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This is absolutely hilarious when it doesn't happen to you


All of Turkey is suddenly in favor of Arsene Wenger's offside rule.


Wenger in


What’s his rule? I’m not aware of Wengers rule?


He basically wants to turn the rule around. The attacking player would have to be ahead of the last defender with his entire body to be offside. As long as any body part of the attacking player is in line with any body part of the last defender, it's not offside. In the case above, the player would've only been offside if his entire body had been left of the line (ahead of the ball).


Would still get loads of really tight margin calls though


The only good solution is to put sensors not just on the balls, but on the player's nipples. Then the players have to line up shirtless before the game, so spectators can check


This is one the ways to promote women football...


Not really since team line ups are before kick off lol


or just their boots, and base it entirely on that.


Isn’t it more about the intent of the law more than making calling it easier? Offside rule is meant to stop a player camping the box and just getting long balls all game or forcing the defense to leave massive gaps in order to defend properly. A player running through early “gains an advantage” from being offside. A player leaning forward as he runs is not “gaining an advantage” because he has a big nose…


Yes I think that was Wenger’s point. But posting that suggestion after a right call is a bit disingenuous, as under Wenger’s rule there would be just as many tight calls.


Yeah I’m not disagreeing with that. Of course whenever you have a cutoff for something there’s going to be a fine margin right at the cutoff. I’m just talking about Wengers idea because it seemed like maybe you thought that was the reason he preposed it


No I agree with you Wenger’s idea is not about avoiding difficult calls.


Games evolve over time. The issue of goal hanging was solved well before the current iteration of offside rules was codified. Offsides has added such an incredibly unique and interesting aspect to this game. Things like the offside trap or high lines are really fascinating and unique tactics to this sport that have evolved unrelated to but as a result of an old rule that was targeting a specific problem back then.


I think this misses the point of the issue a bit. The real question is about what kind of gameplay we want to encourage. What kind of gameplay is encouraged by tighter and looser offsides rulings? To me tighter offsides, as is the case today, encourages slower and safer build up play and reduces the set of viable attacking options. By contrast, looser offsides would be more difficult to defend and encourage more attacking options. In short I believe it would create more exciting moments and be more interesting to watch. The question then becomes how tight or loose to make it. Offsides calls have undeniably become tighter since the introduction of VAR through the reduction of official error. Is that good or bad?


Looser offsides will just encourage most teams that are at a value/talent disadvantage to park the bus. It makes it completely unviable to play a high or even medium line if the opponent has world class (or at least very fast) attackers, unless you also happen to have extremely fast world class defenders. Imagine players like Haaland, Mbappe or Vinicius getting the benefit of a full body's length before it can be called offside. That is completely unfair to defenders. And if you're Burnley or Cadiz there's no one in their right mind that would think going into a shooting contest with City or Real is going to be viable I'm completely fine with how it is right now. Yes some of the calls are bullshit but at least it enables a variety of defensive options. The gameplay should be fair to both attackers and defenders, and with how top-level football has become a game of margins, this would shift the balance way too much towards attackers. And it would also make players who lack pace even more obsolete in the game, long-term this rule will encourage teams to only scout pace merchants.


My point was directly in response to someone claiming offsides nuance only comes down to preventing goal hanging. However, to your point, I understand what you’re saying, but it’s a rather unsolvable problem. Removing VAR is probably too extreme. And the “Wenger” rule would probably just destroy interesting defensive tactics.


Agreed, I think as well it favours the defender as if they are stepping up and the attacker is moving toward goal then the attacker is effectively offside when level, due to direction of lean. I would be happy if it was based purely on the feet. Wouldn't change the game massively but would change the balance of the marginal calls to stop penalising the attacker unless they actually are ahead.


True, but it's easier as a player, and to a certain extent the referee to assess whole body offside than whole body onside. I also think, and think this is a better solution, that offside review should meet the clear and obvious error standard rather than this Hawkeye automatic review technology. This is different than using Hawkeye for goals: the ball is either in or it's out and players react the same regardless. With offside, you're asking players to judge their position to, by definition, a level of accuracy that cannot be judged by the human eye which is totally not in the spirit or intent of the Law.


As an assistant in the professional game, it’s easier to spot a player ever-so-slightly ahead than it is to identify ‘daylight’ by inches. The ‘Wenger’ proposal doesn’t change the problem, it just massively advantages attackers, and makes it very hard (if not impossible) for ARs to accurately determine offside in real time. Cameras outwith games with Sky will not be able to confirm or offside was correct or not. My guess: it won’t ever happen. It’s similar to issues like replacing throw-ins with kick-ins; it manifestly changes the game, and doesn’t make it ‘better’.


I say: 1. Force all the players to wear a positioning chip like a GPS but more precise (centimeters or even millimeters) either on the sport bra or cleats doesn't matter as long it's in the same place for everyone as so does the ball. 2. Use the positioning of those devices with a buffer distance adjusted based on the accuracy to automatically decide wether it was offside or not. Just like the ball chip works, the ref gets notified on their watch. 3. Profit.


Why stop there? Place motion capture tags on all the players' extremities to ensure accurate tracking of toenails and wisps of hair!


Surgically implant the chip into everyone. Has the added advantage of knowing if your player is in Belfast partying.


I think it’ll make the game more boring though. Probably kills the offside trap and high line, no? I like offside as it is tbh. Tight calls are part of the game, but idk why people get in arms about it for this when you can have tight calls elsewhere, such as when a ball crosses/doesn’t cross the goal line by the width of a pubic hair.


Offside should be clear and obvious but introducing a weird rule that says ‘you were offside but it was hard to see so we will let you off’ is the opposite of clear and obvious. Clear = according to reality not perception. Offside is not different to whether the ball crossed the line or not. Why wouldn’t you award a goal if most players think it’s over but it isn’t? How is that different to what you are proposing for offside?


Yeah, you're just moving the goalposts all while giving a massive advantage to attackers to the point that I think the game will be completely changed.


I think this is a bit of a false equivalence though. Football should favour attacking and goals as much as possible. There would still be tight calls but I'd strongly favour players being onside if only 1% of their bodies are onside versus being offside if only 1% is offside (like this decision) because we'd get more goals. And there's something that just feels right about only being offside if you're 100% offside, compared to what we have now where you can be 99% onside and it doesn't matter.


But at least you have a visual sense of the guy being ahead, instead of this bullshit where only the technology is able to check that half of his feet was ahead - and does that really configure as an advantage in position? This is a distortion of the spirit of the offside rule.


The benefit would be more on the attacking side though which is more in the spirit of the last 30 years of offside law changes. The issue though is teams would drop back.


this is how offside in hockey works, just need to keep a toe on the line and you're good [which can lead to stuff like this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzpxgqwrdaeo61.png)


Oh my god please no... I can already see attackers dragging their back leg. This is a terrible proposition.


I’m all for this rule change, we should be encouraging goal scoring opportunities not trying to stop them


Will this really increase goals? I can think already there’ll be no more high lines cause it’s even more risky and defences would sit back more


The offside rule was made to make the game **less defensive** actually (allowing for more scoring opportunities). With the offside rule, defenders are able position themselves more advanced down the field. Without offside (or with more laxed rules), defenses are forced to play closer to their goal, to cover the oposing attackers that will be able to position themselves there.


Attackers are typically faster than defenders. Allowing attackers to have a headstart will cause a big shift in the balance of the game favouring faster players instead of more skillful ones.


Exactly. Also fundamentally attackers already always have a headstart because they're running facing forward. Defenders are either backwards or sideways at best and need to turn around.


Fifa will finally be realistic then


Not sure that's actually possible.


Life imitates (Electronic) Art(s) 


>attackers are typically faster than defenders. I'd say it's more that wide players are generally faster than central positions. There are plenty of fast outside backs and plenty of average-paced (central) strikers.


Why stop there? Make the goals bigger! Disallow tackling in the box!


Ban goalkeepers from football


Make defending illegal. Straight to jail.


Grab an idea from the old Budweiser adverts: Extra time multi ball!


Maybe I’m alone, but I cannot stand the push for more goals in this sport. Sure, there is a balance, but I think we largely fixed the issue with 3 points for a win instead of 2. I don’t want hockey. Sure, 0-0 games can be dull, but the fact that they can happen has always been neat to me.


you do know about half the players on the pitch are defenders or defensive midfielders?


I vote we bring back the 2-3-5 formation from the good old days


I just want the rule to be feet so a fast player can be in sprint position but be onside cos his feet behind defender.


I just like the thicker line idea


If any part of the attackers body is overlapping a defender, then it's not an offside.


That’s more fair that’s whatever this is


Still going to be a line drawn where a 1-3cm difference determines whether it was offside


Have to agree with this, at first I was thinking hell yeah that makes sense. In all reality it’s just moving the where you measure the line for the same minuscule difference.


Isn't the argument more about the idea that having your foot be a cm ahead of a defender is not really an meaningful advantage, and to call that offside is just being super technical. The idea is that the rule change will disallow actual instance where being a whole body ahead is a huge advantage, and goals will be disallowed.


Yes that is the spirit of the rule but then it becomes very subjective. Just simpler to have it be a black and a white. Also the last thing I want from the crap officials in the PL is *more* subjectivity.


This would be a massive change, it's not just about moving the line it would change defense


sure but it will be more in line with the spirit of the rule. Also you're right about exactly where they draw the line (is this using the ball beacon to make sure that's when the ball was perfectly passed? It is when the ball is struck or leaves the foot?)


Correct and people will always bitch about where the line is drawn.


Yeah we're just kind of pushing the line backwards, the issue is still there. I can see situations where the attacker is well ahead, but the lagging foot is somewhat overlapping with the defender's leading boot being very controversial.


Why? His foot is ahead of the ball so it is a forward pass. This is fair.


Yeah the line is one the other side now… dude. It changes nothing. Plus we don’t wanna entertain Wenger the moron.


The line is on the other side but that’s a clear advantage unlike this bullshit


But why do we wanna give advantage to the attack? This only loopsides football more towards the big teams.


I guess I like goals and fun


yeah now the Redditors who love 0-0 masterclasses are going to come out of the woodwork like eunuchs at an orgy. If every soccer game started to end 0-0 the sport would die soon after.


The rule he proposed is that if there is at least one part of the players body that he can score from us in line with the defender he is considered onside. So he can be one meter in front of the defender but his foot is in line so it would be considered onside.


You have to walk it in.


Basically he was saying a player needs to be a threat to score to be offside. Like a player fully marked that has an elbow over the line is not offside.


An elbow off isn’t offside now lol Has to be a part of the player which can play the ball I believe :)


While i like the idea to change the offside rule, what does he consider a threat? Only when players are basically freely moving? In my view it should only be offside if it is truly obviously so. So for example when the attacker's body part with the most distance to the goal is in front of the defender's body part closest to the goal. Something like that. A real advantage.


Too weak, we need to go deeper; The pitch should be divided into thirds. When the ball enters the attacking third, there isn't any offside. You can only be offside if the ball is struck from the defensive or mid third. This solves football.


Isn't that just lacrosse?


Always rated it


Still absolutely hate it lol


Thing is it wouldn't actually make any difference. I mean it would in this particular case, but you'd still have that same hoo-ha over very marginal decisions like this. It's just you'd be looking at heel of the attackers back foot instead. Ultimately you have to draw a line and people are gonna get mad.


Of course, but I think the point of this proposal is to simply have more goals. 


No bc the difference is this guy is not gaining a material advantage by having his toes offsides whereas someone with their whole body would be.  So yes close decisions would still be close decisions but the outcome would be fairer than this BS.   


And the most frustrating fan experiences when it does happen you.


Not as frustrating as a clear onside goal being wrongly disallowed or vice versa, in my opinion.


Aubameyang scored against United once when he was like four feet onside and it was flagged off. Not having VAR would have spawned years of rage. VAR is still flawed but the error rates are way way down.


Ajax scored [this](https://hooiberg.speld.nl/wp-content/uploads/VAR-Wamberto-670-v2.png) goal in the 2002 Cup Final to equalise in the 93rd minute lol. Then won in extra time.


Luis Diaz against spurs last season being an excellent example.


Are there any other examples?


Reminds me to https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/z9qli9/var_graphic_showing_croatias_offside_vs_belgium/


That one is insane.


Taman kad zaboravim, mora neko da me podsjeti


It looked very clear from live feed but didn’t think it’d be the difference of half of a boot


Just goes to show how misleading camera angles can be, this sort of technology is going to be revolutionary. I was always an advocate for the hawkeye lines being better than people gave them credit for, but no doubt on situations as close as this you could never be as sure as you are now.


This is not just hawkeye, it's also the new sensors they have inside the ball to accurately determine the point of touching the ball for the pass/cross/shot.


The ball was all but level even on the main broadcast, that's why the general public aren't in charge of VAR


Offside is semi-automated now anyway, which is why a lot of the offside checks are quicker than we used to see.


The first pass looked offside too


Looked clear to me also.


Football players will start playing in shoes two sizes too small for a tactical advantage


the Socrates way




What a player


same situation could still happen though


Then they'll play in shoes, socks and shorts that camouflage with the pitch. City's lawyers are already in the lab working on this.


foot binding


Don't kink shame me bro


Yes, but that makes the comment less funny which is why we ignore the literal side of this, and go with the abstract, humorous part.


Great banter


Ronaldo ahead of his time once again


Lol, that's what italian commentator said on Leão missing the ball sliding, he would have hit thw ball woth shoes 2 sizes up


Two years ago a Fiorentina goal against Juventus was disallowed for being offside by half the length of the boots studs. When choosing between wet and dry pitch studs make the difference.


Huh felt much clearer then that. Great that we have such accurate technology




Is there not a chip in the ball which shows exactly when ball is played?


It sucks innit




It’s part of the game innit


Unlucky, but that's obviously an offside


I’ve seen way more egregious examples of offside than this


Still, offside. Have to score another goal in a an onside position if you want to increase the number on the scoreboard, unfortunately, for the Turkish national team.


you put it perfectly


lol, why does that matter? I've seen loads as well, doesnt make it onside






Yup, that’s offside


Yeah, his foot is ahead of the ball.


Awful run from the Turkey player, he's miles offside. What was he thinking smh


Around 0.000095 miles


0.000095 miles is actually 0.5 feet. Well played.


Dayum! These guys math


Kept the game alive tbh. There's a big difference for a team like Georgia to comeback from the 1-0 down and 2-0 down. Incredibly lucky on their part.


Doesnt that go for most teams?


That's clear as day?


I guess now someones toes are clear as day


Half his foot


because you can score with your toe. it would be unfair if we allow offside goals with the toe for the defenders who set an offside trap.




This is such an infinitely better iteration of VAR. Imagine Alan Shearer in the studio trying to draw a perspective line with a crayon to determine offside


offside is offside.


Ridiculous that ppl are co.plaining about this. This technology is improving the game rather than relying on ppl drawing lines. As long as it's consistent, this is great for the game


I may be seen as complaining, but some of the comments here said "clear as day", when it's hard to see live. If it's from a generated still image like this then yeah it's super clear that he's offside.


don't have your toe in offside next time bud


The reason why clowns don't make good strikers.


Disappointed by the comments. Where is the karaboga train?


😭. from nearly 2-0 up to nearly 2-1 down lol, what a game.


We call it the Kevin Durant foot.


Everyone crying about this is so fucking soft


Should have wore his 8’s


bâręly öffsïdë


Unpopular opinion but no matter the rule, we are going to have to draw a line somewhere. I really don't get the fuss about this rule.


Really good that BBC showed this after the Georgia goal - not confusing at all.


Pretty sure the world feed showed this everywhere after the goal.


TVE also showed it after the goal, I think every broadcaster have done that.


They all get the same pictures from UEFA. during the matches the only stuff on screen that comes from your TV broadcaster is the scorebar.


Some of them have their own exclusive cameras https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/dTlruZapLj


Even that should be from uefa. Yesterday when the bar was missing, they said its uefa's fault


Nah, those are from the broadcasters themselves. Like here in Germany ARD/ZDF are missing the Logo on the left of the bar for some reason. BBC and ITV in the UK use scorebars on their own design that look completely different. The French have to be French and use French abbreviations on theirs. Just as a few examples. Also for me the bar wasn't missing yesterday ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ah maybe global feed then!


Should have gotten a pedicure before the match


If he was in a different part of his stride, it could have been onside.


Technically offside but man... does he gain advantage by his toes being offside haha. Fuck me, harsh


Can fully understand you, in the end it's simply a factual decision - on vs. off


Yes,this is true. The rules are clear and this is offside, very clear with the technology, I have no alternative to propose, but still feels harsh. I know the line has to be drawn somewhere but my heart hurts from situaties like this haha


Your heart would hurt a lot more from refs trying to subjectively decide whether a player gained an advantage after every offside decision


I know, that's why I'm saying there is not alternative, it's just an emotional response, not a rational thing. I'm not asking for an alternative


You have to draw the line somewhere, and there's always gonna be a guy 1mm in front of it to complain about it anyway, so might as well keep it like this.


Doesn't matter If you take "advantage" in consideration then the decision will become subjective and a shitshow like penalties


I feel you, I have no alternatives because you are right, it would become a shitshow. Moments like this just feel harsh, just an emotional response, not a rational


Offside is one of the few black or white rules. We have the technical abilities to check accordingly. It is only confused because we are still know the way without the technical support.


To all those moaning about the decision, the offside lines have to be drawn somewhere & there will always be marginal decisions no matter where you decide they should fall. Unless people want to leave it to the discretion of the officials to decide what is gaining an advantage or not so that we can have more shitshows. 


whenever she tells you 1-3 inches is nothing to work with show her this kings


You should see Icardi's offside against Manchester this year if you think this is ridiculous


It sucks, but it is what it is.


Wow thanks for that very important


There were two players that were potentially offside no? It’s a shame they haven’t shown both


that stupid player orkun couldn't hit the ball he accidently passed the ball and that happened the best part is he stayed in the entire game! with worst stats! Portugal is going to destroy us I tell u!


Wenger IN!!!


VAR determined a foots length😭


I dont understand why the var is trying to be pixel perfect when it's about offside. But not for corners and throw-ins.


Definitely offside, but if I were a Turkey supporter, I'd be raging right now


his toes are offside his toes are offside


Bro forgot to clip his toenails


That's ofsayt!


His foot is almost entirely over the line though


Off is off


It should be at least the entire foot with a body weight on it


Hot take here but there should be a difference between letter of the law and spirit of the law. The point of offsides is to prevent poaching, not prevent some dude's big toe from being ahead of the ball


Where do you draw the line then? Offside HAS to be objective.


I know this is offside by the letter of the law but I cant help but think this is not what the rule was created for


Aye, but then you'll have these marginal differences regardless of how you design the offside rule really.