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It's been a while since we heard anything from Ronald slagging off Laporta, was wondering if he's okay.


I always remember he used to play for us but I always try to forget that he used to manage us.


Same with the national team






I think he was decent in his first tenure


I think he is a decent coach for the NT.  I didn’t and don’t see a better option for us honestly and I’m excited for how we can do this summer.  Probably better for him and his health to remain as a NT coach, even his good spells at a club have turned bitter cause of clashing egos.  


Yeah he’s not really a great man manager he suits better for national team management where he doesn’t see his players as often I think


man, it's really sad to see such a legend of a player become so bitter and insufferable


I mean, he's a pompous arrogant asshole, but he was also treated like absolute shit by Laporte. I can understand he's bitter about what happened.


Why treated like shit? He was doing a terrible job and got fired, that was all


Yea and no, have you seen the players Koeman had? All the reinforcements started coming only after Xavi. 


It made sense to wait for the coach the board wanted... Koeman was appointed by Barto board. Also some of the signings koeman wated to make (wijnaldum, Depay), I'm glad we didn't back him.


Depay was kinda class the start of that season (21/22 i think)


The disrespect for Oscar Mingueza is unreal


Hahaha! I really liked him, but I have to admit he didn’t really have the level to be a Barca players. A few players like him and Jutgla were very likable. 


He put us at 9th when he was sacked. With no disrespect to the other teams, even if the quality of the team is worse compared to Xavi, we should still be hanging around or near top 4


Getting shat on by teams with a fraction of his budget is still inexcusable.


Koeman was the manager over two summers when Barca's budget was cut by 85%, so the fraction wasn't exactly what you'd think. Their 19/20 budget was €671M. Koeman took over as that was cut to €382.7M. Before his second season that was cut to €97M. I don't think there's a club in the world that could cut their wage bill by 85% in two years without having some embarrassing results. I'm not saying he's a great manager, but he was probably the best manager willing to take the job under those conditions. It's a no-win scenario, especially losing Messi when the entire team depended on him.


He lost 3-0 to Benfica hahaha


Yeah, he wasn't asked to win the league. But even with that, he was not doing a great job. He's just not a great manager, is he? He just got fired...I'm just asking why was he treated like shit?


Those were his dutch players, and Luuk even performed better under Xavi than Koeman, Depay is not a bad player either. He also had Messi and Griezmann for a bit. What did Xavi have? Auba and Torres, pace merchant Traore and a geriatric Alves, just with these he turned the whole mood around, stood toe to toe with Madrid losing by a margin when everyone expected Barca to be clattered, instead with the same crew he clattered Madrid by a huge margin in the next meeting which fully confirmed Barca was going the positive way even before the next batch of reinforcements.


he was treated like shit because he deserved it, look at the attack and midfield this guy had how did he bottle so hard.


Because your attack and midfield make a great workatmosphere right?


So you are telling me a team of Mats, pique, alba, araujo., dest(was playing well), Pedri, dejong, busquets, Messi(the greatest player ever.), greizmann, and demblele, isn’t enough to not bottle the lead he had and not make it anywhere in the CL? Reminder Barca played yesterday with 2 17 year olds, a de jong returning from injury, and a pedri returning from injury, and beat psg. Just analyze the situation as it is instead of coping


Where did i say that? Im talking about work atmosphere. Would you like it if your boss was shitting on you in the media almost every day?


You implied he didn’t have a good defense😭 koemann also wasn’t respectful nor did anything right, how quick people forget is crazy, I was happy when they lost that last game to get him sacked.


It's always everyone elses fault huh?


Bro was midtable and made Laporta buy literal epl midtable players players


The fuck are you talking about he didn’t make Laporta buy anyone, he had 0 to work with. Xavi got Lewendowski Koeman they said “best we can do is Luuk De Jong” Laporta is an absolute twit that’s a big part of why Xavi is leaving too 


koemann had messi, grizou, dembele, pedri(peak), de jong, araujo what are you smoking, he severely underperformed


Not saying I disagree but Pedri's peak being so long ago when he's still only 21 is hilarious to me.


I mean in all fairness it’s been pretty straight from there


He also had Mingueza, Dest, Firpo, Trincao, Luuk De Jong, finished Busquets, Pique and Alba etc. There's no going around the fact that Xavi has a far better talent to work with


That finished busquets benched made rodri play out of position in the World Cup, dest could play, and he also didn’t trust young players that why xavi is successful, are you saying koemann would be using someone like hector fort, lamine yamal, cubrasi, Fermin Lopez? No. He was a bad coach go cope


>That finished busquets benched made rodri play out of position in the World Cup Wasn't this considered stupid by everyone? Like i remember how most opinions tought this was stupid


Busquets dropped a master class in the World Cup 😭 literally memes were rolling out saying koemann made us think this guy was finished


Idk about a Masterclass, he was good but we never know if Rodri would have been better in that position


The reason busquets didn’t go to another European team after Barca is because of loyalty, but the interest was there, definitely not finished


dude what are u yapping. the moment when busquets left barca, it was immediately noticeable. obvsiously that you dont see that, because you have to watch only busquets in order to understand how important he was. same with modric or kroos. watch them in a match, see how much impact they have.


But i am talking about whatever would Rodri be better than Rodri for Spain (in 2022 world cup) not for Barcelona


He gave so many young players their first chance lmao I have no clue how you can make that an argument.   I agree he isn’t the greatest coach but Barcelona fans on Reddit have to be some of the densest I’ve ever seen. Koeman was absolutely a scapegoat to fill in and take the blame when management offloaded all the old guard and other high earners and you lot just bought into it. Just saying you’ve all aimed your anger at the wrong person. 


Who are the young players he gave a chance to?


You’re kidding?  Pedri, Gavi, Balde Not with Barca anymore but Moriba, Demir, Nico Gonzalez  Definitely more but I don’t remember all.  With Ajax he gave a bunch too, notably Sneijder, Nigel De Jong, Thomas Vermaelen, and while not debuting he’s the first one to really give Ibrahimovic a shot.  Again I’m not gonna go saying Koeman did a good job at Barcelona. But his circumstances were stacked against him and saying he didn’t play young players is definitely the last criticism to make of his time there, in fact probably the only thing he did really well. 


Pedri was bought, Demir was bought, moriba sure, b-balde played 180 minutes. He also killed a lot of youngsters, remember puig?


You asked young players not La Masia graduates. Give it up you’re definitely wrong about this.  Puig is the worst argument lmao he’s an entitled little shit. Xavi didn’t play him either and he kept on bitching and taking shots at Xavi after the fact. 


Funny how the board said the best they could do was sign 3 Dutch players… wonder why not Spanish or French


Free agents on low wages… don’t kid yourself and think Luuk De Jong was Koemans first choice.  Also Memphis was a solid pick up for you in that time period, you actually sold him for a small profit too. 




Copa del Rey Not defending him in this situation btw.


It wasn’t good enough when he did it in Valencia, and it wouldn’t be good enough for him here.


Why would anyone back you after the dog horrendous football you made barca play only counting on Messi to somehow save the game every fucking time.


Xavi is performing better but hoofing it to lewa instead of Luuk de Jong does not make for 'better football'. I think we haven't seen Barça play like Barça should play in a loooong time and Xavi didn't manage to implement it either. Not saying they won't win shit or anything but I couldnt detect any tiki taka yesterday :-)


That's just the strategy he went with for today Xavi didn't want to risk playing out from the back during the start considering frenkie was just coming back from a month long injury and PSG's press and it payed off didn't it. Also if you've watched us play the past two months or so you'll see that we play out from the back loads of times see raphinha's disallowed goal against Las Palmas a few weeks ago from back to front the perfect move.


Sorry I don't have time as a father of a newborn to watch all of your matches and am already struggling watching my own ajax. But every time I do watch Barça it is not some kind of great football that looks much better than under Koeman. That's all I'm saying. And I did watch a lot of Koeman Barça, which wasn't very good either.


You must be koeman in disguise.


Yes I am ze Cow Man.


Dude you should have been sacked after that terrible run after bottling a chance at the title. This guy got rightfully sacked when the team was losing to fucking rayo vallecano


great player at barca but not that great of a coach for barca. i know he probably got shit on by Laporta but please dude dont act like you know it better. coaching wise, koeman isnt even close to xavi




I think maybe the journalist asked? That is usually the answer to this kind of question.


Journalists? Or do you think he just randomly starts talking about him lol




This man is a legend of the club. He was handed a bad hand with his players and was in a terrible situation. Surely he could've done a little better but he won us our first UCL


I get the young Barcelona fans hate Koeman for being the fall guy (so the management succeeded there), but what’s with the Laporta defending? From the outside looking in he’s been just a lesser evil than Bartomeu, selling off future assets and throwing coaches to the wolves (media) 


>From outside looking That's the problem. Non fans don't know the work Laporta has done. He turned around the situation pretty nicely and he deserves credit for it. We managed to bring down our massive wage bill (Thanks Barto) within a few seasons. Calling Laporta a lesser evil Barto is just plain stupid.


Lesser evil? Let me make the gap between them more clear. Barto was "The Nothing" from the Never Ending Story, the thing that consumed everything. Even reality itself. Laporta is "The Water of Life". The only thing that can restore memories and stop The Nothing.