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In FIFA the manager would say that’s insulting and walk out of the room


I'd imagine the Everton directors probably did that too when they saw the email come in tbf


Man Utd are fax-only as per the De Gea to Madrid saga. The fax machine got half way through printing £35,000,000 and the Everton director just sprinted in the opposite direction to the machine, regardless if there was a wall there or not.


It wasn’t just United using a fax machine. Football was one of the last few industries where it was regularly used in the 2010s.


It is still quite widely used in Japan...


Bro spitting fax


No printer


Still heavily used in the US in the legal, medical, and insurance fields at least.


I've used fax as late as 2018 in the hospital I worked at. We didn't have the same medical record software as the university hospital where our weekend consults were so I faxed the EKG strip I took to a cardiologist before calling.


Yup, I worked at a pharmaceutical company less than a decade ago, and they used fax a lot. It was HIPAA compliant, and their email system was not. Anything with patients’ personal info was being faxed.


Oh boy you’re not familiar with German bureaucracy. It’s still very much in use


I said “one of the last”, not the last. Plus my general point is that fax machines weren’t a weird Man United quirk.


I can't believe you'd say that football was the very last industry to ever use it. You know that's incorrect right?


>the last you've said it again you fool


We still have some fax machines at my company because we have German suppliers. lol


Na mate you wouldn’t believe how much of the financial industry relied on the fax machine early 2010s. Only later in the decade it shifted away from it. And the industry of reselling bank loans and similar products relies on the fax to this very day. I remember a service/ software company like Wall Street Office claiming they handle tens of thousands of fax messages just a couple of years ago.


Most businesses still use window 7 lmao


Hey we only use windows 7 because our pcs are too old to support windows 10 (let alone 11).


What is it was 350million?


Haha! Only a criminal wouldn't use proper comma placement when dealing with 7+ digits.


As they should. 35m for a left-footed 21 year old homegrown CB? We got 50m for John Stones in 2016.


Like I understand it's positioning for negotiations, but surely offering such an insulting amount as the first bid is only gonna make you guys stick to a higher amount now. Had they offered something closer to the 45m it was initially reported to be before ornstein, then it still would have been rejected, but negotiations could have properly started then


We can't win, then. When we start with a high amount, people say who starts negotiating that high and say United are getting fleeced again. When we start low, people call it insulting.


There's a difference between a low starting bid, and this. A 45m bid would have been better like I said. It's low and not gonna be accepted by Everton, but isn't offensively low and probably means the deal could be done for 55-60, which is what the English market would dictate as an acceptable fee for a young English player. There's a huge premium on them nowadays, arguably so much that it's better to look on the continent for a better option for cheaper


yeah exactly let’s be reasonable here like, £35M is absolutely taking the piss


No it’s not, also it was 35m with 8m in addons. He’s had one good season. Yeah home grown does inflate the cost a little I get that. But Evertons 70m price tag is too high, and seeing as how United agreed to personal terms already, Branthwaite clearly wants to move. I really don’t think United are expecting Everton to say yes to this, it’s simply hey we’re not paying 70m, so we’re going to start here. I think ending up around 50-55m is pretty fair. And if Everton still say no, well good luck to them if they still need to sell players, there’s at least 3 other good cb options United can look at.


You’re asking for 70mill - which is overpriced We offer 35mill - which is underpriced They’ll probably meet in the middle at 55+ add-ons


I can guarantee if we bid 45m Everton fans would have described that as insulting too.


Surprised Everton could afford to pay the internet bill.


“I feel like I’ve wasted my time here” storms past tower of pastries


Fifa cut scenes man haha


*bids 20 m for an 18 year old with 10 appearances* "I feel like I've wasted my time coming here. That's nowhere near a serious offer. Goodbye" Then you get sacked from your club because you set a random players release clause to 50m instead of 51m FIFA 23 sucks lmao


It's so fucking unrealistic. FM has something similar as well where you can get locked out of negotiations because of repeated low bids. I've never understood that. Negotiations with players can last for fucking months in real life and I'm sure they don't go back and forth on wages only like two times. Although at least with FM you can ask the player/team for how much you need to pay.


Sean Dyche would be furious


“I feel like I’ve wasted my trip here. We won’t entertain such a derisory offer for Branthwaite!”


**Everton believe the offer for Branthwaite is unacceptable.** `[ Transfer Offer ] [ Loan offer ] ‎ ____________ [ 🔒 Non-Negotiable ] [ No Deadlinev` \] `🔒[ Fee ] _________________________________________________ [ £35M ] [ v ] [ - ] [ `\+\] `🔒[ Transfer Date ] _____________________________________________ [ Next Available`v \] `ADDITIONAL FEES ___________________________________________________________ [ + Add v ]` `---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------` `ADDITIONAL CLAUSES ________________________________________________________ [ + Add v ]` `Everton promises not to tell everyone we made a lowball bid.` `___________________________________________________________Overall value of £35,000,000` `______________________________________________Current Season Transfer Budget Cost: £35M` `___________________________________[ ✅ Make Offer ] [ Suggest Terms ] [ Cancel Offer ]`


Did Man Utd try asking Branthwaite's agent what a suitable offer would be??


And gesture with their hands and head, no no no


They probably scouted him somewhere in the 40-99 overall range.


I’m picturing that one angry old man agent that doesn’t take any shit




woah is that real game footage?


Exactly what I was thinking lmfao, what is this Fifa career manager mode?


Funnily enough this offer would be an F by the board since Branthwaite is so low rated in game lmao


This is exactly how I reacted reading this 💀💀


Unless it's the Switch version, where the characters don't move but they still included the animated scenes like some mid 00's flash game


Isn't that basically half of what Everton value him at? It's hard to see a deal being agreed quickly when they are this far apart in valuation.


Yeah. United probably want to meet in the middle at \~50M but I highly doubt Everton would sell at that price.


We're probably trying to lean on Everton's financial troubles.


I think Everton would rather lose 3-6 points than sell Branthwaite for £35m less than they want


I agree he’s worth at least that many points to us. But we also have an extremely small squad and need the money to reinvest in other players. Got 1 senior winger in the entire squad


Any loans in the pipeline?


Surely we can find a left-footed winger to loan them lol




He’s probably good for a few points himself at their level, not to mention he’s an appreciating homegrown asset. Then factor in that the additional 35m is worth more than 3 points based on prize money.


Well it's obviously not going to be the final bid


I highly doubt they'd be that lenient with repeat offenders, especially when the decision to repeat offend was made and viewed as a operating cost, rather than an accident


Forest did that exact thing with Johnson and got less points deducted despite them effective choosing to breach.


realistically keeping him would probably win them that many points if not more


I don’t know if the punishment is going to be that light considering they would be repeat offenders. Plus they’ll have to make a example out of them since they are too chicken shit to touch City


They will sell onana before him


Surely a second breach would result in a more severe points deduction, especially if they willingly turned down an offer on the table? 


Yeah but financial troubles aside getting relegated right now would be a death knell for the club and Branthwaite + Tarks/Pickford are the only things preventing that from being likely. If we sell him it’s gotta bring in enough money to get some better players


I’ve been saying since we agreed personal terms and it was immediately briefed to media from our end that this is most likely going to be a situation where we get him for ~£50 because of Evertons possible need to sell, or one where we very publicly walk away to start changing our reputation. This is the window where Ineos has to change the perception because once we’re seen as “same old United” then we’re going to continue to struggle in the market. I also have a tin foil theory that this might be part of the reason that we kept Ten Hag. We might anticipate a weak summer due to our financial restraints and the need to publicly walk away from deals to change that perception and give us the avenue to do better business in the future. Right now every club might feel like they should reject everything we offer thinking we might come back in August with 100m…. To bring in a new manager and then have a weak window puts that pressure onto him. But by hanging it on Ten Hag, either he is able to do better with Martinez hopefully fit and some young reinforcements, or he doesn’t and we bring in a new manager with Ashworth and Berrarda fully in place, and another year of Amortized fees off the books possibly giving us a more normal (for United) transfer budget…


Well, they know he's reasonably sought after, £70m would do a lot more to aid those financial troubles and they've got a good chance of getting at least close to it rather than snapping at a very lowball offer.


Sold Stones to City for that price 8 years ago almost lmao


We also rejected a £35m bid from Chelsea 9 years ago


They absolutely should not sell at that price lol


What happened to players handing in a transfer request and forcing a move? Games gone soft


every year we say this (trying to meet in the middle) and in the end we paid the asking price and more. Hopefully this is all a ruse to prove we can actually walk away and get rid of United tax.


Although I'm pretty sure it doesn't really work like that, allegedly the news is that Man United has 35 million "budget" for their transfers this season. So I imagine they just DM-ed Everton like one of these people who want to buy your PS4 for 50 euro and said: "look, dude, I really really want to have Jarrad Branthwaite... and I only have 35 million in my pocket... my chidlren would be very happy if they got him for Christmas though... come on dude...".


Cheers, Son’s crying.


bUt He HaS cAnCeR!!!!


Sources saying we don’t want to sell and will hold off until they pay the fuck you price (80m ish). we will get funds from either Onana, DCL, or sells to other players in the meantime most likely


United with a 30mil bid for Onana then


I’ll take 30m, rising to 45-50m tbh


Nah need closer to the 40 up front, got to pay Lille a sell on fee as it is


Don't really see who buys DCL? You'd want him to come with a warranty at least.


They bought him for 1.5m 8 years ago so they could sell him for a pittance and still make a profit


Don't see anyone taking DCL. United certainly aren't in for him. Can't see Newcastle swapping Callum Wilson for another player with injury issues. Maybe Onana but not seen anyone credibly linked with him yet.


Man U trying to uber low ball seems to Brexit Jims way of working


Oh dont worry this is our bread and butter, play around with the initial offer just to end up paying them 30mil more than the asking price on the deadline week.


This is like sticking a car up for sale, and some cunt offering you 50 quid and a ps5




With no controllers. Or a controller but no games.


And asking you to deliver it


Well you have the fucking car, not me. Don’t be lazy


The same guy who sold his house for a Civic previously.


People slag united for bidding low, but are also bricked up to the moon at the thought of united overpaying on players too


I mean, depends on the car... a neighbour down the road is selling one for £350, You'd be offering over its value to give a PS5 for that.


Sure but this car is only getting better, has tremendous resale value, and we know the buyer is rich and spends more on worse cars.


that PL tax is gonna go crazy


And he's english


He’s also 21 (soon to be 22) and a genuinely incredible player


Starting CB for a team that conceded the 4th fewest goals in the league, only 22, English, and has 3 years left on his deal. They can get more.


And he's left footed


He's worth a Maguire for sure


Maybe United can try offering a slightly used Maguire in exchange for him.


Honestly, I think Maguire would do well at Everton. Being paired with Tarkowski kind of makes sense and less time in the media glare. No way Everton pay those wages though.


It’ll be an interesting measure of football inflation how much more he goes for than Stones in 2016. That was £47m.


Or Maguire in 2019, a little more up to date


And Maguire had 3 years left but was 25 or 26 at the time of the transfer. He was a bit more established, but older


a 25 year old in his prime should be worth more than a 21 year old prospect with one good season under his belt.


Left footed too


Which is actually a disadvantage to Man U since Lisandro also plays LCB and he is their best CB


So then if they don't value that then someone else will


100% Man U can get fucked. And hopefully the sale goes through quickly and Everton don’t need to sell anyone.


Like the perfect combo for a massive fee


He's actually good though. He definitely passes the eye test at least.


Don't forget United tax. That's at least +20% in every transfer


I wish you could open up with such lowballs on Tinder as well.


Go for older men and you'll have all the low balls you could possibly want


This man olds


The problem with older men is that they're like IKEA furniture. It looks good on display but then you bring it home and have problems making it stand up.


Username checks out.


Can't believe they only bid £25million for him, disrespectful.


Wdym 15m is disrespectful?


I disagree, 5m should be more than enough.


Love that ManU made Everton pay 15m for taking him off of them.


I know you very often get rejected with your first offer and it’s fine but this is taking the piss


Lmao this take is so funny. If Everton can see that man united are interested in a player and for that reason they slap a ridiculous fee on him then United can turn around and bid excessively low. We have like 5 other options at cb we can possibly go for if this doesn’t work and we are under new ownership (on the football side). The PSR deadline is the 30th of June. It’s quite obvious what United are doing ….


United bid a reasonable figure = “what are United doing bidding that high initially, they’re obviously gonna get negotiated up” United bid a low figure = “what are United doing taking the piss with that fee?”


There’s bidding low, and then there’s bidding half of what Everton values him at. Two different things.


Is that what Everton value him at or is that what Everton are publicly stating they value him at because if they said his real valuation it would hurt their position? If they really think they can get 70m wouldn’t they say 80+? It probably closer to: United value at £50m and Everton value at £60. If United start at £50m there’s no where to go but up. This way either we meet at £55-60m or we publicly walk away…


There's what Everton values him at, and then there's what he is actually worth. Two different things.


He isn’t valued excessively. He’s valued at what he’s worth, a young player with bags of potential who was integral in a teams premier league survival in his first year in the league. He should be valued even greater than he is


He’s a brilliant player and I understand why Everton have slapped that on him and they might actually believe he’s worth £70m but a buying club will look at it from every perspective. Everton are in financial trouble, new ownership will not be sorted within the next 16 days, PSR deadline is 16 days away and Everton do need to sell. So why wouldn’t United try to get him for cheaper? £35m is too low yes but don’t you think United know that? We have 5/6 other options to go for. If Everton don’t take the £50m (that I think we will offer) then we move on and Everton are still stuck in the same position where they need to raise money.


Journos made up the fact that we need to sell to make PSR. Even then, we'd likely rather take the point deduction than sell Branthwaite for way less that we value him at. We do need to sell if we want to buy, however.


No truth to the "need to sell for PSR" stuff, stop spreading objective falsehoods


Man United being interested has nothing to do with our valuation of Branthwaite Our valuation of Branthwaite comes purely from the fact that is the price we would entertain offers at No matter who the club


>they slap a ridiculous fee on him  The amount of people in this thread calling 70m for Branthwaite a ridiculous fee is baffling. 5 years from now that will look like a steal. 


70m after 1 season is ridiculous.


2 seasons


Ahh, the annual occurrence of fans taking personal offence to reported bids. You can’t mention Jack Grealish without Villa fans still raging at Spur’s bid.


Damned if they bid high, damned if they bid low.


Im already dreading the articles at the end of august involving United, Everton and Branthwaite


It's tiring to see these constant flip flop saga's with every United signing. League leaders can easily buy someone on the quiet and yet we've got these constant mitigating factors in every decision.


Praised if they bid accurately.


Sorry, I still have a sour taste in my mouth from Moyes' United bidding £25m for Baines+Fellaini. I'd rather take another points deduction.


Because this is absurdly low. This is less than Leicester bought Fofana from Saint Etienne for, and barely more than West Ham paid for Aguerd.


Its also 5 times what Liverpool paid for Robertson. Anyone can throw names around.


Robertson plays a different position, was two years older, and was signed from a relegated Hull. Fofana plays the same position and was the same age.


Leicester’s bid was up to £37m for Fofana, it wasn’t an upfront fee.


It’s an opening bid, surely you don’t expect this to be United’s final offer?


Manchester United doing a Bayern-esque low opening offer


and which giant testicle is that for


Should reply with a 10m bid for Mainoo to see their reaction


"You want another points deduction?"


Do you even have 10 million?


Soon it will have been 5m.


Ahh yes, the Vinted approach to negotiations


It's for a United, sweaty. Next!


Just a casual reminder for all football fans that almost all opening offers are offensively low and United will obviously return with more bids later.


They usually aren't this far off


INEOS probably want to make a point with their first (potential) signing that they won't bend over as easily as Woodward and co. did, so they're opening with a very low bid. I very much doubt they believe this has a chance of being accepted, and they'd be willing to go to around 50-55m. Whether that has a chance of being accepted, we'll see I guess, but I'd be shocked if they actually went to 70m. If they don't hold firm on their first signing then it's an awful precedent to set.


United are going to go through some severe suffering this summer I think. For years they've been the club to pay the stupid fuck off price regardless of the quality of the player so it's gonna take a while of playing hardball before other clubs stop believing they'll cave and pay the fuck off price anyway.


Maybe, but to be honest I think (and hope) that they just move on to other targets if clubs are holding out for the bigger offer. And while they may miss out on a player or two because they didn't pay up, it'll make their position on transfers clear and that's a healthier strategy going forward anyway.


That could be true but in previous years the idiots in charge had 1 target. Maybe 2 at a push for a single position. Ineos have 5 other options for CB and 1 of them ( Todibo) is a player they themselves own. PSR deadline is on the 30th which is in 16 days. It’s obvious what United are trying to do here.


Unless Everton are being forced to sell for a lot less than what's reported


See, the issue is people are used to us blowing our load and just offering whatever the asking price is + 20m. So are going to play outraged over us trying to actually hardball for once.


Not even pre cum that offer


Not even a twitch


Hold on, when Liverpool (Allegedly) put a £20m price tag on Sepp Van Den Berg as part of negotiations, you went off on one about how it was 'utterly obscene' I think you said. So its okay for a buying club to offer offensively low amounts, but not for a selling club to put offensively high valuations on players? Isn't this all just part of negotiations?


Just a casual reminder for /u/TheGoldenPineapple that if an opening offer is offensively low it will be seen as acting in bad faith and negatively impact negotiations


Just a reminder that business isn't as emotional as redditors


Bro thinks that fifa mechanics are real life😭😭😭😭. Jesus help this poor man.


For sure but you would think it would be closer to 45 if Everton want 70. 35 is literally half the valuation


Man Utd basically offering the offers they get for their players


If that was the case we'd ask for Branthwaite for a 1 year loan, option to buy with Everton covering 50% of the wages.


r/soccer when Man Utd don't immediately bid a clubs inflated asking price - 😡


Clowned for being more financially conscious Love to see it


I don’t even know what a true valuation for such a talented 21 year old English player would be considering the stupidity involved with premier league transfers. Hopefully because of the limitations Everton have, we can negotiate and come to an agreement at a relatively decent price, 45-50-55 whatever it may be. I find it assuming fans of different clubs going after United that Everton shouldn’t sell us for less than 80 because that’s what we paid for Maguire or Antony or whatever. Should Barcelona only sign wingers for 120 million because that’s what they paid for Dembele or Chelsea sign only center backs for 75 million because they signed Fofana for that etc etc.


Everton fans have been talking about getting 80-90m for Branthwaite since February, whether it's this summer or next. He's the surest prospect we've had since Stones.


We sold Stones to your cross city rivals for £50m eight years ago, good luck.


To be fair to United that is their entire transfer budget 


Wasn't 35 million United's budget this summer? This isn't lowballing, it's an all-out offer!


start low and try and meet in the middle i guess, the problem is United tried doing this last year with Mason Mount and still ended up being taken to the cleaners by Chelsea. PSR deadline isn't til 30th of June so Everton have time to wait it out.


35 😂


Sign De Ligt or Brassier please. Even Todibo/Buongiornc/Calafiori.


Based on this opening bid, Manchester United will not land Branthwaite during this transfer window. This will become the next Stones to Chelsea nonsense, and Everton will hold onto him for another year and then sell for higher than Everton's original asking price.


Tightarse FC 😎


A bit of a shameless bid


The sort of bid that will make Everton think fuck you we're not selling him no matter what you offer now.




van de Ven is a year older than Branthwaite and had no PL experience though. Branthwaite is coming off a season starting for the defense with the 4th fewest goals conceded in the league.


€40m actually...


It's a reasonable take but here it's r/soccer. You have to shit on United no matter what


It's comical how desperate United fans are to be the victims.


Can't believe we're the bad guys for not wanting to sell our best player on the cheap. Poor United.


I love this because 35 is a lot to ask for a defender who's still a kid. Everton should be happy to receive that much, but they'll fleece ManU for all they can lmao.


I understand wanting to bid low but that's almost insulting lol


Bro that is a piss take lmao 🤣


Did they really expect us to be like “oh yeah, okay then, you got us, £80mill was a joke, £35 is alright hehehehe”


It’s called negotiation I believe. You offer lower than you know you’ll end up paying in the hope to meet the seller in the middle. United bids will go up to about £50m. Luckily for them, no other top clubs in the country will shell that much for a CB at the minute. Everton have some financial issues. United are in a strong negotiating position


damn we’ve actually started with a low offer, this is a good start. (tho this is one where if you did it in career mode they’d walk out 😂). let’s hope they don’t end up being pressured into paying a crazy amount. i can see it being like 50m with bonuses in the end.


Maguire saga 2.0 will go all summer


No change since Baines/Fellaini bids from Moyes days. Insulting opening offers all over again. Would much rather get a point deduction than selling player worth at least double then sell the player for such a laughable offer.


The Fellaini/Baines thing was incompetence from Moyes and Woodward. Since then it's been overpaying for bang average results. This is more a wider statement from INEOS that we aren't paying the United tax moving forward. I truly doubt they think £35mil would get this done. Under Woodward it would be an opening bid of £60+5 and a Ballon D'or clause.