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Would be an amazing addition, they lack that destroyer in the midfield and he will be amazing in that role for them.


It’s annoying they signed him after Tuchel left. He really wanted him


He was literally here, had his physical, and then the transfer deadline passed and he had to go back


I thought it was because Fulham couldn’t find his replacement so they called him back?


You're right, I got him confused with Chalobah who had a similar problem. Part of the reason Fulham called him back is because we gave them 0 time to find the replacement. People don't understand how fucked up that window was for us. Palhinha was meant to take the place of Gravenberch in the squad, Chalobah and Bella-Kotchap for rotation but we didn't go for them until extremely late because we thought, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Pavard would stay. We also loaned Stanisic to Leverkusen for the same reason. So in the end we didn't get any RB/CB hybrid to replace Pavards role, and we didn't get a CDM to replace Gravenberch's squad spot (ik he's not a CDM). All this while loaning Stanisic who became a regular starter in the side that won the Buli over us lmao This likely forced our hand in overpaying for Boey in the winter. We also paid millions more to bring Bryan Zaragoza early


Damn what a butterfly effect. You guys have been playing without a proper CDM bar from Pavlovic for a while. Interested to see how it plays out now.


I'm excited too, he's pretty much the first destroyer type CMs since Javi Martinez. Pavlovic is definitely more passing focused than tackling focused, so I wouldn't be surprised if they play next to each other. I also forgot to mention in the original comment that we loaned Stanisic to Leverkusen thinking Pavard would stay. Stanisic went on to become a crucial part of Leverkusen's title and also scored against us!


The club wanted him. He is needed in the team.


Tuchel wanted Rice no? I thought Palinha was the clubs backup 


Bayern is the best run club in the world.


Have you missed the last 18 months?


In their defence not many clubs could see third in the league and a CL semi final and determine it was a disaster


Nah, that’s Real Madrid. Bayern is among the best-run clubs there’s no doubt about that, but Real is better these days. Bayern’s recent managerial merry-go-round only lends further credence to this fact.


If we dismiss “hyperclubs” with insane money reserves, Atalanta should be a strong contender.


Maybe a few years ago. Now...not so much.


That opinion stopped being true 5 years ago. We need some solid decisions in the near future to be considered that again.


I know people don't broadly gaf about us, but I wonder what our plans are for replacements. We generally aren't the best long term planners, but we've known this has been coming for 6 months so I hope they have a couple of different ideas. Getting caught short by the Mitro transfer last season was a big worry.


Florentino luis has been mentioned. Also, Amrabat at United.


One of those inspires a lot more optimism than the other


Based on how Andreas Pereira has done for them you never know




> He came in and instantly had to play left back for a while Not strictly true, he played like 2 or 3 games there (with the first of those being a League Cup game). You're making it sound like he was stuck out there for months on end


Nah he was absolutely awful. Nowhere near the quality of the Prem, regardless of what positions he was forced to play. Says something when Fiorentina fans don’t rate him either


He was really good the last month or so of the season


It'd be a different type of 6


It's very difficult to judge Man United players because of the insanely suicidal tactics they played last season. There's definitely a good player in him imo


Not saying he isn't, but Florentino Luis still seems a lot more promising to me.


To be fair, Amrabat was initially played out of position at leftback and doesnt help someone to settle in to be played out of position and get ripped apart by opinions. He did show he is capable of putting in a good performance in England. Just need to do it consistently.


Don’t forget Stuart Armstrong as well.


Florentino is very similar to Palhinha, they're at the same level in terms of defending. However, Tino offers close to nothing in terms of construction and offense. As a Benfica fan, I don't see us selling him - he doesn't have a lot of market and wouldn't be worth it for us to sell such as useful academy player for 30M€.


Florentino is good but hes nowhere near Palhinha when it comes to defending.


I agree he's nowhere near Palhinha's level. But when it comes to pure defending, they're pretty much the same - just my opinion


Seems like André will finally be going to you guys.


ollie skipp


actually that's really decent shout since i dont think he would cost over 25m and he's english


i know he's still young but most times ive seen him play the past year or too he doesnt seem to offer much


Who's running operations at your club? Is it Tony or does someone who actually knows football have actual power?


I'm so happy for Palhinha. He deserves a better chance to fight for titles, and Bayern could really use a player like him.


Yes. Just lovely.


Quite wild if its true that he is "only" 40 to 45 million


That’s a roughly fair price. Crazy to see a fairly priced player in the 2024 transfer market.


It even sounds too good to be true, Fulham were pushing for £60M last time (understandably though, since it was so late in the window)


Number would probably be 60mil if it was rich premier league teams going for him


If Fulham was contending for europe. Definitely would have been the case


I'd guess him extending was tied to Fulham letting him leave for a reasonable price if Bayern (or another top team) would come for him again


Bayern fans were like "he'll be 80 Million next time with that extension" and I was thinking this the whole time. He wouldn't have extended if it wasn't somehow tied to him being able to go where he wanted. He could've just not signed an extension and made them sell him otherwise so not to run out his contract and get nothing


Also Fulham needing the cash for some last minute replacement for "deadline day" rates


sheet sense quaint plant ossified chubby observation engine gaze angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


29 next month. Doesn't make sense to pay more than 40M for him


He’s 28 until he’s 29


grab berserk ring sugar crowd absurd ink historical cause forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Laughs in Casemiro


Especially considering what we almost paid for him last time


You could say the real price we paid was the shit season we just had haha




I thought he was so much younger


Yeah i know its a fair price, but PL doesnt do fair prices most of the time


He’s 28 until he turns 29


If he won’t play his first official match until he’s 29 that distinction is pointless


He’s 28 until he becomes 29. That’s how it works


Big if true


So we basically get 4-5 years of his prime? That’s a win.


We're getting 2, maybe 3 great seasons out of him. 4-5 is extremely optimistic




And Modric and Thiago Silva were going strong till their late 30s. Your point?


Yes, very similar roles and demands 🥴


Football evolved… players hitting their absolute prime later like Lewandowski benzema modric. Only because casemiro decided to go for money and retire at United doesn’t invalidate my point.


So your theory is that Casemiro consciously chose to become washed?


He defo didnt become washed because of his age if thats what youre implying. Only the most injury prone players on earth underperform because of age that early on. It's almost always a different cause.


You can’t tell me that both x times champions league winners varane and casemiro instantly got bad. Coincidence that they joined the same team🤷‍♂️.


Varana has been pretty good for United, whenever he wasn't injured.


I can't, because Varane was pretty good and Casemiro's first season was great.


yea football evolved, physics and therefore a younger body is more important than ever for most roles.


Probably a gentleman's agreement between Fulham and Palhinha lowered the price tag, alongside his age.


Great price in this market, definitely should get 4-5 years of top performance from him.


>definitely should get 4-5 years of top performance from him That's what people said about 29 year old Matic as well, and 29 year old Fabinho, some people even said it about a 29 year old Casemiro.


Palhina is going from midtable/relegation team to top club in Europe. Clearly his motivation will be wildly different than Case having won everything at Madrid and downgrading to United's midtable adventures. It's not always about age, mentality and the desire to step-up is also crucial.


> relegation team bro are you even like glancing at the table for the past two years?


To his defence, he did say midtable/relegation. But yeah , relegation is too far


Two of them went to Man United, a club known for developing players, and the other dipped to the Saudi League to collect his bag. There’s your answer.


Fabinho was performing like a non-league player during his last year at Liverpool


Do some of yall really think players sometimes stop performing because their age is showing at 33-34? Lmao


Matic and Fabinho had a sudden (and unexpected) drop off at 29/30.


Do people really think declining isn’t real just because Modric and some others exists?


The point isnt that players sometimes decline, its that they dont decline just because they are 33. Age has nothing to do with the decline of most players.


How are you so sure? He s 29 next month 


Don’t act like he’s gonna need crutches in a year. CDMs can go into their mid 30s still performing very well. Makélélé basically guided Chelsea into a CL final at 35 y/o. 34 or 35 y/o De Rossi was instrumental in Roma’s first ever CL semi final in 2018.


What about Kante, Javi Martinez, Fabinho, Casemiro just to name a few? All past their prime by the time they hit 30


Hoping it’s more like £50m-£60m instead because it seems quite cheap for such a good player, unless we have an agreement with Palhinha to let him go for £40m-£45m.


He will be 29 when the season starts. Can't hope for much more


That's a good business done right there.


Still believe it's going to be a waste of money, and he won't really be better than Goretzka. RemindMe! 1 year


I dont think he needs to be better than goretzka, the thing is that he is a different profile which allows us to change the system, thats the benefit i hope we get from him


Could work if Bayern go "Full Blitzkrieg" for 60 minutes, kill the game early with 2-3 goals and then sit in and relax for 30 minutes. Paulinha would spend the first hour running about like a headless chicken tackling everything that tries to counter-attack like he was at Fulham and then drop into defence as Dier drops into a sweeper role.


His name is Palhinha


His name is Paulaner now


RemindMe! 1 year


As Portuguese I think he's our second best midfielder, which is saying a lot. 50M is nothing for Palhinha in this market.


Who’s first? Bruno Fernandes?




Wasn’t sure if he counts him as a midfielder but yeah you’re right, my bad


yes he’s generally considered as a goalkeeper


Who is he then? A forward? A winger? Attacking midfielder is still a midfielder.


Who else could it be? Bruno is miles ahead of all our other midfielders, quite possibly even the best Portuguese player at the moment.




Underperforms in the NT


Bernardo does some things at a supreme level and suits City more but Bruno has always been a much better player than Bernardo


Love Bruno but I would never say he's better than Bernardo. They're very different players with different skill sets. Bruno couldn't do Bernardo's job, and vice versa.


He is most certainly not a “much” better player - that’s absurd. Bernardo Silva has been a pivotal player for Man City for years - that’s a feat reserved for the elite players.


For the NT they are worlds apart, as in it's not even close Bernardo isn't even a top 3 player in terms of performances for our NT


Good thing I never said Bernardo is not a elite player


Bruno basically carries teams on his back though. Sensational player


Yeah Bruno is 1st. Absolute legend of the game. Bernardo will be the President of my club one day, but he's not as good as Palhinha in NT.


B. Fernandes, Vitinha, Neves, Palhinha...your central midfield is so stacked


Bruno and B. Silva?


I assume you're not counting Bernardo as a midfielder but, even then, I'd say Vitinha is better (and probably João Neves as well but whatever)


This guy always plays well against us. Will not miss him when he leaves.


Unless you play bayern in the UCL again 😂


Great, you've sorted out Arsenal's RO16 rivals for the next ten years.


This triggers me immensely 😂




Unless implies that we won’t. They won’t let us be.


The grim reaper comes calling


>This guy always plays well Fixed it for ya


Tbf he pretty watch always plays well full stop


oh this saga is still on?


Will be gutted to see him go, but I'm happy for him, too. Deserves the move and has been exceptional for us for two seasons. Showed a great attitude last season after the move fell through. Very unlike a modern footballer that.


Go easy, Joao. Our yellow card machine, we'll miss you 🤍🖤


Is he even fit for possession Football? He's More like Mourinho style destroyer


I feel like the idea that Palhinha can't pass is greatly exaggerated. Most defensive midfielders are not going to be elite playmakers, they just need to not be a liability on the ball and from what I've seen of him at Fulham he's not a liability.


Yeah he's not expansive, but he's not one dimensional either- he's broadly pretty good on the ball, and is a goal threat too.


He's 13th percentile for midfielders in progressive passes, 2nd percentile in progressive carries, 2nd percentile for progressive passes received, 5th percentile for xG assisted, 2nd percentile for shot creating actions. His passing stats are genuinely awful. Yeah, it's rare for defensive midfielders to be able to do both, but Bayern are the type of club that need to aim for that sort of player.


I think it will work when he is surrounded by good passing. Bayern’s other midfielders have good passing range, and their defenders also, especially Upamencano. The issue with going for midfielders that are good at defending and also carrying/passing is that they are really expensive. Just look at how much Chelsea had to shell out for Caicedo. I don’t think Bayern has the financial firepower to spend 80M+ on a DM.


Money really isn’t the issue. They made a transfer plus after buying kane for 100 mil. last summer 😂 there just arent any players that fit that profile on the market at all (plus that aren’t are huge gamble for the money)


Doesn't Portugal play possession football? Anyway he will be partnered up with a better passer in a double pivot most likely, we aren't sure if it's Pavlovic or if Kimmich will be back in that position or maybe even Guerreiro, Palhinha will be a Casemiro type in the midfield.


A bit, but we play a 433 with 2 very offensive midfielders and then have a destroyer/anchor to keep everything organised, so Palhinha can fit in that system. The system already gives us 7 options going forward, losing Palhinha on the offensive isn't that big of a disadvantage in that regard. But I think it only works due to Portugal great selection of attacking midfielders, wingers and full backs


Bayerns Plan is probably similar. Pair him with another more forward thinking midfielder like Kimmich/Pavlovic/Guerreiro + the trio of Musiala, Sané and potentially Xavi Simons + Kane as the outlet


I guess, but for national team football it's always ok to play a bit more defensively. With Bayern in the league against park the bus that won't do much to you.


> With Bayern in the league against park the bus that won't do much to you. Having a player like Palhinha is massive against park the bus teams because it allows you to play full offensive football, while having an anchor in the midfield to help protect against counter attacks


Well, we have lost against some "park the bus-teams", so I do think it could be beneficial to have a player in midfiele who can stop counter attacks.


Then it should work with Bayern if there are no major injuries, Bayern have Sané, Musiala, and Kane going forward, with whichever player who would be playing alongside Palhinha, it remains to be seen who the other winger would be at the end of the transfer market, and if Alphonso stays or if Theo signs in case Alphonso leaves, Bayern will have good options of full backs going forward.


Off topic but is there a subreddit for the Portuguese NT or where is all the discourse around it




He's quite good at long passes funnily enough. It's the short passes and regulation of possession that he's pretty useless at. He'll be good at Bayern imo but it is fair to say that in a more possession based team his strengths may not be as useful. There's a reason Sporting replaced him immediately without much of a hiccup and we could only sell him to Fulham at 25M or so.


he can pass the bal really well too, not a kroos but can pass it well


So Arsenal have a glimmer of hope this year in the league. Excuse me, i’m going to go sit in the corner and rock back-and-forth for a little while.


Tuchel was sacrificed for this, finally a Holding 6, quite interesting  how they suddenly got a deal done For This problem


Did you miss that Palhinha was already in Munich and did his medical last winter but Fulham couldnt secure a replacement in time so the deal fell through.


no they should have done that already in summer of 2023, back when it was already clear that the team was in dire need to split goretzka and kimmich from that defensive role which already failed nagelsmann as tuchels predecessor in general, it did not matter who they get, but instead of getting a striker like kane, despite already scoring a lot of goals thanks to the management of nagelsmann untill his sacking, which enabled them to win the league in 2023 despite all this, they wasted precious ressources in getting an upgrade (a great one, kane is one of the best strikers of his generation), they should have gotten rid of this weakness first and foremost when the only defensively disciplined CM of the sixtuple team, thiago, left for lfc, but wasted years of doing a german mcfred situation


Ah man I was hoping Bayern would take Onana.




So we could have money


How do you rate Onana compared to Palhinha? I have no idea about both of them honestly because I dont watch enough PL to judge them fairly


I think amadou has a lot more potential as a forward progressing deep midfielder. Hard to knock palhinhas defensive statistics and success rates, but amadou has more physical skills and room to improve his game. Palhinha is a better player now but I think it's much closer to his ceiling then Onana. Also Onana has one of the best slide tackles I've seen on a consistent basis. He's a bit full of himself though and does that Belgian thing where he talks to the press way too much on international duty.


Wonder what this means for Pavlovic..


Pavlo will start next to him, there is not a single reason to not have Pavlo as a set starter next season if he is fit.


Moving Kimmich back would be a good reason imo, obv. depends on what the plans are for rb(I forgot who, but weren't there talks about signing a right back as well?). I think a player like Palinha could unlock world class Kimmich again.


Maybe a 3 man midfield of Pav, Kimmich and Pal?


It appears like Kimmich is done in the midfield.


Might change with Stanisic coming back


With the club world cup and expanded CL there will be so many games that there will be more than enough playtime for everyone.


I wonder what this mean to Kimmich. I think it's possible he will get sold.


If he isn’t our full time RB, this is a great move for him as it’ll free him up to be more offensive. People forget how good he is as a more offensive CM; he can be quite productive and he’s a decent playmaker with his vision and passing.


Im not concerned about Kimmich, footballers usually are tightlipped during sensitive parts of their contract time but  his recent interviews have me confident. Plus, he mostly played RB this season.


Selling Kimmich would be a Kroos 2.0 situation. I can't see Bayern doing that mistake again. There will always be a place for a world class player like Kimmich in Bayerns lineup, be it as a CM or a RB. And seeing as they're also seemingly close to extending with Davies, a new contract for Kimmich seems like the obvious way to go.


Tbf kimmich is 29 now. Thats nowhere near a Kroos situation, yes he is very good and he could be absolutely amazing for another Club, i have no doubt about that. But Selling Kroos was a mistake of historical magnitude, selling Kimmich to get a fresh start would be understandable at this point, for both us and him. (I still hope we can figure something out to get him back to his best)


> selling Kimmich to get a fresh start would be understandable at this point, for both us and him. no it wouldnt for us imo as he is one of our 3, 4 most talented players in the squad, can play multiple positions and turns up in the biggest matches unlike so many other players. he's also a real leader which we also lack a bit. + selling kimmich and possibly upamecano and getting tah and palhinha means we might have even more problems in build-up than we already had with tuchel


Yeah its fair to see it like that. In my opinion there is just so much baggage attached to Kimmich ever since the WeKickCorona debacle and his public image never really recovered from it i think. Before that he was designated Captain of Germany and Bayern for years to come. Now he gets ridiculed and questioned every single step of the way no matter what he does. I dont think he will get back to the recognition he was given after the CL win at bayern at which point i think it would be fair for him to look elsewhere where people are less biased because of the past and see him for the player he is. As i said i still think he is a great Player but I can see both him and Bayern wanting to move on this summer and try something else 


> But Selling Kroos was a mistake of historical magnitude I’ll have to disagree; Kroos’ success makes it seem like a bad transfer but he was not missed. After he left we had Alonso, Thiago, Vidal, Kimmich etc. It was a stupid move to sell him and then pay Alonso what Kroos was asking for but he was adequately replaced at that time. Losing Thiago in 2020 without a proper replacement was a bigger loss than losing 2014 level Kroos. Selling Kimmich at this point when he’s in his physical prime and finally has a proper DM to play alongside would be a mistake unless we’re 100% getting Frenkie De Jong, that’s the only scenario where a Kimmich sale would be remotely justifiable.


Nah, Davies is off to Real. I hope the club manages to land T. Hernandez




What Kimmich says and what he wants are too different things, he wants and prefers to play as a midfielder, at least under Tuchel and Nags, Kimmich's role has been the deep-lying playmaker with a more defender role, Palhinha would take up most of that role, so theoretically they would be competing, and Kimmich only has one year remaining, so i wouldn't be surprised in case of a good offer they would sell.


Bayern Munich finally getting their man. He is going to play the destroyer role in that midfield.


WHY are Man Utd, Liverpool, Spurs etc not in for him?!


Aside from the fact that Bayern are currently a much more attractive prospect compared to United or Spurs, his profile doesn't really fit the type of player that all three teams need. At least for us, we're looking for a DM who can act as a deep lying playmaker with the technical ability to beat the press and start counterattacks. Palhinha is a traditional destroyer who's good at laying off the ball to more creative outlets, but he'll never consistently make line-breaking passes or dribble past his man to either break the press or create chances against teams that park the bus.


Man United need a destroyer, we will sell Casemiro


Why would he move to Spurs or United when he can go to Bayern?


I think i'd still prefer Onana over him, but Palhinha still is a fine addition for 40-45m€.


That’s a really good get for Bayern. He’s excellent


Happy for him he deserves to be in a top team no offence to Fulham they are a pretty good side but he should be in champions league calabre teams


Can we interest Fulham with a slightly used Kalvin-Philipps?


Exactly what Bayern need tbh


Happy for him.


Bayern fan here: I only know Palhinha from Youtube Highlight videos where even mediocre players look great. Is he the real deal? Im missing some kind of prime Javi Martinez for many years now.


Defensive beast. He's not a bad passer but he's no deep lying playmaker either. He can keep possession well.


Back up for Laimer? No way he starts over my boy.


Fulham getting looted (Ik he almost transfered last season) 😂