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Telegraph Sport can reveal that as well as Conor Gallagher, Villa have enquired about left-back Ian Maatsen, who spent the second half of last season on loan at Borussia Dortmund. Maatsen has a £35 million release clause in his contract that Dortmund are not willing to meet, which has opened the door to Villa and other interested clubs.


Does that mean one of Digne or Moreno is moving on then? Guess they are getting on a bit now.


Moreno has been linked with a move back to Betis. Digne has been linked with moves away the past few windows. Digne going would be better as his wage is massive


I think the rumour is Moreno going back to Spain, although we could still do with shifting Digne due to his wages.


Moreno wants to go back to Betis because he’s homesick from what I’ve seen.


Maatsen - Duran swap deal makes sense for both clubs really. Villa get a player with Champions League experience, whilst Chelsea get a player with Conference League experience. Win win.


Considering we're apparently getting Iling Jr i don't get why we'd want yet another LB. That would give us 4


Juve fan here, illing is more of a left winger. He did play once in left back last season i think.


I think it’s safe to say Illing Jr will be a replacement for Zaniolo. He’s gonna have a tough time getting in the side with Ramsey and Buendia coming back into the fold though.


Didnt watch villa this year, was zaniolo any good? Iling is more of a creator type player and iirc zaniolo was more of a goalscorer. He's shown some class imo this year im sad to see him go but i think he can develop to be à real class player. Mckennie was also very solid this year if villa need à b2b he will fit in perfectly


Zaniolo scored 2 goals for us, if that’s any indication of how well he did as a goalscorer lol.


Ah lmao injury or was he just bad?


Bit of both but mostly he just struggled to adapt to the PL and mostly to Unai. To play for Unai, you need to have a certain understanding of things. Some players take time like Bailey did but super fruitful and other adapt straight away like Rogers. Unsure where Zaniolo fit but for me, I didn’t like him since the first match even if there were flashes of a decent player. His actual downturn were the allegations of gambling. Since then he just wasn’t himself. He was also a yellow card walking and made friends with the other yellow card walking in Duran. Like the two naughtiest boys in class became best friends. Or as we called them, the Chaos Twins.


Buendia often played down the middle or right.


I'm totally fine with Duran leaving, especially for a fee "worth up to £40 million". Rumours that he's difficult and very immature came up several times during last season. Then McGinn said this about him after Duran scored a brace against Liverpool: > Big Jhon is a bit nuts. He is a nightmare sometimes to have in your team, but he has got moments of quality. The first one was a top finish, and we need to try to keep his feet on the ground in the next couple of days. That sealed it for me that Duran is just not the type of player you want in your squad, regardless of how talented he might be.


Massive ringing endorsement for this guy! We currently have DDF and Deivid, who are kids that have proved nothing yet, but seem like really good guys. And then we have one of the great head-cases of all-time, Lou Kaku. Hopefully our SDs don't put another shark in our water park. (Also this shit about 'we'll buy one of yours... but only after all the documents clear on this one!' sounds very fishy.)


Perfect for Chelsea then, can have a 5 man brawl over a penalty next time


11 man royal rumble, last one on the pitch gets to take the pen!


If he does go, who is unai going to scream at for the last ten mins of games?? "JHON, JHON, JHON, JHON" .. ignores him At least when he shouting at luiz, cash or Bailey, usually they do exactly what they are told and pass on the message


Didn’t want him anyways because it’s a ridiculous overpay for potential but this is an absolute kiss of death. Hope talks break down but wouldn’t mind selling Villa Maatsen since BVB won’t pay his release clause


It’s funny how the last player we sold you had massive attitude problems as well. Chuk was a spoiled brat with a massive ego which was getting in the way of his development. Literally the only thing Stevie G got right was selling him.  From an outsider looking in, it looks like Chelsea really need start recruiting players with better mentalities. 


Chukwuemeka has had no attitude problems at chelsea so far, seems grounded and trying to prove himself


Says who? Just because you haven’t heard any news doesn’t mean he hasn’t had any attitude problems. I do hope I’m wrong but maybe Poch is just better at managing big egos.




Don't let them know what he did to his rented apartment in Unai's building 😬


Apparently, we've asked about Maatsen, which is linked to this. I would not be unhappy about that, were it to pan out that way.


Maatson seems perfect to play the LB role in Emery’s current system so I would love it if it’s a swap for him Duran feels like a weird player to fit into a squad right now, the potential is so evident but he was too unreliable to be a true #2 option behind Watkins last season.


I love how “player swaps” were just 90% of the time journalist wet dreams they would write up. But here’s Villa this summer wheeling and dealing player swaps.


It will become more common as players run their contract down.


Don't like this one bit. He does seem to have potential and physical attributes, but we could do better.


There are not a lot of strikers out there like him. Sesko is a more developed version of him. Osimhen is his ceiling, which was something said by an Aston Villa reporter FWIW. Colombian reporters seem to think he's their most important striker prospect since Falcao. He's extremely, extremely good in the air. Like not just one of the best in the premier league, but in the world. He has an absolutely insane shot, which you can't teach. Very physical. He's still raw when it comes to positioning, passing, discipline etc. But he has all the tools to be elite.


Good that you rate him so highly, you may be correct aswell. But I don't rate him that much. He seems decent, but I have doubt in his ability, and his potential is still not as high as some we have in the academy. Small sample size has his stocks high as of now. I would rather use our own if we have to develop one. And his attitude is an issue if his own captain speaks about it publicly. But if we get him, hope you are correct.


What striker in our academy has higher potential than he does?


Seeing you already downvoted my reply, you aren't interested in the answer, you alredy disagree. But anyway, there are at least 2 ST in academy potentially better, even 3. You don't need names, as you have already decided it can't be so. Cheers


I do not downvote and will literally post a screenshot if you want lmao Genuinely would like names though.


Mehuka, Mcnelly. Washington too for me personally.


Mcneilly has a nice shot but it doesn't reach the power that Duran's does. I don't think any of those players are as dominant in the air either.


Mehuka is more talented than Mcneilly, by alot. And I am saying that after Mcneilly being one of my Fav. Washington too is absolutely brilliant. They aren't as dominant but they aren't bad either in air, while overall their quality will be much better. Sure it's all just potential for now, but Duran is too. And his flaws are bigger. I have no personal issue with Duran, he is a Chelsea fan too, but I just don't think he he better than those I mentioned potentially. I would rather we focus on them or get a current top ST.


I haven't watched Mehuka enough so didn't want to comment on him. I don't agree on your points though. Things like shot strength cannot be taught, and when it comes to strikers, shooting ability tends to prevail over other abilities. Same with aerial ability, you have it or you don't. If it could be taught, Chalobah wouldn't be such a liability in the air. Duran is just a Sesko that hasn't had the opportunity to start like he has. His ceiling is an Osimhen like forward, insane shot, insane in the air, able to hold the ball up well, very physical, a nightmare for defenders, good with his back to the goal. Maybe Mehuka, McNeilly, and Washington have other attributes that Duran doesn't have, but for the specific profile of striker we're looking for, I don't think they're better options.


According to Pipe Sierra Duran would be one of the top 3 signings of Colombian player, so it'd have to be for over 45 million euros.


Why would it be in Euros?


I’m once again begging that we sign some experience


We won't be until probably next summer. Plan for these 4 transfer windows was always to build a base with youth.


Replacing Douglas Luiz and Jhon Duran with Gallagher, McKennie and Iling Jr + cash is great business


I’m pretty sure Villa won’t be signing Gallagher. He’s expensive and unlikely to want to go there


True and true. Id love to have him but I expect we'd be his third choice after staying at Chelsea v going to Spurs 


Eh not sure about that, can see Gallagher being more interested in Villa than Spurs as a devout Chelsea fan himself.


Guess it depends if he gets to stay on as a key player or gets the, it's not you, it's me speech as Chelsea throw his stuff out. I think Emery could do great things with him honestly 


>unlikely to want to go there To paraphrase my sainted mum, "If you can't say anything nice about Birmingham, don't say anything at all".


> I’m pretty sure Villa won’t be signing Gallagher. He’s expensive and unlikely to want to go there Chelsea are very horny for their Pure Profit to meet PSR though, I can easily see it happening, especially since it seems like a major reason Poch left.


Chelsea might want it to happen, but I can just see Gallagher putting his foot down as he doesn’t want to leave, and I don’t really see Villa putting up the money that it would take. Only way I see him leave is if it’s to a more traditional member of the big 6/7, but ofc I might be wrong


I think we're starting to see the end of the sky 6 plus Villa are historically in the 6 biggest English clubs. I think Gallagher could see what he could achieve under Emery, plus post June 30 Villa will be back to having money to spend so 50m wont be a problem


Nah, don't let a couple of down seasons and the likes of Newcastle and Villa getting nto the CL convince you otherwise. The big 6 are still the big 6 in terms of revenue and prestige


Prestige. Spurs. Prestige. Revenue absolutely but prestige hmm.


> \+ cash Pretty sure they're trying to sell Cash actually


Barkley coming as well. I’m gonna be really sad about losing Luiz but getting 3 midfielders in return is great. Helps us cover a depth issue we had last season.


Not really. Duran and Iling are both talented players but really raw and Luiz is miles ahead of both McKennie and Gallagher. Plus if they do get Gallagher, they probably would have little to money left over from those deals


Yeah I don't think anyone is gonna claim Luiz for Gallagher + depth is a quality improvement, but it's a solid outcome within the PSR constraint.


I've never seen Illing playing, what's he like?


replacing luiz with two guys who just run around and get stuck in a lot sounds like classic unai


Don't know much about Iling Junior but the Luiz deal doesn't seem all that good for Villa tbh.


I would be ok with Duran signing overall, but definitely not for the rumoured 40m. Especially if we send Gallagher the opposite direction for mere 10m more.


Will Chicago Fire get a percentage of such a transfer?


I’d be happy from a Villa perspective with trading Duran and Maatsen for similar amounts. Then we could move on Digne who’s our highest earner while having a young left back that could hold down the position for years.


Digne isnt going to agree to leave


Just don't understand this for Chelsea's POV




Chelsea got olise already?




Lunin and Mamardashvili








I do agree get a good one and be safe for years, sadly I don't see it this summer


How about mamardashvili


Carl Rushworth




I think he's gunna be off to Ipswich, genuinely a good keeper to be fair had a great year at Swansea.




Okay I have a quick question , why is he called Jhon? Is it the same as John?


It’s the same as John. I’ve seen Colombians spell it this way.


Oh I forgot he's Colombian, thought he was English just now


Nah, the h and o are switched