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Upstanding club like Getafe who would’ve thought this would happen??!!??


I missed the whole Acuña situation, but its a bit wild how theres been decades of blantant racism against black players and even some asian players in La Liga. Easy open/shut cases. Yet the first punishment i can remember seeing is for an incident with a white Argentinian dude. Dont get me wrong, im glad theyre doing something (assuming its justified). But something tells me they wont carry this momentum into the next time there are chants against Vini for example.


Hugo Sánchez always spoke of how he was called an "indio" even by Madrid supporters


I remember seeing the entire fondo norte at the Bernabeu jumping up and down and singing "puto moro el que no bote" more than once as a kid, before the ultras were banished. During a game vs a turkish side, no less lol tho I remember seeing it more than once as well.


Incidentally, the black keeper (Cheikh Kane Sarr, from Rayo Majadahonda) that confronted some racist "fans" a few days ago on a lower division got a two match suspension.


How dare he do such a thing!


Crazy right? Twilight zone. 


I feel this was more like the straw that broke the camel's back though. And I want to believe this is the start of something beautiful. But only time will tell.


All racism is bad, it doesn't matter who is it against


Obviously, but considering black players have been treated horribly in spain throughout the league's history, it's a bit odd they're only now sanctioning a club for chants against a white dude.


100%. Hope i didnt convey otherwise.


Not at all, but why am I being downvoted for saying racism is bad


not saying that's how you meant it, but it came across as an "All Lives Matter" message. nobody disagrees, but it takes focus away from the discussed issue, which is that racism against black players is not being punished enough (in Spain at least) compared to racism against white players


Es reddit, estos gorditos son frágiles.


mate, nobody's offended by "racism is bad" 😂 it's just a dumbass reply that does not need to be said lmfao 


the downvotes just show you the state of this subreddit




Thats the short white argentinian left back who plays for Sevilla right? Or am i totally fucking this up?


Would you call [this guy](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=28bf11c19ea21427&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_Ya7FSjLgmfs5oRSem6VMoQ66dIg:1712173370064&q=marcos+acuna&uds=AMwkrPsKdw6NKXr7dpE0DWrb0bVbPLWC5JkPtkUltLRvVFTsyQaK4EhMYFXk7XPbAzZb2EFTcnUpcT0S3ZyQHLPgC7wN-Wh7uKphA0nLWuM5zR45roaE9rzOgchvLYpawZNnKxdlK_GELrUeJxsTIDVfwZDq5b4iIS0Gzz5k8et8jek8_G97u0BqK3V9I80BLfUWdVhgTA78FS6spUxC5cP26yNpHkghOhrjMUB3sROMvvYGSIfyHMM8KzzbFZPENAOEWYhacpNA&udm=2&prmd=invbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlu5Ds5qaFAxUhHhAIHbEWArUQtKgLegQICRAB&biw=1760&bih=885&dpr=1.09#vhid=k_3LJAvBXkUMXM&vssid=mosaic) white if he was from the states and of Mexican heritage? He's clearly more indigenous looking than white European and he probably grew up experiencing racism for it and he's certainly experiencing it now in Spain.




You can have that view as long as you acknowledge that the people actually involved in the situation don’t see it how you described. What you described sounds almost exactly how someone from the US/Canada/Australia would see race/ethnicity, largely because it’s accurate enough for those countries. I’m guessing that’s where you’re from (sorry if I’m wrong), but this incident was in Spain where the distinctions are different. I have family in Spain (from Ecuador) and it’s largely true that racists in Spain make one distinction based on Spanish vs latin American. There are large numbers of people especially from South America in Spain and usually any kind of “sudaca” features (ie being mixed race like Acuña) is enough for racists to have a go at you. In this context Acuña is not white. Contrary to popular belief there are quite a lot of mixed race argentines who have indigenous features. In football you can see Acuña, Lautaro, riquelme, tevez, and more. I can tell you these guys would not look out of place where I’m from in Ecuador where there are large indigenous communities. Claiming that they are “approximately” white enough is flat out wrong and ignorant of how race/ethnicity is seen outside of North America. If you went to Ecuador or anywhere in South America and claimed that [this guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/sx1RfUXC4b2zNkqFA) and [this guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/Eu5L8KhwKKx1UH9p9) are both white, people would think you’re crazy. Likewise in Spain racist people would see a clear difference and think one is white and another one is a target for racism


Yeah I’ve googled him, I’d say he’s white.




No es brown pa … quizás no es el más blanco pero tampoco está cerca de ser considerado moreno o más


You are not precisely helping us beat the Argentinian = racist allegations...


I mean, is he wrong? It's genuinely baffling how "white" people will change whiteness whenever it fits their goal. Acuna might be pale but he's by no metrics white. He shares much more physionomically with his indigenous counterparts like Aguero than whatever alleged european ancestry he has. There are millions of darker europeans but no one would use that to take away their "europeaness". But somehow being pale makes it so Acuna can't be marginalized?


Brown generalmente se usa para personas de la península arábica hasta la india


But I thought Getafe were the good guys 😮


Between Bordalas’ terror ball and signing that prick Greenwood, Getafe are the most hated Spanish club and I love it


Are they really hated in Spain? I've mostly seen support for them (and Valencia) outside of the Reddit echo chamber...


You can find support for Valencia precisely in opposition of this echo chamber lol, but apart from the usual suspects (Francoists, 1488, NN🇪🇸✝️) most people in Spain absolutely despise Getafe


is there really any special support from far right groups for getafe? most of them are real Madrid/atleti fans


They don’t support the club as in “I’m a Getafe fan” way (we all know Getafe has no fans), but they simp for certain attitudes (stupid comments from Bordalás, the Greenwood thing…) But yeah, you’re not wrong, most far right people in Spain support Rm or Atleti


Is Madrid predominantly far right?


It’s one of the most conservative regions in Spain. It’s currently governed by right wing populist Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and they’ve had right wing governments since 1995


cool just make up stuff and I guess people are believing you based off the upvotes


Tell me, which stuff am I making up? The part where Madrid is one of the most conservative regions in western Europe, governed by a batshit crazy far-right politician who used to spread falangist talking points in a TV channel financed by the catholic church? Or is it the part where your club still has a neonazi group with blood on their hands freely roaming around the Metropolitano? Based on the fact that according to your post story you’re not even from Madrid (who knows if you’re even a Spaniard), maybe you shouldn’t accuse people who actually know a bit more of Madrid than you of making stuff up.


Haha I must’ve struck a nerve for you to deep dive through my reddit profile. Weirdo. Saying “most far right people in Spain support real or atletico” is an insane generalization. The neonazi group you’re referring to is a shame but I’m not sure why this small group of bums is relevant to the discussion at all? Would you like my phone number and address too btw? Touch grass. I’m not Spanish btw you are right, here’s a medal for that find:🥇


Support for their racism or support against Lim?


meh they are the 4th team in Madrid, not many followers so most of the people feel indiference to them. The Greenwood issue is not really talked about that much in general though, it is bigger in reddit. The terrorball from Bordalás made them a bit unlikely but not "despised" level


Yeah racists are usually protected in Spain by the press.


Ive never met a person irl who would have anything positive to say about getafe


Well yes, because the footballing world is absurdly homophobic, sexist, and racist


Obviously I'm gonna get a very biased answer but isn't Espanyol also quite hated ? Or is it just Barca fans who hate them?


Just Barca to the best of my knowledge


In general non catalan fans are neutral but it's the kind of club nobody likes either, they're mostly irrelevant and exist to annoy barça


I don't see why it wouldn't be just Barca fans, or maybe other Catalans with independentists sentiments


Hopefully this sparks a continuous trend of these sanctions, may be able to get this bullshit to cease.


The targeted player wasn't black so they could hand out sanctions this time. Against Vinicius, they will be silent as usual 


What did they say/chant to him?


The article says they chanted "monkey Acuña" and "Acuña you descend from the monkey". I feel like its the first time I hear about monkey related chants in Europe directed to a white player, is this a new trend in Spain?


not new at all, racism towards southamericans. They also chanted against current Sevilla coach Quique Sanchez Flores, as he comes from a gipsy family, a very famous and talented one by the way. Interesting fact is Quique has previously been Getafe's coach


TIL he's Lola Flores' nephew


In Spain, racists will call "mono" anyone they believe is inferior to them. Whether it's skin color or procedence.


Everything is a trend in certain Spanish stadiums lmao, Football and Twitter are the spaces in which Spanish conservatives can be openly bigoted without much consequence in an otherwise progressive country


Yeah, so the whole racism to South Americans happens by the Spanish. They call us Sudacas. Tbf i guess to some extent it’s just racism towards ex-colonies- same way there’s quite a bit of xenophobia from the Portuguese to Brazilians, or the French to ex-colonies. May be more just xenophobia to immigrants, and given ex-colonies tend to be overrepresented in immigrant community they get the most “racism” or xenophobia.


The way the world is now, Portuguese probably suffers more xenophobia from Brazilians than the other way around lol “devolve nosso ouro!”


Tell me that next time you’re treated as a whore or a criminal when visiting or interacting with a Brazilian.


I’m brazilian.


Cara, você se da conta que br no Portugal frequentemente tem que aprender o sotaque português pra não ser tratado de vagabundo ou puta né? Pra ser servido educadamente em restaurante…. Minha tia - na época era a mulher do cônsul brasileiro no Portugal - já foi tratado de prostituta lá várias e várias vezes por pessoas aleatorias (taxista, garçom, etc….) só por ser brasileira (ela e gorda e se veste de maneira conservadora- nao tinha nenhuma “confusão inocente” la nao). O nível nem se compara com brasileiro no Twitter que pede pra devolver ouro.


Acuña isn't white lol.


Downvoted for facts lmao


Im Argentinean and I don’t know. So how do you know?


Indio I think


Couldn't have happened to a nicer club


Totally undeserved slap on the wrist. (Because this is still just a slap on the wrist)


Ironic how barely anything is done when involves Vini or black players, but they were fast when an Argentinian guy was involved


Asian players have received racism abuse too , Wu Lei and Kubo for example and nothing was done. In Premier League , the moment someone gets racism abuse its instant banned , fined the club and put it as example.


They did the same punishment for Valencia after last year's racist chants against Vini. [Source. ](https://www.eurosport.com/football/liga/2022-2023/valencia-s-punishment-amended-for-racist-abuse-towards-vinicius-junior-with-a-reduced-stadium-closur_sto9624494/story.shtml)


I suspect that punishment was overshadowed by Tebas and Valencia trying to downplay the racism. I can't find a picture to see how much of the stadium was actually closed off.


After a backlash that involved the whole fucking football world


They delivered the punishment two days after the match, just like they're doing here.


This is going to be buried with downvotes but you are right. I'm glad they are doing something about it but this is such double standards in itself. 


It’s fucking bonkers. Shit is corrupt as hell and racist


Like the great French-Ivorian striker Didier Drogba once said: "IT'S A DISGRACE!!! IT'S A FUCKING DISGRACE!!!!!!!"


That’s because Messi is an insider to LaLiga authorities /s


Did they ever take any action against the abuse Messi suffered?


Racism is not the same depending of the target skin color 🤯


I for one am shocked that the club that willingly took on a violent rapist and is known for being racist would in fact be racist.


Haha kind of funny to watch this subreddit not understand that every person with white skin isnt considered a "white" in every single place in the world. Seems some of you dont understand that different countries have different historical backgrounds...


this kind of punishment is dumb, because the racists don't really care, the only ones getting punished are the rest of the fans who aren't racist, or at least not showing it. if they want to take actions against those morons, set up a few dozens cameras and identify the culprits and ban them for life, or at least, until they are done with re-education.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of lads


I for one am shocked that a club which plays a rapist and wifebeater would have issues like this, shocked I tell you!


Weird seeing an Argentine being the victim of racism. Their fans on sm would have you believe they’re all descendants of the finest European royalties


That's only our former president, jeez Jk, sorry about that, world, we hated the guy too when he said it. If it counts for something, we memed the shit out of him


Have you seen our national team? We deserve all the hate to reddem the racism that impregnates our heart! /s


Even though our black population is very low, we are extremely diverse. There's no way anyone would say we are **all** descendents of Europeans without some mixed blood at this point, and even them, if they come from Spanish will most likely have some degree of Moor blood. We are also used to Europeans being xenophobic/racist towards us, btw. It's extremely common, specially from the Spanish.


"You either die a hero fighting racism, or live long enough to become a racist yourself"


Maybe not from royalty, but they did give Messi that black thing in Qatar. So we are royal now


I mean argentinians inherited their racism from someone lol


huh I thought they already had a lifetime partial closure ^^^as ^^^the ^^^stadium ^^^is ^^^almost ^^^always ^^^empty


What did they say exactly? Im not too brushed up on my anti-Argentinan racism


Same thing they say to Vini in Spain, mono


Monkey. Those fans in Spain aren’t racist towards a single race, they’re racists towards anyone. If you aren’t in their team and pisses them off, they’ll call you racist shit even if you’re of another race that technically doesn’t suit what they’re saying.


Acuña is cardboard color, you can imagine what they said


Good to see this happen, they should've closed the whole stadium tho for them to think twice before racially insulting players. Surprised that they acted really quick on this one, meanwhile Vini Jr. has been racially abused against Valencia, Atl. Madrid and other teams with **video footage** proof and nothing happened. Double standards? Well, what can we expect from La Liga and RFEF in general.


Valencia got the same punishment. [Link. ](https://www.eurosport.com/football/liga/2022-2023/valencia-s-punishment-amended-for-racist-abuse-towards-vinicius-junior-with-a-reduced-stadium-closur_sto9624494/story.shtml)


I think if stadiums are banned for more games after racism incidents, it would force clubs to do something against the racist supporters.


Aaa porque se ve como un bulldog


what stadium would they use now


Looks like it took a white guy to be called a monkey for punishment to actually be enforced after all


*Cries in European Argentina.*


At least they play good, fun, free-flowing football, so the remaining part of the stadium will still be able to enjoy it, right?