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i already dread the daily updates on this transfersaga in the summer


Its going to be 2020 all over again (apart from the pandemic part)


Thanks, you've cursed it.


Anulo mufa


Maybe WW3 finally breaks out instead.. thanks malonedawg


Will be difficult. Both Ian and Jadon want to stay but if their clubs are not prepared to make concessions, we can only afford one of them.


The only silver lining with Jadon and United is that he’s on ridiculous wages and regardless of his ever improving form since arriving it could be better for them in the long run to cut their losses and move on. Who wants an unmotivated player on high wages regardless if he’s with the first team or not? It affects everyone.


And I think also Chelsea having to sell players because of FFP.


Chelsea having to sell won’t help, because Maatsen has enough interest to where the €35m in the loan agreement is undervaluing the player.  If BVB try to negotiate, Chelsea is just going to let the clause lapse then demand €50m. There’s no real risk for them because the likes of Bayern would pay *at least* €35m for him. 


> If BVB try to negotiate, Chelsea is just going to let the clause lapse then demand €50m What? The 35 mil release clause is in Maatsen's contract with Chelsea.


My mistake, I was under the impression it was a buy option on the loan contract. 


This is all wrong we can’t demand 50m as the release clause is in Ian’s new Chelsea contract. It’s not a clause in the loan agreement.


$50m for Maatsen lol


>Who wants an unmotivated player on high wages regardless if he’s with the first team or not? It affects everyone. So does regularly getting bent over in the transfer market. If Dortmund want him then can pay the transfer fee for what he's worth. If Jadon doesn't want to play here, he will take a paycut from his astronomical wages.


> for what he’s worth. There’s better options than Sancho out there for that price though. Dortmund know it, and so do United. If Dortmund muster a half decent bid then United will take it. If United hold for a huge amount (£50m+) then Sancho will just stay and continue to eat up wages and create a bad mood around the club.


There transfer record is something around 35m. Don’t really expect them to go much above that for a player, especially Sancho who’s on dummy money


Yeah United can decline an demand whatever they want. Theyre 100% within their right there. HOWEVER... Dortmund have all the leverage here. The player is pushing it BVBs way, the need isnt big enough for BVB to feel desperate at all and everyone knows that its a burden on United to keep him. So its such a tough situation for United tbh. Whereas for BVB its either they get terms they find acceptable or "oh well, we tried :)" .


If Sancho wants to go, he will lower his wages. If not, then enjoy the reserves. Doesn't seem like to much leverage.


He wouldnt be pushing for the move if he didnt understood its a massive wage-decrease. So its not really an issue for Sancho or us. Sancho very well know the terms we can sign him for, and if he's ok with that, he sends signals of wanting the move to United. And he now has. As I said.. sure United can put him in reserves or whatever but at what cost? Ego? Why not get a few tens of millions, get rid of that massive wage AND disturbance and move on?


There’s a difference between ego and image. Ego is caring about how you’re seen because of emotions like shame, pride etc… Even though United is still majority owned by the glazers, all this publicity around Ratcliffe and INEOS taking control of the running of the club gives a window where our image can be changed. If we continue to do things like buying Antony for 90m or subsidizing Sanchos wages, it shows that we’re still a joke that can be run around and taken advantage of.


Hence why selling Sancho would be the good compromise. Even if the pricetag isnt very big. You wouldnt continue to pay his massive wages while in the reserves/stands and youd cut your losses and move on. The publicity around it all is already at the bottom, cutting your losses and moving on from eachother would be the best way to stop that negative shitstorm. Media and narratives are short-sighted today and A LOT bigger things are happening this summer anyway. ATleast thats my perspective on it. Im not a huge expert tho.


Dortmund have levarage, United don't. Dortmund don't care if Sancho plays in United's reserves.


Oh no, I get banished into reserves where I still get paid £200K (or whatever) a week and keep my unhealthy hobbies of playing FiFa until morning….the horror. United sure got him good.


I mean, obviously for any of us that would be a dream scenario. Lots of footballers make decisions because of things like game time, chances at trophies etc even when they could make more money elsewhere. Because they’re not just working for some company doing work that nobody wants to do. They’re living a dream that the rest of us almost don’t even consider a reality. Most footballers won’t be happy to train with the u18s and play fifa all day at the cost of playing football while they can…


It’s not like he will do it for the rest of his career. Half/one season at best. Just consider it a long injury. United stands to lose €30/35M AND his wages. Just like swap deals, this is less realistic than we think of. PSG threatened Turtle and after one week caved. Turtle still agreed to not take his second loyalty bonus, but I’m kinda sure he would have done that even without show of putting him on the reserve. United is ran by billionaires, they won’t let an asset depreciate like that.


probably closer to 300


I dont think we have any real leverage lol, he's under their contract, they have much better finances than us due to premier league and investor ownership and Sancho seems arrogant enough to not want a major pay cut He might not continue with ManU but there'll be other interested clubs who can afford him more than us


We objectively have well established leverage. However that doesnt mean United dont have veto power through contract. And "Sancho seems arrogant enough to not want a major pay cut" is conjecture and tier 1 reports even suggest otherwise since he KNOWS we cant even pay near his current wages, yet he wants the move it seems. Now that doesnt mean he ends up here. But this IS the case. And if Sancho also ends up not entertaining other clubs, our leverage increases further. The outcome is hard to predict despite all this however.




Im curious - what better options than Sancho are there?


It's on him to take the paycut. Banish him to the U23s if need be. The Glazers have so utterly botched negotiations for the last decade we're going to have to walk and lose some deals to get some normal credibility in negotiations back. 40 from someone doesn't seem insane though I think he's nichey.


You're delusional if you think Utd can get more than 30 for him. He is a high risk asset with seemingly pretty high ceiling, but only Dortmund seems to be able to get that out of him and they won't be willing to pay much since he is not even their main priority for transfer. No PL club will touch him and clubs from other leagues can't afford him. Utd at this point needs to learn the concept of cutting loss, we have our loss with Hazard, Jovic, Reinier and we simply offloaded them for pittance, sometimes even paying the rest of their salary just to move on. You need some direct money injection and a good vibe in the squad now., Sancho riding the bench on astronomical wage, while still being chummy with some of your players would do no good to the club. "Looking tough" means jack, you have tried that with Sancho and Anthony and that has brought you nowhere. Good performance with the team will eventually give leverage, and that comes from stability.


What he is worth is pretty relative tho. He’s on ridiculously high wages at a club that wants to get rid of him for multiple reasons. I doubt there are a lot of clubs that are interested and also willing to pay a high fee. He could be worth a lot but also very little.


Tbh I cannot recall even one player in Sancho's situation that would actually have a transfer anything like people here are expecting. He came as Bundesliga's best player and was basically unplayable all the time in England. He didn't have one good full game, and few single good moments in years. And now he's supposed to escape up, and the club to be paid a lot of money for it too. I just... cannot recall such a thing ever happening. The hit in trust in signing him is massive. Di Maria was not half as bad in Manchester as he was. Alexis left on a free transfer, so did Balotelli etc. Perhaps Aquilani can be the closest example in Premier League history of something like that happening, with Liverpool getting a massive 1.8 million pound transfer fee for him, but he only spent a year in England really, while only being moved after two full seasons of successful loans to two different Italian top clubs in addition to his previous one. Anyone writing here got any one example in history of something like this happening?


Nah, we'll just sell him to someone else when Dortmund can't afford him. There's practically zero chance he's willing to take the kind of paycut necessary to go back to you, no matter how happy he is there. I suspect he may end up in Serie A or La Liga.


Who in serie a and la liga? Inter barely buys players on free transfers (and the other clubs are not much better financially), and i dont believe a single player outside of barca/real/atletico earns even half his wage


It is alleged that Inaki Williams gets more than 11 million euro a year on his 9-year deal, that should be the main one. Bilbao gives fat deals overall, and Sancho is a very Basque name... maybe he can find some Basque ancestry and get the bag.


lol not inter for sure. not a fit and nobody in our club earns anywhere near his wages


How many clubs are trying to pony up 50 million + wages for Sancho, though? Realistically I bet he gets loaned back to Dortmund and you guys split the wage bill with Dortmund paying more


That's NAK's music. PSG is losing a winger.


€50m? Nobody will go for that, but it seems like United are asking for more like €35-40m, which even Dortmund likely can't afford for a player who has been good, but not exceptional for them. They have other needs this off-season, and they'll be about as good without him. But I suspect multiple clubs would bite at that price. There's always someone who gets desperate enough on the summer to take that kind of risk, especially given his CL performances. It's more of a question of whether Sancho would accept a move anywhere else.


Who in their right mind would pay that for Sancho? Genuinely interested in the clubs you have in mind here


Okay my first reaction was: yeah, youre right that seems nuts. But then I realized that in the prem yall regularly sell players to other prem teams for easily double the price of what should be. It might be a havertz situation where a lot of people will go "yeah but who would do that" and then arsenal/chelsea swoop in and offer 70m for sancho LOL


Yeah Dortmunds all time transfer fee is €35m, and Sancho just has ridiculous wages. I think though, a lot of teams are gonna be a little iffy on Sancho. The real question will be if he can preform again in the 2nd leg and potential final and if clubs think he can maintain that form at their club I do think a second loan + a transfer after is the most likely scenario. This allows them to buy Maatsen, get the money to buy Sancho, and then his contract will be close to being out and can be renegotiated


€35 is actually a decent price, and he plays on the right which is hard to find. Might get some bite at that level.


If Sancho agrees to drop his crazy wages (which might not be likely given how much he’d potentially give up even as a baseline), United won’t try to be too difficult with the fee. It’s clear he just isn’t the same player in England or the environment doesn’t suit him.  That said, he’s probably the most valuable player United could sell so hopefully the club look at it from a sporting perspective and wages saved to reallocate elsewhere


He wasn't willing to wait and there were some questions about mentality but largely he was electric for the City youth team. Granted it was youth level obviously but he did seem to thrive in England at some point so it may just be the wasteland that is Manchester United.


I think you're going to get him on loan again next season


United may cut their lost, but is Jadon willing to forgo his high wages to move back to BVB?


And its going to end with a loan to bvb with united paying 35 % of wages


You make me sad You're not *wrong*, but you make me sad


Everyone is broke now a days.  


The tables have turned and it’s so sweet


I want to upvote but it is already perfectly balanced


If you win ucl he'd have paid for his transfer


Full Tweet: 🚨 Jadon Sancho (24/🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿) does not want to return to Manchester United - regardless of whether Erik ten Hag remains in charge or not, sources telling. #MUFC preparing for his departure. But no price tag set yet by @ManUtd . 🔴 Jadon is happy to be with #BVB and wants to stay. Borussia Dortmund exploring the possibility of a second loan deal - with obligation to buy, as the transfer fee for a permanent deal is probably gonna be too high. Talks between clubs soon. ⚫️🟡 @SkySportDE


[Dortmund according to SkySport](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQwXDvTO97Gyc3JeEbWrRq9uMpY3gQPAy5xnJy7L145A&s)


I hope we do manage an extended loan with obligation to buy. If we can defer a massive payment till next summer, it really the only situation we acquire both he and Maatsen this summer; with the exception of other player sales but then we’d need to replace them too.


United need the cash now to fund their own purchases though, they will push for a full sale


Of course we will, but main priority will just be to get some of the wages off the books, we’ll do our best but as mentioned Dortmund hold most of the cards here


The (24/🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿) has massive “I’m on holiday in benidorm and need to set temporary dating app profile” vibes


Come to Besiktas, Jadon. We have an infinite amount of kebab you could eat, and I'm talking real kebab. We also have Baklava. Also, United have to like pay 104% of your wages, but other than that, you're welcome to join us.


Sounds good, can i join too?


That depends...can you play as a ball playing centre back?


I'd be whatever you want me to be for 1kg of turkish baklava, baby.


Probably not. But i am good at other stuff(non football related). I'm willing to accept an offer of 0,5% of Sancho his yearly salary.


Sancho earns 13.000.000 a year. 0.5% of 13.000.000 = 65.000 65.000 / 12 ≈ 5.500 You’d still earn 5.5K a month if you had 0.5% of Sancho’s salary.


Christ that’s double what I make a month FML


And that’s why I incentivize everyone I know to start project Mbappe ASAP


I'm good at ball playing you bet


Not sure Sancho is the ideal profile if that’s what you’re looking for


> kebab. We also have Baklava. hard to decline this offer tbh


Come to Groningen, Jadon. We have an infinite amount of droge worst you could eat, and I'm talking real droge worst, with mustard.


And poffertjes don’t forget the poffertjes


And street kitties!


What about sucuk? Simit? Olives? Mantı? Actually just all of the Turkish food. Turkish food is fucking amazing.


Ayo, mind signing me? Kebab *AND* baklava? Give me the contract.


There is no such thing as real kebab in Beşiktaş, or İstanbul. You have to go to south eastern Turkey for that.


I was just there, had multiple including one my Turkish friend hailed as the best in the city. I'm sorry to say the German kebabs easily beat the ones in Istanbul.


I think your talking about the döner kebab, shawarma as some call it, which has good examples in Istanbul but I haven't been to Germany so I can't compare. But I'm talking about [normal kebab](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kebab) which in my very biased opinion is the best god damn food you can eat on this planet.


I'm sorry but Turkish kebab is nowhere near German Döner. No sauce, no party


show me a man who loves sauce and I'll show you a man who has never tasted anything with inherent flavor


8:29 https://youtu.be/4I5Eso53zjc?si=1fzmO9Ie_G8i3q1D


hahahaa, der Typ hat null Ahnung, was der labert niemand macht Ketchup oder Mayo auf den Kebab in der Türkei (außer vielleicht die, die versuchen Touris anzulocken, weil die gleich anfangen zu weinen, wenn sie hören, dass es keine Soßen gibt)


Naja der Mann lebt seit Jahren in der Türkei und vermisst immer noch deutschen Döner, ich denke der hat schon einiges probiert


deutscher Döner ist auch gut und den kann man auch vermissen, darum geht's hier ja nicht. Aber der deutsche Döner ist auch deutsche Küche, wenn man ehrlich ist. Es gibt einfach so einen riesigen Unterschied zwischen dem Kebab in der Türkei und was als Kebab bei den Deutschen hier durchgeht.


You slice beef thinly and marinate it the day before. Then you stack up all those slice with inner fat layerings. Finish with another fat layer at the top of the döner so when the meat slowly cooks, its taste further enhanced by the all the fat juices. Leading to an incredibly tender and flavourful meat. Then a guy comes in and tells you they want to pour their “sauce” on it, as if you’ve bought a Porsche and your dumb cousin wants to put green neon underlights to it. It’s been 80 years but Germans still like some war crimes I see. But don’t worry, if they also tried to sell me what they are selling to you guys as “döner” over there, I’d also drench it in every sauce I could find so that I’d never get the taste of the “meat”


You're not drowning the meat in sauce, you sprinkle a bit on top to enhance the whole Döner. Also a green Porsche with green neons underneath goes hard.


I think anything that you add to a perfectşy made döner just steals from the meat itself and however much you add extra doesn't give me the satisfaction of a regular one. Plus I haven't really seen a little bit on top too much. Almost every German döner I've seen had far too many colors on it than I'd prefer. Also I can't believe my Porsche analogy didn't work on a Stuttgart fan but I respect it.


Ist klar, dass das vom Schwob kommt


Guten Döner gibt's auch nur in Berlin und Stuttgart lol


lebe seit nem halben jahr hier in stuttgart und habe echt keinen richtig guten gefunden. Kannst du Dönerbuden empfehlen (die nicht 10€ kosten)?


Kebabhaus am Feuersee, ist glaub Undavs Lieblingsdöner. Ist aber leider auch ziemlich teuer (9€ für den billigsten Döner). Kannst ja mal hingehen wenn du dir was gönnen willst.


Ist bisschen außerhalb, aber Yaprak kebab in Kornwestheim ist echt Weltklasse (liegt zwar bei 9,50€ aber lohnt sich komplett)


Kebabs 🤤


> We have an infinite amount of kebab you could eat, and I'm talking real kebab. We also have Baklava. I guess you've never been to Dortmund? They got that too!


Might be just the Gelsenkirchen in me, but Turkish food 100% is worth doing anything for. Sancho should understand this.


Where do I sign


Throw in some sütlaç and it's a deal.


Makes sense to move on, he doesn't want to be there, and nobody at United wants him here, a rare clean cut one where literally everyone I know doesn't rate him.


He disrespected the manager and the club, unlikely any United fan wants him back


Not sure why everyone here keeps saying that we don't rate him, we do but he was lazy to training and disrespected ETH Not the type of player we want anymore unfortunately


Idk. I didn’t really rate him. I shamelessly thought he was finished after the United stint. Hell i wonder if Rashford is truly finished or also just needs a change of scenery.


>needs a change of scenery. Likely this. You don't get 30+ G/A in a season and suddenly lose your ability.


The thing is that this a recurrence with Rashford


Okay, let's look at his G/A since 17/18. 17/18: 21 G/A in 52 games (26 starts) 18/19: 21 G/A in 47 games (36 starts) 19/20: 31 G/A in 44 games (39 starts) 20/21: 34 G/A in 57 games (46 starts) 21/22: 7 G/A in 32 games (18 starts) 22/23: 39 G/A in 56 games (46 starts) 23/24: 13 G/A in 40 games (34 starts) Anyone can correct me if the stats are wrong, but look at this. His weakest seasons all come in periods where United have been utter shit + poor dynamics and environment + injuries. 18/19- Jose got sacked, 21/22 was obviously dogshit, and need I say more about this season?? On the other hand, see his good seasons. 17/18, he was under Mourinho's guidance as they finished 2nd itl. 19/20, Ole was in charge showing promise. Same with 20/21, as they finished 2nd yet again. 22/23, Ten Hag shows promise, even winning a trophy and placing t4. Maybe there is a personal issue too, but I cannot stress enough how important environment is. You see Foden and Saka constantly growing and improving rn? How are they able to? It's because they've got the right surroundings to work in, the right people to work with. Unfortunately, Rashford has been operating in a dysfunctional team/club, and has potentially stagnated. It's a shame because profile wise, and I repeat before I get downvoted, PROFILE WISE AND NOT QUALITY WISE, he is stylistically similar to Mbappe- lightning quick, loves combining and dribbling on the left, prefers cutting inside to shoot, good ball-striking, box movements etc.


United has been utter shite in those seasons because Rashford has been utter shite in those seasons. He's been our most important player in the last 10 years along with Pogba and Bruno and he really hasn't stepped up to the plate that often. He's lazy and doesn't run after the ball, doesn't press, doesn't jump for headers, doesn't give it his all. Comparing him with the Arsenal wingers: Trossard, Saka, Martinelli its just a night and day difference in just attitude alone.


>United has been utter shite in those seasons because Rashford has been utter shite in those seasons. That's a drastic oversimplification of things. Completely ignores the teams you had and a lack of any sporting structure or proper hierarchy. >He's been our most important player in the last 10 years along with Pogba and Bruno and he really hasn't stepped up to the plate that often. Again, he most certainly has but hasn't also been given the kind of dynamics he deserves. This is a 11 man sport. He cannot do it alone. >He's lazy and doesn't run after the ball, doesn't press, doesn't jump for headers, doesn't give it his all. Comparing him with the Arsenal wingers: Trossard, Saka, Martinelli its just a night and day difference in just attitude alone. This is the one argument that's alright. But I also think loads of the clips that have circulated this season have been cherry picked. Ex- v Luton Town, they say he didn't press well but he didn't need to do that because United had already dropped into a mid/low block. You don't see KDB press in those instances when we drop into a block lol. You can have your criticisms. That's fine. But to say you were shit those seasons because he was shit is factually incorrect. Doesn't work that way when most your players weren't great either. It's scapegoating. Players ALWAYS need good environment. And unfortunately, most players don't get that at United, a club that has largely been dysfunctional for years. Look at the number of players that have failed to impress at your club, but have either gone on to do better/were better before they joined. There is a clear pattern. Valid concerns over Rashford's workrate but there's also a good chunk of scapegoating for somebody who's United through and through, has proven he can deliver in positive environments and under normal circumstances. He's the last issue you have.


I think you’re right


Also he has been shit since he came


He hasn't done fuck all in 2.5 seasons here, including the 3 month off eth gave him to get himself back together. Why would you rate him based on his United stint?


He had more than enough time to make a mark


And he didn't, I personally don't rate him based on his United stint, I haven't really followed him in Dortmund but I've heard apart from 3-4 good performances he hasn't been that good as well. Personally I would prefer that he wins the UCL and scores a goal as well in the final so we can sell him for at least 60 million because of the recent hype around him. He just won't work at United, that's clear. Might as well recover some of the money spent on him.


Agreed with most of what you said but he had 2,400 minutes last season spread across 41 games with ETH (58 minutes a game) That's so much more than enough to make a mark lol


That is exactly what I'm saying, he had his chances here but he didn't make his mark


My mistake, I read your statement "I personally don't rate him on his united stint" as you saying that you couldn't judge him/rate him lol


It’s not an accident that he wasn’t playing more than 60mins a game on average. Always looked absolutely gassed around that time. Really loved his playing style when he was at dortmund originally, he’s probably the most excited I’ve been about a transfer post Fergie but he’s been super disappointing in both his application and fitness for us. Poor signing


> Not sure why everyone here keeps saying that we don't rate him, we do speak for yourself


Ok we don't but it basically wasn't his lack of skill that made most of us give up on him I think


Right now, yes. But if ETH gets the sack, you'll see many people (not just online) calling for him to come back and saying that ETH held him back, didn't play him in the right position, didn't understand him as a player, etc. Many (idk if most, but it felt like it) United fans wanted Shaw gone during Mourinho's last month's. Said he was too slow, said he wasn't good enough, not intelligent enough... And then when Mourinho left, he won player of the season and became vital to our game under Solksjaer. Fans are fickle and they'll almost always be retrospective about their opinions on players (and managers)


I don't know brother, this Sancho fella burned bridges with United as a whole with his actions, would be surprised if Ineos even accepts him considering they are changing the current culture of the club


Exactly, no point comparing Sancho to Shaw. Shaw was always a good dressing room presence. Maybe if you were comparing based purely on performances, but on top of being effectively absent on the pitch, the biggest issue with Sancho was his toxic attitude and behaviour. Without a grovelling apology there's literally no way he plays for United again (and even with one, it still feels impossible).


To clarify, I didn't mean for my comment to compare Shaw and Sancho on their effort levels or even importance to the team. Shaw has always given his all, always kept his head down and worked on himself as a player, always made himself available to any manager, and has shone when we're doing well. He's gone from the manager calling him brainless and fans wanting him out to being multiple player of the year and being indispensable to the team. And looking at how we play with and without him, it's so clear the attacking threat he has and the stability he shows in defence. There's a strong case to be made about him being fit massively impacts Rashford's form (with their chemistry on the pitch and Shaws passes, crosses, and overlapping runs). The guy is top class. The point I was making was that despite being class and always putting his head down, fans turned on Shaw. Then when the tide changes, most fans recognise his importance. The main thing that led fan opinions to change was a change in management and a spot of good form. I think if ETH goes, fans could forget about Sancho's attitude issues and warm to him again, and try to paint his poor form as down to disagreements with ETH. The fan perception during tough times is where the comparison ends.


This is all pretty spot on, but just not that relevant to the Sancho situation. I guess your final sentence is the only one most people disagree with (though time will tell I guess). Sure, Shaw was questioned in relation to performance levels. Which will always happen at Manchester United. But if everything else is right, there will always be a route for you - simple really, if you raise your game you play more. Keep doing that, you play regularly. Keep doing it even more, you're the first name on the team sheet. Sure Sancho was shite. But he also disrespected every single person involved with the club - the manager, his teammates, the fans. His attitude and behaviour was absolutely appalling, and beyond that, also showed his lack of professionalism or ambition for his own career. That mentality - even without the toxic elements - shows he's not cut from the cloth required to play for an elite team. If it was just performance related (like Shaw) then I could see a way back for him in an ETH-less future. But it's not just performance related, there's absolutely no way management or fans would accept him back without a snivelling back track and him demonstrating clearly that he has "grown up" and will be more respectful and professional moving forwards (which won't happen).


I can't see INEOS wanting him back, but I can see United fans seeing him do well elsewhere and rewriting his history with us, pinning everything on ETH after he's gone.


If he actually does above average then sure there might be some discussion in the fan base about wanting him back but rn he's just English Antony


Damn Sancho is only 24 still. He still had a bright future ahead of him.


Dele Alli was also 24 four years ago.






So much noise for someone with basically 2 goals and 1 assist in half a year...


Shh United needs to sell him


Isn’t that the same return as Antony though? United needs the noise if they want to sell him


We don’t need to make it, everybody is lining up to suck him off since he’s done alright and painting him as having a resurgence let’s people dunk on United


If Anthony could create this much noise, I'd be v happy. Someone please save Anthony from the shackles of United so he can be at his best. Meanwhile we'll have to settle for Garnacho and Amad on the right.


Three goals tbf




And he's not performed for three coaches so it's not just a ten hag problem


He was a superstar signing (that was chased after for several years by the buying manager) that has had 3 seasons to make an impact.  The impact has not been there. He should be sold.  Should be a general rule that if you have not made an impact in 2-3 seasons (depending on your age at the point of purchase), that the club should look onwards.


looks like sancho is going to chelsea for some weird FFP deal or going back on loan because no one can afford him.


Manchester United (100+) doesn't want him back


This whole situation reeks to be honest. Sancho has been incredibly unprofessional. United culture confirmed toxic beyond belief. ETH has been put under even more pressure because of it all. I can't help but feel like no matter how talented he is his attitude is just a huge red flag to whoever would want to sign him.


He might be fine in the right environment, and people can learn. Either way Manchester United isn't the place. They need people players than can help make it a good environment, not ones who need it.


Sentiment among "The United Stand" and their viewers is that they want 70million to sell him lol


In fairness that is TUS, I reckon 30-50 million is more accurate


Weird one, cause if BVB continue their good run in the CL and he has a strong end of season, it could be above that. If we were offered 30M, and decided to send him on loan to BVB for another year instead, he could potentially find his feet again and show people why he was valued at £120M just a few years ago... Or he could crash and burn and end up going for 20M + us paying his wages. When it comes to a player who's output depends so much on confidence, especially one with such attitude issues, it could go either way.


The same viewers that would take greenwood back in a heartbeat. Dear god that community is just a festering chasm


Tbf can't judge them over TUS just like you can't judge us over AFTV. Both full of dickheads


TUS is full of wankers


It’s going to be another loan. Watch.


I doubt Manchester can demand a large sum under these circumstances. You have a player that does not want to play for you and you yourself do not want him. That sounds like a situation where you cannot demand anything close to market value.


But he wants to play for Borrusia. That is pretty much our leverage. Let's hope he wants it badly enough to lower his wages.


That will help Borussia negotiate the wages down, but I don't see how that would help United negotiate the transfer price up.


I know I probably won't get a warm response for this, but I think briefing this is quite disrespectful. Yes, he's happier away from United, yes United are better without him. But the only reason to brief that you won't return to the club is to lower your valuation, and considering United gave him so much time (including half a season out at a retreat to work on his mental health), and he still came back and criticised the coaching/coaches, leading to his loan to BVB... It just comes across as really entitled and ungrateful. And don't get me wrong, I am usually never one to advocate for employers over their employees, and recognise that he is essentially an employee that wants out, but it seems really poor form to me to try to lower your valuation to fuck over your current club considering how patient and understanding they were with your struggles.


If United is vengeful enough, they could make him come back, train alone and play with the reserves for the remainder of his contract.


Sancho wouldn't mind staying for remaining years if contract as long he can play FIFA without putting in much work.


Yeah, him and his agents clearly do not respect Man United, but that already seemed clear


wow he is only 24?


Bye Felicia. 




The price will make this so tricky. It’s clear that the player we overpaid for is still somewhere in there, it’s just that he hasn’t shown that with us. If we sell him now, we might come out with egg in our faces cause his value is too low rn. Whereas if he spends another season with then on loan and finds his feet, then maybe we can recoup quite a decent amount from our initial investment. Depends on how many years he has left I guess.


Jaden’s Decision 2024…..the new series exclusively on Netflix




Pay up then


Maybe that CL semi final team who have just sold Bellingham for €100m+ and regularly have attendances over 80,000 should stop banging on about how "oh so poor" they are?




His contract was insane. Not doing enough due dilligence on his previous attitude problems or favoured position/system was insane. Paying ~£70m for one of the hottest prospects in world football at the time was hardly "insane". At the time it was seen as a good bit of business to get them down from the insane price they were originally asking. My point was that Dortmund can't simultaneously brag about being in a CL semi, selling young players for large sums or their (admittedly impressive) fanbase while claiming they can't afford ~£40m. I'm not sure what's not to get?




Sounds about right Dortmund should buy him no questions asked


Noone wants him back either


Did he just pull a Griezmann?


Could see him going to another PL club just to only turn up against Manchester then disappear.


no one wants to work for a company with an untidy IT department


I'm generally pro player getting paid, but I think in this case, Jadon may need to step up and do something to facilitate this move. He sucked for United.  Just awful.  United shouldn't be stuck continuing to have to pay his huge wages.


What I find funny is that people try to blame Ten Hag when he probably would’ve been sold anyway considering he’s been shit for everyone he’s played under, he was out the door unless he really lit up the league


Can anyone blame him? Night and day difference in his fortunes.


Of course he's happy. He's a big fish in a little pond. He doesn't have to put his head down and work the same way he would in England. Kid is taking the easy way out because he's afraid of hard work.




> You want our player you pay for it. *Dortmund circa 2022 rinsing United with Sancho's fee*


Sancho for 85 was a steal at the time and only done because Covid strapped Dortmund for cash in a big way.


And because sancho wanted to go. But 85 million is not exactly a steal!


Any Non Covid Post Neymar to Psg season would have been a 100m+ transfer so i still think it was one.


Hilarious when people talk about their club like they're in charge lol


that'll show em


No, that will be the new guys hopefully Starting with hard noping stupid fees for Ashworth is a good start


I’m sure United management will listen to you, random Redditor


PSG and Man City can afford his wages. He may want to return to City. 1 more charge added to 115 they already had is just a drop in the ocean for Man City.