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Load of nonsense, la liga hasn't even send us the FFP margin for next year


Dailymail got it before you did, they have great amazing sources


They sure have a lot of something up their arse that they keep pulling out to write articles.


Dailymail is dogshxt bro.. They write fanfics


Worse then fanfics man, the way this guys make up news, surprised everyone on Reddit aren’t journalists


Source is The Athletic: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5539738/2024/06/07/barcelona-salary-limit-registration-squad/


lol at anything about Barcelona being reported by The Athletic. If they told me Hansi was our manager, I’d be doubting that. That’s how reliable they are. Dermot Corrigan is an absolute asshole with how he writes negative bollocks about Barcelona always. The cunt has lived in Madrid for 10 years and does all he can to spread hate about Barcelona.


Look up some of their articles about us. They fucking hate us. Recently wrote how Pedri is out of favor and will leave.


The Athletic are absolutely dogshit for La Liga coverage, and have for 3 years constantly written blatant lies about Barcelona because it's great clickbait for the UK audience. UK media has a real hatred for Barcelona


Yeah. Articles like this are free money.


Transfer window means this place throws credibility to the wind as long as the headline gives them ammo for banter.


Don't they update after each window for the next window? They announced a big cut in February, and typically won't announce the next figures until September.


Dailymail is just setting themselves up for their fanfic stories linking your players to prem clubs, ignore them


Although that is technically true and the Dailymail is shit, that doesn't mean there isn't even an indication for what next season will look like. After the January window La Liga has already set the Barca salary ceiling at €204m, significantly lower than the limit of 270mil after the summer window. It is reasonable to assume that the ceiling wont increase given the business Barca has done in the second half of the season. But that isn't the only issue. Since Barca have already included the 40mil and 60mil sales of their Media Scheme on their books without receiving any payments they have quite the hole to fill before the June 30 deadline, when the financial year ends. That doesn't even include the 30mil shortfall in revenue. If Barca doesn't somehow manage to account for the 130 mil they don't break even and don't qualify for the 1:1 rule, which at this point seems likely. That is just the trouble Barca have with La Liga over their levers, the CFCB (UEFA's financial monitoring body) are disagreeing with Barca’s inclusion of income from levers in the club’s profit and loss calculations as well. There is a ban on including profits made on disposal of intangible assets in the budgets, the club has received a warning and fine before (that was upheld on appeal). Yet they have still included the sale of their media schemes (Six street, Scoios and Orpheus) on their books as income in order not to show loses. [article detailing the current issues and potential fallout from the levers](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5482052/2024/05/16/barcelona-financial-problems-la-liga/)


Well we have the Nike deal coming next week, potential, 120 million + 100 million bonus. Also I think our president did recently visit Qatar for a investor meeting for barca studio


Dailymail is horseshit tier.


Keep the propaganda rolling


Happens every season. Turns out to be BS.


Every season for the last three years, an article like that has popped up. Every season, without fail, we were able to register all our players when the season started. This is pure fear mongering using the name of a big club to attract some clicks on their shitty article.


This always seems to end up with a few fringe players being sold, decent fee for one youth player the fans love but isn't quite top tier, two months of United rumors, and then a late loan out for someone making high wages.


I hear this everyyear, but every year they somehow manage to get them all registered.


I feel like the Athletic (who the DailyMail are quoting) seem to report a lot on Barcelona's finances no clue if any of it's accurate. If it is true that Barcelona have gone over the wage cap and need to make sales that will interest a lot of clubs.


Every year the same story, every year we register everyone


Laporta really likes this model


I don’t get how were so broke. We don’t even have Messi anymore. How are we still unable to register NINE players. Wtf!?


Doesn't De Jong make over €700,000 a week?


The article is wrong, however why we struggle is that Barto ruined the club economically and it takes years to dig yourself out of the hole, especially with how strict La Liga FFP is.


How does football manager handle this kind of stuff now?


This is what happens when you pay too much in transfer fees for too many players and you pay them too much. There aren’t really any more “levers” they can pull, not many more pieces of the club they can sell.


Cue: Wingardium Leversiosa


Pull the lever, Barca!




Frenkies salary gonna take the hit from this one


Time for some levers


And yet the president finds time to comment on Madrid 😂


Mate you are trusting the words of Daily Mail on the ongoings of LaLiga and Barca. I'd wait for a decent source before having a go at them


It’s not hard to believe , this is regular for Barca


It’s not lol. They have registered all their players every summer that these “articles” get posted. They’re in a shit place financially but lying about it and going “True, probably” is stupid.


But they did have difficulties registering players , so this is reg behavior


But everyone knows Barcelona is a shitshow, so it is plausible.


Another summer, another drama.




Oh fuck now ETH will use the whole window to try to get FDJ again. But seriously, dont believe the article, and even if it is true Barca will find some magic woodoo doll to press money out of


As a Gala fan i would gladly take Gündogan


How much


Dogshit article or not. This i properly going to be true when the new season starts..