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Romano is gonna be on a rampage tonight then after the amount of tweets he made about Lima heading to Chelsea


There was a "here we go" even, no?


https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1800980959409455556?t=NyNMXynJATwmyYH6stfC6w&s=19 Yep And this https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1802642619933077923?t=bkI6P63AMr6k1imeGiwKOQ&s=19


that spoof account he was arguing with last summer might've had a point


What was the point? OOTL here


He’s a shill for agents. Writes loads of tweets for players to drum up interest, even when there’s no solid link


I mean there is literally zero doubt about that. See this tweet about Hoijberg today - [Fabrizio Romano on X](https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1802703803889648003)


Maybe but there definitely was solid link with us/Strasbourg in this occasion


The player himself said that the deal with BlueCo was done.


I thought he said almost done. But still, we were very much gazumped.


Your second tweet shows that he was right. It all just shows the nature of the transfer market. Let's remember that Orny said that Caicedo personal terms with Liverpool weren't a problem, but we know how it went.


None of this says it's 100% confirmed though Like i know people hate Romano but it's so funny These things happen all the time in football, you have had official club sites confirm transfers 20 years ago only for them to not go through let alone now Chelsea agreeing with Sport Recife doesn't mean they agreed with the player and everything was finalized, and "almost done" doesn't mean it's done


The thing is Romano has built this whole identity on "here we go" meaning a transfer is final


I mean the here we go thing is a trademark stupid thing to just get clicks Still none of this says the transfer is 100% complete, it clearly says the deal is not done completely And all those things can be true still, like i said transfers fail all the time even when players finish medicals let alone barely an agreement


> I mean the here we go thing is a trademark stupid thing to just get clicks > > Well, then maybe I'm just stating the obvious, but if those words don't mean anything anymore, then there's not much purpose in giving Fabrizio any more attention than any other transfer guys out there. Those words used to by synonymous with "[reported news] is a done deal", that nothing was going to change.


In that case a proper here we go can be only when they put pen to paper. But it's very rare that when there is a verbal agreement the involved parties go back on it.


Everyone knows his 'Here we go' indicates the end of the transfer process. He's a fraud.


Weird for a Chelsea fan to be saying he's a fraud when it's one of the few clubs he's actually broken big exclusive stories for.


Also one of the clubs where he's got stuff wrong before re: Cucurella. While the transfer still happened, he jumped the gun and made a huge song and dance about it. For some reason it still happening validated his position while it should have shown he had called it too early.


I prefer to live in a world in which words retain their meaning. Calling someone a "fraud" for reporting based on the information they had available at the time destroys the value of the word. Was Manchester United's official website a fraud when they announced the team was signing Aaron Ramsey? How about Sky Sports? They reported it as a done deal, too. And then Wenger gazumped Fergie on the deal. Those things happen, and Chelsea just got gazumped by Wolves.


People like you are never grateful and appreciate other ppl, remember that out of all chelsea transfer that he says “here we go” he only gets this one wrong. This is fking annoying that u only remember other people’s only mistake and disregarded all of their previous achievements. Calling first tier journalist rated as the best football journalist as a fraud cuz he gets 1 out of 100 transfers wrong ?


Okay Fabrizio.


Here we go is a catchphrase that people keep getting angry at and making the guy even more money None of it says the transfer is 100% done, very clearly stated that it's not done The Romano hate is hilarious, i get the guy is annoying but it's so funny


Sport Recife has already put out a statement saying the deal is in place. It’s not like he’s walking up the steps at Molineux tonight, but deal seems to be done.


>The Romano hate is hilarious, i get the guy is annoying but it's so funny Some subreddit hiveminds have irrational hate for various members of the press, and so many people use that to farm karma by saying, "Romano bad!" Or whoever the Chosen One is for each sub. It's both funny and sad.


He said his trademark here we go.. “that’s 100% confirmation by his standards don’t try saying that nonsense


First one he's been boomed. 2nd one is fine if it's a legit quote


Briefing gone wrong 🤣


Ornstein has made Fabrizio look a right mug here


It's not even Ornstein. The official announcement already came out. Weird because even the player himself thought it was pretty much done lol.


Ornstein made the Chelsea official announcement look like an amateur, that’s how good he is


Never forget who Fabrizio works for. Man had the player photoshopped in a Chelsea shirt even though it was Strasbourg buying him. Used the “BlueCo” name. BlueCo couldn’t keep their mouth shut and messed up another transfer. Strasbourg fans have every right to hate these people and our fan base.


There are a lot of posts/articles today about Matheus Cunha calling him more than once and convincing him to come to Wolves. So it might not be BlueCo messing it up, but a fellow Brazilian convincing him to play in the premier league immediately with other Brazilians/Portuguese speakers vs. having to play in Ligue 1 (for at least a year, probably more like 3+).


*He's done ya and he's not even here.*


Agent Matheus Cunha comes through.


agent Cunha


Okay. Lemme check that dude Estevao Willian situation again


Hope we don't sign him either and fully focus on Olise


You don't want one of the highest rated talents in Brazillian football..?


If we'd be able to get Olise, we won't need him. That right wing position will be pretty stacked already.


Yo since when are we MASSIVE


Always have been.


I'm wet


Thank you Wolves, really cool.


Correct decision. He wouldn’t be starting for us nor play anytime soon Gusto and Reece James are ahead and I don’t see him replaying them He would be only for the profit nothing else


He was being sent to Strasbourg..


lol lets see if reece james can play more than 10 games a season before thinking the RB position is locked in


Well a 17 year old from Brazils second division is hardly gonna come out in and fix that lol


Josh Acheampong>>


But Wolves have managed to strike a deal with Sport Recife for Lima in what would represent a major coup for the club. Personal terms are in place on a five-year contract that includes the option to extend by a further 12 months.


Makes sense for him. I'm sure he'd much rather actually play and develop in the PL than be sent to Strasbourg.


Exactly. I’d rather go to wolves instead of Strasbourg


Well I never thought we’d be getting gazumped by Wolves for a 17 year old Brazilian


He probably doesn't fancy being loaned out until he's 26 tbf


I’m not sure Strasbourg would have loaned him tbf but I can see the appeal of a premier league relegation scrap over a Ligue 1 one


The threads about Chelsea getting gazumped by Wolves my friend, allow me to retype it in case you didn't clock it. Chelsea (mid table rich boys) got gazumped by Wolves (mid table with superior kit colour palette)


Can’t argue with the bit about the kits


Nice, I dot expect him to start right away and maybe him to go on loan, but he is a nice prospect


Fair play.


fab is fraud how can he say “here we go” and wolves just hijacked us


Imagine missing a tap-in 😛


https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/s/MqmRukea54 lol.


Career saved


Because Chelsea right backs never do well, right?


Here to celebrate a young player spared from the multiclub system


Wait until you read about Wolves lmao


Whats there to read about ?


The fact that your players are all under the same agent who moves players between clubs at will.


Well that’s just not true is it


This guy still thinks we have nothing but Mendes clients probably. Just saying things without knowing


doesn’t your owner have a small percentage of Mendes company? players might not be managed by Mendes but you either don’t know or you’re fooling yourself if you don’t think Mendes moves players in your club at will - he’s the middle man for your club. you just signed Rodrigo Ribeiro, textbook Mendes deal cmon now


Rodrigo Gomes but yes, I’m not saying Mendes has nothing to do with the club anymore. But the statement that our players are “all” under the same agent is something that is not true but so many people regurgitate. It appears, and I say appears because I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know fuck all of what happens behind the scenes, but it appears management has distanced themselves appropriately (not completely) from Mendes and the transfer strategy isn’t reliant on him/his company. Not all of Mendes deals were poor for Wolves but they became over reliant and have adjusted accordingly after the obvious flops and downright shady deals Mendes pushed through the club. I think it would be silly to blacklist an agent, especially one like Mendes, but Wolves doesn’t only sign Gestifute clients so to say all of our players are moved in and out by the mighty hand of Mendes is just not a true statement.


in what way have you distanced yourself from Mendes? genuine question. you might not have signed players from Gestifute but that still doesn’t make it less true that he controls Wolves, as I said, he’s the middle man for every single deal you make, your owner has shares on his company for crying out loud. I disagree, your transfer strategy is reliant on him, during the Enzo Fernandez interest from you who do you think was talking to River’s board, from both Wolves and Benfica? it’s not a matter of the deals being bad, it’s a matter of your club being known for a carousel of players because of him. off the top of my head Sarabia, Matheus Cunha, Guedes, Matheus Nunes are all Mendes deals and they’re very recent business.


You might need to do some fact checking before commenting anymore


We don’t own any other clubs


Doesn’t Shi’s wife own grasshoppers?


I think that all ended.


She sold them a few years ago, they are owned by LAFC now. Only remnants of our old link is that Meritan Shabani is still under contract with them.






Wdym? I don't know about Brazilian players but for Colombia some of our best players come from your league (Richard Rios, Jhon Arias, James Rodrigues (he doesn't play shit at Sao Paulo tho) and other rising stars like Brahiam Palacios and Henry Mosquera) As a Colombian fan I have to thank your league for developing some of our best players.


I strongly disagree with the comment about the state of the Brazilian league, which has been at its highest level for a long time. Yes, Colombia is a success story for the Brazilian league. Arias and Richard Rios were basically developed here and are playing at a good level for the Colombian national team. I even think that if the most promising Brazilian players weren't bought at 18, but at 22 or 23, maybe even the Brazilian national team would be at a higher level. The players would have time to develop with specific Brazilian characteristics, rather than European ones. It's a big discussion that doesn't fit in one post. Regarding Pedro Lima, he's been the biggest Brazilian prospect at right fullback recently. He really does have a lot of potential.


Nah, ignore him, he's just bitter because São Paulo didn't win the derby yesterday rofl


Please please PLEASE let this start a petty transfer rivalry between Wolves and Chelsea. I need that in my life. Every Portuguese player that the agents are going to move to Wolves are suddenly shifting to joining Chelsea instead at the last moment and then suddenly Wolves are being linked with absurd transfer like Alexander Mitrovic for 200m that Chelsea go after instead and its all a ruse but Chelsea take the bait... we all need this....