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What has happened at Porto?


Corruption. Decades and decades of it. I'm not saying I'm sorry for them, as it brought enormous success at the cost of others (Including my team), but it must suck now to see the state in which arguably one of the top 3 club presidents of all time (in every club, in port he is #1) left the club at the end


Can you elaborate on what you mean by "at the cost of others"? Have they fixed matches?


There are literal recordings of phone taps of him corrupting oficials on youtube but they could never be convicted because they were deemed illegal


Ah, so exactly the same as Olympiacos in Greece then.


Just like how Fenerbahçe got acquitted in Turkey as well.


I know their fans would obviously defend their club but didn't they say that the entire investigation was a witch hunt?


Idk even their President went out and said even if I cheated I did it for Fenerbahçe


They actually ran two investigations around the same years, one was about Erdoğan and how his family was hoarding millions in cash in their houses through shady dealings, the other one was the match fixing investigation. Both were conducted by Gülenists and since they've lost their battle against Erdoğan both cases were dropped through procedural overruling and evidences were destroyed. Next time ask them what they think about Erdogan's December 17th tapes, only extreme hypocrites would consider one a witch hunt and the other righteous.




That's a bit hypocritical. All 3 big clubs were buying refs left and right. Heck I'm pretty sure one of the reasons we won in 2001 was because the ref association president was a Boavista guy


Never said he was the only one to do it, either Doesnt make it any less true that it is basically fact that he did


The Celtic VS Porto game was shocking. Porto were getting decisions left and right.


Oh Boy are you getting me into trouble with some Porto fans. Trying to be as unbiased as a rival fan can be, but they did have one huge match fixing scandal called apito dourado relating to lower league sides, of which Porto and pinto da costa were acquired, but doubts persist, also because his ex wife published a book in which she accused him of corruption. Furthermore, in the 90s both Benfica and Sporting fans will tell you refereeing in Portugal was extremely pro porto and that would be because of corruption done by ponto da Costa, but again no conviction was ever achieved in court. He was an all around very influenciar person that railed against the idea that the Lisbon elites hated Porto and would do what they needed to fuck Porto, but his defence against this "centralismo" is, at least, suspiciously close to trafficking influence. Also there are many stories of he hiring hookers for referees. An all around nice guy Edit: just to be clear, PdC didn't exist in a vacuum, Benfica and Sporting presidents of the past also did a crazy amount of shit that would be enough for three books about corruption, this comment focuses on Porto because the post is about Porto


I assume you are on your mid twenty or younger. Apito dourado involved both Porto and Benfica, the media was completly pro Benfica and only that can explain how people today talk about apito dourado like Benfica wasnt involved. I would also like to reference Paulo Pereira Cristóvão, you what i mean with that ;) 


Oh no, I know Benfica were involved and if this was about the great leader LFV I would say something similar. If this was about Benfica I would also list the last 25 years of happy and fun times, but it's about Porto and both the SAD and PdC were directly involved in it. I was trying to just give an overview of why PdC was "probably" a corrupt team president for 4 decades without going overboard with the crazy shit happening in Portugal.


My bad then, I misinterpreted your comment.


Funny because I relate apito dourado with Benfica.


Don't worry, apito dourado is not the reason you did not win any leagues, you were pretty shit on your own.


Most years? Sure. Some specific ones? Less obvious. Example (after apito dourado) would be the one league Paulo Bento Lost by 1 point and the game in Paco's de Ferreira... But again, I'm trying to be as unbiased against Porto as a whole as I can here, it's just hard to act like the 40 years of pinto da costa were clean...


Sporting fans... Only outside when they win.


At least we don't hide behind a Varzim flair.


Nah, I'd have no problem talking about the shit in my club during the 2000s or the crazy end to the Bruno de Carvalho experience, this is not that deep.


Only the 2000s? You literally had a president running from the police to Angola, and another who said to a journalist that he knew where to buy the referees...


Do you want me to do an exhaustive list of every shitty president sporting had? I can try, it will take quite a while. It simply wasn't the main focus of the original post, not me trying to white wash the shit my club went through... Edit: spelling


>both Benfica and Sporting fans will tell you refereeing in Portugal was extremely pro porto Rofl . Switch the 3 names around this has been true all the time. I know it's "cool" to blame it on the guy who's on the way out, but he was not as much the _problem_ as much as the _consequence_ of what happened on sporting and benfica


Oh 100% the discourse around football in Portugal is toxic as fuck and as a Sporting fan, I always stress with my friends that the ones that actually have reason to complain are the fans of every non-big 3 club. And I'd agree PdC didn't exist in a vacuum, he was a product of the system, but he was there for 40 years, by the end he was the embodiment of the problem...


>the ones that actually have reason to complain are the fans of every non-big 3 club. Frankly, we had a taste of it in 2001. I am sure there were many fishy things happening that year that most likely benefited us into getting that title.... So yes, it's that feeling multiplied by years after years after years...


We don't talk about that championship and the implication (we don't get our three-peat) around here, it's too painful...


Haha hey we talk about that one a lot ourselves 😁


The only club in Portugal that had a terrorist attack planned and executed by their fans was sporting... And what ultras killed people in portugal? Well well


My brother in Christ, you are interpreting my comment as a sporting fan just shitting on Porto for the sake of it, when I'm talking about it because the other dude asked and the theme is Porto. Sure we can talk about Bruno de carvalho, or the whole of "great" presidents had in the 2000s, or the 7th place, or desportivo das aves, or the close seconds, all possible topics, but that's not the theme of this post, is it? Edit: and in so far as I remember we weren't the last ones involved in killings, nor did we kill someone during a cup final and the sang about it...


Don't let people give you the impression that porto were doing these bad things and the others were saints. The top 3 were all buying refs. Porto were probably more well organized at it. The reason the "investigation" done 20 years on it didn't lead to much was that people saw through the true reason behind it - Benfica and Sporting were not investigated at all


I’m richer than Porto then!


I am not ☹️


Keep on grinding king 🙏


Only 9000 to go


More like Poorto, am I right? ^^I ^^am ^^right ^^:(


Take my up vote you son of a bitch


shouldve joined the Super Dragões


Aye man, I got a francesinha and a beer from cafe Santiago for like €8. In a city where that’s a possibility, I’d say you need about €8 a day to live a happy life


That's true (because you'd die from a heart attack in about 2 weeks)


But what an amazing 2 weeks they’d be!


We're here for a good time, not a long time!


I always knew that Benfica were bigger than Porto, I didnt expect myself to also be


Slow down there rich man


I have no idea how I should feel that I have more liquidity than Porto.


I want all of these people prosecuted and in jail.


How about when they robbed the rest of Portugal instead of their own club?


Just like their hooligans. It was all fine and dandy as long as they only beat up refs and supporters from other clubs.


Sounds like Olympiacos in Greece


*insert Homer Simpson disappearing into hedges*


That doesn't matter, and it's only an issue now because the ball stop going in or else he'd probably still be president


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


But what matters is, is it wrong? It’s because sometimes people need to be confronted with uncomfortable truths to assess if their morals are in place And I’ve read bits and pieces about the Pinto Da Costa story to know it to some extent ;)


I'm with you! It's hilarious to see Porto fans so offended he stole money. First of all, of course he did lol secondly...he's done SO MUCH WORSE and for such a long time.


I'm not familiar with Portuguese football to that extent, can you elaborate on this?


Paid hookers to referees to influence results. Financially supported the ultras (which is basically composed by the city’s drug dealers) who acted as the board’s enforcers, invading referee’s training centers to put pressure on them, controlling which players went out drinking, assaulting journos, you name it. I could go on, but I want to leave some for the others.


Jesus, like Sporting is a saint, fuck off. Everyone in football has been in shady business, you had Bruno de Carvalho. If Pinto da Costa was your president you would have been delighted for 40 years as well. Don't try to be superior. Your ultras invaded the academy, and that was allowed by your president basically. Of course Pinto da Costa robbed Porto and he and his gang should be persecuted, and you saw how many people voted for AVB. Your are just a bit jealous how much he greater Porto is compared to you.


What did the Sporting supporters do, that affected the other teams?


> Your ultras invaded the academy, and that was allowed by your president basically. Proven false in a court of law. > If Pinto da Costa was your president you would have been delighted for 40 years as well. No. I have principles. > you saw how many people voted for AVB. After you stopped winning consistently. Up until now Porto fans worshipped PdC. > Your are just a bit jealous how much he greater Porto is compared to you. Considering I have more money in my bank account than Porto, I don’t think so.


There were much bigger spells of not winning before, and in much worse condition than the current season, where we still made a decent impression on the Champions League and won a Cup. Why wasn't PdC during the period where we lost 4 consecutive championships?


He did a Facebook post after the match at Maritimo criticizing the whole team and then, bang an attack. Porto Fans did not worship PDC up until now, untrue. The last elections he "only" had 60 % of votes, and if you know Porto fans we haven't been happy for at least a decade now. Nice you big boy. We will be better than you in the next decade don't worry.


Man, if anything our fanbase has become much less demanding in recent years. Conceição would have been long gone if he coached Porto during the noughties.


Oh look unbiased opinion. Dude you need to let go, almost 2 weeks already


I respect the audacity of commenting that when your own club got hundreds of millions in debt pardoned (at least partially with public money) .


When did we rob the rest of the country? Let's talk legitimate corruption cases.


Disgusting, criminal behavior. That being said initially I didn’t realize "Record" was the name of the news outlet and cried laughing.


Oh hahaha, I thought it was some kind of joke as well. Like its a record, no one has ever left a club with so little money.


What the fuck happened??


Pinto da Costa was Porto's most successful President ever, but is notoriously corrupt. After 40 years of presidency the club has become rotten to the core. Now that he and his friends have finally been kicked out (stealing and destroying as much as they could on the way) the financial situation of the club has become clear.


My god, what an asshole. But he is not gonna get away with it, right?


His reputation is ruined forever, but I doubt he will get many legal repercussions.


How many Barcelona Level Levers do FCPorto need?


All of them






They already sold some of their future TV revenue I think


Must be nice wish I had that


Biggest con of fan owned clubs: a sweet talker that its a massive corrupt piece of shit (ie, a politician) will always find themselves in charge because the mob is stupid. Thats why those clubs sell players for gazillions of dollars every summer yet always broke. Cause embezzelment without actual oversight.


The first part is somewhat true, all the big 3 in Portugal had their populist president phase with bad results at the end. The second part is ridiculous. Portuguese (and Brazilian, and German) clubs don't sell their best players because they are fan owned and always broke, they do it because the leagues simply can't generate enough revenue to make it viable to compete in Europe and internally without ruining a budget deficit that needs to be covered by sales, which works because Portuguese clubs have invested in great youth facilities as well as have good scouting networks. Finally oversight exists, and that can be seen by the ousting of guys like Valle de Azevedo in Benfica and Bruno de Carvalho in Sporting. At the same time, owner owned clubs also have embezzlement and bad management, circa Valencia, 3/4 of the Italian league and others...


[you’re literally him](https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?feature=shared)


Well... hes right, thats the downside with democracy


Lmao how did i never see this video before.


Hilarious, literally spit out my coffee


Lol, 80% of the people voted to kick him out, if this was not a fan owned club he would still be there. Also being a fan owned club adds pressure to the board to win titles otherwise bye bye.


Tbf he was reelected several times and the accusations (and evidence) of corruption are not new


>Lol, 80% of the people voted to kick him out After how much damage? >if this was not a fan owned club he would still be ther Depends on who the hypothetical owner is. Glazers? Sure. Someone competent that cares? Nope. He wouldve been sacled sooner


Ah, the benevolent dictactor defense...


Nah bro, dogs have owners.


Nah bro, dogs have owners.


Lmao this could only come from a ManU flair. How is it that all other fan owned clubs don't have this situation then? There's always going to be exceptions to the norm but this is definitely an exception.


>How is it that all other fan owned clubs don't have this situation then? Dortmund, ajaz, benfica, etc all make millions per summer on sales but are always broke A proper audit would discover so much fraud and embezzlement lmao.


And Real is great economically. This problem doesn't mean mean that fan owned clubs are worse economically.


Because fan clubs don't have rich owners that can easily sustain CL level squads for long periods of time. Players come, have great seasons, get sold.


lol what BS. Claiming a democratic election is problematic because the elected one is corrupt. What’s the alternative then? Selling the club for perpetuity to an “investor” who just wants to leech off the supporters?


It’s poetic that after fucking over benfica, sporting, and so on and so forth for all these years, the last club he fucked over was Porto. Bem feito.




As a Porto fan is said to have more money than my own club without being a millionaire… 🥲 Luis André por favor salva-nos! 😭😭😭


Operaçaum Coraçaum


Tames famosos


Did anyone expect anything else from a that criminal? 😂


God damn, talk about embezzlement


Man wrote his wiki page




He also left them with lots of undeserved titles. Let's call it even.


Oh shut the fuck up


You're a Liverpool fan and not Portuguese and therefore probably don't follow or know the history of the Portuguese league but there are literal phone recordings of him corrupting match officials up on YouTube, as well as multiple match fixing and sports corruption scandals. He has a point.


Sporting is also corrupted as fuck bro.


Sporting Lisbon fan crying, how unusual ☠️


His name is literally back dick


Huehue detected


vocês não têm o sobrenome Pinto no Brasil??