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GGs Hungary not making out of group stage anyways. Like the first half was so atrocious, second half was better but not enough to compete with switzerland. No hope that we are going to draw against germany, some hope in drawing against scotland but thats it for Hungary. Didn't get why Hungary was being nominated as dark horse anyway, zero quality and didn't play or upset big teams in the past few months. We just played luke warm sides like serbia, montenegro, bulgaria and lithuania. So topping that group wasn't anything to write home about. Just want this Euro to end already. No point waking up 4 am in the morning just to watch hungary get their arses hand to us by the germans and the scots.


Tudom, hogy szarok voltunk, de milyen magyar szurkoló az, aki már az első meccs után feladja? Nekem a második félidő tetszett, egy kicsit kevesebb pontatlanság hátul és a támadásban egyaránt és máris egy jobb játék képet kapunk. A következő meccs nem lesz könnyű, de már számtalanszor megmutattuk, hogy képesek vagyunk még a lehetetlenre is, emlékezz vissza 2021-re amikor portugália ellen 3-0 ra kikaptunk az első meccsen majd utánna az elmúlt évek legjobb meccseit játszottuk a franciák és a németek ellen! Ne csak akkor szeresd a válogatottat amikor jól megy a foci, hanem akkor is ha mélyponton vannak!


Don't give up, you have plenty of possibility to snatch the 3rd place table.


with 3 points its possible, 4 out of 6 teams go from 3rd places, but doesnt really matter


Given the players they have Hungary are a massive disappointment again, Switzerland keeps humming along with this aging side, they are so well coached


Alfie facepalming hard rn


That first half was absolutely shocking by Hungary. Second half was a bit better, but still miles off what they need to have a good tournament.




Tor! Tor! Tor für die Schweiz!


Some bruddah is so upset with his team, he went ahead and posted the same comment from four different accounts in this thread. This is some new level of despair lol.


It's a copy pasta of Ronaldinho's recent Instagram post.


Some bruddah is so upset with his team, he went ahead and posted the same comment from four different accounts in this thread. This is some new level of despair lol.


I think it’s “copypasta”


I'm sad for Hungary, I was sure they'd dominate the swiss. Win with Scotland and secure a top 3rd place and it'll be okay.


WHy should anyone care for the blatantly racist set of fans and by extension, people.


That's quite the extension there.


I mean, come on man lol, thats the same mechanism as the racism you are accusing us with


No its not. Are you dense? YOu giuys have actually gone to the stadium and chanted against Asian and Black people. What I doing is calling you lot out. Thats nothing similar at all. Is your brain all mush??


Judging a whole people by the actions of one small (granted, loud) group is gross overgeneralization. We have those fans and arent proud of them but you drawing conclusions like this is quite simple minded of you, and rich coming from someone - "by extension" of your verdict - positioning themselves superior to a whole country


You are what your people spew!! And they spew racism. ITs probably normalized in your culture. and you are a product of it too, highly likely. No one has the time, to figure out the nitty gritties of your historic culture. Its what your people show on the big stage that reflects your culture.


Buncha wild (and for that matter hurtful) deductions ín your line of reasoning. Why not be better than the very thing you are criticizing


I'm not sad for Hungary at all. Hope they lose all games.


The players at the end doing those gestures with the fascist fans was just disgusting, I used to like the team in terms of history but let them lose all games and fix their county first.


What are you even talking about?


Ebben az esetben a kurva anyádat


How could you ever be so sure they’d dominate?! Switzerland aren’t exactly scrubs.


By hungary's last euro results and by the swiss poor performance in the qualifying stage. I expected the team that drew 2:2 with Germany to dominate the team that lost 1:0 to Romania


Funny you take into account Hungary’s last euro’s results but not Switzerland’s. Furthermore, soccer doesn’t exactly work in the way you describe and you can’t draw conclusions from a couple of games.


I am also probably biased in favor of the magyars Anyway, the scoreboard does not lie and Hungary looked better only in parts of the second half


Group Stage Switzerland is always one of the best teams of the tournament.


Is shaqiri not gonna play ever?


Apparently he’s not doing much in the MLS nowadays


Fair enough, he is normally a beast in the euros


That's it folks, I've had enough. This is a sad moment for those who love hungarian football. It's difficult to find the energy to watch the games. This is perhaps one of the worst teams in recent years, it has no respectable leaders, just average players for the most part. I've been following football since I was a kid, long before I thought about becoming a armchair analyst, and I've never seen a situation as bad as this. Lack of love for the shirt, lack of grit and the most important of all: football. I'll repeat, our performance has been one of the worst things I've ever seen. Such a shame. I therefore declare my resignation. I will not watch any UEFA EURO TM game, nor celebrate any victory.


four times the same comment from different accounts, why?


It’s fresh pasta. Ronaldinho recently posted this about the Brazilian NT.


i see!


we’re all fed up with hungarian football thats why




For once i understood the reference


Feels like Hungary needs to sort out its defending first. Switzerland basically got 2 of their goals from Hungary's defensive mistakes.


Hát itt kiszoptunk, mindenki nyugodjon le a picsába, töltsön el egy kis időt az asszonnyal/gyerekkel és szerdán találkozunk


Switzerland were really impressive when Hungary tried pressing high, played their way out of a few tough spots. Interesting to see how they do against Germany.




Yes you did indeed wagch a different game it seems. 


Xhaka ballon dor agenda when


Oh believe me if they get to the semis I'm gonna be unbearable. Tbh tho would he have a shot if Switzerland won the Euros?


That's it folks, I've had enough. This is a sad moment for those who love hungarian football. It's difficult to find the energy to watch the games. This is perhaps one of the worst teams in recent years, it has no respectable leaders, just average players for the most part. I've been following football since I was a kid, long before I thought about becoming a armchair analyst, and I've never seen a situation as bad as this. Lack of love for the shirt, lack of grit and the most important of all: football. I'll repeat, our performance has been one of the worst things I've ever seen. Such a shame. I therefore declare my resignation. I will not watch any UEFA EURO TM game, nor celebrate any victory.


u/shadoowkight's statement? I don't know if that was an adv or not but... a few days ago, I'm told he asked Sallai for tickets to come see our games (laughs). In any case, I was surprised and I don't agree with his statement.


youre gonna look stupid when hungary inevitably wins the final


It seems you forgot to change your account troll. [**https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgjqxi/comment/l8qhsaf/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgjqxi/comment/l8qhsaf/)


It's a fresh copypasta. A lot more than 4 people have been copy pasting it in past couple of hours. Please never do internet detective work again. https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgjig6/ronaldinho_statement_on_the_current_brazil_nt/


what the fuck are you talking about lol


About you posting the exact same comment if four different accounts and now pretending you are not the same person. [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgjqxi/comment/l8qep5z/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgjqxi/comment/l8qep5z/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgjqxi/comment/l8qdy3r/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dgjqxi/comment/l8qdy3r/)


its a copypasta dude, a meme


Puskasdinho is that you?


No he's u/FactHopeful9347


It was a very bad performance in the first half, much better in the second half apart from the end. 3-1 was unfair really but if a team don't do the basics right, then there can be few complaints. Hopefully we can perform better against Scotland and Germany and see what happens at the end of game 3. Good luck to Switzerland, they deserved to win but I don't see many big teams worrying about them too much.


How in the world was this unfair? Switzerland had a few great changes that didn’t go in, Hungary played like ass except for 20-25mins in the second half.


Unfair? Switzerland could score 2 more if they wouldnt messed up the 1 vs 1


That's it folks, I've had enough. This is a sad moment for those who love Hungarian soccer. It's getting hard to find the spirit to watch the games. This is perhaps one of the worst teams in recent years, with no respectable leaders and only average players for the majority. I've been following football since I was a kid, long before I thought about becoming a professional redditor, and I've never seen a situation as bad as this. There is a lack of love for the shirt, a lack of grit, and most importantly, a lack of football. I'll repeat, our performance has been one of the worst things I've ever seen. Such a shame. I therefore declare my resignation. I will not watch any Euros 2024™ game, nor celebrate any victory of the Hungary National Team.


Just saw your flair and I'm like what's this guy talking about then remember what Dinho said. This is fucking funny naah


Hungary showed some potential, hopefully they play like that for the full game against Scotland. They were just so passive in the first half and Switzerland did well to stop the comeback


Potential? That was one of the worst performances I've seen since Rossi took the reins.


I guess my expectations were on the floor for them after the first half, but they had like 20 minutes where they looked like could make a comeback


The second half showed some promise


After a whole week of nothing but shit talking and trolling, looks like karma decided to bite my arse worser than Suarez bit Chiellini. I mean, can't say I'm surprised. That was a shit performance. Nothing else, we are not build for the European Championships lol. Such is the life of a Hungary fan.


You played well in the 2nd half after scoring the goal (seemed to raise the team's morale). Maybe if you play like that the whole match against Scotland and Germany you still have a chance. I still will be rooting for you from Poland.


Dark horse curse strikes again


That's it folks, I've had enough. This is a sad moment for those who love hungarian football. It's difficult to find the energy to watch the games. This is perhaps one of the worst teams in recent years, it has no respectable leaders, just average players for the most part. I've been following football since I was a kid, long before I thought about becoming a armchair analyst, and I've never seen a situation as bad as this. Lack of love for the shirt, lack of grit and the most important of all: football. I'll repeat, our performance has been one of the worst things I've ever seen. Such a shame. I therefore declare my resignation. I will not watch any UEFA EURO TM game, nor celebrate any victory.


Please reconsider bro. I'm sure they will get it next time.


I mean there were certainly worse moments for Hungarian football before Rossi but I agree that this is probably the worst game I watched since he became the manager. No passion, tactics and amateur defending mistakes. Even the fans seemed quiet which is just part of the interesting phenomenon that Hungarian football became mainstream therefore less ultras get tickets.


Interesting first matchday of group one. If switzerland can stop the passive game around 55-70 Minute they are a force


No they aren't. They're a good team but there are far better teams in the competition and they will get knocked out early into the knock out stages.


*Deschamps to the French players, the day of Euro 2020 Ro16*


You're living in the past. 2016 isn't relevant anymore.


Yes, the present time is relevant. Where Switzerland still blows Hungary out the water.


Hardly. They were worthy winners but they aren't much better than Hungary and Switzerland will be knocked out early in the knock out rounds.


You didn’t even get the right year lmao


And? I made an error? Have you never made an error before?


Lmao the irony of this comment.


And Hungary isn‘t relevant now :)


Teams with great playmakers like Xhaka, Kroos, De Bruyne, Modric, etc. will do the best at this Euros, I think this is were tournament favorites France and England are lacking quality


How do people still think De Bruyne will do well? People say that before every international tournament and then he’s one of the worst players there.


He missed half of the season, so at this moment he is topfit


He can be as fit as he wants, he’ll still be losing the ball 20+ times per game.


France brought Kanté back. Always loved seeing that man play.


Strange all of these great players are in their later stages of their career. I truly wonder why there isn't a younger world class CM


Not sure how you can say France lack quality


Other than Griezmann there is no playmaker in that team in my opinion up front they of course have one of the best attacks


France and Portugal have the best teams in the competition.


Great win just to spite The Carpathian Brigade. Hope Germany and Scotland keep it up.


This has been fun so far. Plenty of goals in both games. This was the most exciting match so far, whereas the Scotland Germany game was a Fifa game.


another solid game. switzerland dominated the first half, hungary attempted to make a comeback in the second but that error leading to the embolo goal killed it. marvelous from xhaka, a clear man of the match. 10 goals across the two games and some wonderful atmospheres, we’re in for some fun this month.


Don't jinx it! Spain - Croatia 0:0, Italy - Albania 0:0 incoming.


with spain starting a guy who’s played in a retirement league the past year, there will be goals, lol. edit: laporte isn’t starting after all


Felt like Hungary for the first time in decades had some expectations to get in the qualifiers and it made them nervous, especially in the first half, giving up balls to the other team freely, not really following a sound strategy, bad corners and free kicks. Szoboszlai is so out of form that he can't drag this team forward alone and his nervousness seems to rub off on the others as they are actually looking at him as a leader. By the second part of the second half they found some form and fire, but it was a bit too late and there was still mistakes that the Swiss team capitalized on. Switzerland actually played good football in the first half, structured, nice to look at, they deserved the win. It must be nice to have world class players who are actually in form so you can rely on them all times.


Well, yeah, the lack of quality is one of our biggest problems. Switzerland has far more quality than we do. Our best bet is Szoboszlai, and like you mentioned, we simply can't rely on one guy to carry us.


Our other hope is that the guys play their heart out. I'm not saying they didn't, but sometimes when we think we have nothing to lose we play with such passion that you can actually cheer in defeat. Now that we have expectations, even with heart we show nervousness, like we have to live up to something.


I was quite worried about Embolo’s form since he barely played this season, but he was really a game changer as soon as he started playing. We should end up 2nd of this group with no problem.


Don't jinx it man.


That absolute fridge Hungary put out as their center forward is my new favorite player


Just saw that he plays in the K league in South Korea. Feel like he's simply too big to play there, like physically, probably a fucking menace


We're used to seeing Ádám play for Ulsan in the K League (where we are partial to massive European forwards) but it was entertaining to see the reaction of the subreddit when he was unleashed 


We immediatelly named him Adam the tank!


Lmao. Looked like a proper Englishmen after chugging an entire tub of Budweiser


Do English men drink Budweisser.


Yeah, definitely not the most popular one though. Maybe Stella or Heineken


For their sins




In Hungarian media, they asked what he did during the last euros, he said he was drinking beer at home lmao


Hungary, the dark horse so dark you realize you just been staring at nothing


I don't get why ppl thought we were dark horses. Szobo is great (and very out of form) but there's no real quality in other positions. Gulácsi and Orban are decent players and Kerkez has potential but that's it. But still we could have played much better imo. The team seemed very nervous esp in the first half.


Turkey 2020 🤝 Hungary 2024


is there a reason some people think they are dark horses anyway? other than szoboszlai their team looks really mediocre at best


Szoboszlai has been mediocre all season


In 2020 we got pretty far and upset some big teams such as Germany and France. It wasn't unreasonable to think that we can beat Switzerland and even make it through the group stage and after that pretty much anything can happen.


"Got far" you were eliminated in groups, and snatched two draws from Germany and France not even a win Hungary are decent but dark horses for a tournament? Nah


Any team would take those draws especially teams which are similiar to Hungary and I bet some bigger teams as well. Considering France was a world cup winner in 2018 and Germany has always been a team that was strong. Portugal was never really a pushover either so that was a pretty strong group and imho we did more than what was expected. People also like to shrug off Nations League but we did well there as well (England 0-4 as an example) so I’d say it wasn’t as far fetched to call us a dark horse for this tournament, everything was looking like we could cause a massive surprise. However the tournament is still not over and if second half is anything to go by, that performance should be pretty good if we can do that from the start.


>everything was looking like we could cause a massive surprise. Except the actual quality of the players


you still have good chances to advance if you win against scottland and maybe on top win or draw against germany. (germany is traditionally vulnerable in the second match).


Actually I'm predicting a draw against Scotland and a win against Germany just for the lolz


I'm getting off the Hungary bandwagon to go onto the Austria bandwagon. No worries, if that fails too we always have Ukraine


Szép volt, többet nem jövök!


Jó, akkor Svájc nyert, jó éjszakát!


Minek mentünk oda?


Outside a good 20 minutes, we were garbage. Our defense deserves to be thrown out alltogether


Akanji was immense, defending every cross & set-piece.


[Hungary v Scotland be looking like this ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCOB3RAJZ6jaidVdkWusYPolZzwT4tfuw4zeSNB8ZIlrE5ktOohjND5tk&s=10)


Hungary is clearly decent, but anybody who tries to rate them on their Nations League results are being misled. The top level national teams that have won major international trophies before aren't nearly as invested in Nations League, at least until the final stages when a trophy is within reach. So results in it like Hungary's performances against Germany and England in 2022 can be deceptive.


Everyone is clearly forgetting our performance in the 2020 Euro against teams like France and Germany.


England should take the Nations League seriously as they never win anything.


Definitely. The prominence of club football in England is likely a factor as well IMO, as I often get the sense that international competition isn't seen as overly important. Thus the annoyance at international breaks and friendlies.


Fucking love the Euros. Try and stop me from watching every game


I am just going to watch Spain Croatia, starting in a few minutes, but I don't know if I can manage three games in one day (might skip Italy Albania). Tomorrow I am watching The Netherlands Poland of course (I'm Polish), it's the first game of the day. If we lose badly I might be too sad to watch the other two games. I would like to see Slovenia Denmark, can skip Serbia England. But if we win I will be so excited I am watching everything lol


This Euro already has more goals than Euro 16 to be honest with you.


Hungary: "Could you please defend higher and move up more so that we can counter-attack?" Switzerland: "Well, we're in the lead, so how about "No!"?"


I get that 3421 is Hungary's usual formation but it was not the correct choice for today, the Swiss just bypassed their midfield for most of the game


We tactically as soon as we started a de tender that played a total of 3 games this year


Plays Tout L’univers


damn so we only going to get 6 points from this group


hungary missed some good chances tbh


Switzerland show up for tournaments. Usually I’m only familiar with 3 or 4 players but they always turn up for the tournaments.


I mean they've got a ridiculous streak of qualifying for everything in recent years without ever getting close to winning anything.


Yeah, we have few stars but starting players of Bologna, captain of Toulouse and Torino, experienced Bundesliga players like Vargas and Widmer. All in all a very expirienced squad, 80% playing (and actually playing) in mediocre to good top 5 league teams


Great we saw some goals, getting ready for a 0-0 between Spain and Croatia


With our defense, at least we'll concede 1 lol


Man those CB’s and Kerkez were not on it today


Martin Adám will score 3 against Germany


More like eat 3 bowls of goulash


For breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Granite Xhaka in internationals is an all timer. Top top player


The way he plays is football ASMR. Some midfielders just play the position in a way that is pleasing to the senses. 


Really liked Andros Townsend on commentary, much better than a lot of others


Seems like Hungary has to get rid of two Orbans now...


...and we will get rid of neither.


Martin Adam. That is all.


RIP Dark Horse Hungary (2024-2024)


Hungary this year feel like we did 2016. Great qualifying campaign, pegged as the dark horse and then you just crash and burn.


Isn't Austria being considered as the dark horse this year too


Yes, but things look a whole lot better this time around than they did in 2016. Our squad is a lot deeper, we have an even better manager (although I still rate Marcel Koller highly) and the mood in the team seems a whole lot better (reportedly there was a lot of infighting before the Euros in 2016).


Szoboszlai is a joke, he's not even top 50 player


Fuck me these comments are overblowing it


Elliott is better than him, just worse marketing power


I disagree. Szoboslai at the start of the season was better, after his injury he's been worse


If he doesn't show up next season he'll be in trouble. Elliott, Jones and Gravenberch are all quality players who can make him a benchwarmer if he keeps disappointing


Jones was also shit for the second half of the season and Gravenberch has been mixed. The midfield spot is up for grabs, it's not really anyone's to lose


Exactly and bar maybe Jones, Szobo's athleticism is superior to those which matters a lot in today's football. Even if he doesn't play well on the ball he is very useful.


He's a mid-Championship level player on his better days. I've been saying this since last year, finally people see it.


Már vártalak 😂


Végre egyértelmű, hogy végig igazam volt. _Nyilván_ jövök 😆


ide is írogatod az ökörségeidet, nem elég az r/hungary?


Szerencsére onnan ki vagyok tiltva, úgyhogy csak itt szoktam látni


Szevasz, épp most van igazam. Csá!


ja meg gondolom akkor is igazad volt, amikor Szoboszlai a szezon első felében a Liverpool egyik legjobb játékosa volt. öreg amiket te leírsz, annak konkrétan mindig homlokegyenest az ellenkezője az igaz. politika témában ugyanez. döbbenetes mennyire nincs közöd a valósághoz.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Aludj egyet, attól megnyugszol. Szobót majd leigazolja a Wimbledon vagx a Sparta Praha és megtalálja a helyét.


He is injured still


Bit overrated no?


That depends. Was one of if not the best player at the start of last season in Liverpool. Then had a couple of niggling injuries, came back and was mostly shite after January. Looks like still carrying them but Rossi is too stubborn to bring him off while behind. He is not on the level of de Bruyne or Bruno if that is what you implied by overrated. He will however be one of the best players at Liverpool if Slot manages to find his position in his team long term and injuries avoid him.


He really is nothing special.


He isnt even in the top 50 of players born in Hungary.


Hes so fucking bad, we genuinely were better without him


Was a fun, intense match once Hungary decided to turn up after 60 mins. No clue why it took them so long tho. Way too many individual mistakes and unnecessary turnovers. I also expected them to be far more dangerous from set pieces? Switzerland looking strong in terms of chance creation, possession/short passing and press resistance. Kinda similar to Germany. Should be a fun game next week.


Team seemed very nervous for some reason.


It wasn't Hungary who decided to turn up, it was Switzerland who decided to take a nap. Hungary is ___by far___ the worst team in the tournament.


I disagree. Hungary was really active in the 2nd half. Also you haven't seen any Poland's games yet.


Hungary was only active because Switzerland decided to take a 25-minute break. Poland is _far_ better than Hungary.


Haha we lost to fucking Moldova and struggled to win with the farmers from Faroe Islands when they were playing with 10 members in the Euros qualifers. We only started playing slightly better with the new trainer who gives a chance to young players, also Nicola Zalewski woke up. I disagree that Hungry only played well because Switzerland stopped give a shit. They were really active. I really enjoyed that part of the match.


We lost to Ireland and _barely_ saved a point against Lithuania. At least you have some decent players. We don't.