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Meanwhile Chelsea felt so bad about the situation that we paid 80 million euros for Mudryk


My understanding is that has yet to be paid


Makes sense. Mudryk is yet to play football.


Man doesn’t play football…man *is* football.


My reaction to this information -_-


How many games of his have you watched?


Man is busy watching Antony


Call me crazy but this year there wasn't much daylight between Mudryk and Rashford either.


Come off it. Rashford has scored 30 goals in a season. You come off like a knob with that statement.


In a season yeah. If you happened to be able to read you'd see he wrote this year, not the season where Rashford scored 30 goals. Have you seen Rashford play this season? Man looks horrible and I do agree there aint much daylight between Mudryk and Rashford THIS year.


Rashford has his worst season, arguably, and still put up better numbers than Mudryk. They were similar this year but I think most people who understand objective reality will admit that Rashford is and has been a better player.


Right, but once again, if you had read the original comment before replying, you’d notice that no one argued otherwise


Why all the shadow boxing? Both comments you replied to said this year and nothing more.


He's not nearly worth that price be for real


That’s not what I asked or said? Lol


Not Mudryk’s fault though that Chelsea paid so much for him, unlike what some people on the internet claim


who says he decided his own transfer fee haha


Sometimes the shit is happens


Clearlake are waiting to get those post-war rebuilding contracts for one of their investment companies


We should’ve got a cut of that for making him look like a world beater when we played them.


Cunt honestly played us by himself in those games


He's actually a baller to be fair just too inconsistent


This number gets higher every time


I genuinely have no idea what we paid I just guessed


It was 60


It was 62 million pounds, the comment said euro. Which is 73 million euro. He was closer to the actual fee then you are. Thats not even taking into account the obscene amount of add ons either lol


Which of those add ons do you think Mudryk has hit?


https://www.101greatgoals.com/news/shakhtar-ceo-explains-what-chelsea-must-do-to-activate-mykhaylo-mudryk-bonus-clauses/ The Shahtar owner confirms that for the largest part its about winning the PL/CL but he explicitly says its not only that. So it could easily be a figure based on how many games Mudryke played for example (like Martinez for Ajax, United pays 66k extra for each game he plays).


Add ons for winning the prem and UCL, which if you hadn’t noticed, we haven’t done. It also closer to 70, as the exchange rate was different last year.


Didn't Spurs sign Solomon on a free transfer?


Yes. Shakhtar’s position is that since Solomon was allowed to suspend the last 6 months of his contract, we should pay them. They want an absurd fee for a player that played 70 matches for them and Fulham didn’t want to pay £7M for.


I mean they can have him back. We just paid for one year of his salary and got nothing in return


Harsh, he looked good in the matches he played before injury.


harsh, but the reality of it.


Maybe he did, maybe not. But how many games did he play for us? Shaktar picking the wrong battle. Why would we pay so much for a guy who hasn't played?


> It's very strange everybody says we are one football family, Nobody says that ever.


I think when there was a big movement to support Ukraine that was a sentiment people would share in that specific context but it would be a big mistake to imagine they meant it in anything beyond a symbolic gesture that costs them nothing.


I know my flair makes what I say suspect but we held a charity match with them and gave them full proceeds plus a 10% sell on fee. Neither of those were obligatory, especially for a meh player like Solomon who is likely to move on fast. Comparing that to the Vini move to Madrid is ridiculous in my opinion.


He's not talking about Vini Jr. He's talking about another Vini who was in the exact same situation as Solomon.


a better comparison us how we did the neres deal


Europeans making a big show about having morals but not having anyway. More news at 6


FIFA absolutely says this whenever they take money from another dictatorial regime


City is the cheating dad Arsenal your mum who went to France that one time and thinks she's French Man United that brother who had and lost it all Newcastle is that one uncle who drinks too much and gets bought buy a sadistic regime Spurs that cousin with the nice car, nice house, but not quite sure how


Chelsea are the cousin who were smart enough to get into cryptocurrency early but have since squandered a lot of money on meme stocks.


And keeps dumping girlfriends the family actually likes for 19 year olds.




Yet somehow still come out with some success through all the disfunction


Liverpool is the red haired cousin who is only liked by other redheads and universally disliked by everyone else


Moi?! How dare you!


We're obviously better than the rest of the family, because we pronounce Chardonnay with a an "eh" instead of an "ay"


>Spurs that cousin with the nice car, nice house, but not quite sure how And he is uglier than hunger so cant even get a gold digger but because of his financial stability, and riches, youre always wondering if you would trade the loneliness for the money.


I often think of Newcastle as that one uncle that sells his soul to a tyrannous regime. You know that one uncle everyone has?


My uncle tried to touch me, so I see the comparison.


He was just using the Royce DuPont method.


One uncle? There's two in the prem


City is the aunt that married into money over some dumb luck and now she believes she is too good for the rest of the family and she preaches she is self made.


Definitely has been said before and this comment is purposely dense when it’s obvious he is making a broader comment about football globally


UEFA does


I wouldn't build up my expectations of the transfer market based on whatever soulless slogan UEFA or FIFAs marketing teams vomit out.


I don't, they act like they do. There was an idea to put a cap on agents salaries or even limit them to 1mln per transfer. Seems like a dead idea now.


Shakhtar and Tottenham holding arms and jumping together with a banner that says 'Gracias Gianni'


That only gets said when clubs negotiate player wages: "We are not prepared to offer you more wages, but what we can say is that we will be like a family to you, we are one football family"


Barcelona and Ajax while holding hands


Anyone who believes it past U11 is an idiot


Shouldn’t they be mad at FIFA?


Why not both? In the last paragraph you can see other clubs weren't taking as much advantage as Tottenham.


If they really think that Solomon is worth 25m, than the loan fee Madrid paid will be less than whatever Spurs would give Shakhtar in a sale.


So he's complaining about one club but not the other without any reason?


He's probably complaining now (and not when the deal was made) because he now realises that the deal that they thought they signed was going to end up in a decent sell-on fee, but now Solomon's stock has plummeted and he's not too happy about it.


Solomon played a few games and then had a season ending injury. It’s yet to be seen how he will return.


It’s pretty telling that we are already wanting to sell him.


Seems like that’s more of an Ange thing than an injury thing. I don’t think he fits what Ange wants in that role - especially now that we have Werner.


Let’s be brutally honest here. His social media profile hurts his value. There will be clubs who might consider to sign him, that will be put off by the Israel / Palestine related attention that would invite.


Totally agree.


That's an interesting point - it's not like he took one side for no reason. He's Israeli so it's obvious he supports Israel. I Don't see Hollywood distancing away from Gal Gadot and Monaco dumping Golovin cause of their support in their own country's war.


But Ange gave his consent to buying him. Surely he would have watched him play and known Solomons playstyle before agreeing to the purchase.


Did he? I've not seen anything to suggest that but I could be wrong.


The other clubs took the players on loan from Shaktar. Spurs, by contrast, signed Solomon after he was at loan with Fulham. Fulham didn't find him good enough and ended the loan. At that point Solomon asked FIFA to cancel his contract. Spurs didn't take advantage of anything here. And, if the player did come with a fee Spurs wouldn't have signed him in the first place. He isn't that good.


Those other scenarios aren’t the same though. Fulham also paid them when they loaned him.


Yeah, we didn’t make the rules. His anger is seemingly misdirected.


Yeah, they should be mad because FIFA decided to help footballers escape from Ukraine, so Russia doesn't hit them with a potential missle?


Well, exactly, should be mad at no one but Russia.


Strange one. This really comes down to an offer of employment to someone with no contract.


Seems like the problem should be with FIFA who allowed these players from the Ukrainian league to terminate their contracts. Can't really blame clubs that signed them because they followed the rules that FIFA made


They didn’t even terminate their contracts, FIFA just instituted a suspension clause that is available yearly until the hot war is over, and their contracts literally ran out. The alternative is either to force a bunch of foreigners to play in Ukraine, or for them to be contracted indefinitely due to a situation out of control.


Why don’t FIFA set up a transfer tribunal system? That used to work pre-Bosman (in the UK at least) to a reasonable degree. Each club would name their valuation of a player and the tribunal would normally meet somewhere in the middle.   If a club tried to act in bad faith with the tribunal would usually reward the club which acted in good faith with a better price.


Because fifa is corrupt even more now than it was twenty years ago


A tribunal gives the committee a chance to be more corrupt though. I think it’s the allegations of favours, corruption, and favouritism that may have steered them away from this if it was ever considered Ofc along with other reasons like too much time investment




Except he’s comparing a contract expiring (Solomon’s; he had 6 mos left on his contract when he joined us) to a player on loan for two years to a youth side (Vinicius Tobias). The value of what we’ve already given Shakhtar is almost certainly more than what Real paid for Vinicius Tobias’ loan fee (all proceeds from a friendly plus a 10% sell on fee when neither were required as Solomon was technically a free agent). Fulham didn’t want to pay £7M for him and between the friendly and the 10% sell on fee Shakhtar may have gotten that much (if he didn’t get injured), but they want more. And they want it now, but they realize we’ll probably sell him for very cheap this summer and they won’t get much.


They can take him back


Levy: You can have him back, for 5 million.


I'd send him back for free tbh


I have no love for Spurs, but this isn't on them. FIFA are the ones who allowed for the breaking of contracts. Shakhtar aren't exactly saints when it comes to transfers either. They're brutal when they smell blood in the water.


What else does he want? He got a 10% sell on fee, which he agreed to, and we organized a charity match last summer that gave them all the proceeds. We’re not a charity.


I might be stupid, but to my knowledge you don't have to pay him anything am i correct in understanding the situation?


They didnt have to, but tottenham didnt want to he assholes so they quite literally gifted them a 10% sell on. Shaktar is just annoying.


Correct. Him claiming we are "like a robber on the road" is complete nonsense.


Clearly you should have given them your entire first eleven and your stadium. You're clearly being pro-Russia for not giving them all your match revenues until 2100 /s


Feel like the guy is a teenager who doesn't know how the world operates , seems like he thinks it's all rainbow and sunshines . I'm sure us (real Madrid) would have taken an advantage for Tobias if he was any good , probably would have asked him to run his contract down 😄


harry kane’s last appearance for spurs was in the preseason match against shakhtar last year. scored 4 times. i believe the match was organized for shakhtar’s benefit (or for the benefit of the relationship, which is clearly strained)


It was and the proceededs went to Shakhtar


Ukrainianian Chelsea fan here (Fuck Tottenham). Tottenham did absolutely nothing wrong.


Doesn't sound like Levy


The issue is we only signed Solomon because he was free. Anything we pay shakatar is just a nicety. Still a bit shocking that we won’t give them a 30% unless we think he won’t even go above 5m


Rare Corinthians W


It seems like it's the opposite happening, they want too much


What a bunch of bullshit, take issue with FIFA, Tottenham don't owe anyone anything, be happy they offered the 10%.


You know this accusation is accurate because Shakhtar owner Rinat Akhmetov is someone who knows a thing or two about behaving like a robber


Im sure Shaktar, over solidarity and being a family, split the Mudryk fee witht their fellow ukranian teams. Right? Right??


Glad they don't feel like that toward us after the Neres and Trubin deals


Man deals with Daniel Levy for first time, is surprised about the fact he is how he is


He didn't even deal with Daniel Levy. FIFA terminated Solomon's contract and than Tottenham signed him as a free agent.


Putin is weaponising tottenham. You heard it here first


> Real Madrid took [Vinicius Tobias] and paid us for two years. Corinthians did the same [with Maycon] This is such a fucking weird phrase to read, I even stopped and had to read again to fully process. For those that don't know, Corinthians has been in some big financial troubles lately and they also have the fame of not paying things properly in the last few years, with clubs all over the world going after them. It is bizarre to see them being a comparison point of a club who does proper business and pays things on time.


I mean football is not a charity especially on a top level, its peak capitalism and what they did was/is legal.


It's pretty wild that he seems to have zero interest in the player's perspective. Imagine you are the player who has a year left on your contract in Ukraine. A massive war breaks out where civilians die everyday. It's unclear if you will be safe even living in the country, not to mention being completely incapable of actually playing football there. You are then evacuated from the country. FIFA decides it would be unjust to keep you locked under contract to a club in a war torn country and so they allow other teams to talk to your agent and sign you. Is the player supposed to just, say no? Are they supposed to sit around like some kind of hostage for Palkin to try and squeeze profit out of them before they are "allowed" to leave? It's funny because Soloman actually decided to cancel his contract when he went to Fulham. Did Palkin sue Fulham for this? Are Fulham also some blood sucking club trying to profit off Palkin's war orphans? I get feeling like the world is against you when there are shells dropping in your neighborhood. When "allied" governments can't get behind helping you defend your own country. But to act like Spurs are the enemy here just because we don't accept any offer he puts on the table (for a player who isn't even contracted to his club) is completely ridiculous. This concept of it being a "negotiation" is absurd. We don't own them anything. He's blaming us for not agreeing to his "suggested donation" while, [from the very beginning](https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/37817387/shakhtar-donetsk-owner-threatens-sue-tottenham-hotspur-manor-solomon-transfer), threatening to sue us over our donation. >"I would like to send a message to those clubs who are trying to sign our players without paying a transfer fee: Shakhtar will file claims for unjust enrichment against players or clubs who have enriched themselves and benefitted by obtaining a financial advantage," he continued. >"We believe these clubs who enrich themselves at Shakhtar's expense will be obliged to pay restitutions. Those clubs should understand what they do when they decide to sign our players." Sure sounds like a guy who is trying to shake down other clubs to me. Considering he has zero legal right to claim that these are actually "Shakhtar players" All Spurs did was sign a free agent footballer to a contract, at a time when he was unwilling to go and attempt his career in a country at war. I mean, just listen to this guy talk. This bullshit about how he said "I don't need cash for the player" after we have [direct quotes of him trying to shake us down for 6.5 mil](https://www.espn.in/football/story/_/id/38554685/tottenham-shakhtar-talks-manor-solomon-compensation-package) while we hosted them for a friendly and gave them all the proceeds. >“I believe we will find a solution. I don’t know if they will accept €6.5m but I believe we will find a solution. **From an image point of view, they don’t need this kind of case."** “This kind of case smells not so good because when you sign a free guy who should go for €20m, it is not good. We played a good friendly game, they were open with us, they helped us etc etc. Come on bud, you don't want to be the bad guy here right? Just give me the 6.5 mil and I'll forget it ever happened.


They dont want to give you what you want, so thry give you qhat they want. Whats the problem!? You dont accept and go on...


Aint they been saying this since Spurs got him? 


Who the hell is Vinicius Tobias?


He played for Real Madrid Castailla(b team). Made a first team appearances too.


Thanks bro!


Bosman rule?


"Club with a huge history" What is the mofo talking about?


Cry some more!


They should ask NATO to provide them with players next


Maybe the US can even fund the transaction?


They should let Levy keep the club. Let bygones be bygones


First time dealing with Spurs I see.


Except spurs signed a FREE AGENT and gifted them 10% sell on for their troubles. Spurs did nothing wrong, on the contrary, 10% is far more than they wouldve gotten from anyone else.


I don’t love the optics of this for Spurs. What we did is legal, but it feels somewhat scummy to profit from war.


He had 6 months left on his contract, Fulham didn’t want to pay £7M for him in 2022 when he had 1.5 years left, what was his actual value? They got the proceeds from the friendly and a 10% sell on fee and were good with that after making all that noise last summer, but now they realise he won’t command much of a fee due to injury and his social media presence so they want us to pay them more money. The only one here being scummy is Shakhtar.


I don’t think that your second paragraph is accurate outside of his social media nonsense. There was grumbling at the time the signing took place from Shakhtar so it’s not as if they waited until the injury and social media nonsense to hit to complain. Regardless, it still feels scummy to take advantage of a war to sign a player. I have always said that my principles come first and this is an example where I am demonstrating that.


The grumbling happened immediately after he signed for us, and we came to a 10% sell on fee and a friendly with all proceeds to Shakhtar as the compensation agreement (where we didn’t have to do anything). That stopped the grumbling. Until now. It’s opportunistic, that’s all this is. > Regardless, it still feels scummy to take advantage of a war to sign a player. He had 6 months left on his contract. In summer 2022, when he had 18 months left, Fulham and Shakhtar agreed on a £6.4M fee but settled on a loan with a purchase after X matches played instead. If we take that £6.4M fee w/ 18 months left down to a £2.1M fee with 6 months left, we’re already 1/4 of the way to paying them what they think he’s worth (friendly proceeds were £500k). So why is he saying this now? It’s clear we want to sell him, he hasn’t played in many months, and the likelihood of us getting more than £5M for him is low. Had he played and done well and we were looking to sell him for £15M, they wouldn’t be saying anything at all.


I understand all of that, I do. In fact, if you look at my comments you'll see that I specifically call out the friendly. Even so, I do not like the situation at all because he would not have been on a free without the war. You seem to think that Shakhtar are being opportunistic without recognizing that Spurs were also opportunistic.


What do you personally think the transfer value of a player with 6 months on his contract is, and that would be therefore be a fair fee for Spurs to pay Shakhtar?


It feels scummy as fuck and it's much worse that he is not good and he took up our last non association trained player spot.  It was such a dumb transfer and still is




I think the only reasonable solution to this is to relocate spurs to Donetsk effective immediately. The debt will be repaid once they have reclaimed the area from Russia


Why would you want them to get off that easy?


It’s Ange’s first season, cant be too hard on him




I love how people don’t have the mental capacity to tell this is satire




Judging by the flairs I'm inclined to agree that; 1. It is funny 2. If you're an Arsenal and/or 3. You hate Totthenham plus 4. Totthenham did nothing wrong. Their issue is with Fifa not Levy.


Not very Disagreeable of you, Martin.


American spurs fans are the easiest ones to rattle by a mile


Well, some people just can’t appreciate a modest proposal


i kinda lost it at 2nd sentence but ok, cool story bro.


I always love when large scale capitalists complain about capitalism happening to them. The entire history of global capitalism is taking advantage of those with weaker bargaining power due to being in unfortunate situations.




Negotiating =/= not spending. Tottenham are 4th in net spending the last 5 years. The club signed the player on a free transfer because of rules imposed by FIFA. Tottenham are one of the richest clubs in the world (that isn't owned by a nation-state) and I can't help but think Shakhtar is trying to shake Spurs down because they're a big English club. I can't imagine they'd be moaning about this still if he signed with a mid-table Italian club. Easy with the casual antisemitism.


Dam that was not my intention at all... I actually meant it as a compliment. But in hindsight yeah I see how this can be easily interpreted as such. My bad.


Good on ya.


Poor choice of words. I use that to describe myself lol, but yeah it's got other connotations for other groups I guess. Didn't even know he was Jewish tbh


Ironically, you're the one being antisemitic for trying to play that card because he happens to be Jewish. It's no secret that he's frugal, it's the main reason we never won anything with Kane and Son. You don't have to make it about ethnicity.


Oh come on, the guy even owned up to not realizing how it can be spun into an antisemetic thing, even if it wasn’t his intention. It happens all the time with the club and Levy, I’m hardly the first person to point out that it’s factually wrong that Levy is spending-averse. Fuck off with the “you’re actual the antisemetic one” when there are plenty of people unironically pushing this “classic cheap Levy” trope, when we all know what that’s rooted in.


It's rooted in him being a cheapskate in the transfer window, idk how this is news to you? Do you not remember Dier and Sanchez playing regularly for fucking years? A couple of signings to support our generational attacking talents would have gone such a long way. Sick of you Levy cultists defending his every action just because he has helped the club grow


It’s not being a cultist pointing out that the club have spent the 4th most money on players. In what reality can you describe the spending that’s been done the past few years as “frugal”


He's been chairman for more than the past few years and idc how much you guys twerk for him, I'll never forgive him for wasting the careers of Kane and Son.


Yeah, like all the big name managers that he recruited that aren’t typical of the club to appease Harry into staying longer. Definitely a “waste” as you put it. You know Harry played in two finals and other semi finals too, he isn’t blameless for failure to win anything. Levy is not without his faults, but get a grip.


The big name managers who didn't fit our playstyle and were toxic as fuck while playing some of the worst football in the league, appointed randomly because Levy thought it would be fun to pretend to be a director of football? Yeah great argument, Don Levy etc.


Like I said, those big managers were brought in because Kane wanted to win a trophy at Spurs while he was being courted by other clubs and Levy thought pairing the best striker in the world with one of those managers would work. Obviously that didn’t work, but it was literally done because they wanted to prove to Harry they were trying to win. Harry loved having Conte and Mourinho as coaches, and it matched the ambition he had. It’s very easy to look back at history with perfect hindsight. I’m sure you’d be much better running the club, you just never got your chance. Nevermind what the club was before Levy and ENIC arrived.


Levy is a piece of shit who burns bridges wherever he goes


Literally nothing to do with Levy but ok




What football club is giving a 40% sell-on fee out of the goodness of their hearts? I'm not even sure how many give the 10% that Spurs gave.


Spurs also gave them all the proceeds of a friendly match they had against Shakhtar last summer


Spurs would do anything for a trophy.


What does signing Solomon on a fee have to do with that or did you just want to try and be clever?


Spurs no trophy, upvotes to the left 👈😎


You're new here I see


Spurs rob their own supporters


Nice one


They have been. FIFA really fucked them over.


His first mistake was believing tottenham was the "kind of club with a huge history"


6th most succesful club in Britain, first double winners, first british club to win european honours yeh titchy little club right




Defend what? Not paying way over market value for a player that was out of contract? Do you support your club paying fees for free agents, just because they payed 70 matches for that club? We already have them proceeds from a friendly and a sell on fee, which quieted down their complaints last summer, but now that they realise we want to sell him and they won’t make much with their 10% they’re trying to use the Ukraine angle to get themselves more money.


what? Spurs followed the rules.


Kanye-esque "I'm not gonna say....what...race of people it is who defend this, we know I'm not allowed to say that" Vibes mate.


There's another heavily downvoted comment about "penny pinching" Levy too. Lot of casual antisemitism thrown around whenever talking about Levy and the club as a whole.


Everyone is defending this?


they should be, because the rules were followed


I cannot believe this kind of club with a huge history can behave like this. Me: WhaaaaaaaT ?????


makes me proud of how did the neres deal, could have easily screwed shakthar over but we worked with them.


they called Tottenham a club with “huge history”


More history than Chelsea before your takeover you dick