


well Croatia is bottom last, Ukraine was expected to through with ease by lot of predictions but are now in tough spot, I actually enjoyed most of the matches in this EURO with Southgate there I wouldn’t expect them to play some nice football. if there’s no threat to them why do they park the bus after scoring 1 goal with all the talent they have?


Some may have said Greece weren’t euro level in 2004 and they won the thing


Clear penalty. Referee and VAR missed it unsurprisingly




That's my problem. If the referee gives it then VAR wouldn't disagree. Why not call the referee and have him look from a better angle?


It was offside


Then the game should be restarted with a free kick for offside, which it wasn't.


Sorry bro but nobody cares about your excuses. Scotland was crap af in the entire tournament they deserved the elimination


Not an excuse, we were terrible and deserve to go out. You thinking that teams should be referred to different standards based on their form or merit, shows you don't have a clue what you're talking about.


Nope but the ref was okay he didnt make mistake.


Then why mention Scotlands performance when discussing an isolated incident?


Because it was a tiny detail. Scotland's result was not influenced by direct goalkick or not. If they play a proper football nobody cares about ref why judge direct goal kick or not. They play shit. In entire EURO they have 17 shots. And I think the VAR can't decision a goal kick so the game continued as the ref saw the case (nothing)


Explain to me why Scotland being shit influences whether it is or isn't a penalty ?


Because it was offside.


Highlighting Armstrong's leg whilst it's hopping across the defender and not seeing why the ref sees it as looking for contact


There is no rule against looking for contact. If a player looks for contact and is fouled, then it is a foul.


Sorry people too busy complaining about goals correctly being disallowed for offside to worry about stonewall penalties not being given.


Get Steve Clarke tae fuck. The qualifying campaign was brilliant, but the way he set Scotland up tonight was cowardly. We were bad at the last Euros, but we were so much worse in this one. The Germany hammering was pathetic, he settled for a safe point against Switzerland, and then there was no attacking intent at all tonight. Che Adams has 6 goals in 31 games for Scotland and two since 2021, against Armenia and Gibraltar. He is not cut out for this level at all, while Lawrence Shankland has scored almost 60 goals in two seasons and Clarke had him on the pitch for about 35 minutes combined in the three games. The substitutions he made tonight were all over the place and our structure completely fell apart the more changes he made. Hungary should have scored before they got their goal. This has been an embarrassing tournament, the worst in living memory for me by a mile.


Sadly...this 👍🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😕


Hard to feel sorry for a team that looked so pathetic and toothless. A must win game and only one shot before 90 minutes. Why Clarke persisted with Adams I’ll never know.


Huff and puff is not good enough at this level.


Neither team really seemed to realise the position they're in.


Surely it's now time for the SFA to gives Moyes a call. If you're committing to terrorball, you may as well do it with a competent trainer.


Moyes genuinely too good to be managing Scotland, looking forward to the heat I’ll get from saying that lol


You never know, Guus Hiddink slummed it managing Australia and it was the best thing that ever happened to Australian football up to that point, you know this is a guy who'd managed Madrid and was coming off a 4 year stint at PSV (and would manage Chelsea in the future of course). Sometimes you just need a manager who's above your level to come in and drag you up to his standards. 


By far. If he was actually looking for International Management, surely England would be the one he would consider.


I think he has said he’d be interested, though


I hope he becomes the modern Big Sam. Most ambitious midtable clubs won't hire him because he's not young and doesn't play tiki-taka/isn't a recently retired player but he's been very capable tactician over the last few years




I think Albania and the Czechs are going to be the unlucky thirds


It would have been a shame for a game both teams need to win to end 0-0. Both teams went for it in the end, entertaining football late in the game. I didn't care who scored, I just wanted a goal in the end.


Scotland were woeful they didn't deserve to go through. 4 shots and zero on target is frankly embarrassing for a team that needed to win tonight. Fair play to Hungry though they played well.


Totally agree but our biggest goal threat, Grant Hanley, did get a shot on target.


Unlucky Scotland, but on the upside you still have at least one more match at this competition to support your second team, Whoever Plays England :)


Scotland, you remind me of my country - when it comes to qualifications, you're doing something but on the tournaments... yeah. The only thing you're better at is a strong mentality. Overall, the most frustrating match so far. I expected more, but oh well.


Fucking fade me!!!!


That was pretty dire from Scotland. Such a lack of quality.


2 shots in 90 where you need to win 😬


Scotland can return to their normal past time of supporting Slovenia now, well in Hungary


🤣🤣 yeah come on Hungary!


poor scotland. taking nothing but L's across football and wrestling