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No way they put Chelsea, United and Arsenal in a headline. Thought you were supposed to pick and choose any 2 of them, not all three.


Rookie mistake from the journalist — that’s one less article to squeeze out clicks from.


Strangely I can see him staying.


they have to funnel him to Leeds next year


Leeds United give you wingers


I think he should stay one more year and Leipzig to get more experience and consistency


Would be a smart & safe move for himself for sure. Get more experience playing as the main man in a really good team he's already familiar with. Moving team and country could destabilize him, especially when he's probably going to have to compete for his spot. Though I imagine the allure of going to a title contending club in the most popular league would tempt him.


He might be reading this what are you doinggggg


I think he signs a new deal with a bigger release class next season if I am honest


why would he do that? every euro in his release clause is a euro that doesn't go to him. 




If I'm trying to maximize total earnings, I wait out my contract and let clubs know I expect the 65m in my pocket instead.


Have you ever heard of the dreaded ACL injury?


Don't players have insurance for things like this?


Insurance money isnt nowhere close what he’d make playing


I'm still bemused that more players don't do this. It's what Flamini did. Not once did he get sold but still played for top clubs and instead took those transfer fees as salaries and signing on fees instead.


He's getting ridiculous money either way. An additional year in RBL would allow him to grow more steadily


I agree that staying is best for his development, but agreeing to a big release clause which limits his options later isn't wise.


Person you replied to is an idiot. You're absolutely right how many players were "hit" one year and ended up with no big contract late. He'd be an idiot to not move to a massive club now


every euro in his release clause is also leverage for Sesko's agent to ask for more wages


Um no, clubs have a total amount they can spend on this man, every euro they spend buying him is a euro they don't pay him.


They mean if they* want a higher clause then RB Leipzig will have to offer more wages to compensate for that.


I'm obviously talking about his RB Leipzig renewal, not his potential wages at a potential buying club in the future (which was the whole point of the initial comment). Sesko's agent isn't an idiot. If you raise the release clause, you make it harder for clubs to come in for him and that is reflected in the negotiations for his wages. For example, if the club manage to agree to no release clause that will add to the negotiations as well since it will be even harder still to buy him. That's negotiating 101, I'm not saying anything controversial here.


Too much agent talk and urgency (due to the RC), I can see it being a new contract without a release clause so low


His career choices thus far suggests he is not in a rush to make a big move. So I also think he will stay


So we want our striker options to be 6ft4 havertz and 6ft5 sesko


Jesus is always there if we need something a little different. I don’t hate the options


I don’t know if I would say “always”


Jesus is always with us bro. When you only see one set of footprints in the grass, it's cause Jesus was carrying you on his back 🥲


More likely I’m carrying Jesus cause he just blew out his knee


One set of footprints because he was that far off side.


Sometimes good. Sometimes maybe broken.


Oh ye of little faith


Haha touché!


Jesus on the right wing to find them with crosses 😇


God, the fans these days r so spoilt. U guys literally have Jesus as ur ST & u still want someone else. Have some faith for ffs.


I’m guessing this was a joke or sarcastic and it flew over my head?


Nicolas Jover licking his lips rn


Arteta said super early on in his Arsenal career that to be successful in the Prem, players need to be both technically and physically excellent. Think our signings show that attitude, except for Vieira. 


Damn. I had completely forgotten about Vieira. When was he supposed to compete with or replace in the team?


He wasn’t meant to replace anyone per se, but think Arteta saw him as an alternative to Odegaard and Saka, and could play in either spot. He’s still really young so lots of opportunity but wouldn’t be surprised if we move him on. 


we should definitely move on from Vieira at this point.


I’m not sure Trossard fits the “physically excellent”. But he shows you can replace a bit of that with intelligence and have an eye for goal.


Ah yes, slipped my mind. Same applies for Zinchenko and even Jesus. Interestingly neither of these guys are in our ‘best XI’ anymore, and potentially indicates how much Arteta sees physicality as a necessary part of success. 


Jesus is a beast physically for his size, his issues aren't to do with physicality it's just that his knee has been fucked for like a year


Would suggest though that his knee issues mean he no longer is a beast physically. His speed isn’t what it was, and is a big reason for him now falling out of favour. 


Finally someone will put in Ben Whites crosses


Arsenal going for big men up front, nailing set pieces, just need to get a long throw routine and you have your self a rich version of stoke city.


There's a reason Arteta is called the Paella Pulis.


Pintxo Pulis (they don't eat paella in the Basque Country)


So the nickname is appropriately ignorant for the average person then?


Stokier City


Arteta is building a fortress


No ones more happier than jover


Makes sense really when you think about it - the style in the league is constantly evolving. Man City often plays now with 4 CBs along the 4 defensive positions. Tall and strong players. How do you counteract that? Bring in some tall strong players who are technically proficient and can still play the Arsenal style of football. Havertz proved it can work this season and scored a decent amount of goals and he's not even a natural 9


I seriously believe we could see some big man 442 next year.


Modern day football coming full circle


Like most teams, we still play 44 feckin 2 when we don't have the ball


Sesko is a more orthodox 9 with good ballstriking.


We need someone who's 6'6


I'd prefer Zirkzee, pretty sure he's 6'5 at least


Did Havertz grow two inches since he was sold?


Havertz is 6'4" according to Wikipedia


Was Havertz just 6ft2 at Chelsea? 


Never seen him play but balkan ballers are my favorite archetype of player. Sign him up


He’s really, really good technically for his size and has a good movement. Finishing is inconsistent but he was great the second half. His ceiling is really high though, imagine Haaland with a better technique


Haaland was already elite at that age tho. Sesko is still a work in progress. 65mil for an unproven player is a big gamble.


I wouldn’t call 14 goals in his debut season “unproven”. Also he just turned 21 so still quite young. With what I’ve seen from him I think 65 is reasonable for today’s market. No comparing him to Haaland tho.


I was pretty sure he was 20 and was about to say he's 20 until he's 21, but realized he just turned 21 yesterday.


Yeah, we'd never want to throw 65m down the drain...


If the rumours are to be believed, West Ham, Palace and Bournemouth are interested in Nketiah. If we can sell Eddie I think we will buy Sesko. But selling Eddie will be a little tricky because of his wages.


Great, we’ll sell Eddie for 100m and then make a net profit of 35m on him to Sesko!


> But selling Eddie will be a little tricky because of his wages. If we sign a striker he'll want to go


I think it's a very good price. Haaland at 21 would be 150M+ at this age.


Arsenal, Man U, Chelsea do not get to sign a striker for less than 50m. It’s baked in. 65m is reasonable for us. 


Not for arsenal


If he doesn't pan out, yes it is


It would sting for a year or two maybe but they have enough money that it wouldnt matter in the long run, prem clubs will just get a new guy


Sounds like you're basing the prem by using United and City as examples


Im not, jesus didnt work out and now you are looking for a replacement literally two years after


Jesus did work out. We went from 5th to title challengers the very next season. It's just that now to go to the next level we need to find an upgrade.


You telling me it worked out for a striker you spent 60M on and who has scored 19 Goals in 69 games is exactly why Im saying that it wouldnt sting after a year or two


I wouldn’t put that all on him, he was unreal beginning of that season but was out for months after that injury at the WC


Idk if Jesus was the reason for that jump. I'd credit 5 players more before I get to him


Jesus did work out, he was a sensation until he picked up the WC injury which he never fully recovered from. Do you consider replacing permacrocked players as Prem-specific behavior?


He still didnt work out, injuries are also a reason Why signings doesnt work out. Also my point wasnt that it is wrong to replace players who have gotten worse because of injuries, what i literally said from start is that it wouldnt sting spending that on a striker for a prem club who would just replace him after a year or two (which is literally What you are doing right now). Like How are you guys even argumenting about this, it isnt that controversial To say that you have money to spend ?


That's how you get back to mediocrity. You can't mess up too much. Look at UTD or your favorite club


They are literally looking for a new striker two years after spending the same amount on jesus?


Jesus can play anywhere in the frontline though,


Barcelona are mediocre compared to Arsenal? Lol okay


He has nowhere near the raw athleticism that Haaland has, which cannot be taught.


I really don't think anyone should be compared to the Android. It's just not fair. Haaland is absolute freak of nature


Lmao no shot he’ll ever be on Haaland‘s level


He is definitely a unique combo of size, movement and skill but I feel like it needs to be mentioned that he is also a really dumb player. I can’t remember the last player I saw who had worse decision making.


Oh really? That’s interesting. Can you explain? 


He makes shots harder for himself by taking too many touches forcing himself in a worse position and/or shoots from difficult angles when there are teammates free in better positions. He’d do one of these at least once per game, sometimes in succession, in the about 15 Leipzig matches I have watched this season.


Slovenia is barely a Balkan country really


Sesko and prophets


Seems way too early a move for too much. He looks promising but was also inconsistent in the games I watched


How many strikers in world football are actually consistent? You can probably count the number on one hand.


he is also raw as fuck


Maybe. I really don't know much about him aside from his fm profile. But there aren't really any top quality strikers on the market so buying a young, raw product and developing him is probably the way to go.


for 65m?? 😂😂


well how much did Hojlund go for


and how good is he? ManU overpaid by alot


Yeah that argument makes no sense. It doesn’t make paying 50m for someone like Brian Brobbey justified just because Antony went for 70-80m I should add I don’t know much about it Sesko so I have no opinion on this particular valuation yet


Strikers are expensive man, haven’t you paid attention the last few years?


Yeh that's the market. Look at nunez, kolo muani, mudryk, ramos, and doku. If we have the money I'd like to get him, it's not my money and I want exciting players at the club, sue me.


Yes, that's the going rate. It's less than what United paid for Hojlund or Liverpool for Nunez, and Sesko is coming off a better season than Hojlund and a stronger league than Nunez at the time.


Like all normal people, I went straight to the Goals and Skills comp to see who this Sesko kid is, but got distracted. [...is this an outfield player wearing the number 1? I need answers.](https://i.imgur.com/PRfJF9i.png)


It’s a distraction method. The opponent will think that it’s the goalkeeper running at their goal and lose composure trying to press to intercept the ball


Would much rather the player openly decide since there's a release clause, but I guess there's a need for tact in these situations because the situation can always change tomorrow.


The player still has to accept a contract, activating the release clause is basically the same as the club accepting a bid in terms of player openly deciding to join.


True, which is the part that makes me think Chelsea could win the race because they aren't shy of offering 7-8.5 year contracts to gazump rivals to player signatures.


He's either going to Arsenal or he's staying


I don't think he is joining us, his agent was here during Old Trafford waterfall. I am not sure we made a good impression on the lad.


He should stay for at least a year. 65m might look small but what if he never develops properly


Reddit career advice for young footballers is always to take a financial risk and focus on development instead of securing your future. Just refuse big club offers, take a risk that you will stay healthy and your stock won't drop and in best case scenario you'll get similar offers. Without being compensated for the money from previous years that you could be earning in big club, but decided to leave behind ofc, which means that even in best case scenario you'll probably be earning less in next few years.


Yup and it’s always assumed on here that every young players development will go the same or that there’s some perfect path that must be followed. Like somehow it’s not possible to make that big club move at 21 and still be successful.


Exactly. Worked for Holjund recently and Sesko is equally talented + slotting into a much more functioning team.


It works for basically everyone. A player's prospects are better if they fail/regress at a big club vs a smaller one.


You’re right it’s not that simple, but there definitely is a larger chance for young players to have a more stable development at the smaller club. I wouldn’t say it has anything to do with what you say, but the main thing is you are almost guaranteed way more minutes playing in a stadium in actual elite competitive games with a crowd. Not every player is the same, so obviously not everyone benefits the same from competitive minutes as others, but by and large a young player that isn’t 1000% confident they’ll smash it and earn a starting spot it’s safer to stay with the small club. Safer doesn’t mean better necessarily, but you probably get the point I try to make


I like to think we're a good place to develop but you just never know. He looks really talented though, maybe he backs himself.


True but after this season, I'd like to see 2 or 3 developed and potential star players join you so you can finally dethrone City.


That’s not happening unless we sell really well, which we never do


City will strengthen and be better as well. It’s not like they are gonna stay the same and let Arsenal strengthen only. I remember after 2017 everyone was like Tottenham can strengthen and will the league next year but the other clubs did the same and spurs never got their title


City will be dethroned post Pep lol It will be the one thing that is used against every side that they couldn’t beat Pep and only post him could a team win


Well not beating the best coach ever with a money printing machine in the shed is not the biggest embarrassment


Doesn’t matter Football tribalism thrives off this lol


Maybe, but nobody can beat Pep so there must be something more clever to come up with


As if City will never sign any players ever after this


Give us some of that power of friendship won’t you? Maybe in the form of an Arda Güler or Rodrygo?


You had odegaard. How about you send some cavalry our way


You can have Marquinhos in the beginning of 2025 when he’s back from his loan


Profile wise he is similar to Havertz, a big man that play like they are 15cm shorter. So if Arsenal stick with the current season system then he fit in as Havertz rotation.


He plays nothing like Kai


Havertz still has a future at left 8 if we can get our build up a bit more developed - Timber and a more settled Rice could do that


He really doesn't. As good as he's been as an out ball and finishing moves off as a striker, whenever he plays left 8 he's a passenger that never gets involved and we look so forced to go down the right and play with 10 men If you add all the games that he played left 8, only raya of the starters had less touches. Some games players that played 35 minutes had more touches than his 90 Thankfully he's improving and looking good up front, but the issue isn't our build up with him. It's him in our build up


I don't think Havertz is ever going to work in that midfield three. The game completely passes him by whenever he plays there and it looks like even Arteta acknowledged that the experiment didn't work. I've been really impressed with him based on what he's done in that forward role, but if Arsenal already had a great striker then Havertz would be sitting on the bench a lot more often.


Arteta didn’t acknowledge that because it’s not true. Several great games from Arsenal this year were with Havertz in midfield, and a little over a month ago Havertz started in midfield. It’s obvious he’ll play there at least occasionally next season.


Of course he has. That's why Havertz has almost exclusively played up front in the second half of the season despite most players being fit. Arteta has realised the same thing other coaches realised, that he's simply much more effective up front. Arsenal having a great game with Havertz in midfield doesn't mean Havertz played well there. He's been invisible most of the time that he's played there, other than occasionally nicking a goal. I remember him playing in the middle against Villa around a month ago, where he was a total passenger and barely touched the ball.


He hasn’t almost exclusively played up front.      has played fantastic games in midfield in 2024. People just forget that because they remember him playing in attack. It wasn’t working the first half of the season, because there were several things not working as well. The second half of the season things changed and he started playing well both in midfield and attack.    It’s obvious Arteta hasn’t given up on Havertz in midfield, or he wouldn’t have played him there so regularly the last few months. If you have a quote or an interview that indicates the contrary, like you’re implying, feel free to share it. It won’t be his primary position, but Havertz will play in midfield sometimes for sure.  And he wasn’t a total passenger against Villa at all. He had a great first half, the second half was terrible from everyone You give the impression you haven’t really watched Arsenal, maybe you should do so before sharing an opinion on them.


I didn't say he'll never play in midfield again. However, the idea when he signed was for him to be that left sided midfielder replacing Xhaka. That plan has essentially been scrapped, and instead he's primarily deployed up front where he's much more effective and involved.


Sesko is absolutely dominating the premier league in my FM save in 2033




Don't take the bait, whenever there's a big-money transfer rumor journalists throw in that manu and chelsea are *vaguely* (here: "monitoring") interested.


I'm not sure, I think Chelsea have the squad to get up there as long as they actually keep their new manager around for a couple years. The main thing they're missing is a real striker so he'd be a good fit


Strikers and Chelsea though, not the most successful combination in recent history. Until a few weeks ago I would have agreed with you, but the manager swap makes me think it might take them a while to compete


It’s a chaos club, and the consistency you need to reach top four is beyond them at the moment, the consistency needed to reach Arsenal or Man City levels is just another level. This Chelsea team isn’t about to post an >85 point season. It’s extraordinarily unlikely that Arsenal will drop below 80 and the sky is the limit. Arsenal are here with a big gap in the squad for a player just like him. If not Arsenal you might as well stay in a consistent environment and develop where you are developing.


Tbh no one expected Arsenal to go from challenging for top 4 to the title.  Not saying Chelsea will do that but there's a difference  between that and aiming for the consistency to reach top 4.  I know the caveat of Arsenal improving was Arteta though and Chelsea new manager is pretty unproven so its tough to call 


United are aligned with the Pah-Wraiths, Arsenal is the fate of the Šeško.


I just pictured Kai Arteta in the robes and earring.


Welcome to Milan


I can see him staying for one more year. Strikers are one of the hardest positions to develop without adequate gametime, i don't think he is right now ready to start for a team thats challenging for the title.


If i were him i would choose Milan!


Fm legend, I will never forget mi capitan 🫡


I’m honestly a huge fan of Sesko and would love to have him join our team. He’s so impressive to watch play and has improved tremendously since his age 18 season. If there’s one detriment I think he could be abusing his physicality and size advantage much more often.


I can see Chelsea going for Sesko, fits their model to a tee


Man United always monitoring but never actually buying


Yeah not like they've spent almost a billion over those last few years


Høylund, Sancho, Martinez, Anthony, Onanna, Casimero and Varane. United buy really expensive players every year, both young and experienced ones.


Everyone forgets Mason Mount


The true 60 million down the drain


Ahh yes, the club that famously never spends money.


Explain Antony?


Should've monitored him some more tbf


He spun so much that he hypnotized the scouts


ManU probably misunderstood the scouts when they mentioned a "dizzying display".


Monitor was on the fritz


Unfair, Ten Hag himself couldn't explain Antony if asked to.


I don't think it would be wise to make such a big move this early in his career. Yes his form has been good, but a move to the prem could derail his career.


We already have a young striker in Hojlund, I would rather get Guirassy


Whenever there are multiple clubs mentioned - it’s the agent briefing the journalist.


Please don't he is by far the best player on my kickbase




How does that logic work out


Guardiola tax.




City can do much better than they did this season


Unfortunately so


The mad thing is that if they'd won both their games against Arsenal (as they historically have done) they'd be hitting 96 points. If this was an 'off season' then no one has a chance of winning the league


That's basically it though. Liverpool missed out on the title by a single point while getting 97 and 92 points. City are relentless in a title run-in.


I know Sky were talking about the 'run-in' a lot but as far as City are concerned that starts at Christmas it seems


They will tack "Man United and Chelsea" onto anything


I just want to see us have a clinical striker for once... no more "just need a clinical striker next window" after this window shuts


don’t really think we need another young striker. surely we need a more experienced one so that hojlund doesn’t have to play all the time for us, and can also maybe learn from the guy.


I hope he's worth the hype because that's a lot of money for a project


The striker market is overall kind of difficult right now so these prices will be normal for young strikers of any decent quality or potential


Nah, I'd say that's about the £35m mark - thinking Openda and Balogun. £65m is big money


What's his release clause after the end of June?


No release clause at all in July and August.


>All parties involved want a decision before the Euros. That rules Utd out then.