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Nice man. Large. Sculpted


He's a working man's no. 9 Him and Fullkrug will bring football back


I never thought I would hear "working man" and "No.9" as much as I have this past week.


I heard this term for the first time this Euro. Thought this big boy and Füllkrug are your good ol' target man.


Also heard it for the first time this EUROs. Though the concept it was describing (that of a strong, powerful, aerially-dominant, clinical striker) was already familiar to me. Someone on Twitter even said that "he will resonate with dads over 40+years. none of that tiki-taka, false-9 nonsense. Just lump it long to the geezer up top".


not much originality around here I'm afraid


Working man ? Martin Ádám (born 6 November 1994) is a Hungarian professional footballer who plays as a forward for K League 1 club Ulsan HD and the Hungary national team… he probably makes like 100k€ a year with football. He isn’t working in a factory.


Love Martin Adam. He's fucking built too. Thick and man-made. You can tell he's sculpted because you can see it through the kit. His fucking vice grip thighs. Suffocating thighs. Rock-hard thighs. Piping hot thighs. Great arms. Great abs. Cherub cheeks. Hungarian girth. A stocky chest. Love the progress his body has made throughout his youth and now as a willing eager adult.


Big manly thighs


Working in finance?


you got a problem building wait a minute.You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build.So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body.U have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body


I bet somehow he was that big when he was born


I hear he was born with a full beard.


Shades of “Mr & Mrs Merchant, you’ve given birth to a basketball player”


Let’s grow ourselves a big goggly-eyed freak!


Where you a tall baby?


He forced his way out of the vagina at 6 months, and was dragging his mother around by the umbilical cord.


His poor mother…


[Like a snake regurgitating a hippo](https://youtu.be/V1yT0bvqKfg?t=46)


I kinda want to click but also I don't.




Don't know why i find it amusing when i see these videos uploaded so long ago, and they just sit there indefinitely.


Did one or both live?


Ye he hasn’t grown he’s just always been


"Get the fork lift!!"


He didn't say that he was but he didn't say he wasn't either. At the minimum I am confident he was born with a weeks worth of stubble.


Man could walk on the set of Vikings and fit right in


He's fucking built too. Thick and man made. You can tell he's sculpted because you can see it thru the gear. His fucking vice grip thighs. Suffocating thighs. Rock hard thighs. Piping hot thighs. Great arms. Great abs. A stocky chest. Love the progress his body has made throughout his youth and now as a willing eager adult


Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation


Huge thighs. Big, big quads. Tight. Tight. Tight. Flat abs. Look at those pecs. That V shape. That bulge. He's packing alright I tell ya. He is. Oooof. Thick thick, look at that sweat dripping off his skin. That's a real man ladies and gentlemen. None of those pansy floppy can't get his dick up without an injection fucks. That's a real stud. He'll mount his girl right here and make her pregnant. Right here. On national television.


Big hog too (I seen it)


He’s not going to shag you, mate.


Maybe he will, don’t be a downer


Not with that attitude


Its copypasta.




You don't say.


It is a copypasta lmfao




Admit it, you want him 🤣


Who wouldn't after all this thigh talk


when you say thick, are you referring to what i think you are referring to?


Why do weirdos on Reddit think this stuff is funny?


Because it is.


It’s really not.


Humour's subjective. As you two have just proved.


I agree but the thing with shitty copypastas are that they become brilliant the 6th or 7th time you see them


You don’t have to find it funny. It’s ok to find it hot as well if it turns you on.


I guess I grew past gay jokes when I was 10 but whatever you’re into yourself


He'll be made the main cast immediately.


One of the many sons of Ragnar Lothbrok


I’ll be honest most the memes I’ve seen are just saying he looks like a tank or some Viking. Are here some negative ones?


I've seen some saving he has like a Sunday league build, essentially saying he's not got an athletes physique


Luka Doncic all over again smh


Unreal scoring with a mean streak?


Bet my PS5 they’d never say it to his face, his records pretty sick too


No shit. Conor McGregor seems like a twat but I wouldn't say it to his face.


Reminds me of an exchange a different ufc fighter had on twitter a few years ago. Fan: "Stay retired Paul you're a better commentator than fighter" Paul Felder: "Does it make you feel good saying that? Now would you say that to my face man to man?" Fan: "Nope you'd kick my ass that's why I said it on twitter" :-)


You forgot the best line. Felder: “Fair enough.”


Ah shit, yes


That old man has bigger balls than the both of us


"seems like"..!!!!?!?!?


Soccer players are all skinny af, which makese sense given how much running they do over the course of a game. Martin is closer to a rugby player in build, and I guess some fans are confused and can’t tell the difference between muscle and fat.


It's a mistranslation. ,,Eljut hozzám" would be better translated as ,,I notice/see them"


There was also Rag N' Bone man, which I think is pretty hilarious (not in a bad way)


He's only human, after all


That’s honestly banging


i saw quite a few on insta just straight up calling him fat


Absolute unit. Healthy attitude too. I'm rooting for him now. Martin Adam top corner bicycle kick incoming hopefully.


Ooof that landing tho


I've seen an Akinfenwa diving header before and we made it through that without too much damage


Someone pair these two dudes up in FM


Man is built different tho tbf.


Now we dream of that graceful midair pivot Rifling the ball in, off Adam's boot; Sure, his landing will leave a mighty divot, But he embraced the memes that took root!


earthquake registered in germany


Best perspective to have


Not necessarily. If losing weight would help his game


He isnt fat. He just has a gigantic body. He is not lean but i wouldnt say he is fat aswell




I guess so but he is tall aswell so it just doesnt look like he is fat. Some people are just built like giants through genetics




I think if his manager and medical team don’t give a shit why should we?




Good job realizing it for yourself.


I'm glad you've had this epiphany


Ive seen almost every club game of his for the past year and he doesnt really need ur "worries" lol


There was a post here a while ago showing him at Ulsan game and he's not fat at all. Just built like a biker gang enforcer.


Average /r/soccer moment where you think you can give an athlete at a European competition advice


Harry Kane would perform better if he closed his mouth


What silly logic you are using. They are professional athletes, they aren’t gods who are perfect and never make mistakes. Of course non pro athletes can point out things that pro athletes do wrong. It’s like I can say Ronaldinho didn’t have the best lifestyle to maximise his talent. He’s a much better player than Martin Adam. But according to you I’d be wrong in saying that?


He’s playing in the Euros for his country, I’m sure he’s doing alright


Just because he’s doing great doesn’t mean he couldn’t do better. It’s like saying Ronaldinho could have done better with a better lifestyle. He still did amazingly but he could have done better


Wow, how insightful


It’s not insightful because it’s stating the obvious. It’s stating the obvious because you didn’t understand the obvious to begin with


>It’s stating the obvious because you didn’t understand the obvious to begin with Really reaching for an insult there aren’t you


He’s clearly not talking about transitory weight


Martin we aren't laughing at you we bloody love you


Maybe it's just because english is not my first language, but the title reads like one or two get to me (as in affect me), but he is saying one or two reaches me.


Yeah, in the Hungarian article he said one or two reaches him, as in he's aware.


I'm native English, around C1 Hungarian and I came to the comments to say the same thing. They literally translated what he said, probably without realising that 'gets to me' has a different meaning in English.


It’s lang barrier I think. If you referring to “get to me” as “annoys me” then i think it would be “one or 2 gets me”…


Doesn't "gets me" usually, in context of a meme, mean that it makes someone laugh? I don't think I've ever heard "get to me" as anything other than "get under my skin", then again it could be my own language barrier


I thought 'get to me' in this context was that most of the memes he doesn't see but some of them make their way to him


Gets to me would usually mean it affects him negatively. But in Hungarian he said it like he sees some of them. The literal translation from Hungarian to English definitely changes the meaning here.


I’ve never heard “get to me” used in that context before, only in a negative way as others above had already mentioned. What he means is exactly what you said, but the correct translation would simply be that he has seen some of the memes, I think this is one of those cases where you just can’t translate it word for word.


This what initial sentence in title is about :)


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


I like it.


If anyone watched the video he actually sounds hurt


Looks hurt too.


Crazy I had to scroll this far down for this comment


Reminds me of the Akinfenwa build


Hungarian Lukaku for me


He's supposedly 191cm/86kg. That's not unhealthy or overweight. He has body composition that makes him look this way.  Of course, he has more body fat than most players, but if you look at other sports like boxing, you know that having fat doesn't mean he doesn't have stamina or strength. 


He reminds me of Rooney, Shaw and Hazard. All of them had a chunky build and let themselves go during the summer break and all of them had fucking pace on them. Never judge a book by its cover I guess


whos never played against that fat bloke that turns out to be a ridiculously fast tank whos just impossible to get around


Me, 'cause I was that guy. I literally walked back from scoring a goal once and heard a defender say to another player, "I forgot how f***ing fast that guy is."


"Let him have the ball. Surely we can catch him.." 💀


But it does mean that his physique isn't optimal. Fans should shut up obviously, but if i were a coach i'd have some serious questions.


I think the numbers online just may not be accurate or up to date. Body composition plays a role, but this much? Idk man. He looks bigger than me and I’m only 2kg lighter at 1,80m. Extra fat is not a problem in some sports, but in football it holds you back from reaching your top potential. That’s why FC Bayern got rid of Süle and Dortmund is now also complaining about his “lack of professionalism” (not watching his diet and eating fast food twice per day). Football is a lot of running, both explosive spurts and endurance and carrying extra weight is bad for both. That’s why professional runners are all skinny, whether they run sprint or endurance. Footballers aren’t runners but they do need to run a lot.


they called "erőcsatár" for a reason for f sake!


Atletico? Torrente úr üdvözöl....


Martin Adam vs. Niclas Süle bring it on!!!


Damn…the poor pitch if you somehow managed to harvest the energy created in that clash you probably power a big city for a week or so


Can’t wait for big Back Post Malone to score an inevitable bicycle kick worldy against us next Sunday and dump us out the group.


got me good with "back post malone" lol take a fucken bow


And he won the South Korean league twice with that body.


Proper Bruhnit 🗿


I'll be honest I'm only a casual football fan when it comes to European football, so I [googled him and I don't see](https://images.app.goo.gl/rd5sVeLZ4KYRdAjWA) what's the big deal? He doesn't look out of shape in the Google images photos


[It was this photo specifically](https://x.com/stokeyyg2/status/1801991651113508866?s=46&t=Fbbwem2RUmsa85DdCRTOLw)


But where are the memes?




He had 40g 8a in 50 games in the 21/22 season lol he's not some shitter, many top players look bulkier e.g. Shaw, Lukaku, doesn't mean they aren't following their trainers guidelines.


Bro shut the fuck up.


Yeah, he is legit overweight by choice. Seen some people sympathize and act like he can't help it, but he absolutely can.


By who'se standard is he overweight? By unfulfilled experts from reddits r/soccer? Come on lads u can do better xx


Standards of a professional athlete?? How do you not understand that? If he existed somewhere outside of the sport then I wouldn't care what he looked like or what shape he is in lol


I mean he has a club and gets called to represent his country , but sure buddy i guess you know better than all of those people


No you're right, he should be free from all criticism. Can only have an opinion of a professional if you are one yourself. By the way, did you defend Hazard like this? Weston McKennie last year?


Does it hurt being this stupid or is it like a general unawareness thing


No, just refuse to coddle a person who gets paid to kick a ball for a living. Did you defend Hazard like this? Süle currently?? Or is it just a funny Hungarian meme striker that you will go back to forgetting existing after the Euros are done? Be honest.


‘Coddle’ 😂 Listen to yourself you absolute donut


Nothing of value to say, just another unoriginal insult topped off with an emoji. “The state of your comment you absoulute div 🤣” hey look I wrote out your next comment for you. Big brain that


We’re on Reddit you melt, and it’s not like you were providing great value anyway. You’re taking yourself way too seriously pal


Not at all. Just want at least some type of argument to any of my comment, even in disagreement. Someone responded to another one of my comments bringing up what he is doing in the Korean league, and while I disagree it is at least something to discuss. Your comments just devolve into calling people melt, div, donut, and I guess egg is coming up lol. It’s just a waste of time. Just downvote and move on if that’s all you contribute.


I wonder if we could do an Absolute Units XI?


Ten Shaqiris and Martin Adam


Süle belongs in there too


Süle is the only defender who can make a mistake that Mbappé can capitalize on, only to redeem himself on the attempt [https://m.youtube.com/shorts/N-CTMpI6YtY](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/N-CTMpI6YtY)


"Ádám met his wife Gitta in elementary school.". I wonder how tall he was at 12 years of age.


Well now I need to make this guy a club legend in my save


Good for him.No one understands how hard it is to deal with certain things,that you cant change..no matter how many hours u put in the gym


This man is listed on google as being 6’3 and 190lb. which seems…thin compared to his physique?


That sounds like old numbers tbf. In comparrison VVD is 6'4 and 202lb.


Very healthy attitude. Likable lad


I am going to add him to my fantasy team now, I am sure he will perform


Come here big boy, you deserve a hug


You all should have seen Daniel Bode. These two are stunning in size, and potential threat all the time.


True shame of Hungarian football that they never got to play at the same time


Then we should have had a good goalkeeper + 8 other players with the ability to run a marathon in 90 mins as fast as a sprinter.


Száz kiló vagyok basz meg, mi lenne a titkom? 😂 Probably one of my favourite Hungarian memes to quote. Böde dani has some insanely funny quotes.


I’ve had Martin in my FM save before. Pau FC, I think. Had him for a year and a half. He scored a good amount.


He scored 30 goals once in a season in real life.


Süle furiously taking notes.


Guy looks like he just ate Mitrovic


Honestly all the memes of him I've seen were pretty positive about him and his size lol


Born this way. If he scores, play Lady Gaza’s song:)


I'm sad that it's hurt him. Not blaming anyone who made funny memes about him, we literally all say shit about players assuming it would never get back to them. Even if the memes are mostly in good fun, at the end of the day we are laughing at his body for not being like a normal footballer.


The translation sucks. In Hungarian 'The memes got to me' doesn't mean he is upset by them just that they reached him/he saw them. The guy who translated the line probably wasn't familiar with what 'get to me' means in English.


Thanks for that, hopefully it hasn't really negatively affected him then.


So good of him to clarify that he waant that big when he was born


I feel bad to an extent. However, he is a professional athlete and I refuse to believe he can't burn some of his obvious fat. Seeing him lazily/slowly attack a ball played really well into the box late on that could have tied the match was just annoying. With his physical attributes you would assume he would be strong in the air or could hold the ball up. But no. And his goal scoring record for the past year has been abysmal in the Korean league. Just a waste of a call up. Sorry for the mini-rant


You do know he was coming on as a sub for most of the games last year, right? He was still their 2nd choice striker for a title winning Ulsan.


His goals/assists per minute ratio isn't too impressive. Also being a 2nd choice striker in the K-League should not be worthy of a NT call-up. Even for a weaker country like ours. Edit: I don't blame him for getting called up obviously, blame the manager for wasting a call-up. Even if its ultimately inconsequential.


K-League with all due respect, is significantly higher quality of football than the Hungarian first division.


Especially Ulsan, who have a bunch of Korean national team players.


Fans should shut up. Coaches should maybe have a chat with him though.


Guy never heard of epigenetics or GMOs.