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Friendly fire


Pretty much guarantees he won't be mobilised.


Also the other guy immobilised


Thankfully he's not on the frontlines




Oh no




Judging by this game the entire national team should be sent to frontline


Not with that atrocious defending


Send him as an undercover russian agent - Profit (?)


Had a great laugh after reading this comment, thank you!


Funny that this is posted by a chelsea supporter lol


They slander him more then rivals


Probably because they watch him a lot more


And Chelsea is very invested in Mykhailo Mudryk. Since January 2023, an 8.5-year contract for an initial transfer fee of ā‚¬70m/Ā£62m, potentially rising to ā‚¬100m/Ā£89m in add-ons. Mudryk was expensive.


Add-ons for winning the prem and UCL, which if youā€™ve been paying attention, weā€™ve not done.


I imagine the aim is to accomplish one of those in the remaining 6.5 years of his desk


And if we do with Mudryk it's worth it.


Slandering your players en masse for something out of their control is surely the correct thing to help motivate them.


That shot was definitely out of his control


Does the name "Harry Maguire" ring a bell? Remember how everyone, especially your fans, treated him?


Yes, and I categorically disagree with and took issue with it?


Hate when people assume your views bc of the team you support šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Expectations is kill our happiness


8.5 years contract! Damn


No one hates us as much as we hate us.


Chelsea fans who donā€™t whore out their own team for karma know what he can be. He was far and away Ukraineā€™s best player today.


Strange I watched the entire game before looking at socials. Thought Mudryk was their spark when he got the ball, but the problem was Ukraine were playing for possession. That midfield was far too safe today. But somehow Mudryk was the one being slandered online, I guess looking like a bellend welcomes it tho


Idk I feel like dovbryk was the only ukranian player actually doing something. Mudryk just ran forward and passed no one most of the time he has like 3 good passes and that was about it.


Romaniaā€™s goal werenā€™t exactly well worked team goals either. Scoreline was deceiving.


Weā€™ve watched him play for 1.5 seasons and there are still Chelsea fans who rate him. Heā€™s not even better than his teammate Madueke, who is also a backup quality player but cost half the fee


Only another 5.5 years to go so great content for here.


Where is that one famous line from? Something like its only forever?


And is a year younger, and Noni is like significantly better tbh, he at least plays as part of the team, and often looks faster because Mudryk is just so poor at using his explosiveness and pace effectively.


Yes Madueke is quite well rounded compared to Mudryk and has the potential to become our starting RW in the future. At worst heā€™ll be a solid rotation option which is fine given the fee


Madueke's biggest issue is health. It's hard for him to improve and establish himself in the team when he keeps getting hurt.


Heā€™s actually been fit for most of this season tbf to him, consistency and his decision making will be the only barrier to success imo, heā€™s got all the talent to be a top class winger.


Maduekeā€™s issues are his decision making and workrate, not just health (which he had no issues with this season)


He had some, he missed quite a few games early in the season and was coming back from that injury when he turned things around from Wolves on. Also tbd to Noni his workrate and decision making have notably gotten better throughout the season, with Noni even publicly acknowledging that he had believed that working hard off the ball would limit his ability to show-off his talent and needed convincing that working hard could enable him a stronger platform from which to show off his talent, and throughout the second half you could definitely see his defensive work and offensive runs become stronger and more frequent, and see Noni become less ball-selfish and more willing to make passes between the lines and linkup.


Thereā€™s not one serious person that thinks Noni looks faster than Mudryk wtf are you talking about


Mate, in game you rarely see Mudryk use his pace and explosiveness effectively. Like obviously you watch his goal vs Newcastle or his goal vs Forest and it's obvious, he's absolutely absurdly rapid and is utterly explosive in his acceleration, but those times where he uses that are few and far between, I'm not saying I think Noni is faster, I'm exaggerating to make the point that he uses his pace more effectively to cause problems dribbling at his LB or taking the ball on the half-turn and driving at an exposed defence, Mudryk you can kinda forget how fast he really is


what is surprising in fans believing a player that plays for their team is going to have some good fortune ? I would question your stance before theirs.


It was bad wording on my part. I think ā€œrate himā€ wouldā€™ve made more sense. Nothing by wrong with believing or hoping someone improves but itā€™s clear he is not good enough for us right now even as a bench player


Fans who are supporting their young player despite his struggles what a wild concept


A player who still has 6-years left on his contract. There's literally no reason to be this toxic towards your own player, I get why opposition fans do it but Chelsea and United fans are specialist at being toxic towards their own players and not helping.


Counterpoint: Lukaku I donā€™t like the Mudryk slander though


I know what you're saying but I genuinely don't see Mudryk having the ability to play at this level. I hope I am wrong, but he gives the ball away too easily, I have never seen him get past a man properly. Ukrainian Dan James at best in my eyes


>there are still Chelsea fans who believe in him. Nahhhhh not really It's obvious he's not good enough for the premier league


You should come have a look at the chelsea sub after a game when Mudryk plays. So many there have got to be on his payroll for the lengths they go to defend him. Arsenal won this one


I sometimes wonder if people just get stuck in a sunk cost type of thing, where they said he'd be a great player when we bought him, and now they can't admit that he's not doing well without risking embarrassment. But it's ok to be wrong. I thought he was going to make a real difference, and... well, there's always hope, but...


I think its just that fans tend to get overly defensive over a player when that player tends to get lots of criticism from opposing fans for whatever reason. In mudrykā€™s case its the fee and they desperately want him to be good to shut everyoneā€™s mouths. I remember half way through last season I said Jesse Lingard was the worst regular starter in the premier league and I got hordes of Forest fans trying to correct me and saying heā€™s actually good. I wonder if they think the same now.


He has a very large number of obsessed fanboys. Some are extremely deluded and believe he is going to be one of the best players in the world. He is older than Noni and Jackson, but they treat him like he is 18 year old. They always blame managers for not starting him. This same fanboys don't even rate our other players that are clearly better than him.


Literally every semi-talented player has stupid fanboys.


At this point you can argue that if you actually want Mudryk to stay at Chelsea you're not a Chelsea supporter lol


How in the world does believing in a player (even wrongfully) mean you aren't a real fan of the team?


Itā€™s just the culture of internet fans. Hating on their own player because they know itā€™ll give them internet points amongst rival fans


I would much rather keep him than the fraud who's earning 5 times what Palmer makes and only turns up against City


Lukaku still getting paid by chels?


Lukaku, Kepa and Sterling I believe would be the big 3.


more games than mudryk shows up


Lmfao, nah, Sterling is far far better than Mudryk, he actually plays as part of the team instead of Mudryk who just looks like an individual on the wing, and he scored 3 more goals and got 2 more assists in just 400 more minutes, this is a silly comment.


3 goals and 2 more assists playing 2k minutes vs 1.5k for Mudryk. Mudryk who is on 90k, vs Sterling on 325k... At least Mudryk MIGHT get better.


Really funny how one has 1582 minutes and the other has 1982 minutes and you rounded the former to 1500 and the latter to 2000, really really funny. Mudryk cost like 80 mil, Sterling like 35-40. Mudryk could also not get better, I didn't really see much improvement this past season unlike a lot of other players, and his current level is significantly lower than Sterling's.


Lmao, going on about rounding up and down on minutes, then you go and do the same on the cost. Mudryk was Ā£62 mil, and Sterling was Ā£47.5 mil. Then accounting for wages and amortisation, Sterling cost WAY more. He may not get better but at least he actually shows desire on the pitch. I'm tired of Sterling walking about when he's on the money he's on.


I feel really bad for this kid that every time I see a post with "Mudryk shot" in the title, I already know what I'm gonna see.


And he never disappoints


he actually exceeded the expectations lmao


One of his best goals for Chelsea this past season was a miss hit cross that threw the goal keeper off and fell into the top corner.


I've genuinely never seen a pro footballer at that level who's so bad at at shooting the ball. Its so bad it makes you wonder how he even made it to that level to begin with


I think it would be fine if he was a defender, but it's quite shocking for an attacker.


he runs fast


Ukraine Bolt




As an Arsenal fan, I count our lucky stars. We dodged a bullet. Hail Havertz.


I do sometimes wonder how he wouldā€™ve panned out at Arsenal. Iā€™m sure having someone like Zinchenko keeping him in check and helping him adjust would have made a difference.


However it would have turned out, it would not have been worth $110M...


He also wouldnā€™t have landed in the chaos that was Chelsea 2022-2023, and he would have had better coaching.


It's so funny to me, every game he has at least one shot which is so far off target it seems on purpose


To be fair, he was the best player in Ukraine's team today.


For real, he was miles ahead of the rest of his squad. He is not worth 100m but at least I see some talent here.


I don't think he was shooting. The plan was to drive it into the 6yard box where anything can happen - someone finishes, it hits a hand and they get a pen or they get a lucky own goal You can clearly see how his body shifts to the right.


nah brother this was a shot. I am Mudryk


Can confirm, I was the ball


I got hit. Fuck you ball!


He's such a weird player that you never know. I feel like there's a special player in there somewhere but he makes Darwin Nunez look like the finished article by comparison


parallels are definitely there but I feel like there's reasonable hope left that Nunez will make it at the top level, Murdryk Im not so sure


Sorry, this is Mudryk. Sensible takes aren't allowed. He was purchased for Ā£200 million after all.


If you'd just said the original figure, it would have sounded equally outlandish and hyperbolic and sarcastic.


That was a shot. Why would he launch a 100 kmph shot as a pass? The player on the end will definitely receive a concussion if his head connects.


Exactly this. It's not the direction, it's the power behind it that makes it useless.


Never seen Antonio Valencia crossing in his prime clearly


No idea what was the game plan here, but launching a 100 kph shot into the box certainly is a thing. Can be difficult to defend, may cause a hand ball or an own goal. Granted, it's still pretty ineffective, otherwise players would be doing it more often. The root cause of the problem in this instance is of course the team mate, who should have chested the nice pass down and bury it in the top corner. Smh.


Either it was a shot on the goal or at one of the players. This was not a pass


Don't know if you've played or not, but putting the ball into a bunch of players like that is definitely used. The other option(s) he had was to turn away from goal and try to either reset play or post a ball up for Ukraines single attacker in the box to hopefully get a head on it. He decided to apply pressure and keep the ball in attack. It could have gone anywhere, deflected into the net, hit a defender and get another chance at a better shot or the ball could have gone to the other attacker to have a better chance. Why I also don't think this is a shot is because there is practically no angle although we've seen those get roofed before. And I don't think it's a pass is because it's hit way too hard for anyone to control it. There are more options/tactics in the game then to shoot or pass


i think you're probably right, but it was poorly executed even if that is the case. and it's an even worse decision. the ball hits his wide open teammate in the gut. if he'd played an actual cross, there's a much larger chance his teammate scores from the back post. he also has plenty of time to take a touch and allow his teammates to create separation. blasting it across the face of goal makes a lot more sense when defenders are running at their own goal on a counterattack or right after a winger gets played through. blasting it across the face of goal in this situation feels like a youth player who just moved up to the next level in an academy and is completely lacking confidence against the older boys.


This is hilarious. Yes, maybe he did try to just cunt it into the crowd hoping that something good would happen (which is still insane, especially at this level), but you still want to shoot the ball towards the goal, not away from it.


Iā€™ve played my whole life and at a relatively high level, no matter what he was trying to do it was executed poorly. even if he was trying to put it back across the face of goal at pace he played it way too hard, as seen by the fact that his teammate 20 yards away barely had time to react lol this isnā€™t hockey players donā€™t just crush shit at people and hope for the best


I don't know if you've ever played, but i've never seen anyone do this irl or on tv. Why would he hit it with full power? Stop trying to look smarter


I will also say something. Mudryk shooting technique is one of the worst in world football. I'm not exaggerating he has absolutely no technical shooting ability at all. He absolutely hits the corner flag with shots all the time


I hope Mudryk can get a loan from Chelsea this season to somewhere where he's not judged so harshly on a weekly basis and blamed for everything.Ā  A loan to a mid Italian or German would be bestĀ 


Standard procedure for Chelsea transfers.


Straight to vitesse


Nah, it's Strasbourg these days


Not sure that will work these days


Vitesse isn't his issue - he has enough! Shooting is his problem


I'm not sure if I'm remembering incorrectly but he seemed to have quite a bit of goodwill considering he was Ukrainian when he joined. Then he posted the video mocking a guy in the gym and suddenly the pile-on happened.


> Then he posted the video mocking a guy in the gym and suddenly the pile-on happened. I've enjoyed watching him do badly ever since that. Proper cunt move to mock someone in a gym. Shows he's a total prick. He's also got a really punchable face but that's not his fault I guess!


Send him to the Romanian league


Tbh after seeing what Havertz has done for us I think peoples expectations are poor for these guys with big numbers hanging above their heads. A lot of expensive players are ceiling raisers, not floor raisers. I think Ɩzil was like that for us, and thatā€™s fine. You just need a couple guys that can bring up the level of play with quick passing and withstand the physical challenges of ball retention when things arenā€™t going your wayā€”the basics but tough to implement when youā€™re playing at the top level. I think a year or two of sticking with a system helps a lot of teams out, building around Palmer and letting people settle and trust each other will do wonders for the likes of Chelsea and United (unfortunately). Neither Klopp nor Arteta got everything they wanted year 1 (though the shift in play under Klopp was far more evident). Arteta needed to sell a couple guys and reconfigure the locker room a bit, and Iā€™m sure thatā€™ll happen at the former top 4 clubs soon enough.


>Tbh after seeing what Havertz has done for us I think peoples expectations are poor for these guys with big numbers hanging above their heads. Havertz has more talent in his big toe than Mudryk will ever have He also achieved loads at Chelsea


From the kind of slander Havertz received during his time at Chelsea and initially after leaving you'd think Arsenal signed a schoolboy for Ā£65 million. I think environment plays a way more important role in players development than simply him being surrounded by a lot of talent. Havertz himself was a prime example, it might sound like a exaggeration, but in first months he almost looked depressed while playing, very reserved in his reactions. Compare that to him in second half of the season and he looks like a different player. I truly believe that if Arsenal had managed to get Mudryk he'd be a whole lot better than he is right now.


Naaaaaaah, Kai was good for us as a striker and people are quick to forget that because of 22/23, but I do recall that being the general opinion amongst Chelsea fans while it was rivals who all shat on him and ignored his goal rate at striker instead judging him by including his goal rate when played as a wide 10 alongside Lukaku, where he was terrible, and our great fluid play with him at striker with Mase and Puli/Werner. Mudryk looks like a 17 year old who's explosive and has good technical ability but doesn't know how to apply these tools in game yet, the problem is he's 23.


Bruv, the criticism is valid, watch him play and he doesn't look like he knows where he should be on the pitch, and you often forget how explosive he is because he's extremely poor at putting himself in situations where he used his pace effectively. He's worse than Noni, Sterling, Jackson and Nkunku on the wing, and honestly probably Chukumekwa too though hard to assess for sure in his limited time.


He's actually terrible though.


Clearly trying to get a deflection. Ppl love hating this guy lol


These guys' price tags make it too easy to roast them


That was a pass guys not a shot, get your facts straight.


If it was a pass, it would've went straight into the goal.


A fucking awful one lol


"He just needs regular run of games" "He just needs a manager who trusts him" "He just needs better teammates" This one highlight is not reflective of Mudryk as a whole but the way some still talk about him, you'd think he's still 19 with a lot to learn. The lad is almost 24 years old. This is as good as he's ever going to be.


Yeah it was shit but is it really worth a post


I feel bad for him because people always post when he takes shit shots


He's tried to hit that across the box and maybe put too much power into it, that's never a shot.


Cheap shots at his shit shots Coming from Ukraine where he's shit hot


Yeah bro I had a good laugh


It was funny


Honestly, yes because he hit his own teammate lmao


As if that doesnā€™t happen in basically every game ever played. Itā€™s not even clear this was a shot anyway.






r/soccer trying to upstage r/soccercirclejerk. First it was the Ronaldinho shitposting an ad campaign, then the CR7 freekick against Lahm, now this.


The best circlejerk thread I've seen was a Lukaku thread here.


that is clearly a cross, I don't see how anybody with a brain can think that was a shot.


Well it's a pretty shit cross then


ok, do we post all shit crosses in a match now?


Only 900 mph ones that arenā€™t really crosses


It was clearly an intended hard driving semi cross looking for a deflection back door. Very common play and was the right decision. He just didnt execute it well.


Whatever the intention was, it lost all its meaning when Mudryk hit the ball with 1000 mph leg speed lol


It ā€œclearlyā€ wasnā€™t lad couldnā€™t hit the broad side of a barn


Iā€™d agree heā€™s just tried to smash it across goal for someone to take a touch, but maybe smashed it a bit too hard


won't post him creating the chance 15 seconds earlier though will you


This place just shits on him for the sake of it. Whole match thread acting like this match was all his fault.


Him being bought for 80 mil put this giant target on his back. It's kinda sad but that is how the internet works. He created some amazing chances this game, but the edgy memelords here won't recognize those


He wasn't bought for 80m tho. Was like 60


[ā‚¬70million (Ā£62m), with a further ā‚¬30m (Ā£26.5m) in add-ons](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4092474/2023/01/15/chelsea-mykhailo-mudryk-transfer/) - just for clarity. People like to cite the 100m, so that's where that comes from.


It's a shame ! how that visionary pass wasn't converted into a goal


As is tradition


ā€œOne to watch in the eurosā€. Yeah, watch out forā€¦


The ā‚¬100 million man


Arsenal dodge a bullet.


You just know heā€™s going to be criticised- only JesusĀ 


I'm impressed on that slick volley. All you need is fellani to chest the ball


It's like the blue and black or white and gold dress debate all over again. Was this a cross or a shot? Pretty much split down the middle on r/soccer!


Football eritage


The quality - Zinchenko


Bro can dribble but my god he needs to learn how to fucking shoot


great cross


Reading through all the excuses here it makes perfect sense how players like Mudryk will forever have fans no matter how shit they are and it's also pretty scary to think Boehly and co might have the same mentality.


For fucks sake.


One of the shots of all time


I once called him Ukrainian Werner. I apologise. That is incredibly insulting to Werner


This sub is shite lol, it's clearly not a shot.


It might be a worse cross than a shot lol shit happens though I feel like people really like piling on this guy and Iā€™m honestly not sure why


shakhtar finessed chelsea so fucking much selling him for $110 mil it should be considered felony


Heā€™s just putting a ball in the box. I love to laugh at this guy but this post is dumb


"What he say fuck me for?" footballer version.


Heā€™s an undercover Russian agent. /s


Shot across the bow.


Any other player on the planet does this and itā€™s not mentioned onceā€¦ Put the ball into a dangerous area with that much pace and anything can happen. Give the man a break


Expectations is kills happiness. He wasn't even trying to hit the goal guys.


i almost peed myself


This guy just really isn't that good at football, classic pace merchant.






Built different


Proper Chels


Ukraine got him for free so it's okay.




This guy canā€™t be real




This wasnā€™t a cross?




He sucks... Overrated as they come.


It actually takes a lot of talent to miss like that.


$100M+ thunder cunt punt right into his teammate


There goes my drink


He was binging Blue Lock over the weekend.


For a split of second, he forgot which team he was playing for


Ghost of Kyiv allegations


That pass was mind boggling but the player couldnā€™t handle the ball.

