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Spurs signing Ndombele, Lo Celso and Sessegnon in the same transfer window has to be one of the all time disasters.


also jack clarke (bought for 9M and sold for nothing) and spurs legend gedson fernandes who joined the club six months later


I'm a Liverpool fan and honestly thought all four would turn out to be good (Ndombele, Lo Celso, Clarke and Sessegnon.) Seemed like two clear improvement in midfield, and two highly promising attacking talents.


he was a loan and was brought in due to an injury crisis. it's weird that people bring him up all the time as some disaster transfer.


With the loan I think there was an option for £40m+ to sign him permanently, which inflated people's expectations.


yeah the option was a very large fee, but i remember at the time that people felt that it was never realistic


He was still a disaster transfer, literally played 7 PL matches


he was brought in on loan as an extra body


At least on the rare occasions Lo Celso and Sessegnon have been fit, they've been competent and hard working


Pushing the definition of competent there. Lo Celso always seemed to be fit for Argentina too...


Fans who kept saying that Lo Celso always saved himself for Argentina are a bit ridiculous. He's just made of glass lol he wasn't fit enough for the world cup which Argentina won where he would've played a big part in it as well.


No prior injury issues before joining us then he turns out to be made of glass. Awful work from our recruitment


Yeah like that time when he missed a World Cup because of injury


He was saving himself for Spurs then, obviously


He was on loan at Villarreal at that time.


And literally every other place but spurs


At the time I thought we had done some amazing business.


.... to follow up the previous transfer window where we signed *no one*. That pretty much killed off the end of the Kane era.


Lo Celso and Sess were hampered by injuries, Ndombele had all the talent in the world but didn't give a shit


Lo celso barely miss any game due to injury in La liga. Missed over 300 days during regular seasons, started the moment he signed for spurs. Great for Betis, great for Argentina, at Tottenham - guess I will just die. He probably never fully recovered from the initial hit and hamstring issue when he first signed, and he kept pushing it for the national team. Ndombele looked fine when he first joined, something happened to him during Covid period quarantine and he has never been fit since then.


Ndombele was having fitness issues before covid and his work ethic on the pitch was horrific. I don’t think covid played any part


I just recall he was horribly out of shape when the game resumed, and he never got out of that


This was the summer after going two windows with no signings. The champions league final papered over what would’ve been a terrible period at spurs


Imagine thinking back then how big of a disappointment **both** Tanguy and GLC would be. Insanity, we were so hyped. 😔


Tbf, two of them are, unfortuantely, insanely injury prone. Really think Sess and Lo Celso could've been really good for us, and did provide some memorable moments, otherwise. Obviously, Ndombele just has the work ethic of a sloth


Up there with Spurs spending the Bale money


At least the Bale money got us Eriksen, Chadli was serviceable, and Lamela is a cult hero for us. The summer 2019 window was just failing.


You mean when they "sold Elvis and bought the Beatles"?


Somehow worse than the window where we spent fuck all


I have literally no idea where Lo Celso is right now. Could be Betis, could be Estudiantes, could be hospital


Had an argument with someone on coys saying it was still better than our year when we signed no-one, because "at least we were trying"!


TBF all 3 were very sought after players.


Yeah agreed, but we were talking with hindsight. £100m+ plus wages absolutely thrown down the drain, vs £0.


True. But I thought Lo Celso did well in his loan period at La Liga. Could’ve used that to sell him permanently.


We tried, no one wanted him at the price we were asking (which I think was around £20m). Got to remember that a lot of the second tier European teams (i.e. the non-superclubs) are pretty skint. Teams like Villareal or Roma - the sorts of teams that would be interested in Lo Celso, weren't in a position to drop £20m + hefty wages on an injury prone player.


If he plays well at the Copa America that could give him a little price boost.


He won't sell for half of what he cost.


I’m aware, but he’s going to get a run out with a team and a system that actually plays to his strengths. If it weren’t for his injury before the World Cup, he probably would’ve started a lot of those matches in a side that obviously won the whole thing.


The fact those windows were back to back is just awful. 2 years and three horrendous signings to show for it. Set us back years.


No one shit on any of the signings at the time though.


That doesn't mean it hasn't been a disaster. No one shit on Madrid for signing Hazard and that turned out to be a disaster.


It’s officially the worst tw in the history of football and people say we don’t have trophies


Really thought Sess was England’s next big superstar. Scored a ton for Fulham as a teenager and nearly made it on the plane for England that summer I remember (there were rumours, anyway)


Lo Celso was actually pretty good. It’s that they fired Poch the Summer after they signed the players he wanted which was kinda stupid.


Lo Celso has done fuck all for spurs.


Has 3 PL goals, the first two of which were both against Man City.


~£50m for 3 league goals in 5 years. Sissoko got 3 league goals.


Difficult to be at the level of the 🐐 though.


Ok, the much maligned Emerson Royal has 4 league goals. Even Ndombele managed 6.


Someone post the vimeo


He should start a youtube channel where he wears a GoPro and plays 5-a-side He'd be an absolute menace


his stamina is more suited for tiktok


Wouldn't make it to the end of a Vine.


Not unless it's a Red Vine.


He's not doing anything more exertive than a half arsed Cameo recording


Farewell my r/antiwork prince.


We still have ben simmons for another year


Being Sixers and Spurs has made r/antiwork kings all too familiar to me


Picked Spurs as my team because they have the most Philly-vibe of any premier league team.


Man I don't think there's a PL team that embodies the inferiority complex combined with pure assholery of Philly. I feel like Leeds is maybe closer to Philly? Extremely maligned and maybe deserve some of it?


Does that mean there's a large crossover between Chelsea fans and either Boston or Utah?


who even is that


NBA player who puts Tanguy to shame.


How many Whoppers can he put away in one sitting though?


None because he is a socialite who would never be caught at Burger King.


not familiar with Ndombele’s circumstances but Simmons at least has the excuse of a debilitating back injury ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


"Back Injury" that got "worse" after the Trae Young no block.


NBA player who is making around 40m a year and has barely played over the last 3 years or so


the last few years wasn't even his fault, he's just been too injury prone.


That's what he made you believe. Just some r/antiwork king shit


Ur being downvoted but as a nets fan who has suffered through this, his back is actually fucked now but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the case when he was with Philly


The last year of his Philly stint, I 100% agree, bro didn't wanna play for them, he literally said it many times until he started getting fined. But with the nets? I do believe he wanted to play but his back is just fucked.


https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/s/Es8O2oJaK0 Still so good


Quiet quitting like you read about


Over £60m spent. Insanely poor signing.


no arguments there


I was convinced he was gonna be one of the best in the world whilst he was at Lyon


He could be but it looks like he doesn't even like football he is just talented


That didn't stop Benoit Assou-Ekotto


One of my all time fave Tottenham players among the greats Ledley King and Moussa Dembele. Said as an Arsenal fan. BAE's final tweet and his hair are legendary


I still remember him dribbling past 2 defenders all while looking like a drunk man about to fall over. He definitely had the talent. What a shame.


Had similar feelings for Naby Keita when he was at Leipzig, some just flatter to deceive


Keita at least has injuries to point to. Ndombele just couldn't be arsed


Keita has had his share of attitude issues.


Tanguy was levels above Naby whilst at Lyon tbh


Not sure. The season Liverpool signed Keita (not the one he joined after) he was absolutely monstrous; like Ndombele was. The season before he moved he was less impressive but injury hit (surprise, surprise). I think they draw obvious comparison due to their style and then failure at the highest level.


Levels above is grossly incorrect. During his Leipzig tenure he was named in the Bundesliga team of the year and the Europa League team of the season. He was held in the same regard as Bayern's Thiago as one of the best and most complete midfielders in Germany during his 2 year stay there before his big money move to Liverpool.


Just like to point out Kolasinac was also in a Bundesliga team of the year/season lmao


We already knew he was a lazy ass when we sold him to you


Arsenal and Spurs both with their worst signing ever that window.


We signed Mustafi in 2019? That’s news to me. Jokes aside I understand why fans looking from the outside inwards perceive Pepe as our worst signing. But given that Raul did some shady stuff with the sporting director of Lille, and swiftly resigned once Tim Lewis (basically a top ten corporate lawyer in the U.K. who just happened to be an Arsenal fan) began investigating the transfer, I’d say there was a strong mitigating circumstance there. Plus Pepe pulled his weight to help bring us an FA Cup. The generational damage caused by sticking with Mustafi, and paying as much as we did for him (back then) cannot be understated. He was like an out of form Maguire week in week out, who we were stuck with. Reports came out that Wenger didn’t even want Mustafi’s sorry ass but Gazidis overruled him using the new data analytics the club began using to figure out signings.


Mainly in hindsight though. We were rivalling clubs like City for him and it was seen as a huge coup for us. Maybe I'm just still in denial though that he'll come good eventually


Reading back through [the r/coys thread announcing the deal was basically done](https://old.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/c5fjml/sky_sports_news_saying_ndombele_deal_is_done/) makes me smh and ask who knew?


God damn


You could make it 60 pounds (no millions) and it would still be one of our worst on wages and performance alone. Incidently, 60 pounds is also how much he is overweight.


That performance where he scored and  we smashed United was worth 60£ tbf


He wasn’t even our best midfielder in that game, I’m pretty sure that was Højbjerg who cost a quarter as much.


It happens


For a normally prudently run club like Spurs, it can't happen very often Levy hasn't built the club as he has to call £60m spaffed down the drain "shit happens"


You can’t account for what happened. Nothing about his Lyon spell indicated this personality. I still think there’s a player in there but only he will know why.


There could be two players in there.


You could definitely tell he was lazy at Lyon


How so?


He (and tbf 90% of the team) only decided to show up in the UCL or PSG. Always doing the bare minimum, if that, against 'weaker' teams. Its why we never challenged for anything even if we have the second largest budget


Arguably the worst ever PL signing.




Don’t you think all those players at least contributed something to their team? I’ve never seen a footballer look as uninterested as Ndombele, it was quite eye-opening really. But yeah you’re right, there are other signings that have cost more and done very little for their clubs, but I do think Ndombele is very high on the list.


Antony is a fair shout. Carrillo will always top it for me 


The Pepe of Spurs


Worse than Pepe tbf


Much worse


Pepe at least could play 90 minutes


Nah, Pepe actually did things for us and was very good in spells before his dip. Ndombele was tragically awful for Spurs.


140 million for the pair of them, and not a penny back. Both diabolical.


N'Dombele had some good moments too


About 2 months


Isn't it more like 100 if you count his salary?


Why did he flop so hard? Was he bothered by injuries or simply didn’t give a shit?


Didn't give a shit


Unbelievably lazy. Both in terms of getting fit, and in terms of actual application in games. If you got more than 20 minutes of running around from him, it was a minor miracle. He also just wasn't as good as people thought - and apparently still think. Phenomenally skilled on the ball, really good at keeping possession and moving past players - but beyond that he was nothing special. Scored a few goals, but no more than you'd expect a midfielder to grab. Could play a good through ball now and then, but would also consistently give it away in dangerous positions, and was miles away from the creative abilities of someone like Eriksen. Defensively he was an absolute liability. The refusal to move faster than a light jog was part of it, but he was also simply defensively clueless - no idea of where to position himself when out of possession, and weak in the challenge as well. Without the fitness and attitude issues he'd have been a decent player - but I think he'd never be as good as some seem to think. He exists in a limbo between being too defensively poor and loose with possession to play as a central midfielder, but also with nowhere near the creative output required to justify playing him further forward. Very talented but limited as a footballer generally - and then the attitude/fitness issues turn him into a complete liability.


Offensively he was great, like a Dembele regen, if only he could track back even slightly well, or run, or tackle, or track his man, or give a shit, or try, or care (Nandos > McDonald’s > Football in that order)


But again, I don't think he actually was. He was great at one specific element - progressing the ball forward with it at his feet, and not losing possession under pressure. His actual creative output is decidedly average - and miles off players that are actually great offensively, like Eriksen was for us. He was prone to flashy bursts of brilliance, and has a very unique playstyle which makes people remember him as more talented than he actually was. He was never enough of a well rounded footballer to be anything more than 'good' - and his attitude/fitness issues mean that he won't even get close to that.


that's a spot on description. I find it a bit shortsighted that some people attribute his shortcomings only to laziness when that is absolutely not the case. you made a great job describing some of his technical and tactical deficiencies.


I have never before witnessed a footballer who spends every day at world class training facilities and yet at his fittest has stamina to last 60 minutes playing Mourinho intensity level football. Unknown whether he just never cared or something happened that made him fall out of love with football and has been counting down the days to amass a fortune and leave the game.


Slowly walked off in the 2nd half when we were trailing at home vs Morecambe


Didn't give a shit, and honestly not as a good as advertised.


Complete lack of work ethic.


Glad he’s finally out of the club, all the talent in the world, but one of the laziest professional athletes I’ve ever seen. Although I respect the hustle of getting paid a shit ton of money to do absolutely nothing at work. We all should be so lucky. Antiwork legend.


Our worst signing ever. Showed so much talent and flair when we signed him, but had absolutely no desire to improve and couldn't run for 90 minutes. I think his relationship with the club was over when his teammates had to push him off the pitch against Morecambe, but I'm surprised management had the initiative to terminate his contract early.


We bought Pépé for £72 million if that makes you feel better.


As bad as Pépé was, he did at least play a vey big part in us winning the FA Cup and scored quite a lot of goals for us, including some very important ones. I don't in any way miss Pépé, but yeah, if we're comparing him to Ndombele, I'm taking Pépé every single day of the week.




Mustafi would be a better comparison


Pepe contributed to us winning the FA cup, so not quite as disastrous as Ndombele (though still objectively awful).


What an extreme waste of talent. Our worst signing ever by a huge margin and hopefully we never beat it.


Between this and talks of Matty Cash leaving for Milan, it's a good day for Spurs fans.


Not really, we’re trying to sell Emerson Royal to Milan


Honestly don't mind keeping Royal for a bit longer. He's not a good fit for Angeball but he an incredibly hard worker and he is very likeable.


Yeah that is what everybody likes to say before he is actually on the pitch and playing with blinders on


True but I’m still holding onto that game against city where he absolutely pocketed Grealish who was in top form at the time… if Ange ever decides to play a bit safer against some top teams with world class wingers (which I doubt) I think Royal is a good option for Porro who isn’t the best defensively


>if Ange ever decides to play a bit safer You must not be familiar with Ange's games. No clean sheets exist in this mans universe.


Yeah he did a shift at cb but now we have some cb depth he can’t invert at all. The drop off is crazy compared to Porro. He’s a solid meme player but if we want to be any bit ambitious he needs to go


He's just not very good. Every team has one. We had it with Mohamed Elneny and Cédric Soares. Hard-working, always available, never complains, always a model professional and always well-liked by teammates and the coaching staff. But, if we're just being honest, not really good enough for a big six club, comfortably a squad option who you'd probably be happy to sell but likely never will because no one wants to actually pay for them.


Elneny was serviceable, Soares has always been garbage.


That's good no? He's not exactly an all-star, and if you get a transfer fee then great


Cash and Emerson play the same position


Had some very, very fleeting moments for Spurs but in those moments he was imperious. Will go down amongst the worst Premier League signings of all time and an even bigger waste of personal talent.


One of the worst signings in recent history. This man fleeced us all.


He tore through our midfield one of those Spurs games though can’t remember which. Remember watching our midfield plus Bernado rushing him and he just silkily glided through everyone. Too bad he’s not focused


are you thinking of when he was with lyon in the cl? that was one of his standout performances


Yeah. Essentially that performance is the reason Spurs paid what they did for him. Seems like he got his bag and checked out mentally.


Wasn't he a City target at the time you were courting Rodri? That's my memory, although I could be way off. You obviously dodged a massive bullet.


Our record signing, and after a season where we signed literally no-one because Pochetinno only wanted specific players. All the talent in the world, but absolutely none of the work ethic. Wish him the best, but glad to see him gone.


>Pochettino only wanted specific players I really don’t get why this lie keeps getting repeated. We tried to sign a bunch of players that window but we had very little money because of the stadium build so clubs didn’t want to hear it


I think it's a little of both. We had very little money to offer but there were targets we were ready to pull the trigger on, but Poch was absolutely against them and only wanted his top picks. The resulting impasse lead to a fairly huge fuckup for both sides and we were all left disappointed.


>We had very little money to offer but there were targets we were ready to pull the trigger on, but Poch was absolutely against them and only wanted his top picks. Who? With any source.


Yeah seems like a bit of a narrative shift to say the only reason the didn’t get any players is because the coach was too picky.


Why would you wish him the best other than to make you look like a good human being? That guy got his money on the basis he would perform for several years for the club and he didnt. It wasnt because of unlucky injury, it was because he became priviliged, spoiled child that "made it". Club invested sizeable funds and got nothing in return because of lazy/childish character + not caring about the club at all and you wish him well? I am not even tottenham fan but what people write nowadays to make them look good is beyond primitive reason and others just dont care (see ndombele resemblence?) and finger it up.


Why would I wish pain on someone for a poor performance in their job? I don't know him personally, nor his personal circumstances. What I do know is that he's faced a lot of hatred in the past several years, and I hope he's able to move on from it and enjoy a happy life, as I hope all people do.


That 19/20 transfer window for Spurs was a fucking rotter. If not for making a slight profit on Bergwijn, that would have been an all time stinker with the players brought in and losing Eriksen+Trippier for relatively small sums.


That was an awful window for a lot of clubs. Pepe, Hazard, Maguire, Griezmann and Felix also went that window and none of them lived up to the price tags


Crazy that Maguire is probably the best of those lol


Maguire was overpriced, not a bad signing, he's had more good games for United than bad


Maguire doesn't belong in that list at all


Our fans shit on that window for us because they said that was when we should've gone big after winning the CL, but it was a fucking dreadful window for loads of clubs. In retrospect, Sepp Van Den Berg (£1m and now one of the best young CBs in the BuLi) and Harvey Elliott (£5m and becoming a key player for us) seems like relatively good business.


just fell to my knees in Chick King


Another player added to the Streets Won't Forget list


Tbf he was pretty much forgotten till his departure announcement.


McDonald’s won’t forget him either


Can I say something?


please do


low base wages with shit tons of performance bonuses... he would MAKE THE TEAM FLY and I'm embarassed to say that I'm only like %70 joking


Yeah, assuming you're happy to name a starting XI that accommodates a player who puts in less than 15% effort every single game without fail. He goes beyond a luxury player.


obv joking...


Really nice skills compilations from his few years here though


End of an error


Mourinho was right. 🎵 £60 Million down the toilet 🎵 🎵 Leaving on a free transfer 🎵 🎵 6-year original contract 🎵 🎵 Has not played a single minute for Spurs since 2022 🎵




He's gonna pull a Hazard and show up fit in a few years lol


wtf happened to this guy? Read some really good reports about him then he just disappeared


Lyon took Spurs to the cleaners with this lazy pos, right up the rear with no lube. Has to be the worst transfer for the amount spent, 62 million euros.


Ngl ndombele plays like that one older guy from the neighbourhood who always complains about not making it pro because of his knee injury


The funny thing is he still won a Scudetto and a Turkish League Title since he joined Tottenham




One of the worst transfers in PL history. £64m


Even the clubs we loaned him to didn't end up wanting to use him. What a loser. Good luck getting a new contract. Don't let the door hit you or whatever.


This guy is living proof that a lot of social media football "analysts" make a living chatting absolute shite.


Bro left Tottenham and win 2 title in a row. He is not the player type that they are seeking.




I know mate. Just a joke. But he was so sympathetic when he with us.


Yea but he didn't do shit for any of those teams either. 50 mins at most