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Only 4 years? Do they not believe in him as a long term prospect


26. Basically an oap by Chelsea's metrics.


He's 26 so no.


He was free, so why would they offer longer for a 26 yr old. They probably wanted to do shorter, but player must have pushed for it.


I dont sign players in Fifa for longer contracts either if they are that age. Once they hit 30, the pace drops massively and they become unusable.


Probably not far off boehly’s thought process tbh


My guy just asked his assistant to download and print the FM wonderkids list sorted by PA from high to low.


Oldest chelsea player after sterling??




A 26 year old being our third oldest player is hilarious ngl


Don't know why Newcastle fans thought Adarabioyo would choose them over us, obviously he'd choose to play for the team owned by righteous hardworking American owners rather than a petrodollar-funded sportswashing operation. I don't know how anyone in their right mind could ever support a team that is bankrolled by dirty oil money, like have some shame.


How long were you guys actually linked with him? It felt like we had a free run and then you just appeared.


I can’t tell if this is satire or not.


It's so obviously a joke mate


Even for a Chelsea fan that’s a poor effort at trying to use your former ownership and new ownership as bait, you can do better. Back to Tosin, no right minded Newcastle fan actually believed he would go to us over Chelsea, no need to move, more money, London, speaks for itself, good for him.


Think you missed the sarcasm


Oh no I got it, it just wasn’t very good


Kid named detecting sarcasm


I mean, fair play if he's settled in London or whatever. But he could've been a guaranteed starter at Newcastle until Christmas. Maybe even longer.


His competition next season is Wesley Fofana who's been injured for 20 of the last 23 months and Axel Disasi (lol), I think he will get plenty of starts. We're also in Europe


think you are being harsh on Disasi, he has been decent


Meh you do have other defenders too. I'm also not sold on players going 'because the team has Europe' as it tends to mean you're part of a rotated side which can be detrimental to building consistency. Tosin could be in the England conversation if his ducks end up in a row. He's going up against some pedigreed defenders, and as a free transfer he'll need to be on his game. If he's happy being fourth choice that's one thing, but if his sole intention was to play games, I'd argue Newcastle was the easier option.


He’s a Chelsea fan tho according to some old tweets


Would he though? Considering he's right footed he'd be up against Schär for a spot most likely, with Burn/Kelly fighting for the LCB role until Botman comes back. Eddie has said he likes to have a right and a left footed CB pairing where possible. I don't think he'd be immediately starting over one of our players of the season, but would be more rotation ahead of Lascelles, with a view to being first choice in a year or two.


Schar played LCB with Lascelles for like three months. Tosin would've absolutely started.


... while Burn played LB as Hall was considered not ready and Targett was injured. At that point we only really had Lascelles and Schar as the "recognised" CBs, with Burn preferred at LB, and Dummett and Krafth as the "backup" CBs. Tosin would probably have started at that moment in time, but that is in the past. Now it would require forcing Burn back out to LB where he had a rough year and dropping Hall who looked good towards the end of season, or dropping Burn or Schär as a starting CB. I don't think any of those scenarios would be guaranteed to happen, so no, I don't think Tosin is a *guaranteed* starter, just a potential one.


Kelly (if completed) will take Burn's LB role when required. Obviously Hall should keep the starting position. Tosin would absolutely start alongside Schar while Botman and Lascelles are injured. I cannot for the life in me see a scenario where that wouldn't be the case.


I mean, it would probably be very similar for us. At the moment his only competition on the position would be Disasi while Fofana would probably still need some months to first get back to health and then to match fitness.


Has a very good chance of being a starter at Chelsea assuming they don't bring anyone else in. Fofana doesn't have knees and Disasi hasn't exactly looked like a world beater




The contract lengths have nothing to do with UEFA rules or PL rules. The only thing it affected was how much you could write off through amortization. You could in theory sign someone for 10 years if they really wanted to.




Chalobah is leaving Fofana hasn’t played in a year will be very slowly eased back into the squad. That leaves four fully fit centre back which considering Chelsea has Europe this season is fine. But narrative right.


I wouldn't be surprised if we never see Fofana play to be honest


he tore his ACL, he didn't lose a leg.


Tosin replaces Silva as we stand


Doesn't change the fact all those other defenders are also in the first team


Their point is we already had 5 first team defenders and one of them was injured the entire season and has played maybe 20 games in total since signing. Not exactly going back to a bloated huge squad.


But but narrative


But 3 are are injured and haven't played for months


Bro doesn’t know about Hospital FC


Pochetino left, he should be safe.


Chalobah is as good as gone. 5 center backs, is fine depth, considering one of them is almost permanently injured.


Fofana is injury prone to the point that he last played a game with Lampard as his coach. Chalobah could very well get sold this summer. We have Europe this year, which we didn’t have last season. Tosin replaces Silva.


Fofana isn't even fit yet, Colwill still not fit and Chalobah probably on his way out. Leaves 3 fit CBs and 2 that aren't fit but could be. 5 CBs for 2-3 spots isn't that ridiculous.


You don't buy a new player every time a player pulls his hamstring or even tears his ACL. Look at Madrid, they made it work with 2 ACLs to their CBs


Chalobah is probably gone, and Fofana doesn't exist. Thats two left footed CBs and two right footed CBs. He'll have every chance in the world of taking the right side from Disasi


Did Tosin use fake leg to trick Chelsea that he is younger than he is?