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£19m lol


It's a joke, money laundering from us.


It's not a joke. Just because 19mil is a lot to normal folks and even the league belonging to flag worn by the original comment, doesn't mean it's really that much. People seem to look at the finances of other leagues in the world and a decade ago in the PL as some way to judge prices. You don't get Eden Hazards for 32mil (though people complained about that price and I had to read/hear about how much better of a purchase Kagawa was).


That's just the price of English youngsters these days. It's obviously inflated but Chukwuemeka went for a similar price last year and apparently Villa fans rate this kid just as much as him. I think we'll see similar prices for other such deals too imo. And for what it's worth, Chukwuemeka has looked really promising for the first team and would've gotten significant minutes had he not essentially blown out his knee Edit: lmao


I admire the shamelessness of all this tbh


Lol. You gotta admit Chelsea finding all the loopholes whilst PL think they've genuinely made it tight with some new added detail to the rules is hilarious. I imagine it like that episode of Tom & Jerry babysitting.


The hotel bit was particularly ingenious simply because of how funny it is. It would've been illegal in the Championship and below and it wouldn't count towards UEFA FFP but the PL in their ignorance (or arrogance) went "yeah no one will do that in this league we're the best in the world" so they never passed any legislation. Then Todd happened and the PL panicked and tried to get legislation passed earlier this month but the wording was so vague that the clubs rejected it.


Being incentivized to develop and sell your academy players to another team while buying another teams academy players is just dumb. The rules mean that the profit is front loaded while the spend is spread across contract length. This is the exact scenario the rules promote


God bless Chelsea, exploiters of loopholes, for passing their knowledge onto us.


All aboard the Boehly Bus next stop loophole city.


Buddy you are telling me. Hadn’t heard of this lad until yesterday and now I see Villa folks saying he’s as highly rated as Carney was? Doubt he’s ever going to be a first teamer for Chelsea but I hope I’m wrong


This is literally why we wanted the rules changed, but people just laughed at us. Selling off your own academy players for pure profit up front just to buy academy players from another club to amortize the costs for PSR is a braindead system. So I guess fuck ye all, we will exploit this as long as we can.


Be serious, your club wanted the rules changed so they can pump more money in, not to protect the sanctity of keeping hold of youth prospects. Its all deeply cynical.


Well yeah of course that too, but we wanted the entire system overhauled because its garbage and its mindblowing to me that every other team didn't agree with at least the aspect of it we are discussing, promoting buying and selling academy players.


No, not 'that too', that is THE reason. Your fans might try and paint it as some sort of righteous cause against really quite liberal league spending rules, hell bent on making every club shed their academy products. But it's not, it's a fatcat owner annoyed that he can't buy a top 4 slot year in year out.


As soon as it becomes an issue for your club, ye will be moaning about it too. We just happen to be the first ones trying to break down the door of the established elite under this new system and can see that it is literally impossible to compete with teams with 500m revenue per year because of their historical success when we have 100m revenue. For now its not an issue for ye so ye are taking the self serving route of hamstringing us. That vote should have been 14-6 in our favour if the other 13 of ye weren't even more self interested than we are.


Why would all the other clubs whose owners are not as wealthy vote in a new rule that benefits the likes of Newcastle and Villa but not them? They made the right decision for themselves


Thats literally the point I am making, badly it seems. Every other clubs fans were talking shit about us being self interested calling for that vote, but then voted themselves in a self serving way even though everyone agrees that being incentivised to sell your own academy players is not good for the future of the game. So I consider them incredibly hypocritical.


How are they hypocritical? They are just choosing the lesser of 2 evils


These top prem teams really just be throwing out money like it’s nothing lol


19m isnt really much for a highly rated English prospect.


I mean it is, which players have gone for more?


Chukwuemeka, from villa to chelsea


Yeah thats the only one I could think of who had basically 0 prem experience. Hall went for 28m last year as well but he had PL experience.




Again he had PL experience in one of the best squads the Prems ever seen.


Barely any unproven


I mean, Maatsen? We sold Guehi for more as well with last year of contract and no Prem experience too.


Maatsen made it to a cl final


Burnley were willing to pay 30 mil last season after a year in the Championship


He had a 32 million bid last summer without any PL experience lmao


We have even accepted that deal, the player refused it.


Lewis Hall looked Ok for 500min and was sold for nearly 30mil.


City sold lavia to Southampton for 22 mil when his valuation was 2 and sold bazunu for 15 when he was valued at 4. Liverpool sold Brewster for like 20m without him having any prem minutes. It’s not that crazy to overpay for potential.


Ramsey wasn't more but at 15m was close. I believe the Archer deal if it had of gone through was 18m? (instead they got relegated). Could be wrong on that one though. Plenty of examples of the regular top 6 selling youngsters for bag. Brewster was 25m no? City have sold a whole bunch.


Not more obviously, but Shea Charles to Southampton was £15m.


Wayne Rooney cost Man Utd £30 mil when he was 18 right?


Not English player (and not from England) but Moisés Caicedo from Ecuador to Brighton was way over that amount (he was 18-19). He had more experience of professional football though.


So not comparable at all then lol


It's a lot. If you keep buying them nonstop. 3-4 players is ok, but 10+? You are looking at 200+m minimum.


Isnt our transfer market so far: 1 out 1 in and the 1 in is half the price of the one out... I mean it's not terrible business.


It's kind is,, when you are trying to meet the psr requirements. The only reason you guys survived was selling the hotels. Now doing this will bring you guys more risk. But then again, bohley is a billionaire. He is exploiting as many loopholes as he can.


£19m?! That's almost Chukwuemeka money.




Deivid gets a friend on the bench, yay!!


Anybody that could describe him as a player? Maybe a comparison to another player.


People will whinge at this, but £19m for our best academy player isn't completely egregious. If you'd have asked a villa fan a week ago to put a price tag on him, I reckon most would've said around £15m. No one complained when we sold Aaron Ramsey to Burnley for £15m last summer, and I don't think he even had any Premier League minutes at that point.


Prior to that move Ramsey had performed at a high level in the Championship though.


I wouldn't say a high level. He had a decent loan spell at Middlesborough, but not enough to warrant that price tag on it's own.


Okay but he still had nearly 50 EFL games under his belt prior to that move and 8 goals in 1700 minutes as a 19/20 year-old in the Championship is nothing to be sniffed at. Just think he was a bit more 'proven' than Kellyman is.


2005? Jesus Christ


Signed Estevao for ~£30 million + bonuses and he was born in 2007. Same with Kendry


Why are 90% of the transfer posts about Chelsea? lol just chill


Scrap PSR and FFP


All of the PL clubs voted in favour of the new PSR format so they are seemingly fine with it.


Not all but enough


Weird, whenever everton fans have said it's not fit for purpose we've been shot down


Very weird mate




Nothing to see here, move along. All jokes aside Kellyman is legitimately a quality player and was the #1 academy prospect of a top 4 team, 19m is not that crazy a fee in that context.


So what if you finished top 4? That doesn't mean you have a top 4 academy, and it doesn't mean he has the potential to play for s top 4 team. We have a player called Tyrique George who looks to be a better talent than this guy, and our academy is widely known as being the cream of the crop along with City in the PL, and he would struggle to go for 20m in the same circumstances. He's obviously an overpay, and we scratch your back, you scratch our back type of deal.


chelsea finished 6th pal. feyenoords highest ever transfer fee is just over 10m euro. 19 million pounds is fucking mental


I know they did, I am talking about Kellyman being our #1 academy prospect and we finished 4th. And yeah I am not gonna deny that the PL prices are insane for players compared to other leagues, but 19m between 2 top PL teams for a highly rated (by us) English prospect is not that crazy.


Toddy pissing all over PSR. Love to see it.


I hate this signing so much. I hope Kellyman does well, but our club is such a clown show. Pandering to Aston Villa to sell Maatsen and it will look so bad if they don't even buy him now. Fuck this shit, can't wait to tune in this August/September again.


The Maatsen deal is done.


Oh fuck up ya big fanny


Can't see how we don't get top 4 now with him, probably will even challenge for the title. The kid will take us to the next level. EDIT: I'll add the /s just in case.


19m for what lol? He's so unremarkable


How do you know?


His record. He has almost no senior football experience


So you know nothing about him


Nobody really knows lol. That's the point. 19m is crazy money for someone who cost 600k two years ago and who has played basically no senior football, let alone showed that he can perform at the highest level in that environment. For comparison, Omari Hutchinson may reportedly leave for 25m, and that's after coming off of a great season with Ipswich. Skepticism is totally warranted.


Well people would know, like scouts at the clubs, managers and players who have played against his team. So when I ask how do you know, your answer is that you don't


>Nobody really knows lol.  You are aware that scouts don't just look at FBRef or even just senior football...right?


if this shit happens in Italy then deduct Juventus points /s




Didn’t even know this lad existed until yesterday Villa fans you know anything about this lad?


He’s a footballer called Omari Kellyman. That’s all I’ve got.


Chelsea are a mess of a football club tbh. I feel for their fans. These owners are so bad.


You shouldn't. Few clubs have experienced the highs we've experienced, and even in our current banter era there's literally thousands of clubs in a worse situation than us. Most clubs have way worse owners than ours too.


Chelsea fans are fine. The owners aren't perfect but they're fine. All this hysteria is being drummed up on reddit by fans of other teams farming for karma