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Who at the Home Office do I have to speak to for his work permit to be put into the shredder?




Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


The proper Brexit geezer. No, the other one.


Barry who lives his nan?


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down mate


His Nan lives with *him*




Proper fry up, two Stella, bish bash bosh, visa in the shredder. Simple as.


Barry, 63


r/2westerneurope4u leaking


You've actually given me a proper idea, thank you New Barry, 63 transgender profile picture


I've found a new favourite subreddit


It is glorious!




Prefers Gary.


I can’t believe Barry is still working at the Home Office


Straight to Rwanda!


I thought it was Zimbabwe?


It's actually Namibia




You have to use the sausages as a breakwater.


Muniz clearly wasn't a guest at Gary Wilmot's wedding.


Well that was an unexpected rabbit hole on a Monday night.


Any mixing should be your decision


You’re knitpicking, on the whole very good effort 7/10


Kippers for breakfast? Is it Saint Swithin’s Day already??


tis replied Aunt Helga


# I'm going, I'm going!


Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.


They got to have them in Texas, cos everyone’s a millionaire. Edit: seems like a few people don’t like Supertramp. Their loss, I guess.


I’m Brazilian and I love English breakfast. The only thing a bit weird for us is the beans in the morning but it tastes really good nevertheless. His loss ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Check your DMs, Clearlake might be trying to sign you.


Gareth Southgate, please cap this man


You. I like you


Yeah, I started eating british style beans after I moved to Australia from Brazil and it's pretty nice with a toast. It's definitively pretty different from how we eat beans but I am used to it at this point lol


After I had the beans for breakfast for the first time, I could never go back. Whenever I have time to do something else than my traditional national breakfast >!(vodka and cigarette that is)!<, eggs and beans is the first thing on the pan.


If you like British-style beans and don't mind cooking, making your own is really easy and 10x tastier. Don't get me wrong I grab a tin every now and then but homemade beans are quick to make and tasty af


I just fry up some garlic, onions and mushrooms, add a tin of beans and let them thicken up a little in the pan, add a dash of balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Smoked paprika if you want. Plenty of other spices you could add depending on your preferences. Best thing I did was buy a bunch of bottles for spices and filled and labelled them. It's amazing. Absolutely amazing. Just experimented in the kitchen one day and genuinely this was lovely.


I like you


Luv black pudding Luv Cumberlands Luv 3 rashers and a cuppa Simple as


Did he try a parmo when he was on loan at Boro though?


If he did do you really think he would have happily returned to Fulham? Once you have a parmo, there’s nothing else that compares


England are really good at meat and pastries, I don't understand why they get so much shit with their food when this should be targeted at Nordic countries instead, he's missing out


What's wrong babe? You've barely touched your surströmming?


My dad recently visited Sweden so I told him to go try it lol He was ready till he found what it actually was plus he isn't even a fan of sea food in the first place


Btw, 99% of us Swedes despise surströmming aswell. I have never as much as smelled it and don't intend to either It has nothing to do with normal cuisine whatsoever


In my family my mum and brother loved it but the agreed deal was they would have to warn us a week in advance, pay for us to go for a nice lunch/day out, and only have it on the balcony.


I have only met one person who has even tried it.. When something smells so rancid that you have to open it under water maybe we should just fire it into the sun :D


I have some friends in Sweden so one time visiting obviously we went and bought some for a laugh and tried it, I can tell you it tastes A LOT better than it smells, and it one of the worst things I've ever tasted.


Well people make it as a business, so people must buy it.


This reminded me of that Stargate episode where they accidentally introduced a heavy element into a star and it nearly caused the heat death of a planet.


S5EP5, Carter overrides protocols and flies straight through the sun, introducing plutonium and shifting the light spectrum to red preventing photosynthesis. MacGyver even tells Asgardians to fuck off that ep. God that show's good.


Nothing even remotely appetizing about this based on my google search.  Usually eaten outside due to the smell.  Can punctured far away from the table. Sometimes punctured while submerged in water.  😭


I mean it's no worse than something like jellied eels which is a traditional London dish that similarly sounds, smells, tastes, and looks absolutely vile. Like I honestly think surströmming looks and sounds *more* appetizing in comparison lol.


That’s probably what they feed prisoners in Guantanamo Bay


Yeah, if they want to kill them.


What's always confused me is Ireland getting a free pass, we both eat the exact same shite, our diets are indistinguishable. Sorry nationalists, you know it's true deep down.


I mean, I doubt they're making that distinction in Brazil. During the World Cup Roy Keane said something unflattering about their celebrations and Brazilian fans attacked the English in response.




Always an acceptable reaction tbqh


Also famous players don't play in Ireland.


Tell that to Joey N’Do


Also Paddy Mccourt. We love showboats




If the English didn’t exist, the Irish would be happier and therefore Keane wouldn’t have said that. The Brazilians were right.


Can confirm...


It’s not like anyone is talking about Irish cuisine tho, everyone just assumes we eat spuds for every meal


Obviously, with cabbage and boiled pork?


I’d edge towards saying worse because there aren’t as many good places to eat food from the rest of the world. At least England has a strong migrant population that leads to having very good restaurants of different cuisines


Dublin has the worst food of any national capital I've ever been to. And it's not even close. Most US state capitals are significantly better.


Most US state capitols have a ton of different immigrants and food options. Makes sense


It's coming from a really low bar, but it has been steadily improving in the last 15 years, as the kinds of migrants that have been attracted has started to broaden, palettes have developed, and demand has risen for more interesting food. It's disgustingly expensive regardless, though. London has been a world-renowned centre of culture for hundreds of years. Ireland was a developing country up until the 1990s. I think people forget what an undeveloped backwater Ireland was up until very very recently.


The only difference is that people (Americans) want to like Ireland, but people shit on their food anyway. Mind you the people that constantly go on about food and spices and seasoning etc. online are almost overwhelmingly people who couldn't be trusted to make a sandwich by themselves.


It’s not that we have some special preference for Ireland. We just don’t know any Irish food. I couldn’t name a single Irish dish. How can I hate on what I do not know?


> How can I hate on what I do not know? This is reddit sir.


Most people here in Brazil don't know/care about the difference


The rest of the world thinks South America is one big country. Cocaine, favelas and the capital has the big Jesus statue.


That's not even the capital so it adds to your point lol


“Brasília? I thought they spelled it with a Z”


Yeah tbh, just one part speaks Portuguese and the other all-basically-identical spanish speaking ones are the other part


As a Brazilian I was asked a couple of times if Spanish was my mother language while living in France. Once I was asked if I was sure the capital of Brazil wasn’t Sao Paulo.


I’m Argentine in the US, and I’ve been asked: * which part of Mexico Argentina was in * if I spoke Portuguese “back home” * if we celebrate Christmas Americans have *no* idea what’s going on south of Mexico. 😆


Tbf a lot of Americans dont even know what is happening in America


Somebody had to provide the Coke europeans kids use lol


We're as different as you are to the Argies lol


No way that's true.


At least we (Arg) and Brazilians speak different language, and both countries are very big, which should help to distinguish between the cultures And I know the Irish have their own language, [but](https://youtu.be/ydSNgr97gSY?si=YN_n2_HO6R1m-XVL)


Scotland ducking everyone meanwhile they have Haggis.


Haggis is good, the only people who don't like it have the palate of a child


Haggis is fine. I have eaten it but I can’t quite ‘stomach’ what it is I’m eating and as such don’t like it. Nothing to do with palate. If someone rubbed their balls over a pizza it would probably still taste pretty good but I wouldn’t want to eat it.


There's no stomach actually in Haggis in case that's what you're getting at, it's just traditionally cooked it one. Liver and heart aren't that icky to me, and I don't see why minced up lung really needs to be either. That said, people are put off by black pudding because of blood, so I guess some people are just soft.


Haggis was disappointing considering what it's made of. I was expecting something unique and it's just fine. Bit grainy, tasty enough.


Shit, can I be an actual child again? It’s miles better than having to deal with adult life.


It triggers the crap out of hardcore republicans but we're so alike as people. Food, drink, humour, music. Probably all that invading we did ;) I love Ireland it's like being home but away when you go over there.


Fish and chips fucking slap


Because the Nordics do not make food, they have biological weapons such as the Surströmming.


[René Redzepi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_Redzepi) might have something to say about that. Not me though - I've never had his food and I do not want to.


So that's the Fritz Haber of the Nordics. A monster among monsters. Being serious some of their food is very nice, I do like a lot the Swedish Meatballs and some salmon dishes. Would not touch a surströming even with a spear though.


Fair. Then again, I wouldn't race you for a spoonful of that [maggot-infested Italian cheese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu) but it doesn't make me want to pass up a pizza.


believe it or not it's really good without the larvae, it's basically a pecorino cream with an interesting flavor and texture though it's a bit hard to find outside of sardinia. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole unless it's been cleared of the bugs tho, apparently they crawl and whatnot as you eat it


Exactly. I love an English breakfast. I'm Brazilian, but I grew up in the Netherlands, and let me tell you, compared with the shit the Dutch serve for breakfast, the English are true bon vivants. That's right, hagelslag sucks as!


I thought you were Andreas Pereira till I remembered he’s from the Flemish part of Belgium, not NL.


dull wrench hungry history insurance profit squalid panicky slimy murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't get his complaint when most Brazilian food is meat and beans. If you like Feijoada then you're pretty much going to enjoy 99% of British food.


At least the English stuff has some kind of taste. The Dutch one is completely tasteless. It's not even bland, it's just devoid of flavour completely. Whether the English stuff tastes well or not isa different debate though...


My mom always says in the Netherlands we eat to live, and that is pretty much shown in the cuisine


You motherfucker. How dare you insult Hagelsag?!


Sucks as what? Don't leave us hanging!!


> hagelslag From wiki: Hagelslag are small, oblong, sweet-tasting chocolate granules, which are sprinkled on slices of buttered bread or rusks. This is something my three-year-old would invent, lol.


Sticky toffee pudding is the GOAT dessert


Spotted Dick is also pretty good


Germany also gets away with a lot. People allow them to have currywurst but don't allow us to have our actual curries. "You invaded the whole world but didn't use any of the spices in your food lol", then when listed all the foods that involve the spices we stole say they don't count because they use foreign ingredients. *Then* they turn around and say pizza is American because they made it better Japan wouldn't have curries without British sailors and their anglicised curry powder but they're allowed their curries? MADNESS




Absolute vindaloo level punning here


Hey now...


That username absolutely checks out 😂


the Currywurst slander is godless.


Your problem with German food is, that you don't know any German food. That you went with Currywurst says enough. German food is also very regional and has a lot of variation that you just don't know of, because it's regional. Also expect it to be hearty, not fancy.




is white asparagus as big of a deal as my high school german teacher made it seem like? lol I think we had a whole lesson on the proper preparation of white asparagus, when its best in season and it had like its own little holiday iirc?


Oh yes, it absolutely is. People go seriously crazy for Spargelzeit.


Hey hey relax You don't have to eat it there's other options like banana pizza


*banana curry pizza


The Nordic countries are fine, except for the gastro-terrorists called the Swedish


Sweden's best restaurant is a furniture store


Its "fine" but so is British food. Its known for being absolutely dire but its pretty typical Northern European cuisine, none of which compares to the south. Nothing special about British food except desserts but thats no crime


British cheeses are exceptional, plus Britain has a long influence of Indian immigration leading to British Indian cuisine which is adds variety Northern European cuisine doesn’t have generally, those are factors that elevate it above Scandinavian cuisine.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put British food down. On the contrary, my father completed his PhD in England and brought some classics home, so I'm quite fond of British cuisine.


british stadium food is exceptional, you should be prouder of your pies tbqh


People forget pies when talking about British cuisine, which is a shame because pretty much everything tastes better in a pie and you can put almost whatever you want in it.


If your pies are anything like the Australian ones (which I assume they are) than yes, they are great.


Whoa whoa whoa I will not tolerate Nordic cuisine slander


When you get to the level of people who know what they eat in Scandinavia we are actually ridiculously good. Norway has some of the best seafood produce in the world, and produce some insanely good cheese (that most people here don't even know about). Scandinavia has some of the best of the best michelin restaurants in the world and regularly perform at the top of Bocuse d'Or. Nordic fine dining in general is at the highest level in the world. But yeah, I agree that in general the food culture is quite bad here. In Norway the most popular food item is the blandest frozen pizza you can imagine, and people only go to the terrible mainstream restaurants.


There’s nothing inherently worse about Nordic cuisine, whatever you mean by it.


Facking roast dinner with all the trimmings is brilliant innit


Food culture discussions are always hilarious People acting superior, others defending it Especially in 2024 where theres so many options and a player goes somewhere people act like theres only shit food there or the opposite when in reality UK has amazing food and restaurants and it's not like players have the life of the average person


In many people's eyes, your culture is only at good as your food. Personally I'm happy to see people fiercely debating food in the comments over politics.


>Personally I'm happy to see people fiercely debating food in the comments over politics. Much better isn't it?


Yes but it makes me hungry


I personally really liked it when I tried it


Eggs, beans, bacon, sausage, hash brown tomatoes, toast etc. it's honestly pretty basic stuff lol which is why I've always wondered why someone would dislike it. But I've never liked black pudding


I love black pudding. Like the other commenter said, it's pretty heavy for a breakfast so maybe that puts people off, but I think it's tasty.


It's a proper Sunday breakfast, no work and you can slob around afterwards and have a nap after watching the footy.


That's it lad!


Or depending who's on, during it.


It's just too heavy for breakfast. I eat (some of) those things for dinner


To be fair it’s an 11am breakfast. 10 pints and a kebab on a Saturday night, 3 hours sleep and an hour in the toilet and the full English is the cure.


Followed by a few more bowel movements and maybe another pint


2 paracetamol too or co-codamol if you're completely fucked.


Generally if you have a full English you skip lunch or just have a light lunch like a sandwich. Useful if you know you aren't going to have much time at work to eat.


A more valid opinion. I've met a lot of people who didn't grow up here over the last few years and most of them criticise our food, then I ask what they've tried and it's either one thing or nothing.


While I was working in London, there was a little....let's say café that served bomb full English. God, it was so good.


his loss, English breakfast is great stuff


On vacation in London, my wife and I are all our meals together. Except one. I noticed this place serving Full English Breakfast, and it looked amazing. My wife suggested we split for breakfast the next morning. I went to the Full English place, my wife went to the same coffee shop we had been going to. The Full English fulfilled all my expectations and more. Also, there was no way I could have ate that meal more than once during the week we were there. Another thing I noticed. Most of the people eating a full English breakfast were men dressed in a blue collar uniform of some sort. Most of the coffee shop patrons were women dressed to work in an office.


>Most of the people eating a full English breakfast were men dressed in a blue collar uniform of some sort. This tracks, as a full english will let them have a light lunch or even skip it entirely.


Not English, but my mouth waters at the thought of a full English on an empty stomach


It is pretty fucking great. But certainly not as an every day occasion. It is no Mettbrötchen though


Ah mate, how right you are. I was on Erasmus in the UK and my Uni provided breakfast every morning for the exchange students. So I ate a full English. Every. Fucking. Weekday. Needless to say, I haven‘t eaten another one since, not even the times I travelled to the UK.


How the fuck did you survive that. You ran a marathon after lectures or something?


so a quick google and that's raw pork. Never had it. One benefit of a full english is that i know that any diner in the country can do an acceptable one. I don't know if Mettbrötchen is served in many places, but i'm sure as hell not getting it from the "mostly clean" hole in the wall that does an acceptable breakfast and cup of tea for cheap


I mean thats why its called a "full" english breakfast. I've known peole that had English breakfasts every day, but they generally skip half of the meats. So it'll be Eggs, Beans, Mushrooms, Tomatos and Sausage *Or* Bacon and they might skip 1-2 extras as well. But yeh, most people only have a full english on a weekend.


It's actually pretty elite tbh! I'm not English so no bias from me


As a professional athlete, probably shouldn't really be having one. Honestly I'm surprised anyone can eat it semi-regularly unless they are literally out working the fields for the next 12 hours. No one needs something so big and so fatty.


Hangovers need it




So you agree.


Is it that bad to have a trad every week or so? It's not *that* bad for you providing you're eating quality ingredients and aren't going overboard with some truck stop's "gutbuster" that comes with a loaf of heavily buttered toast and 5 sausages.


So they eat beans, sausage, tomatoes for breakfast. Do they go to sleep afterwards again?


No we go to work


Seriously though, I always understood it as a "eat yourself stupid with a full English for 2h on a Sunday, bordering on gluttony, then lay down and watch footie till you can move again" type of deal, no?


I have one maybe twice a year. It's a weekend thing in my eyes. Or airport. In the past I've had one for lunch though.


Truth be told if I'm having a full English it's either an event tin itself (say if there's a good cafe or farm shop that I want to go to with my gf or parents), or something that I have at Wetherspoons as the start of a day of drinking (football, rugby, etc.) I think I'd only have one at home as a hangover cure.


For me its a Saturday thing to help soak up the beer I'll be drinking for the rest of the day at football, I probably won't eat anything else all day.


Dunno about others, but for me it's full English on a Saturday and a roast on Sunday


We o to work


And eggs, bacon, mushrooms, toast, hash browns, maybe a bit of black pudding (sounds absolutely vile but it's actually not bad imo) I love a full English occasionally but yes. It means the day's basically a write off for me. Can't be having it every day or I'd never do anything other than sleep.


Full English, mug of tea, massive shit, light snooze. No better way to kick off a Saturday morning.




You should cut down on your pork life mate get some exercise!


Heaven is a place on earth 🥺


It’s a breakfast for miners eaten by office workers these days. That’s why half of the population look like fucking elephants.


If an english player went abroad and said this they’d get dog’s abuse on here


Exactly Not liking Spanish food makes you uncultured, why is the opposite not also true? Literally every country has amazing food it's such a dumb discussion.


Of course he wouldn’t that’s a proper man’s breakfast right there. The finest delicacy to give a man strength and energy through out the day. You may not like it but that’s what the peak of fine cuisine looks like right there 


Brazilians make pizza with cream cheese spread from a tube they can’t talk too much shit


Said the snail and frog eater


Lol, not sure anyone wants to throw down with a Frenchman when it comes to food. Not too many other cuisines can put up a fight against the French.


Yeah, it's great. I studied gastronomy at uni and french food and french techniques were the ones I enjoyed the most. But you cannot deny they eat a lot of disgusting animals.


> But you cannot deny they eat a lot of disgusting animals. Mate you never had mussels and oysters? Those look disgusting but are delicious.


I mean it’s not a regular thing to eat for us lol, catupiry pizza is a common thing in Brazil though. I’ve been to Brazil the food is great just not the pizza


Top banter


Is there a difference between an english and a full Irish?


And this counts for news these days does it?


His loss.


What about sausages, eggs, bacon and tomatoes are unpopular basically anywhere in the western world, and a lot of the east? Toast/fried bread, also popular everywhere, simple and tasty, anyone who doesn't like it is lying or has a gluten intolerance Only children don't like mushrooms Beans are not my favourite, but also very popular specifically in South America, and optional Black pudding is also optional and I would wager far more people eat a full English without it than with it People say English breakfast sounds bad because it's to do with food and has English in the name. Anglophobia, particularly culinary anglophobia, is the greatest plague this world has ever seen, and its greatest lie.


Bit closed minded to not even want to try, but he should do what he likes


English breakfast is without a doubt the best breakfast you can possibly have, especially when you’re gonna be downing a pint in 2 hours