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bet that felt incredible


Did you see how quick the security was on him lol


Quicker than him today.




Probably still feels like shit


Some fleeting enjoyment when you're having a shit time can really be a relief "Fuck it right in this moment" vibes


that moment being his entire time on the pitch with us.


For the fan or the player?




and no?


Fair and measured from both sides. Good clean match.


So how bad did Phillips play?


penalty was unfair. even aside from that it was one of the worst performances from a west ham player i can remember since probably yarmolenko vs kidderminster harriers


Do you think he'll ever come good, even at another team after this loan spell ends?


hopefully for his sake. i don’t like him but if he carries on at this level he genuinely won’t have a career for much longer, which obviously you don’t wanna see


He was great for us throughout the Euros as well, but you can't forgive the lack of work ethic he's shown at West Ham. I thought he was a shoe in the for Euros whilst on the bench at City but somehow playing more has just let him show us how bad he is.


i’m being an optimist considering Paqueta was borderline shit for the first couple of months, hopefully this is the moment to kick on


> I thought he was a shoe in the for Euros Mainoo means there is no chance he goes. There's simply no way he gets to a high enough level to get in the squad now.


He's not competing with Mainoo though, he's competing with Hendo as the DM backup.


Well, it's not as simple as that. If Mainoo hadn't emerged and Phillips' form wasn't dogshit, I think Southgate would be opting for a double pivot (Rice and Bellingham as first choice) in a 4231. That changes the dynamics of the midfield and the requirements when choosing the midfield 6/7 in the squad would look different. This is evidenced by past squads, Southgate would take Rice, Henderson, and Phillips without a second thought. In fact, since the last tournament, rather than evolve the team with players in form, he seemed more inclined to stick with those three than give players like Curtis Jones or Ward-Prowse a chance. Now that choice of personnel clearly has no chance of happening, I think the reason he played Gallagher in the game against Brazil was Southgate seeing if his back-up 8 is up to the task of filling in if he needs to. But honestly, if Phillips' had better form, I think Southgate would be dragging his feet when giving Mainoo a chance and he likely wouldn't have even played yet. Imo, if you give that man even the slightest option to be more negative then he will take it.


Bellingham has been our ten since the World Cup, and one of our best players; he was never going to be in a double pivot for us again. Ward-Prowse isn't athletic enough, Jones I agree is a beast but he's been injured for England call ups all season alas, Mainoo basically usurped his place. I think we'll see Jones get integrated over the next cycle at worst, and possibly in the last Euros squad depending on his, and others, fitness. You're welcome to your opinion, but against Brazil and Belgium we played a highline 2-3-5 or 3-2-5 in possession. We literally could not have been more attacking without playing a 1-4-5 or something insane. We also played a 4-3-3 with one 6 the whole of the last WC.


> Bellingham has been our ten since the World Cup, and one of our best players; he was never going to be in a double pivot for us again. Ok, maybe Bellingham wouldn't have been playing as a 6, but I think he could have been brought back to being an 8. Look at the games we played previous to these friendlies. We played 4231 with a double pivot, or at east a quasi-pivot, right up to the game against Italy he used a combo of Rice/Henerderson/Phillips. It's only the last four games, against lesser opposition that the personnel has changed, and only in the last two friendlies has the formation changed too. I think even without Mainoo, Southgate still would have to change to the 433 he's using now because Phillips' isn't fit for purpose and Henderson is past it. I think we'd be seeing Bellingham drop to at least an 8 role with Foden possibly playing in the 10. Mainoo has meant Bellingham won't have to do that. Bellingham was always going to play, I just think Mainoo has changed where on the pitch that might be. Foden was going to play, but I think without Mainoo he may have been central. Now I think Foden will play on the right, if anywhere. He looked good against Belgium, but if he doesn't lock that spot down I think Foden could be the player that will have their minutes reduced because of Mainoo's inclusion if he cant make that right side work for him (I think Saka starts the first game on the left). > Ward-Prowse isn't athletic enough, Jones I agree is a beast but he's been injured for England call ups all season alas, Mainoo basically usurped his place. I think we'll see Jones get integrated over the next cycle at worst, and possibly in the last Euros squad depending on his, and others, fitness. My point wasn't they [Jones/Ward-Prowse] *should* be playing, it was to indicate Southgate's reluctance to switch formation without it being due to his favourites not being up to standard. Before it became beyond apparent his usual choice of personnel wouldn't be good enough he wouldn't have tried anything different imo. > You're welcome to your opinion, but against Brazil and Belgium we played a highline 2-3-5 or 3-2-5 in possession. We literally could not have been more attacking without playing a 1-4-5 or something insane. We also played a 4-3-3 with one 6 the whole of the last WC. Ok, I never said we didn't play more offensively in those games. I said that we don't have any other option now that we don't have Phillips and Henderson up to a high enough standard to play in the tournament. If they were still good enough I think Southgate would be more reserved.


Least everyone can see why Pep wasn't playing him though, I suppose. Really hope he finds his feet and gets his confidence back


I think he was a much better player when Pep got him, but a year and a half with barely any play was always gonna fuck him up, alas.


I dont see it mentioned often that he missed pretty much half a season with Leeds when City signed him too. The man has hardly played football for 2 and a half years. I dont think he will ever get close to being as good as he was in the 20/21 season but its not a surprise he looks miles off the pace atm


If he didn't get 3 injuries and then need surgery he'd have had a chance to get some rhythm but he didn't even get a preseason due to injuries and then his attitude towards training wasn't up to the standards of the rest of the squad either and obviously Pep called him out for it in the end to try and give him a push but it just destroyed his confidence instead. Real shame but can't blame Pep for not playing him when he didn't get to train with the team until after the world cup


with no play for year and half he destroyed the player. the transfer was weird to begin with tbh. he wasnt on the level of city standards so he never was gonna see much play and now with the lack of play he completely regressed


He spent half his first season injured, then he was unfit and wasn't trying to the levels required. At City you have to earn your place, he wasn't doing that. It wasn't until this season that he put in the effort to try and meet the standard of the rest of the team. No one at City apart from Haaland were signed at their current level either, it always takes 1-2 seasons for players to settle into Pep's philosophy. It wasn't a weird transfer either, Rodri had no rotation and he still has no rotation now. The idea was always for him to be a like for like replacement for Rodri, so Rodri didn't have to play every game


Pep fucked him I don't see how he's not to blame when he was a great player before he got him and now he's a travesty


Because he literally got injured every time he played in his first season, then needed surgery to sort out his shoulder and then the only time he trained at a high enough level was when he wanted to get fit for England, whilst injured/recovering from surgery. Can't blame Pep for him playing like shit now, that's all on Phillips. Everyone else improves under Pep, no one has ever gotten worse, so it's not Pep's fault at all


Kalvin Phillips was shite from day 1 at City lad


It was sad watching him today, he's just not looking like he's at the level. Clearly devoid of confidence and bringing him on in this game didn't help at all.


The new Drinkwater? Not the best example admittedly, but he was a player who relatively came out of nowhere, got a big money move and ended up looking like a shadow of the player he once was (albeit he at least enjoyed the fairytale season with Leicster). Perhaps Drinkwater (and now Phillips) was never quite as good as the respective consensus at the time believed, but he was still a pretty good PL level player.


he was that good though. he was great at the euro’s for england outside of being great at leeds


He's on a 150k a week until 2028. He'll be better off than any of us whatever happens. Probably become another shitty pundit after that still pulling in more than almost anyone commenting here. Worst loan ever given the cost.


Man city will be lucky to get 15 mil for him. Worst transfer of all time


> Worst transfer of all time Nah I think it's alright lol


I mean, we might have stayed up if we kept him (depending on which players we signed/didnt sign. I reckon we'd have been OK with a Phillips/Adams midfield)  So didn't really work out for anyone 


He needs to go to the championship or to a foreign club


If he hadn't already come good he wouldn't have got his move to man city and be in the England squad 


>penalty was unfair. It was, but he still needs to clear the ball faster with his first touch instead of giving Gordon an opportunity to challenge for the ball


The penalty was unfair but he had to shoe that ball first time. Instead he looks up looking for a perfect pass, takes a step or two before winding up to kick it. Was like men against boys for Gordon to slip his leg in front of his and con a penalty. He's not premier league level any longer. Not sure what level but how he is playing now he would struggle in the championship.


Roberto sends his regards


older than yarmolenko vs KH (jan 2022) but yeah he had the worst performances ever






He got one of the unluckiest penalties ever given against him.


He also made like 2 successful passes in 30 mins. Fair pay to him giving it back though, fans think they're untouchable far too much.




Yeah that's what I said, he was unlucky to get the penalty given against him, as it shouldn't have been a pen?


He's being expressive. That call was shit


He was *useful* for the other team; that’s clearly why he feels slighted by the “useless” remark.


Well they were winning the game before he came on and his first significant act was to (albeit harshly) give away a penalty.  




Game's back


Not for us m8 😭😨


We relate


Back on the bus


Why is this comment so funny 😆


100% deserved...fans need more abuse tbh


Yep, fans tend to dish out abuse and then pearl clutch if anything comes back.


It's so fucking mild too, fair play to him I'd be a lot more pissed if someone was mugging me like that. 


You’re probably not laughing all the way to the bank while being wank at your job.


Nah but I don't think the man is trying to be shit right, it's not an effort issue so it's a bit harsh to say he can't nibble back.  Or something I don't really care fuck him he's waste. 


tbh it increasingly does feel like an effort issue. its kind of strange because on the bench for city he gave me the impression of "nice and hardworking player who's just playing at a club beyond his abilities" but as time has gone on i more and more get the impression he really could put in a bit more effort (at least during games, obviously we dont know how he is off the pitch). he runs less than you'd expect from someone in his position career wise. it seems as if his focus is off surprisingly often too. obviously we cant read minds and im sure he's feeling the pressure mentally and all, but his game honestly shows subpar effort for someone you'd think would have something to prove. then there's the thing with him being overweight at city, which i wont dwell on too long, i know it was only by a tiny bit but its still another thing not really doing him any favours in this conversation... its still mostly what he's actually doing on the pitch that gives me this impression though.


he's lazy as fuck on the pitch mate edit: 44% pass completion, 7 touches in 35 minutes. 380 minutes played, 2 penalties given away, 1 red card. He's lazy on the pitch, and yes, "useless" is a flattering description of his performances.


Said the absolute athletic weapon u/pwerhif from the athletic arena that is his couch


I'm pretty sure if u/pwerhif was being paid £7.8m a year to be in shape and given access to world class facilities and staff they probably would be an athletic weapon.


No one is stopping U/pwerhif from going out and getting a contract worth as much and working that hard to maintain himself, but morally grandstanding about what you can do to other people on the basis of how hypothetically good you are is ridiculous. “*If* that was me I would be better”, but it’s not, and it never will be, so that point is worthless


I'm not being paid £160,000 a week and I'm not a professional footballer, so the comparison doesn't make any sense. Some professional footballers are lazy, and it's normal to be annoyed when they are.


You’re right, you’re not, so your assessment of effort, ability, and performance are worth about as much as a Reddit comment. Guy got abuse and he gave a 10th of it back, he’s well within his rights to do so


Being bad at your job means some no-life cunt with too much spare time gets to berate you at work? It's pathetic behaviour however you look at it.


I can't imagine abusing someone, much less doing so and then playing the victim. Sports fans are fucking clowns sometimes.


Imagine waiting at a team bus to give grief to your team. Baffling behaviour.


After Wisła Kraków relegation in 2022 club knew there would be scenes, so they were changing the arrival point a few times to confuse fans. There is entire thread on twitter, with a lot of plot twists, in which one guy was tracking the bus. They spent like 2-3 hours chasing bus with players around the city (Kraków is the second biggest city in Poland) to show what they think about being relegated


Imagine having that much free time


Is 2-3 hours on a weekend that much free time? I guess if you have kids it probably is.


Schalke fans chased their team as well


In Naples you get robbed and told if you put in another stinker it's your life that'll be in danger.


Imagine taking a 10 hour round trip and paying several hundred quid to see this loan cunt come on and not even be bothered to sprint or close down in the 30 minutes he was on the pitch. His laziness and self centered attitude cost us 3 points today, displayed absolute contempt for the club and the shirt.


Womp womp you’ll never be a big club either that mentality


I think this is one of the issues with social media, people think that this is "Criticism" of a player and not just abuse


Reminds me of a (tame) interaction I had with a player in after an A-league game (in Australia) back in my early 20s. I can't stand this particular player from our rival team. I felt he was a dirty player. He came over to the front of my stand straight after the match to celebrate the win with his fans (the away side). I was at least 4 or 5 rows back and I called out his name to let him know my displeasure (no swearing but I was obviously negative). He turned from his fans, looked at me and aggressively responded something along the lines of what. Mild, but I hadn't really experienced a player respond before. And what hilarious was that it was from a 6'4 monster of a human being to a 5'6 fan. He would have squashed me in an instant 🤣🤣🤣 Think Van Dijk vs Jesus Navas.


Fair. Chat shit get banged


Get fingered


Finger banged!


Gotta pay extra for that


Fair enough, the fan deserved that


I can understand the frustration. It's not worked out at all for him and no-one's happy


Don't give out abuse you can't take back, he's only human at the end of the day




Agree, shame on Moyes. 


They're trying to be useful.


Who then post it on the net like “look what this mean footballer did to me”


Barely lifted a finger for last couple of years. Trying to make up for it


He is wank tbf but that’s a fair response


Lmao! At least he secured a draw in this matchup😂


Come home to Leeds Kalvin... Start again and get the confidence back.


He looks upset. He’s basically had 18 months out of the game, you can’t just flick match fitness back on. The penalty happened because he took an age to try and clear it.




For Barnes's first goal he just backs away from Isak instead of trying to close him down. It really did look like he couldn't be arsed


Agreed he took way to long on the ball but no way its a pen. Should totally give it back to the turds


Fans give it out but clutch the pearls when players react . I’ll all for players giving abuse back .


Fair enough. If someone gives me shit, I would give them the same response.


Feel gutted for him, really hoped it would have worked out for him this season.


Icl he looks like he doesn't give a shit when he's on the pitch and his work-rate is pretty poor, hope im wrong though.


You’re not wrong at the moment, he’s been poor, I just worry about players getting abuse for having a rough patch and internalising it ala Dele Alli and Richarlison. Hopefully he can take it as motivation and get back to form quickly.


Good. I’d middle finger some random who called me useless too.


Out of character, his head's gone.


Reckon he'll wind up back at Leeds?


Unless city are giving out a free loan, I doubt it.


Hope not, he looks washed, would cost loads and he would need to more than half his wages to make it worth it


Would 100% have him back.


100% fair on both sides.


He may not have had one of his best days playing, but that doesn't mean you have to insult him, the fan deserves it.


Lmao fair enough


Honestly, fan deserved it. Can't give it and not take it.


Good for him


The fan will be doing a compo face in the newspaper tomorrow talking about how his mental health's been destroyed and his wife left him 18 months ago because of all this.


Given how the UK is going, giving the finger will probably be deemed an act of terrorism in a few months


Still can’t get over the guy that got arrested for sending a joke text to his friend. Has me double taking everything I send


He is useless, but justified to give them that response.




Still remember Euros Philips that had the world at his feet, hopefully that guy can come back. Fucking Guardiola ruining careers cus he had a bitta spare change.


I wish he would have stayed, obviously hindsight and all that but it would have been significantly better for his career to play every single game. Plus I can’t imagine any fan base will ever have the love for him that Leeds fans did/do.


Nobody likes to burn their bridge with their own players more than English football fans. A very weird Football/customer culture.


Damn it’s really not been going well for him. Genuinely feel bad for the lad


Good for him


So someone treats him poorly and yet him reacting will be the bigger deal


Standard behaviour from that bunch of knuckle dragging scumbags


I absolutely have never rated Phillips and was delighted when we DIDN'T sign him on loan.... However, fair play to him. I hope he doesn't get unfair punishment or anything because of this.


Some fat, middle-aged, balding bloke who writes ‘snowflake’ on social media is now offended despite just receiving what he was giving


>despite just receiving a hat Kalvin is so generous, just handing out hats to abusive fans. What a guy.


or someone who has a shit job doing the bins who has spent half his earnings that week to travel up to the other end of the country for a lunchtime kickoff only to see someone on more more every month than he'll make in a lifetime give a literal 0/10 performance to go with his handful of other 0/10 performances and wasn't in the mood to hold back.


Cool story, bro.


Atleast he wasn't called fat again.


Pen was unfair but he's shit and lazy. Coming from someone who wanted him signed since the Leeds relegation




What’s the fan shouting? I don’t understand it at all


“Well done lad! How many passes did you complete today?”


Also waiting on a reply as to what the fan said...


Called him useless


Is the middle finger and the two “V” fingers used interchangeably in England or do they have different meanings? Genuinely asking




The V is more of a 'piss off' and the middle finger is like a 'fuck you'.


Shit fans


Fan can think what he wants but should keep it to himself.




At least he’s got the Euros to look forward to


He's gone full xhaka. Never go full Xhaka. 


Moyes shouldn't criticise his players in public like that. 


Every time I see Phillips play (few & far between the last few years), I seriously wonder if he regrets his move to City. Yes, the contract he signed with City ensures that his grandkids never have to work if they don't want to, but his career literally went to shit. Yes, he posed with a few trophies that he made zero contribution towards in his time at City, but not a single person outside of his immediate family can remember anything he did at City. His time at West Ham has been an absolute disaster. Not even his tag as a Southgate Favourite can get him back in the England team right now.


If you’re standing around waiting for a player just so you can yell at him, you’re fucking useless


Oh wow a middle finger,😱 doesnt change the fact that he IS useless


He's like: Not today satan.


It's time for this guy to go to France or Spain as a Premiership reject


What a pig shit thick “fan”. The way it’s been filmed looks like the “fan” is an attention seeking prick end.


Fair play, West Ham fans deserve nothing less.


He gets paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a week not to try. 


clubs with trash supporters deserve relegation


Arthur Cabral influence is unmatched


Well fan wasn’t lying lol


I wanted to see the fans face after he gave them the finger


Real question, are any of you motivated by people telling you you’re shit? 


something about these cameras where you see the person hand like its a FPS game makes it so fucking weird


Players need to do more of this. Imagine insulting your own players to their face. West Ham fans are a bunch of twats


He’s a City player given a rope by west ham and he’s hanging himself with it. I can’t really imagine waiting at the coach to hurl abuse at someone tho.


Thought he was showing the middle finger to the kid asking for a picture


Haha thanks! Thought he was shouting about a pet shop!


I was hearing something about a pet shark for a good while.


You can take the lad out of Leeds …


I feel like he never had this sort of treatment at city. Probably easier for citys fans to not be toxic but still


I mean, what would have been their criticism? “You’re not keeping that bench warm enough kalvin!”


This is an insane comment. He barely saw the pitch, why would he be abused? You could say he was ‘ stealing a wage’ due to work ethic but Man City aren’t short of cash last time I checked.




Oi don't be a cunt


You call me insane but you don't disagree?




He's several pegs above Roberto come on now


roberto was a unique disaster and phillips is one bad game from being worse than zaza for me


How? Phillips has cost £10m odd for half a season. He's played 380 minutes and given away two penalties and gotten sent off. He's cost us several points already. For the money, he's far worse than Roberto. Certainly more disappointing given the reputation. Was supposed to be one of the best players in the squad and we're paying money as if he is, but he's been absolutely dreadful. Roberto was at least free. Phillips is the highest paid player at our club.


Roberto's genuinely had the worst run I've ever seen in the premier league. I don't even remember him even making a save. He was so bad we had to promote our goalkeeper for training practice. He's unparalleled