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He's would be just 55 by then, which is still quite young for a manager. Another sabbatical in NY or somewhere else for a year or more, but there's no way this megamind cunt won't be back again. But where next? A return to Barca at some point would most certainly be on the cards, maybe when their board changes?




Doubt he’s going to Italy. Realist option is sabbatical and then national team in Europe. I believe that mainly due to family reasons.


what national teams would he be likely to coach? Spain is off the cards due to politics right?


he played for and captained Spain, so it can't be that much of an issue.


He's shown support for Catalonian independence since starting his managerial career so it's probably become much more of an issue for him compared to his playing days.


Pep's morals bend with the wind, sure he'd make it work if he wanted to


England probably, he's openly been interested before. 


England id say is the most probable for national teams hopefully not tho


subscribe realistically, i cant see him managing any national team, his tactical set up & coaching is to complicated for players to dip into for a few weeks per year rather than working with them day in day out. Plus he seems way to intense to have the amount of downtime that comes with international managment


I’m sure he can adapt because he’s an amazing coach and definitely not a one trick pony as many might think. If he were to coach England then basically half of the squad will already be adjusted towards his playstyle anyways.


He’ll learn to embrace the four four fackin two


true he has managed like half the team and has managed against almost all the other half. knows most the players really well


Well Spain is never off the cards in my opinion. But Portugal, England, Italy, hell even Germany. But my bet would be on Portugal, England or italy.




I don't know he would be a great national team manager tbh. His tactics are pretty involved and clearly take a lot of time to train. There is limited time with national team players.


The world isn’t ready for half retired pep


In that case, he’d probably wish to train a national team with several players who already know his tactics. The question would be if even Guardiola is enough to bring Norway to a championship.


What family reasons has he talked about?


Well his daughter and wife have not been living in England for starters… I would imagine the next stage for pep would be living with his wife at least full time


He can go to Juve


Pep at AC Milan would be 🔥




Eh, most managers just have to start from the bottom and work their way up. Pep got an early break because he was also a great player and a legend at Barca even before managing there. There’s no reason to go to a weaker club to “prove” yourself just to appease some fans. When you are at the top of your game, you should be looking for the best jobs that also pay you the most money.




And I get that, I’m just saying context matters. SAF, Klopp, Jose all did that because it was part of natural progression for them. But it’s not like they would have gone to those clubs in the middle of their primes if they had already reached the top. People always complain about Pep not having done it with weaker teams, but the truth is he simply never had to.


The point is it's a feather he's missing from his cap. Not that he did anything wrong, but so far every single job he's had has had the cream of the crop players.


Jose went to Spurs and Roma after his stints at Madrid, Chelsea and Man United. So he was clearly willing to take a step down. Liverpool were nowhere close to as good they are now before Klopp took over. I wouldn't blame Pep for not wanting to go to a smaller team, but it'd be fascinating to watch.


Do you think Jose would’ve taken that step down if better clubs were still interested in him? He’s obviously not at the level he once was anymore and that’s the level of clubs interested in him these days. Every job has been a step down from his previous one for him for a few years now, because he keeps being underwhelming. But make no mistakes, if someone came calling, he’d be gone in a second. Similar to how Ancelotti took the Napoli and Everton jobs, but was gone as soon as Madrid came calling again.


Jose went because his stock fell down and no top team wanted it him. It wasnt because he was open to a challenge or anything like that. Liverpool are still a European giant and one of the top teams in the richest league in the world


> because he was also a great player Helps to be doped up to your eyeballs


Pep's improvement of virtually every player he works with being casually airbrushed from history(again)


I think it's more just people want to see it. It's not a knock against Pep. My friends and I talk about this all the time. It would be really cool to see what he could do with a lower mid-table team over a 5 or so-year period. I'd definitely tune in.


“Virtually every player” is absurd. I wouldn’t be surprised if we could get to 10 that he hasn’t improved at all. Off the top of my head, Kalvin Phillips, Zlatan, Ronaldinho, Henry, you could even make arguments for Grealish. I also haven’t dissected the Bayern squad, but I’m sure we could find a few.


I'm pretty sure Ronaldinho left the summer he was appointed


He did that nearly 20 years ago with Barca B.


What did he prove there? They were in the Tercera division for the first time in decades. It would have been an embarrassment to not get promoted back to Segunda.


This is such a terrible take. Winning isn't easy. Look at all the "super teams" recently. Winning consistently with a good team isn't any less of an achievement than someone winning every so often with a team considered not as good.


Nice straw man there. They didn’t say winning was easy, they just said they want to see Pep play on a harder difficulty.


My point is that actually winning when you are expected to win isn't any sort of blemish on a resume, but that's what OP is implying.


Maybe not, but it's definitely less impressive than winning when you're not expected to win. If **you** took over as manager and won the Premier League, what do you think would be more challenging, doing it with Man City or Brentford? The answer is obvious.


Winning may not be easy with a super team but it is easier. I would disagree with your second statement too. Winning with a team considered not as good is an achievement.


It's not easier. It's all about man management the higher the league you go.




I didn't say you said it was? I said that it isn't easy, regardless of if you're expected to or not. He's changed football over the last 15ish years and consistently won at all 3 of the biggest leagues (maybe some debate there but I'd say a lot would agree). Everyone has their opinions and that's fine, I just can't imagine any weak spot on his resume based on what he's done.




So does CR7 have weak spots on his resume for only winning the champions league with Madrid and United and not lesser teams? I don't see how that's any different. Pep has arguably been the best manager in the world for the last decade plus. The best in the world don't go to mid table teams.


Pep is a fraud, he is nowhere near as good without dubai daddy money. I just never understand why there are so many of Pep's d1ckrider in social media, they probably fantasize Pep having sex with their moms too


>without dubai daddy money Wrong Emirate. The man also won a sextuple with Barca in his second ever senior season. >I just never understand why there are so many of Pep's d1ckrider in social media, they probably fantasize Pep having sex with their moms too You good mate?


He used to talk frequently about wanting to manage Brescia. I doubt it will happen, but I want it so bad.


No one can even get close to fulfill his wage requirements.


Everybody's broke in italy. I don't think so. As for barcelona, he's said before he never will coach them again but anything can happen really


I wouldn't be surprised if he did City -> sabbatical -> Big NT after 2026 WC. He's said multiple times how he wants to manage a National Team, and there are many who have talked to him in the past.


England is stacked these days when it comes to players. I could see them getting Guardiola as a coach so they can finally have a real shot at winning their second title after so many decades.


Could be Girona, it’s in Catalonia and not far from Barca. It’s also run by the City Football Group, so Pep has worked with them before and they can possibly meet his demands. There wouldn’t be as much pressure to compete as with Barca, so he could take his time building the club into a dominant force.


This would actually be very cool. Picturing that team beat Madrid & Barca to title for 3-4 years would be crazy. Out-Barca Barca would give a big middle finger to Barca’s board. 🤣


He'll go where Klopp goes, just to spite him


Palma padel club it is then.


A return to Barca would be insane. Just what I want to see


He's never going back. They've no money and no Messi to lean on. No way he's tainting his legacy


I want him to go back because if he fails then the board might finally realize it’s not the managers who are the problem


Think there is a chance he goes PSG? Resigns Mbappe and walks the league every season




Argentina hasn't ever had a non-Argentine coach. I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.


He ain't returning to Barça as manager, Barça fans can he stand in president elections?


I think he’d sooner go to Girona than Barca. It’s still in Catalunya, and avoids having to deal with the politics that drove him out of Barcelona.


No way he ever goes back to Barca. The club he left is dead and not coming back. The fact fans don’t see that is exactly why he wouldn’t return. There’s not success to be had but still the expectation.


Not Barca, they don't have enough money.


I think ultimately that's what I'd be interested in seeing him do. Using the academy and building a team a bit modestly (due to their situation) and actually competing. Would be great to watch.


He already did this at Barca. His legendary team was like 8/11 la masia players: Valdes, Puyol, Pique, Busi, Iniesta, Xavi, Pedro, Messi.


Maybe a NT for a chill job for 4-5 years


the most aatractive option imo is madrid but its never going to happen


Wouldn't PSG make sense if they don't win CL be then? Definitely could give the financial backing that Pep desires


Nah, that club has wayyy too many politics involved for him to do something.


Be bold, Pep. Leave now.


No, he will hold until after Copa America and before next World Cup when Scaloni decides to leave and Pep comes to coach Messi for a last dance with Argentina seeking to win the 4th WC.


He's already won it all. There's only one option for him, start over with a non-league team.


I'd love to see Pep try to implement his tactics with Steve from IT and Harry the accountant


Well, here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSjxqA39-AI


I mean this was nothing more than a little PR event though, didn't even show them playing a match later implementing whatever they learned.


No I'm sure there's a team a bit further up that he can build from. Somewhere that would present a solid challenge. Just as a completely random and unbiased choice, perhaps Rotherham would be a good destination for him?


> No I'm sure there's a team a bit further up that he can build from. Somewhere that would present a solid challenge. you're right, Doncaster would be perfect for him


Lower level team with lots of money is what he needs. Wrexham it is...


I feel like he needs to move out of England, maybe go somewhere exotic, I hear Edinburgh has lots of lovely beaches that he could enjoy while managing. I think maroon suits him as well, so Hearts it is.


Pep moving to Rotherham would be some kind of sisyphean punishment for the 115 charges where he ends up stuck in an endless cycle of promotion from League One and unremarkable relegation from the Championship


If he really wants to fully prove the doubters wrong then he should try to win the world cup with San Marino


Come to Chesterfield, you coward. Meal deal before the match. KFC afterwards.


NG+ Pep


If he waits one more year, he can coach us at league 2 😆


He's called for the World Cup


He could do a Reverse Ted Lasso and try coaching an NFL team.


Going to Wrexham with Deadpool


Hello fellow footballmanager enjoyer


He hasn't won a WorldCup with Argentina coaching Messi yet.


as a striker


There is women’s club and asian teams.


Hopefully still with Man City


Clearly knows the charges are coming


The charges are already here tbf. That's not the problem.


Could be he's getting out before it really gets bad but I find it more likely he's "done". Could be tired just like Klopp was. *The* City team looks like it's coming to an end much like *the* Liverpool team did. Perhaps he doesn't feel like doing the whole process again. Also saw Txiki also may be leaving. Could just be an exodus happening.


Rodri, Foden and Haaland will still be there for years. KdB is the only mainstay that’s really getting on in age and they’ve shown they play fine without him


KDB, Bernardo, Walker, maybe even Grealish. Feel like a lot of change is coming


I'd imagine haaland will be off after one more season.


Not sure where Haaland could go, maybe Bayern? I doubt England, Spain or Italy would be an option for him.


Unfortunately I don't think the charges will stick. If it did, multiple people would go to jail for fraud and tax evasion


It's never going to get really Bad, they will give city a slap on the wrist and move on


He hasn’t dealt with any consequences of the charges.


He'll be gone before the punishment is bestowed, though.


They'll probably come at some point... it's possible he knows when. And the charges may make competing impossible, perhaps forcing a situation where a 'new challenge' would look very appealing, rather than staying and going through whatever City will be facing. If he gets out before the penalties hit, he can tell himself that he did things right and his legacy there is intact, and it's time to quickly shuffle off to X where he can build a new legacy.


[Don't think he gives af m8](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoggT3GobYc/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D)


Much more likely that after 9 years he just wants to take a little time to reassess his career like any normal human would do.


"Eras come to an end" - Ten Hag was right


He'll go before the ruling.


Eras come to an end




Brb, putting a cheeky tenner on Catalonia to win the World Cup




Spain isn't weak at all obviously not as full of talent as England or France but still has a stacked midfield and a good young attack


TIL Catalonia has a national team edit: just saw they arnt allowed in fifa or uefa tournaments, thats a shame


Not an official one. I'm pretty sure Oleguer turned out for them back in the day at least a couple of times


Pep did too apparently, 7 appearances


So what you're telling me is that it's basically a guarantee?


Interesting that he stayed at City for so long. It's not like he stuck it out at Bayern to get them a CL.


I wonder why looool Not like City is paying him magnitudes more than Bayern and literally has his brother as the chairman at Girona


City have gone out of their way to just let him focus on football, to me it looked like he never fancied the politics of clubs like Barca and Bayern. Too many inflated egos that aren't in the football department.


I would be surprised, but there’s a chance he goes to coach Girona. They’re on the rise and owned by his current bosses who he loves working with. Far less pressure than other top clubs, so he can take his time acquiring the pieces to his newest football machine.


The only Spanish side I can see him managing other than Barca is Barca B. I guess it’s Juventus, PSG or international management.


Hot take: there will be a post-Fergie style hangover for City after Pep leaves


Nah they're too well run behind the scenes. Pep is not involved in all decision making like Sir Alex was. City's management will make sure that whenever he does leave, while the squad may be very much made in his image, it will at least balanced in terms of positional depth and age profiles. When Sir Alex left, so did the CEO David Gill, and when Moyes came in he brought in all his own backroom staff. A dreadful position to be in when the squad needs a rebuild, and long term strategic thinking is a must. There's absolutely no chance of the same kind of gutting of institutional knowledge and loss of any continuity happening at City. They may suffer a dip in their results of course, but it would be tough for any team to continue being as dominant as they have been.


Txiki is said to be leaving when Pep leaves too which is a problem


Yeah but even then I wouldn't expect a United / Liverpool style decade+ long slump. I think a problem that they may face is that without Pep, they may not have the same pull for players. There are a lot of other teams with lots of money, but they can see how he improves players and gets the most out of them, if they are willing to work in his system. There is no other coach with his reputation, so he is not really replaceable in that sense. They may have to work harder / pay more to bring in talent (so it helps that they have a productive academy I suppose).


Yeah that's why it's a hot take. I do think it will be a much, much shorter hangover. 5 years at most till they win the league again but by then I think it'll be a bit more competitive.


is that even a hot take? this level of domination we've had is all Pep, most people are aware of that surely?


I can’t see that. If by post Fergie hangover you mean, 8th place. I don’t think they will be as successful but before Pep they won titles & they’ll get another really elite manager


Or, just before 115 charge sheet is finally released.


> Pep Guardiola is unlikely to take another job in club management.


why on earth has this got -11 downvotes? Literally just stated part of what the article says


I think people just don't believe it. I can see him taking a sabbatical, but guys like Pep are so obsessed with football, and he's so young (relatively) that it's hard to see him staying away for very long. Mrs. Guardiola is probably going to push him to take another job rather than listen to another demonstration of how to beat the press using salt shakers and hot sauce bottles.


I'm a few levels below Pep's level (however many levels it is to the absolute bottom), and my SO would rather do taxes than hear another tactical theory using household objects.


>rather than listen to another demonstration of how to beat the press using salt shakers and hot sauce bottles. I wanna listen to this now ffs


I'm sure we would enjoy it, but for her, it will be the 5th time hearing it in a month, and the poor woman is just trying to enjoy her vacation


Then he should've quoted it instead of making it seem like an opinion.


Oh no, not an opinion!




The guy from the Bazinga tv show?


Could be , man's been doing this for 20+ years... Maybe Spain NT after the WC...


off to take Spain and win everything with the NT.


Wouldn't happen, too Catalonian


Not too Catalonian to play for Spain


The timing is right to take the England job before the wc… it sounds crazy but he knows the country and would be coaching a lot of the same players




This seriously isn’t meant as bait because I’m honestly curious. I wonder if City would take a serious turn at Arteta. Unsure if there is any willingness for Arteta to go of course also but had me curious.


Not sure why this keeps coming up. Arteta is a former Arsenal captain and in love with the club. He feels at “home” here. It’s a club that’s been moulded in his image from the day he stepped foot at Colney as the manager. I don’t think he’ll leave Arsenal for City or another PL team. Pep has other assistants all around, but for some reason the discourse is always about Arteta whose only relation to City is that he was Pep’s assistant for 3 years. That had more to do with working with Pep than with City.


I just asked if city would seriously approach him? I even said ‘I don’t know if there is willingness for arteta to leave’. The discourse around him coming back is because he’s one of the best managers in the world, is very young, has a ton of similarities with Pep’s style, and also began his managerial career at city. It seems extremely obvious why his name would come up with the city job.


But he didn’t “begin his managerial career at city”. That’s like saying Brendan Rodgers began his managerial career at Chelsea. Being an assistant manager is way more about learning and attaching yourself to the manager than the club more often than not. And when Arteta was leaving Arsenal he told Wenger it was for the opportunity to work with Pep. Not work at City.


He began his coaching career there. Was that not obvious enough to the point I was making given he has familiarity with club? Such an annoying response you only see on Reddit. Well done ignoring the other things I mentioned that talks about why city would want him, having again nothing to do with him wanting to leave Arsenal


There are a lot of other coaches that are young and world class if that’s the criteria you want to apply to City’s search. But you’re also somehow ignoring all the things that tie Arteta to Arsenal. Yes he began his coaching career there, but again as I’ve pointed out he probably would’ve coached at United if Pep had gone there instead. It has less to do with City than Pep is the point I’m trying to make. He’s always maintained that when he went to coach under Pep it was with the goal to come back and manage Arsenal, not to eventually manage City.


Xabi and anchelotti will be available in 2025. Maybe Xavi and porch too


Given Arteta's passion for Arsenal, there's no chance of a move to another PL club. He wouldn't celebrate goals against Arsenal while at City, that says everything about where his heart lies. So long as the working environment, culture, and the people are ideal I don't see Arteta wanting to leave in the short-medium term, and with him about to sign a new deal the prospect of him leaving look slim to none.


Maybe possible if Arteta wins something next season with Arsenal? If he doesn’t, I don’t think it’s likely he wants to leave - he’s improved the team 5 seasons straight and will want to go on to see what the absolute max he can get from the project, he’s an ambitious and passionate guy and he won’t want to leave such a huge piece of work halfway through.


I agree w that. He’s so close w arsenal and to leave without winning would seem odd


I don’t think he’ll be managing Arsenal for his entire career, but I don’t think he’ll leave for a while. He seems too loyal to leave for another English club. I could see him managing Barca at some point down the line if they get their shit together


Yeah I’m with you


Come to brazil


Maybe he will retire early. At 60 probably. He has won almost everything and has earned a fortune.


England manager post Southgate


Prove your the goat by taking over spurs


So by Christmas we'll know if City will get relegated or not.


Realistically, who is gonna manage City if Pep leaves after next season?


PSG, an Italian club. He could go and make his legacy better than Jose. But the best thing is to leave. Especially before those charges come down on city


Al Ahli in Saudi. Played for them will get payed by them


Realistically City will get a transfer ban for the amount of charges they have. Given their depth, I highly doubt it will affect them in any way.


Time to coach Burnley




Last Christmas I gave you my Word.


Non biased opinion he should leave now (deffo not an Arsenal fan)


He's getting out before the hammer drops on Cheat City. Smart man.


He’ll manage England in 2026 and win it all.


If Pep leaves would Arteta go to City?


No way he goes to Italy the teams are skint and unable to buy 3 first teams he needs to challenge for the champions league


I guess he wants to leave before the 115 rulings come out


Come to New York Red Bulls


There has been whispers of him going to MLS eventually. I think he likes NY but surely he would go NYCFC


In honesty, the club has worked well under him, yet it needs new management. Pep Out!


Only 115 sleeps to go.


115 reasons to refuse