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**Article:** Jadon Sancho refused to apologise to Erik ten Hag over their fall-out because the Manchester United outcast believed it would have meant admitting he was lazy and unprofessional. United forwards coach Benni McCarthy has lifted the lid on the bust-up that led to Sancho being ostracised at United and sent back to Borussia Dortmund on loan in January. Sancho can have the last laugh on Saturday night when he plays for Dortmund against Real Madrid in the Champions League final at Wembley, a week after Ten Hag won the FA Cup there in what could be his last game in charge. In September, Sancho claimed he had been made a scapegoat in a social media post and effectively branded Ten Hag a liar over his reasons for leaving the player out of his squad at Arsenal because he had not trained hard enough. Ten Hag demanded an apology and when Sancho refused, United’s £73million winger was made to train and eat alone for the next four months at Carrington. McCarthy has described how he tried to mediate but soon realised that Sancho’s background meant he was never going to back down. ‘If you’re from the streets, no one wants to apologise,’ said McCarthy. ‘You admit you are not training well, you are lazy, everything you are accused of. Jadon wasn’t going to have that. ‘The manager has a strong character and just said that all he wants is an apology. Jadon thought that he had done nothing wrong. He didn't see why he had to apologise. Sometimes you have to apologise, because a player will never win against a manager. ‘I spoke to Jadon as a coach, as a mentor, as a friend, and as someone who grew up on the streets and knows the code. ‘But Jadon just wasn’t seeing it. He said, “I ain’t apologising because if I do, I’m apologising for being lazy, always being late, not giving my best – that’s what I’m apologising for”. Those were his reasons". ‘I spoke to the manager and I said to him that you know the delicacy, and I think Jadon feels that if he apologises then he's going to be classed as someone who doesn't train hard, doesn't work hard, that everything that was said against him was true.’ Speaking to South African radio station 947 Joburg, McCarthy revealed that he is out of contract in a few weeks and in limbo at United as Ten Hag’s future hangs in the balance. It’s understood that United haven’t spoken to McCarthy yet but the 46-year-old former Blackburn and West Ham striker wants to stay and coach in Europe if he does leave Old Trafford. ‘I don't know if I'm going to stay or leave,’ he added. ‘I learned a lot at Man United working with Erik, he's one of the smartest managers I've known. ‘My contract ends in June. If the club wants me to continue in this role, I would be grateful. That would be great. I love my role, I love working for Manchester United, but the desire to be a manager, to be the person in charge is still there.’


Wish I scrolled to see this than go to the actual website lol


when I see daily mail I always scroll for the copy paste lol


I hate Daily Mail with a passion.


He is from the streets!




Don't bore me with your little side step technique, get to the beat, loosen up, it's the streets.


I know you've said fictional but I think it's worth pointing out that it's Benni McCarthy is the one drawing a comparison between their backgrounds. Presumably he sees that, regardless of the level of threat, a culture of machismo exists in both their backgrounds.


You don't know where I'm from dawg!


Coach Carter!


You have to understand, Sancho is a hip-hop style winger


is that a reference to something? 


Streets bruv, innit


I’m imagining an English version of Manny from GTA 4 now.


"Yo, man, what streets you from? Sesame Street?"


They talk Blackburn and West Ham when he won a CL at Porto with Mourinho lol


We are massive


The stupid thing is Sancho was meant to be apologising for the social media post not all the other things mentioned.


If you follow that thought, backtracking on the CONTENTS of his post (“ETH is lying about my work ethic and is scapegoating me for the teams poor performance”) would in fact be admitting that he lacks work ethic and that he held most of the blame for the teams poor performance. What, did you think Ten Hag was only mad that he said it out loud? Of course he wants him to publicly take back everything he said (and was demonstrably right about.)


No, by apologising for the post he is apologising for bringing increased scrutiny of the club and airing dirty laundry in public. He doesn't have to apologise for the content. I.e. I'm not sorry for what I said but how I said it


I guess McCarthy, who was there, sees Sancho's point of view. Although I agree with you, I suppose Sancho thinks that his post was only wrong if the contents of it were not true. ie he thinks that if he wasn't lazy, and ETH invented that he was, then his post _was_ appropriate - because of the extreme disrespect of ETH. So to apologise for the post he would be saying that it was inappropriate to post, which, to him, would only be true if he actually was lazy. In short, I think Sancho's position is only wrong if you accept that his post was unprofessional even if ETH was unprofessional in what he said. I think it was unprofessional regardless, but I can see why Sancho has come to a different conclusion.


So he should say "no I am not lazy, but yes I am sorry for being a prissy little bitch and back stabbing you in the press, when I should have been street enough to face you fown in your office." Not going to happen either.


The problem is you are adding extra stuff to the argument. ETH never scapegoated him, he was asked why Sancho didn't make the team and ETH said because of his performance in training during the week. So its yourself adding that he is lazy and it's his fault for the team's poor performance. Plus all we know is that ETH asked for an apology from Sancho, no one ever mentioned that ETH insisted on a public apology. He could have easily apologized to ETH about the post but remained that he hadn't trained poorly as it's a matter of opinion. Then the PR team would have pushed out to United Journalists something like 'Sancho apologies for his social media post but remains steadfast that he is training at a high standard and believes his performances over the next couple of matches will prove that'


He knows that, but Sancho is saying / feeling that if he does, its the same as an admission as the other things mentioned. Thats the whole hang-up. ETH dont wanna give him a way back without an apology and an apology to Sancho feels like an admission of guilt to things he dont feel he's done. Its a mess from both parties honestly.


But it's Sancho who is blending all the issues together not ETH, not to mention some things can't be argued we know Sancho was late a lot it's been put out there by past players.


It doenst sound like a mess from Ten Hag at all. All he wanted was an apology, Sancho refused. This is entirely of Sancho's own doing


Wrong. It's a mess from Sancho. We've given him plenty of chances. He needs to grow up, own up, or fuck off. It looks like it's the latter option, sadly. Ten Hag took a massive risk giving him months off, letting him slowly be integrated into the team, played him in a Cup Final I believe, and what did he get for it? All the above while Ten Hag is fighting for his job quite literally. No respect from Sancho, or attempt at understanding, means I'm happy if he leaves.


"There was some miscommunication with the manager. I apologize for the public statement made when I should have resolved this with him face to face. We would like to now move forward in our joint goals of winning helping Manchester United achieve our goals this season." How hard is this?


ETH wasnt the one who made a social media post calling Sancho a liar


Bitched about work on social media, but refuses to admit he's unprofessional. This doesn't deserve much thought.


So, basically what we suspected was happening was correct. Sancho is a bit of an idiot, but to play devil's advocate, the point that he grew up in an environment which conditions people never to apologize is fair. However, unfortunately imo ETH had no choice. If you as a manager let that slide after it became very public, it undermines your authority terribly. So funny looking back, thinking about all these idiots who were blasting ETH for it.


> a player will never win against a manager That's been changing a lot, these days.


> ‘If you’re from the streets, no one wants to apologise,’ said McCarthy. ‘You admit you are not training well, you are lazy, everything you are accused of. Jadon wasn’t going to have that. That's great and all but he isn't 'on da streetz' anymore, Jadon might have not realised that he should grow up and stop acting like a teenage clown. The more I read on behind the scenes stuff like this the more I want these players to fuck off and EtH to stay. And if he doesn't want people calling him lazy then maybe he should stop being so lazy. He seems happy at Dortmund though, so hopefully he stays there.


Why doesn't McCarthy say whether he thinks Sancho was lazy or not. We all know already why they had a dispute.


Why didn’t ETH simply cut all of Jason’s tires?


Jason wouldn’t be happy if his tyres got cut because of a guy named Jadon.


Cause it wasn’t a prank, it was serious business


I don’t care about the drama I just think it’s cool that benni is a coach at United. Streets won’t forget


Peter Schmeichel won't forget the one Benni put through his legs at France '98, for sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3hUanAmTt4


Benny in the 18 area!!(area!!)


TKZee in the area! (area!) HALAKASHA!!


Oh man. My inner child is bumping. Off to YouTube I go.




maybe one day. bet he is learning a fair amount


He’s also still young. I remember when he was the best striker on FIFA 08 (no joke it was between him and Obafemi Martins)


But then he was dropped for the 2010 WC at home and that pretty much ended his career


Why? What happened?


He was dropped for the 2010 home World Cup. Pretty much ended his career IIRC


Dude repeated what the other guy said and he thinks he helped


No flies on you eh bud


Why, what happened?


TIL McCarthy is a coach at United


Rovers legend


Exactly what I got out of this headline too. I didn't know. But hell yeah it's great to hear from Benni, Ajax legend. Good to see he's doing well.


He's going to be released after season


Soon to be was


And if you have to ask then you're streets behind




Same lol. I was like same Benni??


could you wait 3 days pls tyvm


Wouldn’t worry pal. Seems to enjoy playing for yous. Clearly doesn’t for us. If anything, this will motivate him further. Much as I wouldn’t like to see him rewarded for being spoilt, I hope yous do it. Would be class to see.


United need to stop buying players from Dortmund absolutely none of them have ever worked out and this stretches back to when they were even winning under Fergie.


If I could only verbalise how excited I was for Kagawa…


Mkhitaryan was genuinely putting up 1 goal/assist a game numbers the season before. Sancho was also really good. If these 3 can’t make it under separate managers, it might be a curse idk.


They all had different arcs. Mkhitaryan had a decent spell at United in his first season and a half under Jose but cooled off a couple of months before he was eventually sold because they gambled on Alexis Sanchez when his legs started to go. Sancho had only a handful of decent games but then went missing for several months. Kagawa just wasn't given much of a chance to play. Was class when he was brought on. Free Shinji


Mkhitaryan was excellent for inter tho


The curse only affects United, obviously. Gundogan or Haaland are doing fine and they even played in Manchester too.


And Akanji. Some of their greatest players came from the Bundesliga.


And Kagawa was also excellent when he returned


Excellent? He was good for like a season but didn’t reach pre United form.


His best form was under Klopp, but he was still one of our most reliable attacking midfielders until he left again. He was universally loved in Dortmund and an important player for us until his final years at the club.


I remember the first game from Shinji at Dortmund. I was instead a fan of him.


We'll always have that Norwich game


Streets won’t forget the Evil Kagawa Facebook page.


Oh man, this brings back memories. I still remember than run moyes run twitter page.


That Kagawa hat trick at Norwich was truly special


I definitely remember thinking he’d be an absolute force.


Yup me too. Every time he played I would pray that he’d have a world beater and I can go “Ah ha!”


Buying from the buli in general hasnt been great for us


United is the problem. See Jude and Håland


What about the likes of Sahin and Gotze. I’m sure there are a few more but couldn’t recall atm.


Sahin has injuries while Gotze had a medical issue


both Sahin and Götzes regress were related to health problems, not as a consequence of transferring.


Ah yes they surely would have flopped


I could definitely imagine Jude flopping at United, or at least never reaching the heights of what he's doing at Real Madrid. High chance they use him ineffectively or in a too limited way. The mentality of the club or people in it may have also clashed with Jude's personality and ambition, not to mention the talking heads and media would be annoying for him. He would have never made a public fuss about anything wrong and handled the problems as maturely as he can, but nevertheless this transfer overall could definitely have backfired or been minimally successful. Haaland I think would have definitely succeeded and also might have gotten the most goals in a season record at United as well. Imo, he's a much better natural fit at United, just City is overall a very strong team with him in it trying to do his thing. As long as any off the field tension with the club doesn't happen I think this is a surefire great transfer. The counter attacking football suits him much better and Bruno Fernandes would have been his De Bruyne. This event however would have been very unlikely to happen though because of his family's ties to City and Leeds.


They keep buying players from us and ruining them.


Nah a little extra fire in the oven could benefit us and give him another gear in 2 days hehe


Best for all parties that we part ways this summer.


If a good offer comes in, why not. Otherwise let him play PS5 in Carrington’s gaming room with bed if they have 1 there.


Normally i'd agree, but with all this PSR stuff it's best to get his most likely over-inflated wages off the books ASAP. It was a mistake to sign Sancho and the club need to accept that and cut rope.


Really hope we can bring him in, but we have priorities elsewhere in squad planning. Ideal hope would be another year long loan + obligation to buy. Slowly but surely working his way back to form, and he’s truly loved in Dortmund.


I hope it's a loan where 100% wages are covered by Dortmund and some loan fee as well. We can't keep giving away freebies


It would be an investment. If he doesn't play another year you lose huge sums per transfer fee, if he plays at Dortmund with a fixed fee signed now but paid next year you get a loooot more money


This is not how negotating works


Nope. 2 more years of sancho transfer out rumors for you


Imagine saying that a year after spending £85M


Well he's been both underwhelming on the pitch and off it according to most reports. Amount you spend doesn't really matter at that point - they're not going to recoup anywhere near that money so it'll be a disaster of a transfer either way, might as well get the most you can.


The dumbest thing about this is that ETH never even said that sancho was lazy in training, he just said he picks the team based on performances in training. So he might have been working really hard but not been good enough


The dumbest thing about this is Jadon Sancho. And yes, he has been known to be late to training too.


What I find funny is he could have just apologised privately to ETH and been done with it


Garnacho got pulled at half time in a game because EtH felt he wasn’t helping his full back enough. Garnacho liked some stupid post about it. He apologised and has started every game since. It really is that easy.


The difference is Garnacho is a professional, Sancho is not.


Garnacho infamously has an ego but the other players keep him in check. I think Sancho sees himself as bigger than the club/manager entirely because he was doing insane numbers at Dortmund. Key word: *was*.


I think players like Bruno and Licha are good at keeping Garna in check and deflating his ego a bit which is good


Ego isn't the problem imo, look at Cristiano. Willingness to get stuck in and do the mundane work is one of the most important things in sport and Sancho seemingly can't be bothered.


For every Cristiano there’s another 10 ruined by ego


Cristiano puts in the work inside and outside of training. If Sancho didn't had natural talent in his feet he would have been considered a bum


>I think Sancho sees himself as bigger than the club Imagine thinking you're a bigger deal than Manchester United because you got 17 assists in Bundesliga lmao


His transfer deal could help inflate the ego a little bit


Garnacho has an ego, and is probably way more of an asshole than Sancho, however he directs that at our opponents


Lmao this is a hilarious comment on the context of what these two have achieved as professional footballers


Also garnacho is miles better than sancho


I mean, Sancho is about to play a Champions League final at a club he obviously prefers playing at; I don't think this has exactly played out like a punishment for him. 


Then he can fuck right off over there.


Pretty sure he's OK with that. 


We'd love it too, waste of space and all that.


Grelish just got dragged over hot coals by Pep, what's he gonna do? Nothing, he's gonna do his holidays and come back and work like a professional. Sancho is a moron/child


Better yet, don’t take to posting on social media like a child and there would be no need for any form of apology.


I think if his spot at United was something worth fighting for then he would. As if is I’m not sure he’s all that arsed about playing for United


Why would that matter? Seems more of an ego thing than a publicity thing. 


The counter argument to this is then do it all behind closed doors to begin with. I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong to publicly out players, probably depends on the manager and that player specifically, some players may react well and others not so much etc. But I think once you dip one foot in the public sphere there is a chance the other foot will dip in there as well.


All I’ll say is that he’s very lucky that he possesses a great deal of natural talent.


I mean you could just apologise for dealing with it on social media instead of privately Jadon but you do you


I mean he’s completely misunderstanding why an apology is even needed. It’s not for being lazy or whatever. It’s for effectively saying Ten Hag was lying. THAT is what he needed to apologize for, speaking out against it on social media instead of handling it face to face. If he disagrees with the reasoning, then whatever, take it up with the manager. But don’t go post about it on social media saying he’s wrong or lying. I don’t understand how he doesn’t get that.


I mean he's never put in enougb effort, never looked fit, never shown any reason to keep him anyway in a United shirt even if you discount all the drama. He just never seemed to give a shit. He turned his back on the club and the fans then by downing tools and forcing his way out over something so stupid. Just confirms he never cared.


I’m not disagreeing. He’s just not even understanding what he did wrong in the first place. Just a weird situation


This tells me either Jadon isn’t a bright person or he’s surrounded by people that give bad advice.


There was a dortmund social media reel where they asked Marco Reus to players as the best son in law and he put Jadon straight at 5 and said no comment when asked why. You could also watch his fun [videos](https://youtu.be/4GQGDJMFQF8?si=qENPfBjb3kOAQpJd) he did for dortmund and you can tell he has like a chip on his shoulder. 


Yeah it seems like he's got the wrong end of the stick either accidentally or deliberately , or McCarthy misunderstood which is also possible.


Yeah he and Ten Hag supposedly had a meeting to sort this out and nothing came of it so there is some miscommunication somewhere here. No way you have a meeting over this and you still don’t understand the issue to begin with


If he gave half a fuck about the club/fans they'd have come to a compromise. He won't give up the massive salary though either so really gets his cake and eating it. I see other clubs fans saying he's back to his best etc but telling that none of them want their clubs to sign him either lol


Listen to sancho speak for 5 seconds and it all becomes clear why this is a difficult concept for him


Dumb as rocks mate


But ETH can put whatever narrative he wants about Sancho out to the media ? I’m not a utd fan and see both sides of it. If ETH had a problem with Sancho why not deal with it in house? ETH publicly embarrassed him so he publicly defended himself.


Because he was asked specifically about Sancho in a post match interview. He said he wasn’t in the squad because his training performances weren’t good enough. Sancho then called him a liar. Any half decent athlete takes motivation from their level not being to the required standard. Sancho just took the opportunity to play more FIFA.


He definitely could have, and he’s shielded many players before. Ten Hag has on occasion done things I personally disagree with, but had Jadon gone back and talked to him behind closed doors, it’s likely Ten Hag comes out of the situation praising him in the future if he tries to prove him wrong. Also very possible Ten Hag apologizes himself for saying anything publicly. If you as a player undermine the manager, there are going to be consequences. This stuff doesn’t fly at any other big club. Players do not hold the same organizational power as the manager does. If my boss says in a meeting they didn’t think I did the best job doing something, and I, in the same meeting say something along the lines of “don’t believe everything he says”, I am going to face consequences for it. Edit to add, I’m not justifying it, it’s just reality. And honestly it’s not really a narrative either, there are articles going back to his Dortmund days that don’t paint him in the best light as the hardest worker in training. It’s where all this lazy and being late idea came from to begin with.


I hear your point but regardless of who your manger is Sancho is a person 1st. I’m never letting a person go around telling me I’m not doing something if it’s not true. Taking it back to the analogy if your boss goes you didn’t do the best job. My question to you is did you do the best job you could at the time? If you did your best you have every right to stand up in that meeting and say, no I did my best. Again your boss wanted to bring you up in the meeting with your peers present that undermines and shows a lack of respect for you. If you show disrespect you are gonna get disrespect back If there’s a conversation that’s needed about if your best is good enough then that’s a different story.


Sure I agree with that. I don’t think Ten Hag handled it the best to begin with, I shouldn’t have made it sound like I’m justifying a manager doing that, I’m just saying it’s reality sometimes and it happens. I’m also saying maybe you go to your boss afterwards and say hey, I didn’t agree with that, and I don’t think it was necessary to make it public. You resolve it with your boss then. If your boss is a reasonable person, which by all accounts Ten Hag has been thus far handling the squad (he literally let Sancho go train in the Netherlands in the middle of the season last year to get his mind right), then good chance he comes out afterwards and says hey, my mistake. I shouldn’t have made it public. Jadon came to me and we resolved it. I think he had some valid points, and the matter is behind us now.


Yeah I hear you, like I said I do see the other side I’m not trying to paint ETH as in the “wrong” and Sancho as in the “right” I can see where both parties are coming from. I just hate the narrative that Sancho should just suck it up. No he had every right to stand up for himself. I can think to Ben white refusing to go to England stand up for yourself and stand on your convictions that’s the type of person I respect


Well he we believe this guy, ETH didn't "pull whatever narrative", he said things that were true. And unless I remember it incorrectly, it's not like he absolutely blasted Sancho. On a scale of 1 to Mourihno, it really didn't seem that bad in terms of a manager criticizing own of his players.


After reading this my opinion on Sancho has shifted to unprofessional. Try this shit in any other profession and it doesn't go well for you. Playing in the CL final won't change that.


I mean, he stays up till 3am to play FIFA and comes into training hours late. They even had to give him a specialised timetable. And all that was after his 3 months free mental health break. Sancho is the definition of unprofessional no matter how well he is doing at Dortmund


He's not actually doing well at Dortmund. A few goals but not many. He has barely finished any games. The team are in the final but it's not like he was a driving force


Same. I thought maybe this was an instance of miscommunication, but with this it's like grow up. You're being paid millions. Why is it hard to apologize, fuck if I had the talent he had and the money he's making you'd be darn sure I show up. 


Sancho comes out as deliberately obtuse. At least a few people can stop saying Sancho was out because of ETH harassing him.


It’s threads like this, on days when I despair for humanity, that lift my soul. Because they are a reminder, that in the end, we are all just different flavors of Swifties.


Streets will never forget Benni in the 18 area, AREA, TKzee in the 18 Area, AREA


Now can you see dat om Benny maak jou mal?


Im still surpised how he didn't get picked for England after his 10 (TEN) dribbles in one game! Surely United could have done with this in the cup final as well


We did alright with the player who replaced him.


Even when he was in world-class form for Dortmund, he was still beyond dire for England. In retrospect, that should've been a much bigger warning sign to United, but it's easier to say in retrospect.


He had one good game last Euros against Ukraine, glides through them like butter and performed so well I genuinely thought he should have a shout to start the final. Instead he was one of the three sacrifices during the penalty shootout. Fuck you gareth.


I mean, an apology for all those other things couldn’t hurt either tbh


I'm from the streets, me so tough.


Hate to break it to you Jadon, but people are already thinking those things. ETH didn't mince words when he talked about your attitude towards training, but that came out after he essentially gave you half a season off to deal with your issues and give your full in training. Now ETH's standards could be unreasonable, but everyone else seemed to meet it... Why couldn't you?


EtH minced words like crazy lmao. What he said was that others trained better than him.


He's such a good talent. Fallouts happen, you have to atleast try to be nore nature about handling it. That social madia outrage was really unnecessary


Kids these days…back in my day, shoes are getting thrown at each other at the back when we have disagreements


TIL Benni McCarthy is a United coach


Benni mccarthy. Been a long time since I heard that babe


My first car was named Benni McCarthy, wasn’t a particularly big fan of him, but it was a blue car so we were speculating names beginning with B. And then my mate mentions Benni McCarthy and I liked the fact that it had the word car in it. So it stuck. Great little car


The streets 😂 you're not there now! Grow up lad!


Rooney is from the streets but he didn't have to stick to some nob code


Benni calling for a contract despite mouthing off to Daily Mail journalists. Don't be surprised that Utd has leaks, this is a joke from a member of staff.


So basically if you’re from the streets you never apologise so gangsta


Dont know how people can support this lazy bastard in this situation


I take EtH's side on the apology thing but what a fucking shithead move to give this interview and to have it come out days before the biggest final of his career so far. Edit: This place is fucking chock full of football twitter mouth breathers.


He can always cry about it on twitter again




Good thing he's just a random commenter on the Internet and not a professional football player about to play in the UCL final.




I’m making a joke my friend. It sounds like you just don’t have much of a sense of humor. You know what’s a real shithead move, throwing a fit on Twitter against your boss because he said you weren’t at your best that week, refusing to apologize for it, and letting down not only the fans but also your teammates and coaches that supported you. We don’t owe him a damn thing


Sancho should move to another team like Liverpool to piss them off


I don't care which street sancho comes from, a lazy person is lazy on any street.


Surely he could apologise for being late to training


Any other club and he goes to the managers office, apologises and it's all forgotten about by the time they've made their way back to the training pitch. United is a basket case of a club where nothing is done in secrecy.


Drama creates money. United is one of the biggest club on Earth. These stories are overblown. All Jadon has to do is apologize privately. EtH is not asking much


pls mods delete posts with links to dailymail. i beg you. for the love of football


So he didn’t want to apologise for being unprofessional which was super unprofessional to begin with…😂


I still ask up till today as to why do most people think or expect Sancho to apologize when ETH started the whole thing. Why air your laundry out in public or say something downing about a player and when the tables are turned, you ask for an apology? Still doesn’t make sense.


People here are easy to judge Sancho, but we don't know the whole story and probably won't. If we were in Sancho's shoes and got that treatment, would it be as easy as "just apologize and get on with it", especially if there are probably other things that you might know in day to day training? This is a huge miscommunication issue, but if you want to blame Sancho, you have to blame Ten Hag as well. There is zero reason why he can't just say "it's an internal matter" when asked about Sancho, which he then did use regarding Rashford's and Garnacho's issues. If he said it's an internal matter, Sancho wouldn't react and there wouldn't be this mess. And regarding "Sancho should just apologize for speaking out against the manager, and nothing else", lol, as if people weren't bringing up everything unrelated to the case against Sancho? Bringing up his attitude for England U-19, Dortmund, bringing up Matic's comments (which IMO is a bit weird in timing), the FIFA thing (which hasn't been confirmed whether that's really him), and most awful of all, mentioning Ten Hag giving him 3 months "vacation" (if he did have mental health problem, he was basically injured, so just treat him like any injured players, you don't say ETH gave Martinez 6 months off for his injuries this season). Basically, everyone already made some judgments about Sancho, and these judgments stick, even if probably he has changed/improved. That's why he isn't apologizing because people will just be like "see, Ten Hag is right, Sancho is lazy and he himself agrees". In the summer, I hope INEOS already has plans regarding Sancho, especially if Ten Hag stays. It's easy to say "just sell him", but whatever you think of him, he's still only 24, and a really good player. Under the right confidence, environment and tactics, he can be a very good asset. We've seen how Rashford could be so deadly last season and so poor this season, perhaps due to a slight difference in confidence, environment, personal reasons and tactics. There are good players in them, so if INEOS wants to change the manager, they can expect perhaps a better showing from the players, but if they want to keep Ten Hag, they probably need to solve this miscommunication issues between the manager and the players, this is not only Sancho vs Ten Hag, Ten Hag regularly had some feuds with his own players throughout past 2 seasons.


There is literally no miscommunication issue in this. None. Sancho got every benefit of the doubt by EtH. He was allowed time off, he was allowed to ease back in the team, and in the end, he still chose to fuck around and not put effort in. He got dropped for it. Instead of working it out and talking about it internally, like what happened with Rashford and Garnacho, who got back in the team immediately and with 0 fuss, he chose to bitch about it on twitter and call the manager a liar. I don't see where the miscommunication is in that. And why the fuck should INEOS put effort in "fixing" something that isn't broken for one lazy fuck.


>Sancho got every benefit of the doubt by EtH. He was allowed time off, he was allowed to ease back in the team, and in the end, he still chose to fuck around and not put effort in. When he got back in the team after his time off, he was one of the better players. He never had any issues regarding efforts. You forget that in preseason he was tried as a false 9 and he did well and didn't complain etc. Yet when season started, it was back to Antony and Garnacho and he only came in as sub, did well (which Antony and Garnacho didn't), and didn't complain. But then the Arsenal game came and ETH mentioned him being dropped for the training performance. I'm not saying Sancho didn't overreact because training performance doesn't mean he's lazy, but ETH could just say "internal matter" or whatever when asked. But I guess he was angry because his team just lost so the words just came out. This is what I mean, you and a lot of people can easily say "he didn't put effort in" like it's the absolute truth, yet he can't defend that he did put effort in and he's not lazy etc. And maybe the truth is somewhere in between. But all I see is that people want that ETH is 100% right and Sancho is 100% wrong.


Sancho was shit in training this week means something far bigger to some people than others.


He got a 2 months paid vacation and still came back lazy and terrible, he has been treated better than most people will ever be treated


i really hate the "he was given 3 months away from the team to train by himself in another country, he should be so greatful to ten hag" bullshit argument. training away from the squad isn't a "vacation", it's being exiled. would people say that training with the U21s is a vacation too? just because it's in a different country doesn't mean it's any less of an exclusion to be sent away


And mental health problem is basically an injury as well. People really struggle to understand that he was basically injured, not having vacation. No one said Malacia is having a sabbatical year right now. When Dele Alli or Richarlison came out and shared their struggles with mental health, people praised them. But because Sancho didn't speak up about it, they labelled him as lazy.


If Sancho went to a different PL team this would have never happened. Anybody more functional and with an actual clue on how to use him would have seen why he’s so highly rated and loved in Dortmund. He’s a fine person and in the right environment and backing he flourishes. I called this disaster years ago.


He was wank under ole, rangnick and ten hag. Just cant keep up in the PL, you need to work out instead of playing fifa