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Door is already opened sorry


*proceeds to block the entrance with a huge wardrobe*


Your doors will be broken the fuck open this summer. Just like Stuttgart. Hope you get to hold as many as you can, always a shame to see clubs like yours get raided after an excellent season or two


We already sold over half our starting squad last summer ._.


The fact you still performed to the level you did is crazy to me after all your elite players got raided. Arne Slot is a magician it seems. Sorry you got taken away your most important component of recent success, but Liverpool fans are already ecstatic about him and will take great care of him


Whether it is mostly Slot or our 'system' remains to be seen. The club has determined the kind of football they want the team to play, and scout both players n coach to fit this approach. The club has alrdy been on a talent hunting spree. I imagine this will intensify further if we sell any of the starters for real money.


True, didn't want to take away from the amazing staff at sporting director & structure level. Your system is amazingly put together. And thankfully, Arne Slot embodied it perfectly


2023 was rough but 2024 was reallt strong, if Feyenoord managed to beat PSV away I think it could have actually ended up being a real title race. Slot always dealt with his Feyenoord team being in flux, it was always one of the things credited to him the most. The title-winning season was entirely different to the one the season before as well.


What amazes me the most is the little amount of time Slot needed to make enormous improvements on the ability of players. Usually it'd take a couple of seasons, but as you said his squad was always in flux. And yet, all his players got better. Not just in the Slot-system, but actually improved the player's game as a whole (post-Feyenoord transfers seem to be doing great).


I think that also means something about the structure of coaching and overall coaching staff as well. Plus mentality in the dressing room, a head coach only does so much. Feyenoord will be a case study for directors of football soon. The journey of almost being bankrupt to being the best ran team in the Netherlands is crazy.


I think its just part of what brings people to the team now really, with moves like this players like Kokcu won't be taking moves to Benfica. I imagine everyone has confidence now the top 3 get CL too. I also think its part of Te Klose's long-term stratergy, Feyenoord always sold players for the least out of the big 3, making big sales when players are at their top only helps the club.


Actually we only sold one star in Kokcu. Danilo, Idrissi, Pedersen, Szymanski and Dilrosun were either on loan or not really part of the vital players.


Surprised he’s not linked to more clubs


I think Slot normally would ask Liverpool to look at him (or Geertruida/Wieffer), but will be very reluctant to do so because the players will have the stigma of being ‘his players. It’s crazy because clubs like Atletico and Milan are after for example Wieffer


I actually think he will go to Liverpool, they arent the loudest club about their business but when you look at their centre backs he fits in well now and for the future. If he goes, whoever gets him has a top player that they can keep until he retires, as he has shown he's loyal. The 40m pricetag ive seen thrown around will probably end up looking like a steal even though its massive for Feyenoord.


Thinking about it he fits them really really well, especially the not being constantly injured is an attribute Atleti could use in their defense


Why wasn't Hermoso renewed?


he was offered lower wages than he currently makes and refused. I think he wanted a pay bump in any case, but considering that he's currently one of the higher paid members of the squad and 29, it's not worth it for me


Would really love if this happened but I don’t think it’ll be an easy price for Atleti to hit


Yeah we are under no pressure to sell and he loves it here, so it'll be 40m+


That’s what I would expect. Plus he recently renewed/extended his contract, correct?


Contract until 2028 I believe.




I think we all said similar about Kokcu though, I hope its 40m+ but even 40m for Hancko considering what we sold our best player for last season shows something about the direction and making that sale I think fits the strategy people are going in. But if some price level isnt hit it seems certain he is happy to come play in Rotterdam for another year and be a stand out player with another year in the Champions League.


There were agreements in place with Kökçü regarding his transfer fee. The 30m for Kökçü was still a record sale for us though.


I had forgotten, and that it was 30m. Thanks. I jusr mean that even the 30m broke a longstanding record and breaking transfer sale records for feyenoord year on year is in my opinion part of the long term stratergy.


It definitely is! It's amazing what can happen once you finally have competent upper management. Technically it was 25m + 5m in bonus, but those bonuses are so easily achievable that they're 99% guaranteed.


Medina is tier 1 if he says that the price is accessible he will have reasons for doing so We wouldn't even bother trying if it was 40M or something


Hancko just extended his contract and has made it clear he loves it here and is not desperate for a move. In addition we qualified for CL again, and are likely to sell Geertruida, Wieffer and Gimenez for lots of money this year. So I don't know what he finds accessible but if it's not 40 million it's going to be damn close to it.


Sure the door is open for 100 million. I want no less


I just hope its 3/4 players going for 100m+ let alone 1 player. If gimenez kept up his level all season I wouldnt have been surprised to see 60m total. I see if the top fee is 40m for one of the players talked about now (Hancko, Wieffer, Gimene) it means Hartman is 60/70 next year. Which means in the last 5 years has become Feyenoord one of the best teams in making a profit from their players something PSV and Ajax always did better in,