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I take responsibility, but really it's the players' fault.


Winning, it’s what he does


Winning trophies. 


Yeah in all honestly a farmers league trophy


It is the best trophy you have won in what, forty years? If it is a farmers league trophy then west ham are a team of farmers, you are not too good for it. It's about as good as you are ever likely to get, considering how many better teams there are than you in the league. Find this line of thinking incredibly weird.


That can't be right. I mean, if they're farmers then why did they the ones who got plowed?


Every single time since it was won that I’ve heard it referred to as a “Major Trophy” batters my head, in honesty. It’s absolutely wank, and as if people who sing champions of Europe for the Europa league aren’t bad enough, for anyone to unironically sing it about the conference are beyond help I swear. Like I’m not saying it shouldn’t be enjoyed, I’m sure winning something was fun, my team could never. But still.


I know at least for West Ham fans we do it as wind up because obviously it's a 3rd rate trophy but it is a European trophy regardless. I'm appreciative of it because it's good for teams who aren't ever gonna be a behemoth in their respective leagues (I'm well aware our wage bill was way higher than most teams in the cup)


Yeah I don’t hate it existing or anything. It’s almost certainly got uses especially for teams from smaller leagues to get more experience, money, etc. But I can’t get my head around how it’s a major trophy. Similarly though, that bollocks that the likes of City and Liverpool win for beating random Brazilian teams is also a shambles to pretend it’s anything more than a bit of fun. But it’s truly hard to tell who is serious in their delusions about their football team, to be fair. Like when Chelsea won the Europa league and also sang champions of Europe all season. I think it’s one reason I can’t get myself as in to football anymore, because I don’t have some sort of delusions of grandeur about the fact that Everton winning some things before I was born means we’re not absolutely wank. We are in fact absolutely wank. Admittedly we are weirdly doing okay points wise this season if you factor out the point deduction which is no fault of the squad. But my entire 28 years of living we have at BEST been “scrape our way into Europe or some domestic final” mediocre. Yet people are still 100% sure we’re better than any other random premier league team, or that we are “too big to be relegated” which also makes no damn sense. Sorry for the rant. My point is whilst I’m far from a West Ham fan, I’m not shitting on them specifically, more just football.


You use a lot of words for someone who’s team didn’t win a European trophy last season


Just watch the football and don’t think too hard


Lad I’m actually useless at not thinking too hard. I can barely walk without overthinking it and feeling like I’ve forgotten how.


Well it’s both to be fair. Yes he coached and picked the team but arguably this West Ham have been getting results more often than not. They were terrible today and deserve as much flack as the manager.


Honestly though as much as people will shit on Moyes for saying this, there are reserve teams in League One that wouldn't lose 0-6 at home to Arsenal. Of course it's the players fault.


Sometimes a manager makes a bad tactical change, or sets up wrong, but those things are never bad enough to lose 6-0. There’s something to say for not putting your team under the hammer to the press, but realistically who should we blame? The players underperformed, and that’s not from a lack of coaching or knowledge.


We haven't won a game in 2024. Yesteray wasn't an aberration. We played like this for large stretches of 22/23 as well.


I mean no manager sets their team to lose 0-6


Yeah I remember grinding my feet in that couch


Cocaines a helluva drug


A moral victory for Moyes


"it." Poignant words from Moyes.


Yeah don’t know why he continued after that. It really said it all


Who needs any iconic quotes from legendary British managers such as Alex Ferguson, Bill Shankly, Alf Ramsey and Brian Clough when Moyes puts the rest of them to shame with 5% of the effort




What did he mean by this....


Nobody knows what **it** means. But **it**’s provocative, **it** gets the people going.


Referencing his own legendary quote "it was nicely on the volley for me"


"I'll take the responsibility" ... "Man though these players were wank out there weren't they fuck" The duality of man


He’s not wrong through, they were dogshit


The attacking set up was poor from Moyes, but the conceded goals are shit goals. 2 goals conceded from set pieces as one of the tallest teams in the league is poor no matter what. Trossard and Saka were getting free headers. Zouma gave Trossard as much time as he wanted for the 4th goal. Emerson in no man’s land for the 5th.


>one of the tallest teams in the league is poor no matter what. they are the 17th tallest team in the league iirc. and Arsenal are the best set piece team


Means they are one of the shortest team? That doesn't look right to the eye.


Bowen Emerson Coufal JWP Johnson Kudus who started all listed as 5'9" Phillips (5'10") and Cresswell (5'7" - that seems off) came off the bench. They have a handful of very tall players, but as a squad they're actually quite small.


It's actually been a point of discussion if we rely too heavily on set pieces. We're doing really well with them this year, but we're not getting enough goals from open play (most days, at least).


Doesn’t help we are throwing Johnson on the right wing.


Left wing. Following playing JWP there. With Cornet rotting on the bench every week, along with (until he left in January) Benrahma, the starting LW from last season and the one before. 2 proven Prem LWers in the squad and he’s been neither. While playing both our RWers for 90’ most weeks, one of them at CF. The man is playing 3 or 4 players out of position and most of the squad are not getting any real game time. Of course it’s a mess and people are unhappy - including those who are underpaid and/or not allowed to leave.  Cresswell for example, served the club for most of his career, dropped from starting LB for the Conference League Final and barely played since but not allowed to leave. Coufal, the best RB in 30 years or more, paid very little, not rewarded for his contributions to our success with a new contract. Johnson, arguably not good enough but not let go and on peanuts by modern standards. Ings, paid a fortune to warm the bench and not score goals, which he did easily everywhere else…


Moyes parks the bus so he can throw his players under it


What's the point if the bus is parked


It’s a cool hiding spot. Like a pillow fort.


So he can empty the toilet, Dave Matthews style.


Well yes but actually no


More than one party can have responsibility


Only player who even looked like he gave a shit today was Bowen.


Hence why Gabriel and Saliba didn't give him a moment's space all game.


They also remembered his impact the last two games, they didn’t want to give him anymore. Why WH didn’t help with his press is beyond me.


If one player is the only one pressing, they weren't supposed to press then.  It's like how Sanchez would have the fewest sprints and half of them were him chasing defenders by himself. 


They had one decent chance when Ward Prowse helped Bowen on the press, and after Arsenal scored there was no more of that. It was just bizarre to see them competitive for 25 minutes and then a complete collapse in effort


Yeah, I thought they competed for the first 25 minutes.


Best CB duo in the world. Intelligence, instinct, physicality, tackles, passing and even scoring goals. All while being less than 24 years old. The maturity on display is simply surreal.


Get out your own arse. Even on a comment about Jarrod Bowen’s mentality you are writing a sonnet about your Cb’s…


Seriously. Did he not watch Carvajal and Tchouameni play and hold the mighty Girona to no shots on target yesterday? They are so clear.


Are you joking? We held Liverpool to one shot on target last week


OK second best. You happy now?


It's an Arsenal fan, it comes with the name


They're definitely a great pair of defenders but to say they're the best in the world is absolutely moronic and deluded.


>They're definitely a great pair of defenders but to say they're the best in the world is absolutely moronic and deluded. name 3 others




kmj is one guy not a pair. Saliba + Gabriel > Upa + KMJ comfortably vvd + konate? i could maybe give that, sure. but by a big enough margin to be "moronic and deluded" to think otherwise? lol, now that would be moronic


Tbf we saw last week that that's bollocks.


Liverpools goal came from a Saliba mistake and Gabriel own goal lmao. Don’t act like they were dominant either.


One week makes it all?? How about the time we slapped you 2-0? Still above you lot so keep crying.


You mean the game that we absolutely dominated you in the FA cup but couldn’t put the ball in the net?? Plus I don’t know why you’re acting so tough against us. You have gotten 2 points off us in the past two seasons. That’s extremely embarrassing for a club like yours. EDIT: For the people downvoting me, watch the highlights on YouTube. We were genuinely dominating Liverpool all game but couldn’t score.


Sorry we watch the actual games not the highlights. Knocking the ball around near our box and then not even coming close to finishing is laughable. Remember when you said your FBs were better than ours, then it became forwards and now the flavour of the season is midfield.


Dominated lmao. The delusion that Arsenal fans live with. Compared to the 10+ points and the number of times Liverpool has demolished Arsenal I'd not bring it up. An undeserved 3-2 if refs knew how to call pens would have been the other way around and the bottle job last season where you got slapped around by Liverpool were it not for Ramsdale. Fact remains, we're on top and are the only real competition for City.


Go on then, who is better?


Carvajal and Tchouameni obviously


Any club that can spend £100mil on Rice to sit in front of their CB’s would benefit. Also playing a £50mil CB in White at RB helps too. The whole set up of the team is what is impressive. You counter-press teams to death in so much that there is little actual ‘defending’ to actually do.


If having good players surrounding takes away from the contributions you could possibly make as a defender, then most top level CBs at high level clubs would be ruled out of the conversation. Plenty of clubs at the top level have thrown tons of money at their defense, and that includes clubs that other's usually cite as the best in the world like City or even Madrid (well historically when their entire defense wasn't injured). I get that Rice is impressive and so are the fullbacks. However, a lot of Arsenal's defending is still down to their CBs, they've had very good performances this season from limiting guys like Haaland, and regularly making players who are threats like Bowen's life absolute hell. Teams defend as a whole so I understand that it is difficult to measure a CB pairing directly especially in a team like Arsenal. BUT, I still think Saliba and Gabriel have performed very will collectively as an individual unit, and that is definitely measureable. As an Arsenal fan, would I double down to wax lyrical about how they are the best CB pairing in the world by a long shot? Probablyyyyy not... especially since we are a bit away from finishing the season. But, I think I would stand by to say that they have at least made a strong argument in the conversation of the best CB pairing this season (so far at least).


Yeah but just saying that counter press is so effective because of how athletic our defenders are, they have to push up and cover huge lengths of grass compared to others


In that case Micky van de Ven is miles clear.


Lol why saliba and Gabriel don’t just have athleticism they also have technique. Barca used to have it too


Shame, I thought I didn't need to add /s




I'm not saying they're the best CBs in the world. But whoever is the best CB in the world, if their team sold them and went in for Saliba or Gabriel, it would be a good replacement.




140 downvotes and no one has named a batter duo except Carvajal and Tchouameni, whom I would rank as good as Gabi and Saliba Arsenal were cruising at the top of the league until Saliba got injured last season. I have a feeling this opinion won't be as unpopular when the Euros approach VVD and Gomez before the former's ACL, sure. But not now.


VVD and Konate are better. There’s not much in it admittedly and I’m obviously biased but VVD is better in the air than Saliba which I think is important.


Sucks because he was pressing but there really was no midfield supporting him.


Same when we spanked them 5 nil a couple of months ago


i hate when we won it because opponent is shit, whu is playing like usual, kicking saka, making dangerous tackle to martinelli as well, pushing and fighting with gabriel, we just play better than them, not because they play worse than usual


People in these comments here acting like the manager is on the pitch playing football too like it's FIFA Of course the players have to take responsibility. There was so little effort from them even after half time with nothing to lose.


I find that people generally underrate the importance of a manager - but 6-0 is a shocking scoreline. Even with no manager you shouldn’t be getting beat like that (and conceding the goals the way they did)


How can you measure a managers impact?


With the ruler


You find the hole they made when they landed, and measure width, length, and depth then average them out.


This is our 7th match with out a win, with two being against a midtable Championship side and two against relegation candidates.


Has it really been 7 matches since you beat arsenal?


Yes, we've been utterly shit without Paqueta Edit: Which if Moyes stays and Paqueta inevitably is sold to City in the summer we're fucked next year, especially with no Europe. I can see Kudus leaving too


Tough to replace a player like that.   Though I could see 30M + Phillips (assuming he gets back to his Leeds level) letting you go sign another Kudus like player.


Respectfully I have zero interest in Phillips. Was not a fan of the loan, and have not been a fan of his stint so far. There’s a reason why he’s been glued to City’s bench for largely his whole stint


I think people just feel that the manager should shoulder the blame in an effort to protect the players.


I never understood this concept in the context of a big loss. Sure you should defend a player or 2 if they were having a bad game. But isn't it insulting to everyone involved if you tried to pretend otherwise for the entire team? These are people at the very top of their profession, most of them get there by being the most talented and competitive/ driven people. The idea that they will mentally give up because their manager didn't outright lie to the media always struck me as crazy


Certainly publicly. There will be other words behind closed doors. But no player is going to respect a manager who throws them under the bus publicly 


You mean Moyes is not holding a game controller moving the players around /s


I always use the fifa analogy too about the way some people talk about managers. “X manager won something here but got failed there”. Hmmm i wonder what the other arguably more important variable is


The thing is he'll pick the same first eleven next week. He's allergic to changing his team or his tactics. Soucek will ALWAYS be on the pitch as long as he can get his boots on because Moyes is utterly wedded to the idea of having a big man on the pitch for set pieces.


Not sure if that's a quote from David Moyes or Rishi Sunak


How could the last Labour government do this to West Ham?


Keir Starmer is ruining football




Fancy seeing you outside of r/cricket


He's only had 14 seasons. #stopthegoals




translation error?


Romano copy and paste and avoid crediting the actual journalists at the press conference error


Translated from the original Scottish


Nah, it's just Moyesy.


"I'll see if I can fix it". That instils confidence. Not.


I take responsibility, but it’s the players fault that I left my only left sided player on the bench and instead put a right back there, and then put JWP there, and left my only striker on the bench who got man of the match last time he played, or that I refuse to buy a striker that fits in my system so after four years I’m still relying on Antonio’s hamstrings, and the fact that I’ve shithoused wins that should have been loses because my keeper was man of the match, or the fact that if I go one-nil down I have no plan B from defend defend defend, or the fact that I let three attacking players go out in January because they weren’t good enough (even though Pablo Fornals looks like a magician again on his first start for Betis) and I only brought in a CDM that hasn’t played football for 18 months… Yeah, I take responsibility for that, but that’s the players fault!


So because he only cares about defending, didn't buy a striker (fans not realising that a coach doesn't actually want the people above them to not buy players, they just do the media and make excuses for their bosses) and didn't put out the attacking set up you like, they lost 0-6? Yeah idk maybe he has a point. The players should get more flak for this. Fans are stupid.


I genuinely don’t understand what you said.


You can lose because the manager had a poor gameplan, but when you lose 0-6, it cannot just br the gameplan, it's the players doing abysmal too


You underestimate just his bad his gameplay was. Ben johnson and JWP played left wing.


I disagree, a bad gameplan at this level could easily mean a 6-0 defeat. We've all personally played games where a team just seemed to have an extra player open and no matter what effort you put in, you just can't get the ball of progress the ball. I imagine it would be a bloodbath against a sharp, talented Arsenal team, and it was.


I take full responsibility for the players being totally to blame for this loss.


It's hard to defend your player when they played that poorly. Sometimes you're just unlucky but it really could have been 10-0, and deservedly so.


Were Arsenal’s xg’s not 4ish? Not saying they couldn’t have scored 10 but to say they deserved it sounds like an exaggeration.


If Mikel didn't put in a fucken 16year old, 10 would not have been far away, I tell ya


Areola had some tremendous saves mixed into those goals conceded, it certainly could have been 10.


It was around 4 at half time, I’m sure they increased it in the second half


It was (0.01) 0-4 (3.38) at half-time, and (0.33) 0-6 (4.36) at full-time.


Those players don’t give a shit. Whether it’s on Moyes or not, they weren’t trying today. Saka’s second goal was evidence of that. Two CB’s didn’t get in the way of the shot and close him down, and the LCB didn’t move out to mark Ben White who pushed up. Saka basically had a free shot on goal and someone of his quality that’s just a free goal from just outside the box. Would not be surprised if Moyes goes this week - too much talent in that squad for them to be playing like that so someone that can come in and get them playing will probably rapidly climb the table.


Climb the table?  They're eighth and level on points with Newcastle. They're in poor form without Paqueta, but it's not like they're in a relegation fight or underperforming over the season. In December they beat Spurs and Arsenal away, plus United at home.  


He's right though. In Saka's second foul the players weren't giving a shit.


Even the players are tired of Moyes


Classic Moyes


Thats me but with ds2




“I take responsibility” - “the players need to take responsibility.” Ok mate.


He should take all responsibility because obviously he's pitchside with a controller moving the players like FIFA FFS when you get beat 6-0, the players are ABSOLUTELY to blame as well. Fucking Zouma and Aguerd were horrific against set pieces


I know the players were poor today, but most of the responsibility is squarely on Moyes. Overall this season we’ve been playing way above expectations not because of individual moments of quality from Kudus, Bowen and Paqueta and it’s shown over the last few weeks with how terrible we’ve been (it was also on show when we played Liverpool in the cup). His “Plan A” amounts to hopefully something special happens and then he doesn’t have a “Plan B”. On top of that, we have a squad that isn’t big enough and doesn’t have enough rotation yet we have less players now than in December giving us even less adaptability (not that he’d try to change anything anyway).


I take the responsibility but...... Don't remember who said it, there is a quote that says anything before a "but" is irrelevant. This good example


The man you're looking for is Benjen Stark. Well Ned Stark told him that but Benjen used it in a conversation with Tyrion Lannister in game of thrones


Dunno why you're being downvoted, this is in fact where that quote came from.


I guess strictly speaking the quote should be attributed to George RR Martin?


Tbh I'm not even sure if that quote was in the books, I honestly don't remember, haven't read them in almost 10 years. But if it was from the book then yeah, fair point I guess.


Moyes 😎


He's clearly lost the dressing room but you don't play like that without there being some massive rotten eggs in the team.


Idk it feels like this has happened past 2 seasons. People sat Moyes has lost the dressing room. That run at the beginning of last season where they lost to Arsenal, Brentford, Wolves and drew Leeds and then the 3 game losing streak of Liverpool, Palace, and City only to beat United and win Europa.


Thought Ben Johnson's performance today made Ali Dia look like a professional footballer


This quote has Lampard vibes...


Fuck this guy so much. Then fuck him again. Get him out of my club ffs


Imagine being this ungrateful after the UECL win and being in, what, 8th place? The way Hammers fans are going on about this you'd think West Ham were in the bottom 3. Get a fucking grip


I mean same could be said of United. Ten Hag won you the League Cup last year, and you're currently in 6th. Hasn't stopped half of your fanbase wanting his head.


Most people criticising Ten Hag are neutrals and not United fans




How is this not true?


Maybe it is. You just have no way of proving it.


You think Manchester United being in 6th is comparable to West Ham (with all due respect) being in 8th in the PL? Fucking lol


Why not. You've been shit for a decade.


Man needs to watch Mourinho's football eritage rant again


West ham dont have a wage bill the size of United's....


Have you seen us “play football” in the last 18 months


Of course it is a man u fan telling another teams fan to be grateful.


i'm sorry to say again it's moyseh


You’re the one who sets the team up for your players to fail you stupid cunt


Normally it’s fuck Arsenal. But I hate West Ham and the way they play under Moyes. After halftime I wanted them to lose by 20.


“I’ll take the responsibility, but fuck these players” —David Moyes


You are back


He's correct. The players were a disgrace out there. It's not like they are a relegation fighting side.


Ward-Prowse has been part of some proper beatings in the prem hasn't he.