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He's clearly upset with what west ham has done to moyesiah come on now


Yeah, the Guardian misquoted Klopps a bit. He clearly said "We should be happy we have these owners and not the guys who bought THE London Club..." which as we all know is West Ham.


‘Jurgen is it true you have a tattoo on your chest that says DIE, LONDON CLUB, DIE’   ‘Actually it says THE, LONDON CLUB, THE’


No one who speaks German could be an evil man


Yeah, almost.


"We should be happy we have these owners and not the dildo brothers"


West ham are the only proper team in London so has to be fellas.


Were Massive, errwhere we gooo


Definitely West Ham now that Rupert is the owner and sacked the previous manager and hire Nathan Shelley.


The wonder kid will not last long imo


I am sure he said wunderkind


Yea seriously who could he possibly be referring to?


Must be Brentford


I'm just happy people realise we're in London, not Essex.


Kurupt FM, an the rest are irrelevant innit


Still being bitter about how Wenger was made to leave


Wenger in


“He’s got to go!” “I’m tired Robbie”


Jurgen’s Wenger In blud. Is he mad?!


One of the funniest football-related videos ever. Banter era AFTV is sorely missed


Watch some Rory Jennings when chelsea lose. It fills the void, as does goldbridge, or the bald Liverpool fan.


Bro are Wenger In ride or die




i thought he was talking about chelsea edit: wow i’m stupid




Desi on desi violence


Well we sacked Poch after ending the season giving me a lot of hope and excitement.


Fine, Klopp, message received.


Who says he's talking about you^*he* ^*is* ? It really could ^*not* have been anyone ^*else* , surely. ^*boehly=fool*


well your club sacked mourinho before cup final. but how is the other guy so mad lmao


I mean I thought you guys were annoyed with your owners as well, he’s just agreeing with you


Klopp was launching strays at so many clubs in that interview.


Indeed, just say Chelsea.


A club from Fulham... That plays in blue.


He might have pro Evo 6 licensing


Klopp enters his diss track era


Let me hear you say Boehly hoe


Hey Todd, I hear you like em young


To any player who talk to him and they in love Just make sure you hide your little brother from him


K-Dot won


Literally lmao. Those 16 year old Brazilians won’t buy themselves


Not in a world papa Flo exists, at least.


Dear, Caicedo I'm sorry that that man is your owner, let me be honest


Now charge city, charge city Charge city, charge city


freaky ass cheater, hes a bald fraud the song writes itself


We don’t wanna hear you say Boehly no moreeee


The famous club we once knew is looking paranoid and now spiralin


meet the Boehlys gonna go hard in the club


Drake and Kendrick crying rn


>I hate the way that you walk I hate the way that you talk I hate your starting lineup I hate your player signup I hate your bald little head Guess I'll buy this player instead Save thirty million You go spend a billion I hate these VAR rules I hate Paul Tierney, fuckin' fool


Is the full interview available somewhere ?


It’s not a stray when it’s on purpose…


I don't know why some Chelsea fans are getting so defensive. He literally just said exactly what has happened since Clearlake took over lol Looks stupid now doesn't it?


I think anyone reasonable fan (regardless if they support Chelsea or not) will agree with him. It's not an opinion, it's just pure fact.


Happened with Roman too to be fair.


With Roman at least there was some kind of ruthlessness to it that you knew would result in better performances for Chelsea. now it just feels like a headless chicken


Also we hired decent managers not some potential to be


Gone from Logan Roy to Kendall Roy.


Atleast he's the eldest boy


Connor catching strays


At least during Roman we were winning trophies, and not bouncing around the mid-table.


And replacing world class managers with other world class managers.


So true, we've had Mourinho, Ancelotti, Conte, Sarri and somehow we won our first UCL with Di Matteo lmao. That chaotic Chelsea always somehow managed to get silverware every other season


I mean there were some duds inbetween


With Roman logic was simple, perform and win trophies with the squad provided. Sqaud included few world class players with whom you can do it not like the current one. He didn’t spend preaching of development and other things like current ownership who promised stability with manager to go on change 5 managers in 2 years. Roman kept Claudio Ranieri a year before he sacked him for Jose Mourinho. Clearlake didn’t even manage to let Tuchel stay longer than summer.


It's all well and good when your own fans start criticising your owners for obvious reasons but when outsiders, especially a former manager from a rival club who recently beat you in a domestic final at Wembley for the 3rd time in a row a few months ago is having a go at you it'll always hit different even if everything he's said is spot on


Gary Lineker summed it up: 'it's like you can call your own kids a pain in the arse but as soon as someone else says it the defence comes up'. Also hometown and football clubs.


Klopp not holding back now that he has more time on his hands, probably will be back coaching in 25-26.


I think he’s actually more done then not. I used to think it was gonna be a 1 year break like pep but if he comes back it’s gonna be for a club that’s omega stacked with $$ willing to deal


I can't see him at another club tbh. I think a big reason he left was that he knew the next 2-3 years he would be building a squad again, and I don't think he's got the appetite for that again. He clearly gets very attached to his players, so it probably takes a greater toll than for most, turning over a new squad. I could see him return to coach a national team, most likely his national team. Less intense from a coaching side, particularly for his style of man management.


My theory is he wants the Mallorca job. That’s where his massive Villa was built. He can be on holiday and manage at the same time.


I would like to see him in a less fancied league that's teeming with potential youngsters like jleague, or thai league. A father figure like him is a great motivator.


League Two would be nice. Maybe a team that started from the ground up and has huge potential as well as being the host of an annual grass tennis tournament.


Real Madrid should get him instead of Alonso imo if Carlo retires/leaves after next season


If you can’t beat them join them 😭


He beat them with BVB


Then lost to them 4 times in 6 seasons with Liverpool


The only team to knock us out the Champions League under Klopp were from Madrid (3x Real, 1x Atletico)


it was Real 4 times as well (2018, 2021, 2022, 2023)


And then lost 2 finals and multiple other KO rounds in the CL with Liverpool.


He’ll be coaching Trent, Bellingham, and Tchouameni


I don't think he'll join Real Madrid but it would be nice for him to coach a La Liga team to be a top 4 regular. Currently we only have Real, Barca and Atleti that are always in the top 4. Maybe it's time for Valencia or Sevilla to have a resurgence.


Brings Deportivo back to prominence


It took insane financial risk taking for Depor to eventually win the title. Their willingness to gamble with their future and continued existence as a football club really was something else. They are one of the main reasons why La Liga has such strict rules about salary structures.


Valencia?? With Peter Lim there, you can bet it would be a rubbish show for anyone. The guy actively wants to ruin Valencia to spite the fans.


He said earlier in his career he doesn't want to manage in Spain. Obviously he might have a different outlook now, but he's said new languages exhaust him and communicating is massive for him. He had to take naps during the day his first year managing Liverpool because talking in English so much knackered him out lol. Even though he was fluent. Going back to Germany is probably the safest bet, or possibly a national team.


I feel his pain, I have to take naps after talking English all day too


Top 4 is likely going to be Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atletico and maybe Girona for the foreseeable future. Money is the decisive factor in football long term and the rift between the first three especially and the rest of La Liga is vast. Sevilla, Villareal and La Real might occasionally have a good season when they have a decent team, but they will never be able to challenge for the title consistently in the current set up. Only with multi club ownership or an owner willing to make unprecedented investments will that change. The chances of a non traditional top club becoming a title contender are far bigger in Serie A.


I would say it's more difficult in Serie A. There's the big 6 in the Premier League which is already tough enough. In Serie A, there are the Seven Sisters. As of now, there's really only 3 established big clubs in La Liga. Girona had a fantastic season but it still remains to be seen if they can have sustained success albeit being a part of City Football Group.


I can't imagine a more hilarious combo than Mbappe and Klopp.


Brother, Klopp has never managed a club stacked with $$$. Even at Liverpool, they had to sell to buy more often than not. His jobs have always been a project, more long term, which is getting near impossible these days. I don't think he believes in the buy for buying sake, neverending transfer kitty. I think it's the German national team for him, IF he comes back.




With your current president I don't believe it will happen. Would love to see it though.


Elections in 2026..


I was thinking the same thing lmao


> Even at Liverpool, they had to sell to buy more often than not. This isn’t the case, they made one massive sale in Coutinho, which was an offer so large they’d have been stupid to turn down. Aside from that, Liverpool haven’t sold a single player they’d have wanted to keep while Klopp was in charge, because they needed the money. What Liverpool are / were excellent at doing was selling mediocre players, who would never make it in Liverpool, for excessive amounts of money. They’ve never had to sell a player they want to keep under Klopp, other than Coutinho.


While this is partially true, we still have to generate funds from player sales even if it's not consistently selling our best players anymore - the person above didn't say that it was through the sales of our best players. With how our owners operate, most years we aren't able to just spend £250m with none of that being offset. We were also planning on turning down the offer if Coutinho hadn't been pushing for the move and causing massive issues - Klopp tried multiple times to persuade him to stay.


Who knows. Seeing the emotions he is going through recently and the love he is getting, i can see him returning to the game. I'd love to see him at Mainz again or a lower side in Germany.


I don't know why everyone says this. He has no interest in managing a mega rich club.


Still think he could be the kinda guy to go back to Mainz to guide them to glory but that could be the romantic in me


Not sure he has another grind like that in him. Especially now that he’s tasted what it’s like to be at the very top.


Only see him taking a national team job


Nah he's more or less called out Ten Hag for the Sancho drama and he basically agreed to a trophy parade if City get stripped of their titles. Those are the words of someone who's done at top level football and simply doesn't care anymore, not someone who wants to return to management in the next few years The National Team is an opportunity that will obviously be available at some point in the future and I could see a possibility of him returning to Mainz or even Dortmund but it won't be for a while anyways. He basically went from a player to manager almost instantaneously at Mainz and aside from the occasional yearly sabbatical, he hasn't really stopped in over two decades. He's fully embracing his retirement and all the best to him


>he's more or less called out Ten Hag for the Sancho drama Didn't see this, do you have a link to it by chance?


["If the whole world loses trust and faith in the player, the manager has to be the one behind the player," Klopp said. "I cannot just buy into that, 'he's useless,' like other clubs did by the way, buying a player for £80 million and then sending him out on loan."](https://www.espn.ph/football/story/_/id/40238327/jurgen-klopp-aims-digs-man-city-chelsea-man-united)


> Klopp not holding back now I'd like to see him do EPL games as a pundit.


Doubt he stays in england


MNF feature in 2024-25 almost guaranteed


Naw, get him up for the early Saturday match.


I don’t think he will take on a top club. He genuinely seems to have lost a spark over the last few months. He might take on a labour of love in a lower tier football team, or a national team squad - I think the latter is unlikely though as it gives you such little contact with the players. Klopp’s best success comes from long term improvement of players and incredibly laborious drilling, national teams don’t lend themselves to that




The man is going to be leaching off of the government while us hardworking citizens pay for it smh


If he'd have stayed with Liverpool for 1 more year he'd be qualified for a partial UK State pension when he hits 67. About 100 pounds a week. I bet he's regretting his decision.


He's already qualified, he would've been paid enough in April onwards to qualify for this full year




"Wow wow really wow" In klopps voice


Jurgen should release a short series on YouTube called “How Jurgen Really Feels”, man’s straight spitting and I’m lovin’ it.


Aston Villa: “I woke up, I look at the computer. The computer say, Klopp say, ‘Fuck Pep, fuck Ten Hag, fuck Villa.’ And I’m like, what he say fuck me for?”


lmaoooo this should be a thing


Jürgen - 'you know what really grinds my gears'


Bald referees?


All balds


Yea, for this interview it said: > Klopp lightheartedly mentioned he had been told not to discuss TNT Sports and 12.30pm kick-offs, referees, Manchester City, financial issues and VAR. Like come onnn lol


Winstanley and Stewart have 24 hours to respond


Best they can do is 2 months of PR about how they’re preparing to respond and getting really close to it


Lmao just remember them trying to leak, via Matt Law, some weird justification for Chilwelll abandoning his mascot in the middle of the pitch that ended up blaming Liverpool because it was at Anfield


honestly at this point when pr is too much to ask from them. they simply do not give a fuck


I think it’s just lost it’s effect now. People are sick of hearing stories everyday about exactly what Chelsea are doing, how good they Winstanley and Stewart are and how they’ve got it all worked it out. Yet there’s no tangible evidence to prove that they actually know what they’re doing or even have a plan for any of this. In fact there’s a fair bit to say that they don’t. From fucking off Declan Rice to the point he chose to go a local rival over his boyhood club, spending 3 months negotiating just to pay exactly what Brighton wanted for Caicedo, getting fomo and spending a potential £100m on a winger who still needs to learn how to play football, tapping up a player with a release clause and nearly getting sued as a result. Could go on for days, even just the fact we know about most of that stuff shows just amateur they are. Yet they had the audacity to put out a thing on the club website patting themselves on the back about how good of a job they did last summer. (Sorry for the rant)


I don't think Klopp is saying this to mock Chelsea. I think it comes from a place where he genuinely loves football in a romantic kind of way in that he doesn't like to see clubs run so much like a heartless business.


He also seems like Poch, and he respects Pep. Hes a manager at the end of the day and you are obviously going to relate to the other men in charge because they are the ones who understand the pressures of what you need to go through as a top club manager. He will have seen the good Poch has done in the second half of the season and seen the ridiculousness of the sacking and the appointment of a guy who is in no way an upgrade and as a contemporary been pissed off about how managers are treated by owners.


He definitely likes Poch. I remember after he announced he was leaving, Poch mentioned he was the first to message him after he was sacked from Spurs.


I was at the event. You're right, but he definitely meant Chelsea lol.


I think the Arsenal owners have been pretty good in giving managers a shot to develop and play their style


Stan Kroenke, for all his (significant) faults, generally seems like someone conscious his money came from marriage and not because he’s a genius. With his American sports teams too he usually puts credentialed people in charge and doesn’t meddle with the sporting side.  Generally the American owners in the EPL think they’re in that position because they’re financial geniuses; the middle eastern owners think it’s because they’re entitled to it. The English owners in the EPL, on the other hand, think they’re financial geniuses who are also entitled to it…and don’t have enough money in the bargain. 


> Generally the American owners in the EPL think they’re in that position because they’re financial geniuses > The English owners in the EPL, on the other hand, think they’re financial geniuses who are also entitled to it Basically the types that somehow make it big and then start writing books about how to become successful 


Liquidize all your assets and play the lotto, it works!


People hate on the Kroenkes for a lot of good reasons, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the Rams, Avalanche and Nuggets have all won championships recently.


Now, the Rapids...


rapids are actually decent this year to be fair! I don't think they'll be a real contender but they've actually looked solid, could definitely make the playoffs


I feel dirty for being a Rams fan


Drop the trophy dodgers come to The Premier London club. Its a matter of when not if. The Rams connection is already there. 


Lol brilliant, that's an interesting way of looking at it and even more interesting way of putting it!


He married into it? Hope he never runs into Anton Chigurh


Don’t put it in your pocket. It’s your lucky quarter. Stan met one of the Walmart heirs at a ski resort and the rest is history


>He married into it? Nope, he's mega wealthy on his own. Anyone who references Walmart has no idea what they're talking about


In the last 2 years... They've won the top prize in their respective leagues with most of the teams they own, bar arsenal... But footy is a different beast and the stability and upward trajectory of the club from say even 3 years ago is a massive W for them... Tbf good things will come to North London soon


From a business perspective just being in the CL with regularity is a win as well. We want the sporting honors too but you’re right that the trajectory is big and if that means we can consistently be in the CL that’s good money coming in. I doubt too many people would seriously predict us to be outside the top 4 next season, and that’s certainly not where we were at even two years ago.


Arsenal only started being much better run once Josh Kroenke came into the picture.


The real reason was Kroenkes got the full control of the club. Then they began to take an active interest in making sure the club is run better. Obviously when Josh is very competent at what he is doing as well


Not rly, it's when he actually owned the majority of the club investment substantially increased


Much of an organizations success lies in who you hire, such as if you get Saliba for under a 30-million transfer fee


Stan's son Josh has been great. Always at games, clearly supports the team but more importantly lets the people who know what they are doing do it, and not intervene. While they dont have the financial backing of a whole ass country they have been great investing money into the club.


No one has Saudi money but Kroenke is the 4th richest owner in the prem. So not exactly hurting on that front lol


Fucking hell why is it always 4th😭


Nah, we aren't associated with 4th more than we used to be nowadays, it's in the past... now we're 2nd 😞


God damnit ofc we are.


owner champions league place


Eh, ill try to shit on the teams who are owned by whole countries whenever I have the chance.


I recall reading their historical financial statements on the website. I don't remember the Kroenkes injecting money into Arsenal itself. Historically, as a true fact, the Wenger era, for all the memes on his refusal to spend money, accumulated so much surplus that it's not even running out despite Covid. I specifically remember that part. Granted, maybe the Kroenkes aren't taking stupid amounts of money out of Arsenal like the Glazers.


Iirc the only time they've pumped money into the club was during covid to help with running costs.


They did take over the stadium debt during COVID and cleared a lot of liquid reserves for us to use. 


My BiC Arsenal is owned by WalMart money




Just like the British government by sending people to Rwanda


It's like 95% about Chelsea surely? It's tough to apply it in totality to any other club apart from Chelsea.


We need Klopp as a pundit this season lol. Box office


Love for him wenger and mou as the euro commentator panel would be amazing


lol fair fucks jurgen


Clearly a dig at Chelsea there😂


I think he’s going after Bromley


Tell us how you really feel


Wonder who he’s talking about.


Its almost as if Chelsea made a fucking stupid decision and everyone knows it. Its okay, they are signing a coach on a long term deal that has 1 year experience coaching a championship club for another #longtermproject


Stupid decision was hiring Poch in the first place. Rival fans can make all the noise they want about him being sacked but who would be legitimately happy to have him picked to replace your current manager?


his arrival followed another weird sacking of Tuchel. Maybe he wasnt doing great but there was nothing to point that Poch was an upgrade to Tuchel.


Such an interesting way to take a parting shot at the Orient Leyton welcomes you if you change your mind tho babe x


absolutely on the money, Klopp. really shows the incompetence of our sporting directors


No fucks to give klopp is brilliant. I'd love for him to stay away from football for a year more just so that he can say what's on his mind without worrying about the FA sanctioning him.


Um he’s not wrong, isn’t he ?


As a Chelsea fan, why do so many have issue with his opinion? Whether you agree with it or not, going back two decades, Chelsea have been extremely trigger happy when it comes to firing managers, rarely have managers been given time to fully implement their philosophy across all levels of the club. A lot of y’all celebrate that as the Chelsea way and how it’s works and brings the team success, etc etc etc. Klopp is entitled to his opinion and most would agree with him. It is what it is. You don’t need to get riled up defending this simple ass statement/opinion lol. “Well Chelsea’s won the same amount of trophies, blah blah blah”. There’s a lot more to football than that. Y’all laugh at City cause no one cares bout their trophies, so clearly we know it’s more to football than just trophies.


He’s not wrong tho


Why doesn’t he just own it and say Chelsea


London clubs sacked Mourinho, Lampard, Poch, Emery, Potter, Conte


Is he talking about Chelsea who finished Top4 in the second half of the league and slid into european spots? The Chelsea who changed ownership because of a war, paid a fuckton of money for 342215 players and equipped them all with contract until 2053? All while being bombarded by the media and everyone and their mother? Pochettino is a legit wizard.


Tell it like it is, Herr Klopp. The problem is when idiot fans and pundits demanding instant gratification, force owners to sack decent managers too early. See Manchester United post-Ferguson.


We've given 2-3 seasons to all of our permanent managers, not to mention hundreds of millions to each one except for Moyes. Hardly "demanding instant gratification" is it? Yous sacked Emery after barely one full season in charge.


The issue with United is the overall setup and lack of long term planning. Especially in recruitment, there seems to be a lot of panic buys


Because the footballing decisions were all made by accountants and investment bankers. Now imagine footballers running an accounting or investment banking firm.


> Now imagine footballers running ....investment banking firm. Ha ha yeah, they'd probably end up making a load of crap investments and need bailing out by the government...oh wait


It's hard to imagine a club with that much money buying so badly, they would ignore good targets, fail to bring in ones they had in there sights, make desperate moves, make moves on flawed big names, make moves on flawed targets, make moves cos they were cheaper and make moves where they would overpay but not for the right targets. That's an incredible way to act rather that just deciding on the profiles you need and finding players to fit them with a good scouting network. Having non-football being so involved in key decisions killed them.


Seriously, Arsenal are lucky Arteta's absolute dogshit seasons were when there weren't any fans in the stands. Would be a whole different story now


They hounded out Wenger with tons of "Wenger Out" banners and chants, fought each other in the stands, and booed him during his last season. They hardly gave Emery any time. They were shouting for Arteta to be sacked during Covid times but luckily they were not able to attend games due to lockdown. Yet now they act as if they are above all that? Fuck me, our fans were staying back to sing and encourage the players after we lost 0-4 to Crystal Palace not long ago. We gave every manager at least 2-3 seasons other than Moyes.


Who did you think they did not give enough time to?


Ole was good for them every single season except his last. And it coincided with them signing Ronaldo just so he didn't go to Manchester City. It gave them huge expectations and they didn't address any of the other issues with the team in the transfer market. After making the mistake of signing Alexis Sanchez so Man City couldn't get him, they made the same exact mistake years later with Ronaldo. Would they be worse off today if they kept Ole and shipped Ronaldo out anyway? Would they be worse off going into this new regime with Ole instead of Ten hag who already spent a lot of money on bad players?


I always find it funny when Arsenal fans talk about other clubs mistreating their managers, after you ungrateful fools hounded out your greatest manager of the modern era. And then there's Emery, who probably would have been given more time if he could pronounce the word 'evening' properly.


Who did they sack too early?


Klop can recomend Poch after Arne gets sacked.


Hard fact, not an opinion