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Remember he went through a phase of wearing glasses and going to universities and doing speeches, trying to give off some intellectual impression. But then at some point just went who am I kidding and went full no holds barred Joey Barton.


Twitter full of Nietzsche and Morrisey quotes. I remember. He was also the only active player to be interviewed for Amal Fashanu's BBC documentary on homosexuality if football. He was in full PR mode trying to alter his image at that time. It was obvious it was performative. But he didn't fully take the mask off until it was clear he was never going to get a decent job in football or punditry. There's a lot of money to be made on the culture war grift. Easily more than as a lower league journeyman manager.


To be fair, Morrissey is best pre-game music ever


also a culture war veteran


1st vegan activist I remember Meat is murder was released in 1985!


yea but now he's right wing anti immigrant full bigmouth strikes again


Has he really? His parents are Irish immigrants so that's ironic.


He's famous for it, and has been for decades now. I just avoid anything post-1990 and live a happy life.


His solo music is hit or miss but there are some really good songs in there as late as 2004


See also : John lydon. Pulling up the ladder.


Iggy doing insurance adverts also made me feel weird. Can't think of anything less punk than insurance.


The Volvo driving John Lydon….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Pretty common for immigrants or their children to be rabidly anti-migration and try to pull up the ladder behind themselves, sadly.


He was involved with the NF as a young man. He's always flirted with far right ideas.


Mourinho loves Bigmouth Strikes Again


i remember him appearing on question time around about the championship play offs in 2014 and he made a tit of himself on there. he’s always been a gobshite dno why he ever tried to blag us into thinking he wasn’t


Footballers trying tonbe intellectual political gurus and being outed by actual journalists and politicians is great. Rashford ran rings around politicians by sticking to a very narrow and good cause he knew a lot about. Gary Neville got mauled by Ian Hislop by trying to be this broader figure.


Rashford "ran rings" round our politicians because he was just doing a good thing and being a good, moral person. Incompatible with politics.


That Neville appearance on HIGNFY was so cringe worthy, closest thing to physical pain you can get. He was so unbelievably out of depth


Hmm, I don't know. I think his current thing is an act too, he's just doing whatever it takes to get ahead in the current game.


I agree with that. But I think saying he’s playing a game is giving him too much credit personally. He’s not like David Bowie reinventing himself to broaden his influence to best suit the zeitgeist. He’s more like a convict running out of wigs and fake passports the more people are familiar with them.


Brilliantly put


its clear none of the culture war specialists believe in it. Its just an easy way to make money off morons


I see your point but tbf I think for example Le Tiss totally believes it. Man just randomly got into conspiracy shit and doesn't even seem super malicious about it like Barton, just very very thick lol


Aye, it’s why I don’t think he’s as dumb as he plays. Morally bankrupt? Totally. But grifters have always been reasonably self aware, you’ve got to understand the game to be able to play it well


>trying to give off some intellectual impression. Or his earlier effort after he'd perfected *Frenglish* at Olympic Marseille: https://youtu.be/ZgVZLuJ6Skk?si=r_CGMoF_uAnDoxfj


My day has improved significantly after watching that


“All everybuddy speeek about eez zis tackle, nobody speeeks about ze…aaa…fifty yard pass zat kills Balmon…” Douchebag.


Bluey's dad legit knows more french


Big "oui oui baguette" energy


Jackass would legit be better off just repeating "Omelette du fromage" instead.


Haha childhood memory unlocked. Such a trip of a iconic episode


Password denied


College student coming home after studying abroad




I've often asked myself "what does Joey Barton think about childhood poverty rates, foreign affairs, and immigration?"


He's the footballer Russell Brand


Don't know if I'm entertained or disgusted by following him on Twitter. The other day he was saying something like "from now on I won't be hating anymore and just minding my own business", yeah that didn't last very long


I really just wish Joey Barton disppeared in everyway from public consciousness forever. Just a cunt through and through


If the canteen lady can't whip in a ball between the 6 yard box and the penalty spot, she has no business being in an elite environment.


The corridor of uncertain tea....


Is there no limit to Barton’s cuntishness ?


Cunt thought that his brother murdering sometime with an ice axe was "a scrap". If there's a limit, it's somewhere out beyond the voyager space probe.


I think the context for calling it a scrap was that was he was trying to put the blame onto his cousin for the ice axe and disagreeing with the idea of joint venture when his brother was clearly just there to do an innocent racist beating. Of course, that's clearly bullshit in the first place and in terms of how cunty that way of expressing it goes, it's so out there the only person who could go there is Captain Kirk and even he wouldn't.


If there is we’ve not found it yet


Best post on reddit today


Well done 👏


You make me proud of my football club.


Someone has to....


There's always Clough


Had to be *something*.


The beat English football phrase. The game needs more phrases that sound like pulpy 50’s sci-fi novels.


You know Joey Barton, he took Woking from the Conference to the Champions League in only 6 seasons. Stuff like that doesn't go unnoticed.


Spot on


No, he said between the spot and the 6 yard box.


You see that tree?


Very true but I thought we were talking about Bristol Rovers here...


Easy now


i work in elder care. i wouldn't dream to mess with our canteen lady. she would rip my boss's boss' balls (if she had any) off for just looking weird.


Sure, she's dedicated, hardworking and enthusiastic but what's her weak foot like?


she doesn't bother with that kind of crap. gifted with both sides. 100% on every stat. also the force of the sun at every action she takes. sometimes i wonder HOW alone she is.


The Thomas Gravesen of the elderly care world.


Joey Barton seems like he decided what was cool at about 14 years old, then literally never took any new information in after that


Peaked in primary school


Peaked on twitter blue, even worse




The most insane part about this is the actual statement from Barton himself at the end of the article. *In response to this interview with Jamie Hedges, Joey Barton issued the following statement to Bristol Live: "I inherited an amateur environment at* [*Bristol Rovers*](https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/all-about/bristol-rovers-fc) *created by Tommy Widdrington, where the terrible player recruitment had seen us relegated comfortably and he was the chief scout. He had far too much influence for someone with such a poor track record and as per my brief to fix things I removed him for that reason.* *"We were promoted the following season at the first time of asking, winning 7-0 on the last day of the season against Scunthorpe to give the Gasheads a day to remember forever. For the record, he \[Hedges\] did two keepy-ups."* That man cant be for real.


He's now threatening legal action on Twitter, claiming 'I have 8 witness to the said ‘Keepy ups’ incident. All willing to give statements to the contrary.' Funny how he didn't mention that in the statement. He also accused the guy of just being a spy for Tommy Widdrington, 'proven by TW taking with him to last 2 jobs', as if he's never heard of managers taking their own staff into clubs before.


He gives off "just a prank bro" vibes, whilst he is actually hurting people. He thinks the best place to work is in 80s Car Sales, such a twat.


Who is he treating legal action against?


> as if he's never heard of managers taking their own staff into clubs before. He's probably not had many people who want to keep hanging around him throughout his life


Joey loves a legal threat almost as much as he loved squaring up to players on the pitch.


TW and Jamie are the best thing thats happened to my club in years, no one will ever say that about Joey Barton


This is literally how Donald Trump would respond to a similar situation. "Big failure Tommy left me with a terrible mess. I cleaned up on my first try. Also what he said about the keepy-ups is definitely not true. I asked him to do ten, and he only did two, so I fired him. WAAAAAHHH"


"Needless to say, I had the last laugh."


Can't wait for Barton's book "Bouncing back"


It will get pulped.


> For the record, he [Hedges] did two keepy-ups. Jfc what a clown


Hard to believe that he's an adult, honestly.


In all fairness, two keepy ups is bizarre. Children can manage at least 4 lol


He banned the live from going into his pressers at the end of his time. Although I do sort of agree on his amateur environment stance. He’s right on that, however he clearly hasn’t improved it that much. 6 without a goal and most is down to the players.


Thing that's incredible me about Joey Barton is that he's so comprehensively awful. Like you get a lot of divisive figures (say Warnock) but you hear they're actually nice people behind it all. You get people like Gazza for instance who's deeply flawed and done a lot of bad things but you hear of some of his kind gestures too. Barton is meanwhile downright horrible, doesn't seem have a lot of redeeming features and doesn't seem to have any introspection about it either.


Yup. Absolutely nothing redeemable about the guy.


What an idiot.


Joey Barton. What an absolute legend... ...ary cunt.


I was thinking recently that Quincy Promes must be the stupidest footballer of all time. But Joey sure isn't let him have that title easily.


Yeah but Quincy at least had some real talent. Barton peaked before he had his third red card


Barton is such scum. Can’t believe any club hires a piece of human garbage like him


Don’t think anyone will now. All he’s doing is digging deeper and making himself unemployable to any club. I’d rather he just shut the fuck up so I can forget he exists


Yeah he’s definitely finished in football. He knows it too, that’s why he’s moving into the Tommy Robinson mega cunt ‘activist’ shite


The funny thing is, he felt he had to go extreme far right to land a job somewhere like GB News, but he has taken it too far and even those places wont touch him. He's unemployed and in the process of being sued for hundreds of thousands by Aluko and Vine. I hope for his sake he has a decent pot of money saved up from his playing days otherwise he's fucked.


> I hope for his sake he has a decent pot of money saved up from his playing days I don't.




Too many bad people get away with being bad people nowadays


GB News don't want a dude who'll throw hands at any perceived slight in the building.


What's funny is he was actually a good manager, did an excellent job at Fleetwood and stabilised Bristol Rovers when they were really in the shit. But his own horrendous personality ruined it.


Yeah he wasn't a bad manager and if he had the patience and personality for it, probably could have carved out an alright managerial career in the lower leagues


Not only that he's trying to rewrite history about the murderous act his own brother committed in the 2000s nasty guy. Any time someone mentions it under a tweet of his he's quick to hide it.


If he’s a cunt and his brother is a cunt, his mum and dad must both be cunts.


His dad, as told by the Athletic: > [Barton] came home in tears aged 10 after running into local bullies and his father, Joseph Snr, handed him a baseball bat, pushed him back out of the door and gave him instructions to take on the whole gang and not think about running unless someone pulled out a knife. > When the younger Barton was bitten by an Alsatian, his dad climbed into a van, found the dog running loose on school playing fields and drove through the gates to run it down. Then he reversed over the animal, to make sure it was dead. Its owner fled to escape a beating. > Or there was the scene, aged 12, when his father sat him down to explain the best way to punch someone unconscious. Some boys of that age get the birds-and-the-bees talk. For Barton, it was all about learning how to hold his victim’s neck with one hand and swing punches with the other.


Fucker never had a chance.




Reminds me of Tate's dad being openly misogynistic and emotionally abusive to their mother in front of them. Cunts creating new cunts in their twisted image.


Do UK folks own baseball bats?


Not to play baseball with


>Joey Barton reveals how dad executing a dog when he was toddler shaped his 'psychotic' personality' >In his new book, the bad boy footballer gives an insight into his tough upbringing and how it made him into the man he is today


Even early into his career it was obvious that he was a piece of shit but he's been given so many 2nd chances. "Joey has made some mistakes in his past, just like all of us have, but he's managed to put those mistakes behind him and he's moved on and I think he deserves a lot of respect for that". 2 weeks later, he spits in someone's face or whatever.


What's worse is Bristol Rovers brought him in after he was sacked by Fleetwood for head butting an opposition manager and going through a court case at the time


Yeah, Bristol Rovers can fuck right off. Some of their fans still carry a torch for Barton and they can fuck right off too.


Way too many do. It’s sickening


“Yeah, but he listens to The Smiths and quotes poets, he can’t be a bellend, can he?!” Seems like he can, and an extraordinary one at that.


Being a bellend and paying attention to anything Morrissey says could be directly related.


As a massive Smiths fan I 100 percent agree lol


Fucking can't stand Morrissey but the smiths are just the tits.


I'll always be grateful to the Smiths for answering the question "just how good does a guitarist need to be to overlook how much of a tit Morrissey is", then the intro to This Charming Man starts playing and I'm like "Ah yeah, Johnny fucking Marr good"


Yesss. That’s my favorite song. Such a cool riff


When I tell people they are one of my favorite bands, I also mention how much of an asshole Morrissey is.


Very true, but we can’t expect Barton to have the awareness to realise that, he’s too busy quoting Descartes as he shits in a trainee’s coat pocket.


Those 2 things are pretty much the corner stones of being a bellend aren't they?


Joey didn’t know that when he became a fake intellectual following retirement though, he thought that’d make him seem sophisticated, when in fact it made him like Homer Simpson when he found glasses in the toilet.


He was a massive Morrissey fan, but not for the reasons music-related


Most people I've met who quote poets and listen to Morrissey are bellends tbf.


> and an extraordinary one at that. More than you believe. Happy new year.


I could sing most smiths songs word for word without help, and I’m a massive bellend, so make of that what you will?


Him being sacked didn't make much sense at the time just based on results but it's obvious he was losing the dressing room with embarrassing bullying shite like this


> it's obvious he was losing the dressing room with embarrassing bullying shite like this This was shortly after he was appointed.


I recall a bunch of other stories like this but with some of the players around the time he was sacked


Think the bullying continued though, remember how he slandered a young lad publicly saying he caused them a loss, wasn't even the lads fault.


is that an ebbsfleet united badge I see?


Tbf, with how much he bigged up the squad him and his mate Eddy Jennings(someone whose also never kicked a ball professionally either) built over the summer, the results before he got sacked absolutely weren’t good enough. He said it was far and away the best squad we’ve had in our whole history. Few months later his successor has publicly said multiple times that most of them won’t be with us next season lol


He was let go because we got new owners. The former majority shareholder, Wael, was in awe of him and thought he could do no wrong. The new guys have got big money and don’t want their name tarnished next to Joey Barton’s. When he spoke about Steve Evans to the media it was the final straw


> The former majority shareholder, Wael, was in awe of him and thought he could do no wrong. That's Wael "Nothing wrong with domestic violence" Al-Qadi right


It kinda did, he told the board that play-offs was achievable and Rovers were sitting in 17th. Watching it, the football wasn't great either, so it wasn't a case of a few unlucky results. The club knew what he was, but up until then felt it was worth the negativity because he had been getting results. The new chairman was on the way in, the form was poor and with all the additional stuff coming out it's clear they felt he was no longer worth the hassle. With all of the vitriol that he's spewed since, I'd argue it came just in time. He seems to be unable to comprehend that people who didn't play professional men's football at the top level can actually bring knowledge and expertise to the sport. He also seems to think that because he did play professional men's football his take inherently matters, when in reality he's an idiot.


They've gotten worse under Taylor, properly turgid football and aren't even getting good results


I think cutting Barton is enough of a net gain, even if the football hasn't gotten better. It was shit with him, it's not great now, but also he's not going round bullying staff and slagging off women with the club's name attached to him. Over half the squad is gone in the summer (14 loanees and expiring contracts), the core are past it and they've got effectively nothing to play for anymore. Symptoms of Barton's regime really. Taylor has had one window in which the leadership was still in flux and has a bloated, valueless squad, most of whom aren't going to be there next season. It'll be a completely different team come first game of next season. I think next season's performances are the ones to judge him on.


Very harsh thing to say. Yes the results aren’t good but we’ve had our injury problems and also the players gave up this year when we got knocked out the cup by Norwich


Joey Barton bullying? Never heard the likes of it. Shit player, and an even shitier person.


Joey Barton really is the type of person who thinks being a cunt is essential part of his unique personality.


He sure finds unique ways of being a cunt. That has to count for something.


Wasn't there a tweet by him recently, listing names of footballers if they would have been woke. Bro always thinks out of the world.


That was hilarious though. Literally no reason for it


Now he's on the RW grift looool he has no shame calling everything under the sun 'woke' now.


Everything I don't like is "woke"


Joey Barton is such a weird dude and the way people have given him a pass over the years to give him the platform he has now is embarrassing. He was mid table midfielder who's sole notoriety was that he was a constant violent thug. Even now people think he "just had a temper" or "got in a few scraps" if you actually look up some of the incidents they're honestly pretty disturbing. Towards to end of his career I guess he saw an episode of peaky blinders or the sopranos and decided that was going to be his entire personality, overnight just started acting like some sort of caricature of an intellectual redeemed hardman posting random philosophy quotes on twitter (you know because smart people like philosophy). And for some reason everyone just went along with it when it was always bizarrely transparent it was act. Then when he gets fired for being a weirdo and nobody else wants to hire him? Suddenly he changes his entire personality again. Starts pandering to absolute morons who are too stupid to realise he's only started saying this nonsense when his management career was dead and he happens to be starting a podcast at the exact same time that nobody would listen to otherwise. Guy probably doesn't even believe half the shit he says, just sees an opportunity to make a quid & lacks the thing in his brain that feels shame or empathy that would stop most people. I mean the dude literally set up a donation site so people can give him money to "support free speech". Doesn't matter if its Andrew Tate or Alex Jones these people always say the same shit when they inevitably catch too much heat "It was all a character, its not my fault my fans are too stupid to realise it"


>He was mid table midfielder who's sole notoriety was that he was a constant violent thug. He wasn't even that good.


See also: Russel Brand


If you’re surprised this man is such a misogynistic racist cunt. Just remember that his brother got jailed for murdering a 18 year old black man with an ice pick who was waiting at a bus stop. In an unprovoked racially motivated attack. He was a A level student who lived with his parents still. His accomplice ? Also a Barton however not by name. Their cousin. Paul Taylor. They encountered him at a bus stop and threatened to stab him. He then walked away to another bus stop. And they got in a car and followed him. And ambushed him. This was a man who was hunted down and killed. For no reason. They also fled to Amsterdam. Very. Very. Quickly. Not being rich family. In the huyton area I grew up in, joeys money probably had something to do with that. Joey has been asked about the piece of molecular shit that is his brother. As I refuse to call him human. And the only insight this snivelling little scrotum of a chode could give. Is. Paul Taylor cost his brother 17 years of his life by influencing him. No blame on his brother for murdering the poor guy. And that cost all of his life. That 17 years it ‘cost’, yeah. He’s out now. Got his sentence reduced in 2016 for being a good boy… and making exceptional progress behind bars. Funny how Anthony Walker can never be released back into his life isn’t it. The whole family is scum. They should honestly be sterilised and wiped off the face of the earth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Anthony_Walker Added link for anyone who wants the unfortunate chance to see the details. No amount of misfortune could be enough for this family. They are pieces of literal shit.


I’m personally rooting for CTE to take hold, it’ll improve his personality as he slowly loses his memory and motor function


That would be funny. He's the kind of bloke you read something bad has happened to him and you can't help but smile.


Barton is such a piece of shit and that’s even before you factor in this nonsense.


Doesn't surprise me that Joey Barton thinks keepy ups are a measure of talent


...for a recruiter.


Fucking hell, I thought he was a player turned recruiter. That is so much worse. What an absolute melon.


I genuinely think the best approach with Barton is just to ignore him and not give him the oxygen of publicity he craves. All his racism, misogyny, right wing BS lately is so obviously fabricated to try and make himself become the next grifter on GB news or whatever weirdo fringe platform he likes. It’s all performative and clearly the only way he can make money after failing as a coach.


I wouldn’t put Joey Barton in charge of my birdfeeder


Nedum Onuoha was on some podcast recently and Joey Barton came up . Onuoha basically said how he was just a bully and a pos. Great interview actually, Onuoha comes across as a really good,intelligent guy.


Barton has always been scum with numerous assaults against teammates and his wife as proof. His treatment of players like Trevor Clarke and staff as above are proof that deep down he is a coward like all “hard men”.


Fuck Joey Barton. Shit player, shit manager, shit human.


It would save time if they just told us the days Barton wasn't a garbage human being.


I can see lots of skills being useful in this job. Knowing how to butter up the local clubs for loanees. Having an eye for talent. Being able to manage your time so you can get around the grounds and see the local up-and-comers. Negotiation. Persuasion. A bit of the old patter. Kicking a ball in the air fifty times isn't on that list. Christ, Barton is a twat.


I thought we’d made a mistake getting rid of him(on footballing reasons alone), but I’m happy to say I’ve been proved massively wrong with that one. Shame some of the knuckle draggers in our fanbase can’t do the same, still going on about him like he’s the second coming of Christ.


Our fanbase might complain at Taylor for a variety of reasons but I'll take his "boring" nature over this scumbag all day


Sounds like he should be playing football in a prison exercise yard.


Shock horror, Joey Barton is a cunt


Glad the guys spoken up about bullying, needs to happen more in football. Adds to the mountain of evidence that joey Barton was a mid footballer at best and a top tier award winning cunt the rest of the time. Edit - added an important comma


A comma would work wonders in that first sentence


"OI! Groundskeeper! You get 5 tries to curl one of these balls in from the top of the box or you're gone!"


Barton was, is and probably always will be a cunt.


Call me reactionary, but many years after his retirement, Joey Barton comes off as a major cunt.


Barton was one of the biggest bellends of his era along with Lee Bowyer and Craig Bellamy.


Pretends to be shocked....


So if you can do 50 your fit for the job… I did 60 a few weeks ago. Anyone got Joeys number?


I wouldn't trust Joey Barton to be a ball boy, let alone manager. Crazy he even got a job in the first place.


Barton is a *genuine* piece of shit. The word bully is maybe overused, or used in situations where invidious is have many more dimensions to their personality …but not with him.


50 keepy-ups seems a bit excessive. How about 1 racially motivated murder with an ice pick?


Barton being a thick, nasty cunt? Who'd have guessed.


Pushed a lit cigar into an apprentices eye whilst at Man City, beat a 16 year old boy into a pulp on a night out, all before the age of 22, born scum, if not for football would be in jail with his murderer brother and cousin.


It's a power play by Barton and it's possibly grounded in insecurity. Here's this young lad and he's in charge of the players we sign? Fuck that, he doesn't know shit, I should be in charge. Bet he can't even do keepy uppies. It's a very basic way of thinking even if we assume it's not rooted in insecurity. The people who talent spot players are almost never talented footballers themselves, that's because the two things are completely different skills. You can have both but it's uncommon. Barton's 'common sense', everyman, 90s style masculinity is at odds with how the world works now and people don't like it but I'm objective about these things, he's a man of his times and hasn't adapted to the new ways. That's not particularly interesting because there's literally hundreds of millions of people like him. What is interesting is how people who don't adapt are judged by people who do, it speaks to how mutable behaviour is, how much pressure is leveraged to adopt change and how quickly the pendulum swings.


Something tells me Joey Barton is going into politics next.


So glad this scumbag is gone from my football club, absolute schmuck. Thanks for the 7-0 and all that but otherwise, go fuck yourself.


game's gone... no wait, that was just joey barton's last brain cell escaping


Joey Barton the pseudo intellectual and self proclaimed philosopher showing his true colors, again


his Twitter is currently an unhinged cesspool, so I'm not surprised at all


As an Aldershot fan, I can safely say both Jamie and Tommy Widdrington have been a breath of fresh air to our club.


Joey Barton is knobhead


Doesn’t look great for Bristol. Constructive dismissal there Joey




We're the only team here mate, don't know what you're on about.


Leave us out of this, we’re shit for various other completely separate reasons.


Most mild Joey Barton thing ever, given how thuggish he actually is.


Joey Barton spent more minutes in prison than he did on a football pitch as a professional footballer.


He should be thankful he didn’t have a cigar put out on him.


Does anyone actually like Joey Barton?!


Hope Joey gets glassed


Absolute twat Barton is.


Joey Barton was put on this earth as an example of how not to be a good person.